569 research outputs found

    Some factors affecting agricultural production .and productivity in Iraq including selected climate variables and crops

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    In this study of factors affecting Iraqi agricultural production and productivity, it has been found essential to deal both with socioeconomic and technical factors on the one hand and environmental conditons on the other. The ultimate objective of this study is to assess the impact of selected climatic factors on the production and productivity of some principal crops. Such assessment, however, cannot be achieved in isolation from the influence of the socio-economic and technical factors. Considerable variability over time of the latter factors, caused by specific institutional changes such as the land reform of 1958, resulted in changes in agricultural conditions as a whole. Therefore, in Chapters Two to Nine are examined the national and regional conditions of Iraqi agriculture during the 1950-1975 period, i.e. planning and investment, land utilization, land tenure system and land reform, agricultural cooperatives and other organizations, new input factors including farm machinery and, finally, water resources and irrigation methods. The inescapable conclusion of this section of the study is that there were no significant medium or long-term improvement trends in the yields of principal crops despite varying but considerable additional inputs and planning attention. Moreover, the controls exerted by climate and weather appear crucial factors in both the irrigated and rainfed area. In Chapters Ten and Eleven we therefore turn to a direct examination of climatic and weather factors. In Chapters Twelve and Thirteen a study is made of the relationship between selected weather variables, i.e. rainfall, temperature and relative humidity, and wheat and barley yield. These two crops were chosen because of their importance to Iraqi agriculture as a whole, and in particular to the rainfed area of northern Iraq where environmental modifications by man are least strong. The first point appearing from this analysis shows that yields of these two crops are significantly affected by climatic and weather factors during specific periods within the growing season. The significance of statistical correlations between yields and certain critical climatic factors appear sufficiently valid for crop forecasting with a certain degree of accuracy. As a by-product of this analysis, it appears that there was a significant dislocation period following the implementation of land reform measures. In conclusion, it is clear that agricultural production and productivity must be dealt with in the context of a whole set of factors, socio-economic, technical and environmental, if significant developments in agriculture and rural welfare are to be achieved

    Recovery of Crystallographic Texture in Remineralized Dental Enamel

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    Dental caries is the most prevalent disease encountered by people of all ages around the world. Chemical changes occurring in the oral environment during the caries process alter the crystallography and microstructure of dental enamel resulting in loss of mechanical function. Little is known about the crystallographic effects of demineralization and remineralization. The motivation for this study was to develop understanding of the caries process at the crystallographic level in order to contribute towards a long term solution. In this study synchrotron X-ray diffraction combined with scanning electron microscopy and scanning microradiography have been used to correlate enamel crystallography, microstructure and mineral concentration respectively in enamel affected by natural caries and following artificial demineralization and remineralization regimes. In particular, the extent of destruction and re-formation of this complex structure has been measured. 2D diffraction patterns collected at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility were used to quantify changes in the preferred orientation (crystallographic texture) and position of the (002) Bragg reflection within selected regions of interest in each tooth slice, and then correlated with the microstructure and local mineral mass. The results revealed that caries and artificial demineralization cause a large reduction in crystallographic texture which is coupled with the loss of mineral mass. Remineralization restores the texture to the original level seen in healthy enamel and restores mineral density. The results also showed that remineralization promotes ordered formation of new crystallites and growth of pre-existin

    First record of Atractoscion aequiden (Sciaenidae) from the Arabian Sea Coasts of Oman and Acanthopagrus catenula (Sparidae) from the Oman Sea (Gulf of Oman), northwestern Indian Ocean (Teleostei, Sciaenidae, Sparidae)

