77 research outputs found

    Modification Method for Preparation Gold Nanoshells

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    Nanoshells are a novel class of optically tunable nanoparticlesthat consist of a dielectric core  surrounded by a thin gold shell. Nanoshells are fabricated the silica cores were made by reducing tetraethylorthosilicate ,the gold colloid adsorbs onto the aminated surface and the gold shell was then grown by reacting sodium tetra chloroaurate (gold salt) with the gold –seeded aminated particles in the presence of formaldehyde . The absorbance characteristics of nanoshell were monitored using UV-Vis spectrophotometer ( at 528 nm  ) and the average size of the silica core nanoparticles were then the determined by scanning prope  microscopy  ( 349 nm  ).But size of  gold nanoparticles (25 nm), Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy (FTIR) SiO2--Au particles peak 1098, 80 cm?1 can be assigned to Si–O–Si bond and peak 947 cm?1 can be attributed to Si–OH bond and for functionalized silica particles peaks at 3215 cm?1 is assigned to NH bond. The present method, the combination of citrate and borohydride method, gives much better results and it works at room temperature. The presence of gold coating was confirmed by FTIR spectroscopy. Keywards: Gold nanoshells ,Silicon dioxide nanoparticles , Nanoparticles


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    Financial markets are highly reactive to events and situations, as seen by the very volatile movement of stock values. As a result, investors are having difficulties guessing prices and making investment decisions, especially when statistical techniques have failed to model historical prices. This paper aims to propose an RNNs-based predictive model using the LSTM model for predicting the closing price of four stocks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange (ISX). The data used are historical closing prices provided by ISX for the period from 2/1/2019 to 24/12/2020. Several attempts were conducted to improve model training and minimize the prediction error, as models were evaluated using MSE, RMSE, and R2. The models performed with high accuracy in predicting closing price movement, despite the Intense volatility of time series. The empirical study concluded the possibility of relying on the RNN-LSTM model in predicting close prices at the ISX as well as decisions making upon. Keywords: Stock, LSTM, Prediction, ANN, RNN, ISXPasar keuangan sangat reaktif terhadap peristiwa dan situasi, seperti yang terlihat dari pergerakan nilai saham yang sangat fluktuatif. Akibatnya, investor mengalami kesulitan menebak harga dan membuat keputusan investasi, terutama ketika teknik statistik gagal memodelkan harga historis. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengusulkan model prediksi berbasis RNNs menggunakan model LSTM untuk memprediksi harga penutupan empat saham yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Irak (BEI). Data yang digunakan adalah harga penutupan historis yang disediakan oleh BEI untuk periode dari 2 Januari 2019 hingga 24 Desember 2020. Beberapa upaya dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pelatihan model dan meminimalkan kesalahan prediksi, karena model dievaluasi menggunakan MSE, RMSE, dan R2. Model memiliki akurasi tinggi dalam memprediksi pergerakan harga penutupan, meskipun volatilitas deret waktu yang intens. Studi empiris menyimpulkan kemungkinan mengandalkan model RNN-LSTM dalam memprediksi harga penutupan di BEI serta pengambilan keputusan. Kata Kunci: Saham, LSTM, Prediksi, ANN, RNN, IS

    Isolation of Staphylococcus aureus from ear swab in Iraqi children as a causative agent of Otitis externa

