388 research outputs found

    The Contribution of Islamic University of Andalusia to Revival Western World

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    This article is discussing about the contribution of Islamic University of Andalusia to revival Western World The objective of this article is to describe the progress of western civilization as a result of the contribution of Islamic University in Andalusia This article were discussed with historical method those were the efforts to reconstruct the past time of the study object Meanwhile in collecting the data the author used the library research to explore and study the relevant resources books and any supporting writings The results that found by the writer such as the contributions of Islamic universities to revival the Western world consist of orbiting a formidable human resources Their existence is not only in the field of intellectual maturity but also the depth of morality Not a bit of Spanish Islamic university alumni who came from non- Muslims and when finished learning period they returned to their countries and established colleges Several universities in Europe in the late Middle Ages born of the spirit- Spanish Muslim intellectual who transformed through western students whom studying at Islamic universities in Andalusia From here the scientific and philosophical traditions of thought penetrated into the European worl

    Analisis Penggunaan Renovation Tools Bim Dalam Proyek Renovasi Konstruksi Di Kabupaten Kampar

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    Undang-undang otonomi daerah memberikan hak kepada daerah untuk mengatur roda pemerintahan di daerah. Namun, pemerintah pusat memberikan aturan dan rekomendasi seperti undang-undang, peraturan pemerintah, peraturan dan lain sebagainya. Pemerintah daerah Kabupaten Kampar salah satu kabupaten di Provinsi Riau yang fokus melakukan pembangunan infrastruktur. Pemerintah menyiapkan pembangunan melalui kerja sama organisasi perangkat daerah melalui satuan kerja perangkat dinas (SKPD) dengan rekanan seperti konsultan dan kontraktor. Dalam pelaksanaanya mengacu pada Undang-undang Arsitek no 6 tahun 2017 dan Peraturan Menteri PUPR no 22 tahun 2018 bahwa bidang konstruksi dikelola oleh profesional dan menggunakan metode Building Information Modelling (BIM). Salah satu proyek adalah renovasi bangunan dan kawasan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penggunaan renovation tools BIM sebagai metode dalam proyek renovasi. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara dan kuisioner kepada SKPD dan rekanan (konsultan dan kontraktor). Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan hampir semua SKPD melakukan proyek renovasi namun tidak menggunakan metode renovation tools BIM. Selain itu, stakeholder kurang memahami maksud peraturan menteri no 22 tahun 2018. Dari penelitian ini diberikan rekomendasi agar stakholder memahami peraturan tersebut dan beralih pada metode renovation tools dalam melakukan proyek renovasi


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    Abstract: This research is a study of the history of an educational figure about the implication of Islamic education related to the thoughts of Abu Teupin Raya, one of prominent educational figure from Aceh. Historical and sociological approach of knowledge were used. Meanwhile, the primary sources were the textual works of Abu Teupin Raya. Another major source was informants, those were the children of figure who were still alive and his students who had learned directly from him. Methods of data collection were done through the study of any literatures and in-depth interviews. All data collected was then selected, classified, verified systematically to the problem and the scope of the study. Furthermore, the data was analyzed by using content analysis and historical continuity method. This study found; First, the process of transformation of Islamic education in Aceh was closely linked with the historical, philosophical, and sociological foundation. Second, the idea of Islamic education which were transformed in the form of Islamic boarding institutions in Aceh had positive implications not only to the paradigm changes in the system of Islamic education but also to the management of educational institutions, financial administration system, even the curriculum and teaching methods.Keywords: Abu Teupin Raya, transforming, Islamic education, Ace

    CHESTEGA: Steganografi Menggunakan Standar PGN dalam Permainan Catur Berbasis Web

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    Catur merupakan permainan paling popular di dunia, dimainkan oleh jutaan manusia terlepas dari berapa pun usia mereka. Saking populernya permainan ini, selama Perang Dunia II permainan catur sering digunakan sebagai media menyembunyian pesan rahasia oleh para tantara yang kemudian disebut steganografi. Para tentara tersebut mengirim pesan melalui permainan catur menggunakan sebuah notasi untuk menentukan penempatan dan analisis. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa Steganografi merupakan seni menyembunyikan pesan rahasia sehingga keberadaan pesan tersebut menjadi tidak dapat diketahui keberadaannya. Hal ini dianggap lebih efektif dibandingkan penyamaran pesan atau disebut juga kriptografi. Seiring berkembangnya teknologi dan informasi, notasi catur tersebut berevolusi menjadi PGN atau Portable Game Notation. PGN bukanlah satu-satunya notasi catur yang ada, tetapi PGN merupakan notasi catur resmi yang paling popular dalam pengkomputerisasian permainan catur. Pada penelitian ini akan membahas tentang Implementasi steganografi pada permainan catur yang diterapkan pada aplikasi berbasis web yang dapat melakukan enkripsi dan dekripsi pesan menggunakan algoritma LSB

    The Analysis of Managerial Competence of Head of Madrasah in Improving the Quality of Educational Institution

