15 research outputs found

    Factors affecting flowering of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in urine

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    Because of rising antimicrobial resistance in the healthcare system, one of the most significant difficulties for clinicians is providing sufficient therapy for infections caused by Gram-negative bacteria. Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) is the most common Gram-negative rod infection, especially in severely sick and vulnerable individuals. Treatment options for P. aeruginosa infections have been severely limited due to antimicrobial resistance. P. aeruginosa has been reported to continuously sense and respond to various environmental stimuli. While establishing in the urinary tract, presence of urine, which is a complex medium, exposes invading organism to conditions like varied osmolarity, pH as well as variability of ions such as iron that act as potential virulence of P. aeruginosa and are thus critical for its pathogenicity. Extrapolation of available information may help in developing alternative preventive approach against urinary tract infections (UTIs) based on iron supplementation with far reaching consequences. Osmolarity is another important factor which has been reported to affect growth and virulence ofP. aeruginosa. In order to establish and cause UTI, P. aeruginosa has to adapt itself to variations in osmolarity of urine. There was significant increase in production of virulence factors with increase in osmolarity

    Antimicrobial Resistance Profile Among Major Bacterial Pathogens in Southern Babil, Iraq

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    Background: At present, drug-resistant pathogens are considered one of the major increasing causes of morbidity and mortality around the world. The data on microorganisms' resistance assist define the best available treatment for patients. Therefore, this study aimed to screen the antimicrobial-resistant profile of different drugs in major clinical pathogens of urine, ear and wound infections. Methods: This study was conducted in Al-Shomali General Hospital, Southern Babil, Iraq from October 2019 to May 2020. Totally 67 clinical specimens obtained from the wound, urine, and ear discharge collected from hospitalized patients as well as 30 healthy individuals participate in this study. Then, the standard microbiological methods carried outperformed to the isolated and identified bacterial species. Antimicrobial susceptibility tests were performed using different antimicrobial discs by applying the Kirby–Bauer disc diffusion method. Results: Totally, 67 bacterial isolates were obtained from 44 (66%) female and 23 (34%) male patients. Staphylococcus aureus and E. coli were the most common predominant organisms. All isolates were showed a high rate of resistance to evaluated cephalosporins 100% and 87% to cefotaxime and ceftriaxone respectively, while very low resistance recorded in Aminoglycosides 22% and 12% to Gentamicin and amikacin, respectively. Conclusion: These results suggest a constant screening for the detection of antibiotic resistance, as well as developing antimicrobial stewardship programs in Babil, Iraq. Moreover, these bacterial isolates have shown multidrug resistance, mainly to commonly administered drugs that could cause therapy ineffective. Therefore, in clinical use, appropriate treatment should be chosen based on the results obtained from antimicrobial susceptibility tests

    The Path of the Internal Public Debt and its Potential to Influence the Money Supply Iraq Case Study for the Period (2016-2020)

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           يركز هذا البحث على الآثار التي يتركها الدين العام الداخلي سواء كانت مباشرة أم غير مباشرة  على عرض النقد في العراق،  ونظرا للريعية التي يتصف بها الاقتصاد العراقي،  فانه وفي الأزمات المالية لاسيما عند انخفاض أسعار النفط فانه يبقى مهتما في موازناته لتمويل الإنفاق العام المتزايد من خلال الدين العام الداخلي،  وكلما ازداد حجم ذلك الدين ازداد الإنفاق العام،  ويتأتى دور الدين العام الداخلي في عرض النقد في العراق من خلال قيام الحكومة بتمويل عجز الموازنة العامة بوساطة  بعض أدوات الدين العام الداخلي لاسيما السندات وحوالات الخزينة،  فكلما ازدادت قيم تلك الأدوات،  ازداد عرض النقد،  وقد توصل البحث إلى وجود مثل هذه العلاقة في العراق إلا انها كانت في حالة تقلب؛ لوجود متغيرات أخرى تحول دون تحقيق ذلك،  ولتحقيق الأهداف التي يسعى إليها الباحثين،  فقد تضمن البحث ثلاثة مباحث،  تركز الأول على استعراض لأهم مفاهيم  متغيرات البحث،  وتضمن الثاني مكونات الموازنة العامة و الدين الداخلي،  و اقتصر الثالث على  الدين العام الداخلي وإمكانياته في التأثير على عرض النقد في العراق للمدة (2016-2020).This research focuses on the effects of the internal public debt, whether direct or indirect, in Iraq, and in view of the rentierism that characterizes the Iraqi economy, and in financial crises, especially when prices drop, it remains interested in its budgets to finance the increasing public spending through the internal public debt ,The greater the size of that debt, the greater the public spending, and the role of the internal public debt in the money supply in Iraq comes through the government financing the public budget deficit through some internal public debt instruments, especially bonds and treasury transfers. The researchers reached the existence of such a relationship in Iraq, but it was in a state of fluctuation, due to the presence of other variables that prevent it, and to achieve the goals sought by the researchers, the research included three sections, the first focused on a review of the most important concepts for the research variables, and the second was about analyzing Those variables, and in the last section included an analysis of the relationship between the internal debt instruments and the money supply in Iraq for the period (2016-2020). &nbsp

