1,997 research outputs found

    Relation between Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) with some biochemical variables in high-risk aborted women in Mosul city, Iraq

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    Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), or Kissing Virus, is a member of the Herpes virus that can be a contributory factor for compromised pregnant, high-risk aborted women worldwide. The present study aimed to detect high-risk EBV by the Monospot test for pregnant, high-risk aborted women, to detect immunoglobulin IgM and IgG for EBV using Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technique, to distinguish the infections as acute, chronic, or reactivated, and to determination of Enzymes as Aspartate Transaminase (AST), Alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and Alanine Transaminase (ALT).A cohort of 91 serum samples were collected from high-risk aborted women (ages 15-45 years) who attended Al-Medina Private Laboratory from February to December 2022.Sera were tested for heterophile antibodies(HA) associated with Infectious Mononucleosis (IM) caused by EBV by Latex Agglutination slide test (IM Quick test) and were tested for IgM and IgG antibodies against EBV-CA in serum using the ELISA kit.Sera from the patients and healthy controls were analyzed for Glutamate-Pyruvate Transaminase (GPT), Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase (GOT), Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH), and Alkaline phosphatase. Compared to healthy controls, the data showed that the late phase with loss and reactivated infection was responsible for 25% of cases and that the acute and late infection cases had a high of 64%. There were significant differences in the level of these hormones;aborted women showed increased levels of serum ALP (70.83) while having a reverse effect with serum ALT (11.7) and AST (25.43). EBV activation was higher in the aborted women. The study would help to determine the role of EBV in the pathogenesis of abortion.


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    Objectives: The current study was conducted to reveal the prevalence and causes of traumatic dental injuries to permanent anterior teeth among mixed dentition of schoolchildren in Sana'a City, Yemen. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed on 1252 schoolchildren aged 7-12 years in three districts of Sana'a city, Yemen. They numbered 700 males and 552 females from 26 randomly selected public and private schools. Clinical examination of permanent anterior teeth was done according to the classification of Ellis modified by Fried. Results: Prevalence of TDI was 10.30%, with a male ratio of 4.8: female 1, (P <0.05). Most of the children suffered only one damage to the tooth and most of them are in the maxillary central incisors. The TDI increased with older age (10-12 years old) (16.5%) with odds ratio 4.8, (p<0.05). Regarding the site of trauma, most injuries happened in males on the street (44.9%) while in females happened at home (31.81%) and falls were the main cause of TDI. In both sexes, the most common type of injury was class I (enamel fracture) followed by class II (enamel and dentine without pulp involvement). Conclusion: In conclusion, the prevalence of TDI in permanent anterior teeth among mixed dentition of school children in Sana’a was high, higher in males than in females, with a peak age of 10 to 12 years, falls was the common cause, and occurred mostly on the street for boys and home for females. Accordingly, educational programs should be developed that focus on ways to prevent dental trauma and the benefits of seeking urgent treatment to maintain avulsed and fractured teeth.                                 Peer Review History: Received 13 May 2020; Revised 15 June; Accepted 1 July, Available online 15 July 2020 Academic Editor: Dr. Asia Selman Abdullah, Al-Razi university, Department of Pharmacy, Yemen, [email protected] UJPR follows the most transparent and toughest ‘Advanced OPEN peer review’ system. The identity of the authors and, reviewers will be known to each other. This transparent process will help to eradicate any possible malicious/purposeful interference by any person (publishing staff, reviewer, editor, author, etc) during peer review. As a result of this unique system, all reviewers will get their due recognition and respect, once their names are published in the papers. We expect that, by publishing peer review reports with published papers, will be helpful to many authors for drafting their article according to the specifications. Auhors will remove any error of their article and they will improve their article(s) according to the previous reports displayed with published article(s). The main purpose of it is ‘to improve the quality of a candidate manuscript’. Our reviewers check the ‘strength and weakness of a manuscript honestly’. There will increase in the perfection, and transparency. Received file:                Reviewer's Comments:  Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 6.0/10 Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 8.0/10 Reviewer(s) detail: Dr. Alfonso Alexander Aguileral, University of Veracruz,  Mexico, [email protected] Dr. Mohamed Awad Mousnad, Faculty of Pharmacy, International University of Africa (IUA), Khartoum, Sudan, [email protected]  Similar Articles: SERO-PREVALENCE OF HEPATITIS C VIRUS AMONG DENTAL CLINIC WORKERS IN SANA’A CITY- YEMEN AND THE RISK FACTORS CONTRIBUTING FOR ITS INFECTIO