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    Primer registro de Atractoscion aequidens (Sciaenidae) en las costas del mar de Arabia de Omán y de Acanthopagrus catenula (Sparidae) en el mar de Omán (golfo de Omán), al noroeste del océano Índico (Teleostei, Sciaenidae, Sparidae) Los primeros registros de Atractoscion aequidens en las costas del mar de Arabia de Omán y de Acanthopagrus catenula en las aguas próximas a la ciudad de Muscat, en el mar de Omán, se efectúan a partir de un espécimen de 671 mm de longitud estándar y diez especímenes de 111 a 257 mm de longitud estándar, respectivamente. Este informe da cuenta del segundo registro de A. aequidens en el norte del océano Índico y del registro más septentrional de A. catenula efectuado en dicho océano. Se especifican los datos morfométricos y merísticos de ambas especies y se comparan con los de los especímenes recolectados en otras partes del mundo. En este trabajo se corrige asimismo la distribución meridionThe first record of Atractoscion aequidens from the Arabian Sea coasts of Oman and Acanthopagrus catenula from waters around City of Muscat on the Sea of Oman is reported based on one (671 mm in SL) and ten specimens (111-257 mm SL), respectively. This account represents the second record of A. aequidens in the northern Indian Ocean and the northernmost record of A. catenula in the same ocean. Morphometric and meristic data are provided for the two species and compared with those from specimens collected from other parts of the world. The southern distribution of A. catenula is corrected in this report.Primer registro de Atractoscion aequidens (Sciaenidae) en las costas del mar de Arabia de Omán y de Acanthopagrus catenula (Sparidae) en el mar de Omán (golfo de Omán), al noroeste del océano Índico (Teleostei, Sciaenidae, Sparidae) Los primeros registros de Atractoscion aequidens en las costas del mar de Arabia de Omán y de Acanthopagrus catenula en las aguas próximas a la ciudad de Muscat, en el mar de Omán, se efectúan a partir de un espécimen de 671 mm de longitud estándar y diez especímenes de 111 a 257 mm de longitud estándar, respectivamente. Este informe da cuenta del segundo registro de A. aequidens en el norte del océano Índico y del registro más septentrional de A. catenula efectuado en dicho océano. Se especifican los datos morfométricos y merísticos de ambas especies y se comparan con los de los especímenes recolectados en otras partes del mundo. En este trabajo se corrige asimismo la distribución meridio

    Nano composites of PAM Reinforced with Al2O3

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    الهدف من هذا البحث هو تحديد مدى تأثير نسب الوزن المختلفة لجسيمات الألومينا النانوية بنسب وزنية مختلفة تشمل   0.02 ، 0.04، و 0.06  في المائة نسبة وزنية  على الخصائص الفيزيائية لبولي أكريلاميد (PAAM) . تم استخدام جهاز الخلاط المغناطيسي  الحراري للحصول على المحاليل  من  إذابة 10 غم من مسحوق بولي أكريلاميد في 90 غم من الماء المقطر المؤين لمدة 4 ساعات لإنتاج محلول   PAAM بتركيز 0.11 غم / مل . تم تقسيم المحلول الناتج الى  أربعة أقسام متساوية من المحلول ، كل منها بحجم 20 مل. تمت إضافة دقائق الالومينا النانوية  لكل محلول بشكل مستقل بنسب مختلفة  0.0 ، 0.02 ، 0.04 ، 0.06  لتكوين أربعة محاليل نانوية سائلة بمحتويات مختلفة من جسيمات الألومينا النانوية بناءً على كل نسبة وزن. تم استخدام عملية الصب اليدوي لعينات المركبات النانوية ، والتي تضمنت صب المحلول المحضر في قالب من البلاستيك  بحجم مناسب وتركت المحاليل  لمدة 24 ساعة لاتمام عملية التصلب  لإنشاء أغشية النانو المركبة ،  ثم قطع الغشاء الرقيق الناتج وفقًا لكل اختبار ،. تم استخدام اختبار الشد لدراسة قوة الشد ، ومعامل يونك ، والاستطالة ، والمتانة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، تم إجراء اختبار الأشعة تحت الحمراء (FTIR) لفحص الروابط الكيميائية والفيزيائية بين بولي أكريلاميد وجسيمات الألومينا النانوية. تم فحص مورفولوجيا السطح  باستخدام جهاز المجهر الالكتروني الماسح. تم اختبار زوايا الترطيب  للعينات لتحديد السلوك اتجاه الماء لهذه العينات.. أظهرت النتائج أن اضافة جسيمات الألومينا النانوية الى البولي اكريل امايد  يحسن الخصائص الميكانيكية للمركبات النانوية الناتجة. تزداد قوة الشد من 1 كيكا باسكال إلى 2.5 كيكا باسكال مع زيادة محتوى الألومينا النانوية من 0 إلى 0.06٪ نسبة وزنية .و بالنسبة لنفس النسب السابقة ، زاد معامل يونك كذلك ، حيث ارتفع من 1.3 إلى 2 كيكا باسكال للنسبة الوزنية  لجسيمات الألومينا النانوية  0.04 بالمائة بالوزن ، ترتفع المتانة إلى 240 جول / سم 2. من ناحية أخرى ، أدت إضافة دقائق الألومينا النانوية إلى زيادة زاوية التبلل لسطح PAAM من 55 درجة إلى 67 درجة ، وأظهرت سلوكًا محبًا للماء .         The aim of this investigation is to determine how different weight percentages of alumina nanoparticles, including 0.02, 0.04, and 0.06 percent wt, affect the physical characteristics of Poly Acrylamide (PAAM). Using a hot plate magnetic stirrer, 10 g of poly acrylamide powder was dissolved in 90 g of di-ionized distillate water for 4 hours to produce PAAM with a concentration of 0.11 g/ml. Four sections of the resulting solution, each with a volume of 20 ml, were created. Each solution was added independently with alumina nanoparticles in different ratios 0.0, 0.02, 0.04, and 0.06 to create four nano fluid solutions with different alumina nanoparticle contents based on each weight percent. The hand casting process for nanocomposites samples, which entailed pouring the prepared solution into an appropriate plastic mold, allowing it to cure for 24 hours, and then cutting the resulting thin film according to each test, was used to create the nano composited membranes. The tensile test was used to study tensile strength, Young's modulus, elongation, and toughness. Additionally, a test using Fourier transition infrared radiation (FTIR) was conducted to examine the chemical and physical connections between polyacrylamide and alumina nanoparticles. The morphology of the materials was examined using scan electron microscopy. The contact angles of samples were tested to limit the hydrophilicity behavior of these samples. To control the hydrophilicity behavior of these samples, the contact angles of the samples were evaluated. The results showed that including alumina nanoparticles into the PAAM matrix improves the mechanical characteristics of the resulting nanocomposites. Tensile strength increases from 1 GPa to 2.5 GPa with an increase in alumina nanoparticle content from 0 to 0.06 percent wt. For the same prior ratios, Young's modulus likewise increased, rising from 1.3 to 2 GPa. For the higher weight ratio of alumina nanoparticles (0.04 percent wt), toughness rises to 240 J/cm2. On the other hand, the addition of alumina nanoparticles increased the PAAM surface's contact angle from 55 degrees to 67 degrees, and it exhibited hydrophilic behavio