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    Background: Staphylococcus aureus is a Gram-positive, spherical, grape like clusters arrangment bacterium, non-spore forming. Is a genus that causes many hard diseases such as food poisoning, gastroenteritis with severe symptoms. S. aureus is commonly found in the wide environment (soil, air and water) and is importantly found in the nose and skin in the humans. And can causes ear infection by entering the ear. The diagnosis of Otitis externa is usually made clinically and bacterial tests. Objective: To detection and isolation of the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus from pus specimens of ear swab, among Iraqi children with Otitis externa. Patients and methods: Eighty ear swab specimens from suspected cases of Otitis externa among children, inoculated to brain heart broth, then to non-selective media (blood agar) and when growth appeared, cultured on selective media (Mannitol salt agar) plates in the laboratory. The plates were incubated at 37áµ’C aerobically for 24 hours, identified the isolate by Gram stain, catalase and coagulase of human plasma. Results: In this study, from 80 samples (43) males; (37) female, with (31) cases had medical history controlled by 20 healthy individuals: the bacterial growth and identification on blood agar resulted in presence of nonspecific bacteria in (65) samples, were (36) males and (29) females, while specific bacteria Staphylococcus aureus on selected media (Manitol salt agar), catalase positive and Co-agulase positive, were in (28) samples of (16) males and (12) females most of them in age (1-3) years, were (11) samples, in males more than females. Conclusion: The isolation of Staphylococcus aureus was the most important diagnosis of predominant causative agents of Otitis externa among Iraqi children and showed such an exhibition about the epidemic type of bacteria in our region

    Incidence of chickenpox and mumps in Karbala Governorate with their seasonal variation

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    Objectives Chickenpox and mumps are viral diseases caused by varicella zoster virus and mumps virus, respectively. Chickenpox is still a common communicable health problem among children. Mumps tends to affect older children more often than chickenpox. The study aimed to show the annual incidence of chickenpox and mumps with their correlation to gender and age groups. Methods Descriptive retrospective study. Total of 60,499 patients were included in this study. All data are collected during 2016 at Aon Primary Health Centre in Karbala province. Results Data of this study reveals that the incidence rate = 165.3/1000 for chickenpox and 97.5/1000 for mumps. The highest incidence rate for both infections according to age groups was among 5–9 years followed by 10–14 years. Seasonal variation was common during winter and spring for both diseases. Conclusion High incidence for both mumps and varicella zoster infection, in addition, most of the age groups affected were within 5–14 years

    Seeking Help from Faith Healers among Iraqi Patients with Obsessive – Compulsive Disorder

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    Background: Faith healing is common in Arab culture. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is linked to religious beliefs and this can affect its management as patients may seek help from faith healers rather than mental health professionals. Patients and methods: Patients who received a diagnosis of OCD according to DSM-IV-TR completed a questionnaire containing questions about age, gender, marital state, residence, income, level of education, and occupation. Also, data was collected on help-seeking from a faith healer and on religiosity. The data was analyzed by using the statistical package of the social sciences (SPSS). Results: 58.5% of OCD patients had sought help from faith healers and this was significantly associated with being religious (p value .003). There was no association with other variables. Conclusion: Iraqi mental health professionals should be aware of patient’s experience of faith healing as this is common among OCD patients. The findings also raise interesting questions regarding the need for a dialogue between health professionals and faith healers in the interest of providing optimal care to OCD patients

    Prevalence of Latent Autoimmune Diabetes of Adult (LADA) among Type 5 Diabetes Mellitus (D.M.5) in Karbala

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    Abstract:Objective: the aim of the study is to determine the prevalence of LADA among group of clinically diagnosed type 0 diabetes mellitus.Methodology: sample size equal to 082 patients with type 0 D.M. were subjected in this study, participating patients were consecutively recruited from Diabetes outpatient clinic in AL-Hussein Teaching Hospital in Karbala from June, 0212 through January, 0212. A clinical questioner containing personal data, family history, type of diabetes, type of treatment, FBS, HA1C, BMI, diabetes duration& complications of diabetes. For analysis of data Prevalence of LADA among D.M.0 cases was calculated as the proportion of LADA cases in the D.M.0 cases. The Chi square test (X0) was used to assess the significance (P-value) of differences in frequencies of categorical variables.Results: prevalence of LADA among D.M.0 patients was 10.1:. A significant difference in family history, BMI, FBS, HA1C and duration of D.M was found between the studied groups.Conclusion: The prevalence of LADA is clinically underestimated among D.M0 patients and age of onset of diabetes should no longer be considered as a valid way to differentiate diabetes.Recommendation: the study recommends screening for islet cell autoantibodies as GAD56 for all patients with diabetes at onset or beginning of disease.Key word: GAD65, LADA, diabetes mellitus