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    Background: Molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) has been recognized as a global dental disorder and concern about this pathology is growing among clinicians around the world. Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the knowledge and perception of Yemeni dental practitioners in the city of Sana'a in relation to diagnosis, etiological factors and management of MIH. Materials and Methods: A questionnaire modified from similar previous studies was distributed to 311 Yemeni dentists providing oral health care in Sana'a city. The survey consists of two parts, the first is the demographic-occupational variables that was collected for the participants and the second part included questions related to perception of the diagnosis, possible etiological factors, severity of the condition and management, and the participants ’willingness for advance training in relation to MIH. Results: The overall response rate is (90%). The majority of respondents came across MIH in their practices (GDPs= 83.2%, SDPs= 90%).Yellow / brown demarcation is feasible as a common clinical symptom. The composite resin was the most used restorative material. The genetic factor was the most specific etiological factor. Most GDPs were significantly uncertain in the diagnosis of MIH compared to SDPs (P = 0.003). Most of the respondents (72.5%) had a low level of knowledge regarding MIH. Participants support the need to assess MIH occurrence and conduct clinical training. Conclusion: Molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) is a common dental problem faced by dental practitioners in Sana'a City who have required clinical training regarding diagnosis, etiological factors and MIH management.                                Peer Review History: Received: 8 September 2020; Revised: 7 October; Accepted: 20 October, Available online: 15 November 2020 Academic Editor: Dr. Sally A. El-Zahaby, Pharos University in Alexandria, Egypt, [email protected] Received file:                Reviewer's Comments: Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 6.5/10 Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 8.0/10 Reviewer(s) detail: Dr. Mohamed Awad AbdAlaziz Mousnad, International University of Africa (IUA) and Sudan, [email protected] Antonio José de Jesus Evangelista, Federal University of Ceará, UFC, Brazil,  [email protected] Similar Articles: PREVALENCE OF STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS IN DENTAL INFECTIONS AND THE OCCURRENCE OF MRSA IN ISOLATES CAUSES FOR EXTRACTION OF PERMANENT TEETH IN GENERAL DENTAL PRACTICES IN YEMEN SERO-PREVALENCE OF HEPATITIS C VIRUS AMONG DENTAL CLINIC WORKERS IN SANA’A CITY- YEMEN AND THE RISK FACTORS CONTRIBUTING FOR ITS INFECTION PREVALENCE AND CAUSES OF TRAUMATIC DENTAL INJURIES TO ANTERIOR TEETH AMONG PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDREN IN SANA'A CITY, YEMEN ETIOLOGY AND RISK FACTORS OF STOMATITIS AMONG YEMENI DENTURE WEARER


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    Objective: Malocclusion is every difference in the arrangement of teeth beyond the standard of regular occlusion illustrated by anomalies within the dental arches. The purpose of this study was to measure prevalence of malocclusion between primary school children in Sana’a city Yemen. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted on 1079 school children (546 girls and 533 boys), their age ranged from 7 to 12 years old from public and private schools selected randomly in Sana'a City, Yemen. The prevalence of malocclusion was investigated according to age, gender and school type based on Angle's classification. Results: The study showed that the overall prevalence of malocclusion among school children was 81.1%, in which Class I normal molar association was found only in 18.9% of school children, while Class I malocclusion included the highest percentage of the sample 70.4%, followed by Class II relation 9.5%, and Class III involved only 1.1%. The most prevalent malocclusion trait was spacing 35.7%, whereas the crowding was present in 30.0% of the sample. The deep bite was present in 10.1% followed by anterior crossbite 8.8%, midline diastema 8.6%, anterior open bite 4.5%, posterior crossbite 4.0%, and the least noted malocclusion trait was posterior open bite 0.4%. Conclusion: In conclusion, there was a high rate of malocclusion in school children and significantly increased with age, class I malocclusion was the most common followed by Class II malocclusion, while Class III was the rear. The most prevalent occlusal problem was spacing, followed by crowding.  Thus, 7-12 year-olds can benefit from interceptive and preventive oral health procedures which may either entirely prevent or reduce the development of serious types of malocclusions afterward in their lives.                         Peer Review History: Received 8 January 2020;   Revised 9 February; Accepted 1 March, Available online 15 March 2020 Academic Editor: Ahmad Najib, Universitas Muslim Indonesia,  Indonesia, [email protected] UJPR follows the most transparent and toughest ‘Advanced OPEN peer review’ system. The identity of the authors and, reviewers will be known to each other. This transparent process will help to eradicate any possible malicious/purposeful interference by any person (publishing staff, reviewer, editor, author, etc) during peer review. As a result of this unique system, all reviewers will get their due recognition and respect, once their names are published in the papers. We expect that, by publishing peer review reports with published papers, will be helpful to many authors for drafting their article according to the specifications. Auhors will remove any error of their article and they will improve their article(s) according to the previous reports displayed with published article(s). The main purpose of it is ‘to improve the quality of a candidate manuscript’. Our reviewers check the ‘strength and weakness of a manuscript honestly’. There will increase in the perfection, and transparency. Received file:                Reviewer's Comments: Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 6.5/10 Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 8.5/10 Reviewer(s) detail: Dr. George Zhu, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, [email protected] Dr. Gehan Fawzy Abdel Raoof Kandeel, Pharmacognosy Department, National Research Centre, Dokki, 12622,  Giza, Egypt, [email protected]   Similar Articles: COCCIDIAN INTESTINAL PARASITES AMONG CHILDREN IN AL-TORBAH CITY IN YEMEN: IN COUNTRY WITH HIGH INCIDENCE OF MALNUTRITION EVALUATION OF THE IMMUNE RESPONSE TO POLIO VACCINE IN MALNOURISHED CHILDREN IN SANA'A CITY PREVALENCE AND POTENTIAL RISK FACTORS OF HEPATITIS B VIRUS IN A SAMPLE OF CHILDREN IN TWO SELECTED AREAS IN YEME


