962 research outputs found

    فعالية تطبيق تعليقات عمود المدونة لترقية مهارة الكتابة في الفصل الحادي عشر بمدرسة هاشم أشعاري الثانوية سيدوارجوا

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    Berdasarkan realita yang terjadi, peneliti ingin menggunakan media yang lazimnya digunakan dalam pembelajaran bahasa dan menulis yaitu kolom komentar blog untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulis. Rumusan masalah yang digunakan peneliti adalah sejauh mana efektifitas penggunaan dalam meningkatkan keterampilan menulis di kelas XI Madrasah Aliyah Hasyim Asy’ariy Sidoarjo, secara terperinci rumusan ini terbagi menjadi tiga; 1) Bagaimana penerapan penggunaan Kolom Komentar Blog dalam meningkatkan kemampuan menulis di Kelas XI Madrasah Aliyah Hasyim Asy’ariy Sidoarjo?; 2) Bagaimana kemampuan murid pada keterampilan menulis di Kelas XI Madrasah Aliyah Hasyim Asy’ariy Sidoarjo?; 3) bagaimana efektifitas penggunaan Kolom Komentar Blog dalam meningkatkan keterampilan menulis di Kelas XI Madrasah Aliyah Hasyim Asy’ariy Sidoarjo? Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Kuantitatif, dengan variable bebas penggunaan Kolom Komentar Blog dan Variabel terikat keterampilan menulis siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode satu kelompok dengan populasi seluruh siswa Kelas XI Madrasah Aliyah Hasyim Asy’ariy Sidoarjo tahun ajaran 2017-2018. Sampel yang diguanakan serupa karena jumlah seluruh siswa kelas XI kurang dari 100. Instrumen pengumpulan data terdiri dari Observasi, Wawancara, dan Tes. Ringkasan Hasil penelitian ini adalah: 1) pembelajaran bahasa Arab di Madrasah Aliyah Hasyim Asy’ariy Sidoarjo sifatnya sebagai pelajaran tambahan, meskipun demikian, hal ini diwajibkan bagi siswa guna memenuhi Standard Kompetensi Lulusan. 2) penerapan media Kolom Komentar Blog untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulis sesuai dengan kondisi siswa di Madrasah Hasyim Asy’ariy Sidoarjo hal ini mereka tunjukkan secara antusias mengikuti pembelajaran. 3) penggunaan Kolom Komentar Blog di Madrasah Hasyim Asy’ariy Sidoarjo dapat dikatakan efektif, hal ini dtunjukkan dengan meningkatnya nilai siswa setelah penggunaan Kolom Komentar Blog, selain itu hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Nilai T Hitung (1,69092) lebih kecil dari nilai T Tabel (2,44115) hal ini menunjukkan ditolaknya Ho dengan nilai signifikansi persentase 1% yang lebih kecil dari 5%. hal ini menunjukkan hipotesis bahwa pembelajaran bahasa Arab dengan Kolom Komentar Blog adalah efektif diterima


