1,064 research outputs found

    On the Fly Access Request Authentication: Two-Layer Password-Based Access Control Systems for Securing Information

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    In the digital era, most of our highly sensitive documents are stored in computers. These documents are in a great threat unless protected using appropriate measures. Despite their several imperfections, passwords are becoming the de-facto mechanism for securing documents stored in local directories or on the websites. In this scheme users protect their documents using passwords. In order for such scheme to work, the passwords must be stored in the file system either in plain or hashed form so that they can be used as references when information is requested. This paper proposes innovative password-based protection system. Although the proposed system uses passwords for document protection, it proposes a completely different way of using and managing these passwords. Our system protects a stored document in terms of both the document itself and the password. Both the document’s content and the password are used along with random noises to generate security code that serves as a reference when the document is requested. The security code is neither reversible nor reproducible without a full knowledge of the password and the content of the document. The users of our system keep their passwords and provide them only when they first store the document and when they later request document retrieval. The passwords are never stored neither in their plain nor hashed forms. Experiments with our prototype implementation showed that our protection scheme is effective and passed important security tests

    Maternal factors associated with the breastfeeding Status in Sana'a, Yemen

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    A survey was conducted during April-May 2013 in Sana'a City, Yemen, and 319 mothers from Sana'a City were interviewed about breastfeeding practices. Each mother had a living child aged less than 12 months. About 84% of mothers were breastfed their infants in the first month and the median of duration of breastfeeding was found only a half month. The results of multiple logistic regression analysis showed that mothers aged 30 or more years are likely higher to continue breastfeeding than younger women. Educated mothers are more likely to continue breastfeeding than illiterate mothers. Housewives are likely higher to breastfeed than those who are working. Mothers who initiated breastfeeding at less than two hours are likely to continue breastfeeding. Mothers who have more than one child are likely to wean earlier than mothers with more than one child. Key Words: Breastfeeding, Maternal factors, logistic regression


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    Technology offers a means to assess, plan, and implement sustainable programmes that can affect us into the future. A GIS-based framework helps gain a scientific understanding of the earth at a truly global scale. GIS with updated data helps people to know what happens in our planet, how climate takes place and where impacts of climate change affect people. Remote sensing was also identified as a foundational technology. Tying in remote sensing technologies and data with GIS is a powerful combination of understanding spatial patterns in the earth’s ever changing surface. Combining Remote sensing information in a GIS allows us to track, model, and observe climate trends across the planet’s surface. (Jack Dangermond, 2010)

    Studies in Trade and Investment: The Development Impact of Information Technology in Trade Facilitation

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    In Bangladesh, SMEs are very important players in the economy. About 90 per cent of all industrial units in Bangladesh are SMEs, which generate some 25 per cent of the gross domestic product (GDP), employ about 31 million people and provide 75 per cent of household income. There is no denying that SMEs act as the driver of the economy and are very important for national economic and social development. They serve as employers creating new jobs and providers of products for daily needs. They also act as stewards over employees and the community. However, SMEs in developing and least developed countries face considerable barriers in running their businesses and are often constrained financially and technologically. This includes inadequate and/or complex sets of policies by the respective governments. Such impediments largely contribute to the under-involvement of SMEs in international markets. This is where the nature and extent of SME participation in the global trading system needs to be highlighted. Trade facilitation is thus a crucial factor in providing SMEs with access to global markets.Trade facilitation, ICT, IT, SMEs, international trade, Bangladesh

    Sana’a and Women in Al-Maqalih’s Book of Sana’a Yemen

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    This paper aims to find out Sana'a's imageries in Al-Maqalih's book of Sana’a. It argues that Al-Maqalih has intensely and extensively used Sana’a as a metaphor. The analytical method has been used to analyze the Al-Maqalih's poems.  Interviews with Al-Maqalih was carried out to clarify ambiguity in some of his poems. This study finds that Sana’a is metaphorically used by Al-Maqalih as poet’s beloved, as Ageless (Eternal Beautiful woman) and as a revolutionary and fighter woman, as Eve the wife of Adam (Ghaiman), the mother of poets and poetry, as a nymph, and an older woman

    Patterns of Consonant Clusters in Word Initial, Medial, and Final Positions in Yemeni Arabic