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    The head of the Madrasah is someone who has the highest position in the education unit. The role of the Head of Madrasah is very important including planning, implementation, activities, and evaluation. This study aims to describe the extent of the competence of MTs. N 5 Klaten principals in an effort to improve the quality of education units. This type of research uses qualitative with descriptive methods. Data collection techniques use observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The results of this study show: First, the managerial competence of the Head of Mts N 5 Klaten, namely personality, managerial, supervision, entrepreneurship, and social competencies. Second, the implementation of managerial competence of the Head of Mts N 5 Klaten towards improving the quality of education units is realized by providing examples to all components of the madrasah, wise, always developing themselves, and firm in making decisions. In the managerial aspect, the Head of Mts N 5 Klaten develops the competence of teachers, develops curriculum, manages finances and manages infrastructure facilities systematically and transparently. In the supervise aspect, the Head of MTs N 5 Klaten directly monitors the teaching and learning process, conducts assertive and associative communication, and develops the potential of teachers in madrasas. Entrepreneurial competence is realized by improving intra- and extracurricular programs, in collaboration with the surrounding community in providing the needs of all components of the madrasah. Social competence is demonstrated by interacting with the surrounding community, parents, and students. Third, the driving factor of the managerial competency system of the Head of Madrasah in improving the quality of education units is the participation of teachers in improving their professionalism as teachers and the availability of adequate infrastructure. Fourth, the inhibiting factor of the managerial competency system of the Head of Madrasah is the lack of parental support to students and the number of student ratios that are too large


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    The purpose of this study is to investigate perceptions of top managers of Kuwaiti companies regarding factors the affect their companies’ decision to distribute stock dividend ( SD ). A questionnaire listing 32 reasons that could explain companies’ decisions to declare SDs was distributed to a sample of 120 randomly selected top managers from 100 Kuwaiti companies and 73 responses were received (representing a 61% response rate ). Participants were classified according to: ( 1 )business sector ( investment, real estate, banking, service, and industrial ) and ( 2 ) size of SDs ( small ( less than 25% ) and large ( 25% or more )). Nonparametric statistical tests were employed to analyze the data.Stock Dividends, Importance Ratings, Trading Liquidity, Institutional Investors

    Exploring Factors Affecting Fixed Broadband Adoption in Oman: Pilot Study (33)

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    This study intends to examine various attitudinal, normative and control factors influencing users’ behavioural intention to adopt fixed broadband in Oman. A Quantitative method based survey approach relating to the attitudinal, normative, and control variables has been utilized. Regression analysis is conducted to test the role of numerous variables on users’ behavioural intentions to adopt fixed broadband in Oman. The results of the study revealed that the behavioural intention of Omani users towards fixed broadband adoption is significantly affected by Primary Influence, Hedonic Outcomes, Self-Efficacy, Perceived Ease of Use and Relative advantage. Considering the slow growth of fixed broadband in Oman, this study provides policy makers and broadband service providers in Oman with an insight and understanding about factors that can have an influence on users’ intention to adopt the broadband technology. Theoretically, this paper is useful for providing baseline data for studies on broadband adoption in Oman in general and its impact on information science in particular

    Pengaruh Obesitas dan Perokok terhadap Kejadian Post Operative Nausea and Vomiting pada General Anestesi

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    This study aims to identify the influence of obesity and smoking on the incidence of PONV in general anesthesia patients. This research method is a type of quantitative research with analytical observational type, using a cross sectional design. The sampling technique used was non-probability sampling with purposive sampling, namely 68 respondents were obtained. The data measurement tools used were Gordon score observation sheets, smoking habits questionnaires, and interviews. The statistical test used is Spearman's Rank. The results of the study showed that from 68 respondents, for obesity, the number of underweight BMI respondents was 4 respondents, 5.9% and for smoking habits, namely passive smoking, 42 respondents, 61.8%. Obesity with a p value of 0.000 < 0.05 means there is a significant influence between obesity and PONV. Smokers with a p value of 0.942 > 0.05 means there is no significant influence between smokers and PONV. Conclusion, Based on the results of research conducted regarding the influence of obesity and smoking on the incidence of post-operative nausea & vomiting (PONV) in general anesthesia at Sumedang District Hospital.   Keywords: General anesthesia, Obesity, Smoker, Post Operativ Nausea and Vomitin

    Cloud Forensics Investigations Relationship: A Model And Instrument

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    Cloud computing is one of the most important advances in computing in recent history. cybercrime has developed side by side and rapidly in recent years. Previous studies had confirmed the existing gap between cloud service providers (CSPs) and law enforcement agencies (LEAs), and LEAs cannot work without the cooperation of CSPs. Their relationship is influenced by legal, organisational and technical dimensions, which affect the investigations. Therefore, it is essential to enhance the cloud forensics relationship between LEAs and CSPs. This research addresses the need for a unified collaborative model to facilitate proper investigations and explore and evaluate existing different models involved in the relationship between Omani LEAs and local CSPs as a participant in investigations. Further, it proposes a validated research instrument that can be cloud forensics survey. It can also be used as an evaluation tool to identify, measure, and manage cloud forensic investigations
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