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    Manusia tidak bisa lepas dengan ketergantungan terhadap lingkungan hidupnya. Alam juga memiliki ketergantungan dengan manusia hanya tidak terlalu besar. Seiring berjalanya waktu, teknologi yang diciptakan semakin berkembang, kebutuhan semakin bertambah. Kemudian, manusia berusaha mengembangkan kehidupan yang bisa jadi memiliki dampak negatif terhadap kelangsungan hidup. Dampak yang terjadi dalam lingkungan seperti pencemaran atau polusi. Lingkungan tercemar akan merugikan manusia itu sendiri. Dari fenomena yang terjadi muncullah gagasan untuk membuat suatu karya seni. Media ekspresi untuk mengkritisi tentang permasalahan lingkungan yang digunakan yaitu seni patung. Seni patung dapat dirasakan nyata, hal ini membangkitkan suatu kesadaran hadirnya suatu ruang. Rumusan masalah yang terdapat dalam penciptaan ini adalah (1) Bagaimana mengembangkan gagasan melalui pengolahan resin sebagai bahan pembuatan karya seni patung dengan tema pencemaran lingkungan? (2) Bagaimana visualisasi dan analisis karya seni patung dengan tema pecemaran lingkungan? Penggunaan material resin memiliki banyak kelebihan seperti tahan lama dan memiliki ketahanan terhadap cuaca. Pembuatan rangka dari besi dan penempelan serat serta bagian kulit dengan bahan resin yang dicampur dengan katalis diaduk perlahan dan dipulas mengikuti struktur rangka. Teknik pembuatan kreasi patung resin berbahan sampah plastik meliputi perakitan (Assembling) dalam pembuatan rangka, sampai membuat model (modelling), pemulasan resin, hingga finishing dengan permukaan transparan dan mengkilap yang disebabkan dari efek resin itu sendiri dan terlihatnya potongan sampah plastik di dalamnya Visualisasi patung berupa bentuk figur dari tubuh manusia yang terbalut oleh potongan sampah. Karya patung yang dibuat berjumlah tiga buah dengan gestur yang berbeda. Patung satu dengan posisi berlutut dengan kedua tangan agak mengangkat kedepan, patung selanjutnya dengan posisi merangkak dan yang terakhir dengan posisi yang tergeletak. Ekspresi kegelisahan manusia menghadapi pencemaran lingkungan menjadi gagasan yang diangkat dalam pembuatan karya patung. Penciptaan karya seni patung tersebut bertujuan sebagai pemicu penyadaran untuk mengurangi dampak pencemaran lingkungan.---- Human can not escape with dependence on the environment. Nature also has a dependence with humans just not too big. As time goes by, the technology created is growing, the need grows. Then, people try to develop a life that could have a negative impact on survival. Impacts that occur in environments such as pollution or pollution. The polluted environment will harm the human personally. From the phenomenon that occurred came the idea to create a work of art. Media expression to criticize the environmental problems used are sculpture. Sculpture can be felt real, it awakens an awareness of the presence of a space. The formulation of the problems contained in this creation is (1) How to develop ideas through resin processing as a material for making sculptures with the theme of environmental pollution? (2) How to visualize and analyze sculpture works with the theme of environmental pollution? The use of resin material has many advantages such as durable and has resistance to weather. The preparation of the framework of the iron and the attachment of the fibers as well as parts of the skin with the resin material mixed with the catalyst is slowly stirred and applied following the skeletal structure. Technique of making resin sculpture made from plastic waste include assembling in making the frame, to make model (modeling), to finishing with transparent surface and glossy caused by resin effect itself and visible piece of plastic waste in it Visualization of sculpture in the form of figures from the human body wrapped in pieces of garbage. Sculptures made amounted to three pieces with different gestures. One statue with kneeling position with both hands slightly raised forward, the next statue with the position of crawling and the last with a position that lies. The expression of human anxiety facing environmental pollution into ideas raised in making sculpture. The creation of sculpture works aims to trigger awareness to reduce the impact of environmental pollution


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    PT. Pupuk Kujang merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang manufaktur yang memproduksi pupuk kimia, salah satunya adalah pupuk NPK (PSO). Permasalahan yang dialami perusahaan yaitu ketidakmampuan dalam mendistribusikan pupuk NPK (PSO) atau yang lebih dikenal sebagai pupuk bersubsidi ke gudang lini III (gudang regional) sesuai dengan target atau permintaan dari gudang regional tersebut. Hal ini mengakibatkan terjadinya kelangkaan pupuk bersubsidi jenis pupuk NPK bagi para petani. Hal tersebut diakibatkan utilitas daya angkut kendaraan yang tidak dimanfaatkan dengan baik yang merupakan salah satu pemicu tidak efesiennya kegiatan distribusi pupuk NPK bersubsidi di perusahaan tersebut. Penentuan gudang peyangga (hub) dan penentuan rute distribusi angkutan pupuk NPK bersubsidi menjadi alternatif pemecahan masalah pada pendistribusian pupuk tersebut. Metode yang digunakan untuk menentukan lokasi gudang peyangga (hub) adalah diawali dengan penggunaan metode K-Means Clustering dan kemudian menggunakan metode PMedian dengan algoritma Greedy Dropping Heuristic serta untuk rute distribusi menggunakan model CVRP dengan metode Savings Clarke and Wright dan Nearest Neighbor. Hasil analisis dari penentuan gudang peyangga (hub), dibutuhkan tiga unit gudang yaitu yang berlokasi di Purwasari, Pasirhayam, dan Paseh. Adapun rute hasil usulam memiliki total jarak tempuh sebesar 1.622,1 Km dengan adanya penghematan jarak tempuh tersebut jumlah kendaraan (truk) yang digunakan berkurang sabanyak satu unit. Selain itu total biaya distribusi hasil usulan dalam periode tahun menghasilkan biaya sebesar Rp. 17.893.497.641,07, sedangkan pada kondisi eksisting sebesar Rp. 18.951.961.734,51, sehingga efesiensi biayanya yaitu sebesar 7% Kata Kunci : K-Means, P-Median, Greedy Dropping Heuristics, CVRP, Savings Clark and Wright, Nearest Neighbor, dan Minimasi Biaya Logistik