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    Yemeni Arabic (YA) has a significant number of consonant clusters in word initial, medial, and final positions. However, their frequency of usage is not uniform. This study aims to investigate the patterns of consonant clusters in word initial, medial, and final positions in YA and also to find out the most and least frequent clusters in terms of their percentage. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used in data analysis in this study. All the words were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). There are features of consonant clusters in Yemeni Arabic which differ from Modern Standard Arabic and some other Arabic dialects. In Yemeni Arabic, there are 29 consonants and 10 vowels, 5 long and 5 short vowels. The maximum number of onset cluster is three (e.g. /∫tsu:q/ “she will drive” while coda cluster is two (e.g. /satˀħ/ “roof”). Furthermore, the maximum number of medial clusters are also two (e.g. /muχ.lsË€u/ “sincere”. The analysis undertaken will throw light on the frequency and percentages of the occurrences of the consonant clusters on the basis of a word list, which is justified with the help of statistical support

    A Structural-Functional Analysis of the Poetics of Arabic QaáčŁÄ«dah: An Ethnolinguistic Study of Three QaáčŁÄ«dahs on Colonial Conquest of Africa by Al-ងājj áżŸUmar b. AbÄ« Bakr b. áżŸUthmān Krachi (1858-1934)

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) - Indiana University, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, 2015This study examines three poems composed by a West African Muslim scholar known by the name Alងājj 'Umar b. Abi Bakr b. 'Uthman Krachi (1858-1934). He was born in the Northern Nigerian city of Kano where he completed his education. He then settled in the mid-Volta region of present-day Ghana to teach, write and serve as community leader. This moment coincided with intensive colonial invasions into the region and Alងājj 'Umar viewed it all with mixed feelings of presentiment and hope. Within a period of seven years, he composed the three poems which came to be known as his "colonial poems" to give account of the historical clashes between the European forces and Africans that culminated into the official establishment of colonial administration across the region. The first two poems were composed in Arabic in 1899 and 1900 respectively, while the last one was composed in 1907 in Hausa Ajami (the native language of the poet). The three poetic narratives are considered from a structural-functional analytic perspective derived from the theoretical formulations of van Gennep and Victor Turner regarding the ritual transformational tripartite process of the Rite of Passage. Following Professor Suzanne Stetkevych's pioneering study of the Arabic qaáčŁÄ«dah, 'Umar's qaáčŁÄ«dah have been examined as representing the trajectory of a life-changing ritual transformation in the poet's world view (as well as Africa generally) motivated by the European colonial invasion of Africa from 1884 to around 1910. The tripartite structures of the poems (the nasib or prelude, the rahil or journey and the ghard or closure) are analyzed on the basis of the tripartite structure of the rite of passage: pre-liminal/separation, liminal/margin, post-liminal/re-aggregation that correspond to the symbolic ritual process of the poet's psychological transformation

    Female Iraqi Academics In Iraqi Kurdistan: Roles, Challenges & Capacities

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    This report is based on research carried out by a team of researchers based in Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan, supervised and coordinated by Professor Nadje Al- Ali, Centre for Gender Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London. The research team consists of Muzhda Muhammed (Department of Social Work, Salahaddin University), Hataw Kareem (Sociology Department, Salahaddin University), Dlaram Salih (Sociology Department, Salahaddin University) and Kawther Akreyi (independent gender consultant). The project is part of and funded by the wider DelPHE Iraq programme that has encouraged cooperation between British and Iraqi universities for capacity building purposes.1 The research presented in this report aimed to study the specific problems and challenges faced by female academics in Iraqi Kurdistan. In addition, the research project was intended to introduce a group of Iraqi Kurdish academics to qualitative research methods as well as gender as a concept of analysis. More broadly, the partnership between SOAS and Salahaddin University is meant to develop and modernize the curriculum and research capacity at Salahaddin University. Additionally, through developing policy recommendations based on the research findings as well as capacity building the project hopes to contribute to improving the opportunities for and representation of female professionals in the Iraqi Kurdish Higher Education (HE) sector. Finally, the project aims to increase sensitivity and awareness about gender issues both within the HE sector as well as within society more widely. The report will provide the main research findings as well as recommendations

    Physical and Inorganic Chemical Studies of Some Ruthenium Complexes

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