    Sailfin velifer, Velifer hypselopterus Bleeker, 1879 (Perciformes, Veliferidae) in Oman waters: a new substantiated record from the Arabian Sea coast of Oman

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    The first substantiated records of Sailfin velifer, Velifer hypselopterus Bleeker, 1879 in Omani waters are reported based on 10 specimens ranging in total length 300-430 mm, which have been collected by gill net on the coast of Al-Ashkharah City, 319 km south of Muscat City, Arabian Sea, Oman. Morphometric and meristic data are provided and compared with those of several specimens of this species from other parts of the world. This study reports on the largest specimen of this species ever being collected

    Big Data Analytics: A Survey

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    Internet-based programs and communication techniques have become widely used and respected in the IT industry recently. A persistent source of "big data," or data that is enormous in volume, diverse in type, and has a complicated multidimensional structure, is internet applications and communications. Today, several measures are routinely performed with no assurance that any of them will be helpful in understanding the phenomenon of interest in an era of automatic, large-scale data collection. Online transactions that involve buying, selling, or even investing are all examples of e-commerce. As a result, they generate data that has a complex structure and a high dimension. The usual data storage techniques cannot handle those enormous volumes of data. There is a lot of work being done to find ways to minimize the dimensionality of big data in order to provide analytics reports that are even more accurate and data visualizations that are more interesting. As a result, the purpose of this survey study is to give an overview of big data analytics along with related problems and issues that go beyond technology

    Confirmation of the presence of Heniochus acuminatus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Chaetodontidae) and Pomacanthus maculosus (Forsskål, 1775) (Pomacanthidae) in Iraqi marine waters, Arabian Gulf

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    Two specimens (116,119 mm TL) of Heniochus acuminatus (Linnaeus, 1758) and four specimens (171–190 mm TL) of Pomacanthus maculosus (Forsskål, 1775) were collected from Iraqi marine waters of the Arabian Gulf. These findings confirm the presence of H. acuminatus and establish the first record of P. maculosus from Iraqi waters. The samples were captured by hook and line off the coasts of Al–Fao City Peninsula, southern Iraq. Arabian Gulf. morphometric and meristic data are provided and compared with data from other parts of the world.Confirmació de la presència d’Heniochus acuminatus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Chaetodontidae) i primer registre de Pomacanthus maculosus (Forsskål, 1775) (Pomacanthidae) en aigües marines de l’Iraq, golf Pèrsic Es van recol·lectar dos espècimens de 116 y 119 mm TL d’Heniochus acuminatus (Linnaeus, 1758) i quatre espècimens de 171 a 190 mm TL de Pomacanthus maculosus (Forsskål, 1775) en aigües del golf Pèrsic, la qual cosa confirma la presència d’H. acuminatus i constitueix el primer registre de P. maculosus a les aigües marines de l’Iraq. Els exemplars van ser capturats amb fil i ham a les costes de la península d’Al–Fao, al sud de l’Iraq, al golf Pèrsic. S’aporten les dades morfomètriques i merístiques dels exemplars i es comparen amb les registrades en altres llocs del món.Confirmación de la presencia de Heniochus acuminatus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Chaetodontidae) y primer registro de Pomacanthus maculosus (Forsskål, 1775) (Pomacanthidae) en aguas marinas de Iraq, golfo Pérsico Se recolectaron dos especímenes de 116 y 119 mm TL de Heniochus acuminatus (Linnaeus, 1758) y cuatro especímenes de 171 a 190 mm TL de Pomacanthus maculosus (Forsskål, 1775) en aguas del golfo Pérsico, lo que confirma la presencia de H. acuminatus y constituye el primer registro de P. maculosus en las aguas marinas de Iraq. Los ejemplares fueron capturados con sedal y anzuelo en las costas de la península de Al–Fao, al sur de Iraq, en el golfo Pérsico. Se aportan los datos morfométricos y merísticos de los ejemplares y se comparan con los registrados en otras partes del mundo