    Influence of Industrial, Agricultural and Sewage Water Discharges on Eutrophication of Quttina Lake

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    The influence of human activities on water quality of Quttina lake (an important water resource in the middle region of Syria), has been evaluated and correlated with pollution source situated at lake banks; namely, phosphate fertilizer factory, agriculture and wastewater drainages. Surface and deep water samples from different sites in the lake have been collected and analyzed during the period of April to October 2009 to study the effects of pollution sources on Quttina lake eutrophication. Water quality parameters include temperature, pH, EC, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), ammonium, phosphate and nitrates ions, total nitrogen and total phosphorous. The results have shown that these parameters varied from one site to another, where the highest concentrations were found to be in those sites close to phosphate factory discharges and in the northern part of the lake. Moreover, seasonal variations in pollution parameters were clear, especially for ammonium, phosphate and nitrates ions in addition to oxygen parameters (DO, COD and BOD). Moreover, mean total phosphorus concentration in Quttina lake surface water varied between 0.51 mg/l and 2.2 mg/1, where the highest values were found to be near the phosphate fertilizer factory discharges in addition to sites close to wastewater and agriculture runoffs situated at the western side of the lake. In addition, N:P ratio varied between 1.1 and 22.9 during the sampling period; the natural ratio being 16:1. On the other hand, the parameter distribution with depth in two sites has been studied. The results have shown that there are no clear differences between the deep and surface samples, and this is due to lake shallow depth and water flow. Furthermore, positive relationships have been found between total phosphors and nitrogen and oxygen indicators (BOD and COD), which indicates the increase of organic pollution and the algal bloom

    Release of soluble metal ions from copper based dental alloys mesured by ICP-MS

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    Describes the release of soluble metal ions from copper based dental alloys mesured by ICP-MS. Presented at the annual congress of the british toxicology society

    Assessment of surface water quality using statistical analysis methods: Orontes River (Case study)

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    تحقق الدراسة في جودة مياه نهر العاصي الذي يعتبر من أهم مصادر المياه في سوريا، تستخدم مياهه في عدة مجالات) الشرب، الري، السباحة، الصناعة (، حيث تم استخدام قاعدة بيانات مؤلفة من 660 قياس لـ13 بارامتر، تم خذها من 11 نقطة رصد موزعة على طول نهر العاصي لمدة خمس سنوات من 2015-2019، ولدراسة علاقة الارتباط بين البارامترات وتأثيرها على نوعية المياه تم تطبيق التحليل الإحصائي باستخدام برنامج (SPSS). تم تطبيق التحليل العنقودي على مجموعة البيانات من أجل تصنيف مناطق التلوث على طول النهر، وأعطى عنقودين: (منخفض التلوث -عالي التلوث)، حيث تم تصنيف المناطق حسب مصادر التلوث التي تتعرض لها، وذلك يدل على أهمية التحليل العنقودي في دراسة حركة الملوثات وتقليل عدد نقاط أخذ العينات. أعطى التحليل العاملي 5 عوامل رئيسية مسؤولة عن تفسير 92.86٪ من التباين الكلي، مع جودة قياس 78.2٪، يتضمن 7 معلمات أساسية: (EC, TUR, NO3, Na, pH, NH4, COD)، هذه الدراسة أظهرت قدرة التحليل العاملي في تحديد أهم البارامترات التي تؤثر على نوعية المياه مما يساعد في تقليل عدد البارامترات اللازمة لأخذ العينات.The study investigates the water quality of the Orontes River, which is considered one of the important water recourses in Syria, as it is used for drinking, irrigation, swimming and industrial needs. A database of 660 measurements for 13 parameters concentrations used, were taken from 11 monitoring points distributed along the Orontes River for a period of five years from 2015-2019, and to study the correlation between parameters and their impact on water quality, statistical analysis was applied using (SPSS) program. Cluster analysis was applied in order to classify the pollution areas along the river, and two groups were given: (low pollution - high pollution), where the areas were classified according to the sources of pollution to which they are exposed. This indicates the importance of cluster analysis in studying movement of the pollutants and reducing the number of sampling points. Factor analysis gave 5 main factors responsible for explaining 92.86% of the total variance, with 78.2% measurement quality, it includes 7 basic parameters: (EC, TUR, NO3, Na, pH, NH4, COD). This study showed the ability of factor analysis in determining the most important parameters that effect on the water quality, which helps in reducing the number of parameters needed for sampling