    Amphotericin B from antifungal to antiviral therapy: promising modern therapeutic branch

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    Amphotericin B (AmB) which belongs to the polyene group has a wide spectrum in vitro and in vivo antimicrobial activity against fungi and parasites, but resistance to AmB is rare despite extensive us

    Legal Regulation of Electronic Insurance ((A comparative study))

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    يعد التامين عاملا مؤثرا في دعم الأنشطة التجارية وحيث إن هذه الأخيرة تتطلب السرعة والمرونة  مما يتطلب توفير إجراءات بعيدة عن التعقيدات الإدارية التي تكون عقبة أمام حركة الأنشطة التجارية, لذلك نجد أن اغلب الدول أخذت على عاتقها ربط خدمات التامين عن طريق السوق الالكتروني وذلك من خلال إجراء عملية بيع وشراء خدمات التامين عن طريق شبكات الانترنيت, وهذه العملية تتطلب توفير المستلزمات التقنية والفنية التي تساعد على نشر ثقافة التامين الالكترونية وذلك من حلال منظومة تشريعية تدعم إجراء عمليات التامين الكترونيا, فلا بد أن تكون هنالك أحكام خاصة تنظم أحكام التامين الكترونيا. وحيث أن قانون التوقيع الالكتروني والمعاملات الالكترونية رقم 78 لسنة 2012 قد تطرق إلى اجراء عمليات التعاقد الكترونيا وهو ما يستوعب الأساس القانوني لإجراء عملية التامين الكترونيا كون إن هذا الأخير  من العقود المسماة والتي يمكن آن يستوعبها القانون أعلاه , إلا أن الملاحظ على شركات التامين في العراق أنها تمارس التامين بصورته التقليدية فقط مما يتطلب إشاعة ثقافة التامين الالكتروني بما يخدم عملية التنمية الاقتصادية ويحقق فعالية الأنشطة التجارية.Insurance is an effective factor in supporting commercial activities. The latter requires speed and flexibility, which requires providing procedures that are far from the administrative complications thatare an obstacle to the movement of commercial activities. Therefore, most countries are committed to linking the insurance services through the electronic market through Sale and purchase of insurance services through the Internet. This process requires the provision of technical and technical requirements that help to spread the culture of electronic insurance, from the legislative system that supports the conduct of electronic insurance, there must be special provisions governing the provisions of insurance electronically. Whereas the Law of Electronic Signature and Electronic Transactions No. 78 of 2012 has referred to the conduct of contracting operations electronically, which absorbs the legal basis for conducting the insurance process electronically, since the latter is one of the named contracts which can be absorbed by the above law, but noted that the insurance companies in Iraq Insurance is practiced in its traditional form only, which requires the promotion of the culture of electronic insurance in order to serve the economic development process and achieve the effectiveness of commercial activities

    Viruses and male infertility: Where we are now?