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    Objective: Naringenin (NAR) is a part of the human daily diet, and it plays an important role in human health for its biological functions. This study describes a new, sensitive, simple, and accurate method for determining NAR in supplements.Methods: The method is based on oxidative coupling reaction between NAR and N, N-dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine in an alkaline medium using manganese dioxide immobilized in cellulose acetate as online oxidant agent to form a colored product which can be monitored at λ max598 nm. Results: Several operating parameters such as reactor column length, particles size, chemicals, and physicals reaction conditions were studied. The proposed method was sensitive and good repeatable, the linear range of NAR concentration was from 1 to 70 μg/ml with a limit of detection of 0.292 μg/ml, and recovery range of analysis was 99.55–100.48%. Conclusion: The proposed method was successfully applied for determining NAR in supplements

    Dynamic Analyses of Two-Dimensional Functionally Graded Timoshenko Beam using Finite element Method

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    In this work, dynamic analyses of a functionally graded beam are presented. The governing equations of the beam is found based on the displacement field defined by Timoshenko beam theory, then solved by using finite element method based on Hamilton’s principle. The beam is assumed to be free-clambed boundary condition (F-C). The PL index is used for describing the distribution of the beam properties in both transverse and longitudinal directions. A parametric study is accomplished to investigate effect of several parameters on the natural frequency, mode shapes and transient response of the beam., such as the PL indexes (nx and nz) for x and z axis, respectively, and the elasticity modulus ratio (Eratio). To valid the present results and current mathematical formulation, some of the findings are compared with another research. A good agreement is noticed. It is noted that the response of the beam is more sensitive to the variations of the PI in the longitudinal axes than that corresponding in the transverse one. For specific design requirements, the dynamic response of the beam can be adjusted by chose a proposal indexes and modulus ratios

    Study of IL-35 levels in Multiple Myeloma patients and its Relation with Immunoglobulins

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) is a malignant disorder characterized by the proliferation of plasma cellsand the second most common hematological standing next to lymphoma. Multiple myeloma patients commonly present with defects in numbers and function of various   immune cells including dendritic cells ,B cells,Tcells and natural kill cells[23].Interleukin- 35 (IL-35) is a novel anti-inflammatory cytokine suppressing the immune response through the expansion of regulatory T cells and suppression of Th17 cell development.The present study aimedto investigate the possible role of IL-35 in pathogenesis of MM and its relation withimmunoglobulins such as IgA,IgG and IgM.Forty Iraqis patients with multiple myeloma(G1,G2) and twenty healthy individuals as a control group (G1)were enrolled in this study.Whole blood used for determination of  hemoglobin. Serum samples were used for determination of albumin,total protein using standard procedures of the biochemistry laboratory of hospital. Also immunoglobulin's (IgA,IgG,IgM) and IL-35 were determined in serum.The results revealed a significant increasing in urine total protein ,ESR,creatinine ,uric acid ,BUN, and TP in  patients groups(G2,G3) comparing to control group(G1) while a   significant decrease in albumin and Hb  were found in  patients groups comparing to control .Also a significant differences  was observed in calcium concentration in G3  compared to G2 while there are no differences  was observed between G2 and G1 . The results shown highly significant increase in IgA,IgG, IgM and  IL-35,in  patients groups comparing to control group. Also a significant  differences were noticed in G3 comparing to G2. A highly significant positive correlation between IL-35 and IgA was noted in G2  and G3. Also a highly significant positive correlation between IL-35 and IgG levels was noticed in G2 and G3. Moreover a significant negative correlation founded between IL-35  andIgM in G2  and  G3 .A conclusion could be drown from this study for the first time that MM patients showed increasing in IL-35  levels so, it may be considered as a novel cytokine involved in the pathogenesis of MM. Keyword:IL-35,Multiple Myeloma,Immunoglobulines