    Non-destructive evaluation of reclaimed asphalt cement concrete

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    Reclaimed asphalt (RA) has been increasingly used as an alternative aggregate in the manufacture of low to medium strength cement concrete. It is the aim here to investigate the behaviour and properties of concrete made with RA, using ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV). Most previous investigations using UPV have been into gravel concrete starting between 1–7 days and up to 28 days. In this research, the application of UPV has been extended to cement concrete made with RA aggregate at the very early age, taken here as the period starting immediately after concrete mixing and up to 28 days. An early age test system for continuous ultrasonic monitoring of fresh concretes has been used to assess important properties, such as early age strength, using UPV measurements. Concrete mixes with different water/cement ratios (.4–.7) were used. Empirical models have been produced relating compressive strength and UPV for early age RA concrete

    Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous Puskwaskau Formation in North-Central Alberta, Western Canada Foreland Basin

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    The Santonian to early Campanian mudstone-dominated Puskwaskau Formation was correlated throughout a study area of 50,000 km2 in north-central Alberta using 988 well logs. Fourteen informal allomembers, established by previous studies, are bounded by regionally-mappable marine flooding and/or transgressive surfaces that are traceable for hundreds of kilometres within the study area. These laterally continuous bounding surfaces are parallel to very gently converging, and mostly terminate by onlap onto underlying surfaces. Observations in thin section and in SEM revealed ten mudstone microfacies, grouped into five microfacies associations. The facies preserve evidence for repeated storm-generated reworking of the seafloor. The Puskwaskau Fm. exhibits an assemblage of authigenic cements that are mainly intergranular pore-filling phases indicative of early diagenesis. The geometric style of allomember bounding surfaces, combined with microfacies analysis, suggests that the seafloor was a low-gradient ramp that was repeatedly reworked by storms. The physiography of the ramp was maintained by a near equilibrium between the rates of accommodation and sediment supply. Allomembers are grouped into three tectono-stratigraphic ‘units’, each of which forms a broadly arcuate, wedge-shaped package of rock with a strike length of \u3e 800 km. The thickest part of successive units is laterally offset from the underlying unit, suggesting that the locus of tectonic loading underwent a corresponding shift. The flexural forebulge surrounding unit 2 is exposed in the southern Alberta foothills where 2 m of sandy, bioclast-rich sediment is equivalent to 100 m of mudstone in the unit depocentre. The same forebulge exposed \u3e 250 km distal to the orogen is instead mantled by clay- and organic-rich sediment. Isopach maps of individual allomembers show little evidence of thickening toward the orogen as predicted by flexural models of subsidence. Subsidence patterns are, instead, interpreted to have been governed by episodic movement along four inferred deep-seated faults, that are interpreted to have generated localised horst and graben structures that resulted in localised regions of accommodation. Movement of these faults is interpreted to have been controlled by changes in the magnitude of in-plane stress within the plate, associated with orogen-related flexure

    Rainfall-Runoff Modelling in Arid Areas

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    Arid areas have distinctive hydrological features substantially different from those of humid areas. The high temporal and spatial distribution of the ra;infall, flash floods, absence of base flow, sparsity of plant cover, high transmission losses, high amounts of evaporation and evapotranspiration and the general climatologies are examples of such differences. The aim of this Ph.D. research is to use advanced tools of model analysis to test some of the current models that consider arid area hydrological characteristics. As most models were mainly developed for other regions, an attempt is made to study their limitations using Omani hydrological data, providing some guidelines for improved rainfall-runoff modelling in arid areas in general and Oman in particular. Two different types of models were selected for this research; KINEROS, which is an event based, semi-distributed, physically-based model that is considered suitable to be used for arid area conditions, and, which is continuous, lumped, conceptual model. Two Omani catchments were selected to test the performance of the selected models and to identify the main uncertainties arising, to provide some recommendations regarding the suitability of these models or model types and how they might be improved, to highlight any further data that is required, and how uncertainties should be handled in model applications.Imperial Users onl