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    Infertility has the ability to affect around 15 percent of reproductive partners globally, infertility in men accounting for half of all infertile cases. Major etiological causes include infectious and various inflammatory disorders in the reproductive system. Many viruses, can infect testicular cells, including HIV and the mumps virus, causing orchitis, which may cause infertility and testicular cancer in males. Over 30 viruses have been shaded into sperm. In the perspective the well-known viruses such as mumps virus, human immunodeficiency virus, zika virus (ZIKV), and hepatitis viruses are famous examples of viruses that spread via viremia that may penetrat the barrier of blood–testis, producing epididymitis, orchitis, and alterations in sperm number or their quality. Many viruses, can infect testicular cells, including HIV and the mumps virus, causing orchitis, which may cause infertility and testicular cancer in males.Over 30 viruses have been shaded into sperm. In the perspective the well-known viruses such as mumps virus, human immunodeficiency virus, zika virus (ZIKV), and hepatitis viruses are famous examples of viruses that spread via viremia that may penetrat the barrier of blood–testis, producing epididymitis, orchitis, and alterations in sperm number or their quality

    Amphotericin B from antifungal to antiviral therapy: promising modern therapeutic branch

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    Introduction: Amphotericin B (AmB) which belongs to the polyene group has a wide spectrum in vitro and in vivo antimicrobial activity against fungi and parasites, but resistance to AmB is rare despite extensive use. Material and methods: Atotal of 2530 articles were investigated in PubMed (n = 1525), Medline (n = 705), and Google Scholar (n = 300). From 2530 articles, only 61 studies were included in this review. All the short and full articles were searched that were scheduled to be published until April 2020. Results: After its discovery, AmB has been one of the most common first-line choices in treating systemic fungal infection for over seven decades from its discovery. Recently, some studies have focused on the potential antimicrobial action of AmB against some enveloped and non-enveloped viruses, such as human immunodeficiency virus, Japanese encephalitis virus, herpes simplex virus, and Rubella virus. Discussion: Among the invading pathogens, viruses constitute the most common ones,Due to the continuous spreading of viral infections with the rise in death numbers, new therapeutics development is urgent, as in general, some lethal viruses have no specific antiviral drugs or vaccines. So, this review may serve as an impetus for researchers working in the field of medical microbiology, vaccination, and antiviral drug design by discussing the most recent information about the antiviral action of AmB, as well as trying to provide a deeper understanding of major properties, mechanisms of action, immune system responses, and antimicrobial efficiency of AmB. Conclusion: Since AmB is expected to alter the structure of the viral envelope, membrane integrity of cells, and internal cellular organelles, besides its other unique properties, such as host immunomodulatory effects, this review suggested that AmB as an effective anti-fungi drug may hold the promise of formulating a novel therapeutic option to treat many dangerous viruses, including those for treating which there are no active drugs or vaccines

    Itraconazole and posaconazole from antifungal to antiviral drugs

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    The extended spectrum of antifungal triazole such as posaconazole (POS) and itraconazole (ITZ) shows the active efficacy for prophylaxis and treatment of an invasive fungal infection that may cause various infections such as respiratory diseases. Active azoles' derivatives, especially POS and ITZ, with high biological efficacy and low toxicity have made new advances in azoles' compounds as antimicrobials. Recently, some studies focused on the potential antimicrobial action of POS and ITZ against some viruses such as influenza A virus, Ebola virus, and enteroviruses. In general, new treatment research is needed due to the continued expansion of viral diseases and the exponential growth in mortality rates. By discussing the most recent information about the antiviral action of POS and ITZ against certain viral infections, as well as attempting to gain a deep understanding of the major properties, mechanisms of action, immune system responses, and antimicrobial activity of POS and ITZ, this review may serve as an impetus for researchers working in the field of medical microbiology and antiviral drug design. Since the antiviral activity of POS and ITZ against various viruses by different mechanisms of actions including enveloped viral infection, besides its other unique properties such as prophylactic feature and host immunomodulatory effects, as a result of our review, it appears that POS and ITZ, as effective antifungi drugs, may offer the possibility of developing a novel therapeutic alternative or synergistic treatment for certain viruses