    The impact of environmental leadership on entrepreneurial success : the moderating role of green organizational behavior

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    The research aims at improving the employees' understanding about the moderating effect of green organizational behavior on the relationship between environmental leadership and entrepreneurial success, based for exploring opinions 874 employee, working at General Company for Southern Cement, Iraq. The results supported the hypotheses that entrepreneurial success is positively influenced by each environmental behavior that the leader adopts. The results also proved that the green organizational behavior exerted a positive effect on entrepreneurial success. In addition, the green organizational behavior exhibited a moderating effect on the nature of relationship between environmental leadership and entrepreneurial success. Thus, it can be inferred that this outcome contributes towards the improvement of giving importance to environmental behaviors which a leader should adopt. The research concluded with various insights that could create a great impact and pave the way for a sustainable future with regards to nature of relationship among the variables

    Design of Mobile Healthcare Reminder for Chronic Diabetes

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    Mobile technology has been increasingly used in healthcare services. However, little has been done in handling patients of chronic disease. Accordingly, this study aims to design a mobile reminder system that cares for patients’ selfmanagement of their chronic diabetes. To achieve the main aim, the following sub objectives have been formulated; (i) to identify the requirements for the mobile healthcare reminder suitable for chronic diabetes, (ii) to develop and construct the prototype of the system, (iii) to evaluate the prototype in terms of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and satisfaction. The prototype has been evaluated using an adapted questionnaire, involving 30 patients in Baghdad Hospital. The results reveal that the prototype is perceived useful and easy to use by the participants. Also, they are highly satisfied with the prototype. The outcome of this study would help mobile healthcare applications developers to design future mobile reminder system particularly for patients who are suffering from chronic diseas

    The devitrification kinetics of transparent silica glass prepared by gel-casting method

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    The kinetics of the crystallization of cristobalite in the amorphous silica glass were studied for samplesprepared by gel-casting and sintering in air. Avrami and rate equations were used to calculate the rateconstants and the activation energy. The results showed that the crystallization obeys the first order andoccurs mainly on the surface with activation energy of 543-546kJ/mol. The fewer amounts of OH-groups andthe high amount of oxygen vacancies are expected to stand behind the increase in the activation energy ascompared with that reported in literatures.Keywords: Devitrification, Gel-Casting, Silica Glass, Cristobalite, Crystallization

    Experimental investigation of improving the solar desalination system for domestic buildings: Iraq as a case of study

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    Iraq encounters climatic challenges that lead to severe rainfall shortages and compound the regional challenges that lead to reduced rates of supplying rivers. In this research, the proposed design helps obtain pure water from polluted or saline water t lower, more competitive costs that can supply nearly 80% of the Iraqi markets. The system harvests 2 L/day of pure water by adding 5 liters of saline water, a 209% daily improvement. The system consists of 1.125 m2 of double slope single basin solar still with a tilt angle of 30°, pipes, and measurement instrumentation. Maximum inside temperature, humidity, valuable energy, and efficiency have 77 ℃, 35%, 4.02 W/m2, and 76%, respectively. System analysis results demonstrated that the average water condensation rate per square meter is about 0.4 L/hr. Finally, the rate of pure water harvesting from this desalination system, per square meter, is about 0.282 L/m2 per day when the average intensity of solar radiation reaches 165 W/m2. Two scenarios have been suggested for the experiment. The first scenario tests the system by limiting two water levels, the first at 0.75 cm and the second at 3 cm. The second scenario includes the same design with a black cloth set in the basin demonstrates the most promising data. A wet pad regularly cools down one side of the glass to increase the water vapor condensation and production quantity by 173% to enhancing water production significantly
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