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    Objective: The occlusal features change dynamically in the growing children and any disruption in the complex craniofacial growth process may lead to malocclusion, which is a major concern for the pediatric community because of its effects on dental function and beauty, as well as on the child's psyche. The aim of the present study was to study the prevalence of different occlusal traits in the primary dentition of the randomly selected pre-school children from three to five years in the city of Sana’a, Yemen. Methods: The study includes 1106 pre-school children subjected to a dental examination performed in the school premise, using the Foster and Hamilton criteria for occlusal traits. As well as inter- and intra-calibration tests were conducted for assessing the degree of agreeability. Results: Results of the study showed that the Bilateral flush terminal molar relationship was found in 60%, bilateral mesial step in 27.9%, asymmetrical relationship in 8.5% and distal step in 3.5% of tested children. The Bilateral canine class I was detected in 62.8%, asymmetrical relationship (13.6%), class II (12.5%) and class III (11.1%). Normal over-jet (OJ) of 1-3 mm was identified in 39.2%, decreased OJ <1 mm (32.7%) and edge-to-edge (8.8%). Ideal over-bite (OB) of 1-50% was detected in 64.5% and increased OB of > 50% (19.7%). Conclusion: In conclusion theBilateral flush terminal molar, class I canine relationships, normal overjet (OJ) of 1-3mm were the most commonly found sagittal occlusal traits in the current study. Ideal over-bite (OB) of 1-50% were identified in more than half of the children.                         Peer Review History: Received 2 February 2020;   Revised 21 February; Accepted 3 March, Available online 15 March 2020 Academic Editor: Dr. DANIYAN Oluwatoyin Michael, Obafemi Awolowo University, ILE-IFE, Nigeria, [email protected] UJPR follows the most transparent and toughest ‘Advanced OPEN peer review’ system. The identity of the authors and, reviewers will be known to each other. This transparent process will help to eradicate any possible malicious/purposeful interference by any person (publishing staff, reviewer, editor, author, etc) during peer review. As a result of this unique system, all reviewers will get their due recognition and respect, once their names are published in the papers. We expect that, by publishing peer review reports with published papers, will be helpful to many authors for drafting their article according to the specifications. Auhors will remove any error of their article and they will improve their article(s) according to the previous reports displayed with published article(s). The main purpose of it is ‘to improve the quality of a candidate manuscript’. Our reviewers check the ‘strength and weakness of a manuscript honestly’. There will increase in the perfection, and transparency. Received file:                Reviewer's Comments: Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 5.5/10 Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 7.0/10 Reviewer(s) detail: Aya Mohammed Mohammed Essawy, MTI University- Mokattam, Egypt, [email protected] Dr. Nada Farrag, Misr International University, Egypt, [email protected] Similar Articles: COCCIDIAN INTESTINAL PARASITES AMONG CHILDREN IN AL-TORBAH CITY IN YEMEN: IN COUNTRY WITH HIGH INCIDENCE OF MALNUTRITION EVALUATION OF THE IMMUNE RESPONSE TO POLIO VACCINE IN MALNOURISHED CHILDREN IN SANA'A CITY PREVALENCE AND POTENTIAL RISK FACTORS OF HEPATITIS B VIRUS IN A SAMPLE OF CHILDREN IN TWO SELECTED AREAS IN YEME


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    Objectives:  Staphylococcus aureus is an opportunist that causes systemic infections and dental infections in the human being body. This organism increases its resistance to many categories of antibiotics all day and turn out to be more resistant, and this led to a growing feeling of concern in this era. Given this fact, the aims of this study were to determine the frequency of S. aureus in oral infections and to determine the prevalence of MRSA strains and the sensitivity of isolated S. aureus to antibiotics, in patients who attended dental clinics in major public hospitals and private clinics in the city of Sana'a-Yemen. Subjects and methods:  The study was conducted for a year, early in December 2018 and ending in November 2019. The study included 296 patients, 153 male and 143 female, ages 5 to 65, with an average age of 36.2 years. Demographic and clinical data were collected in questionnaire, then pus or oral swabs were collected from patients, cultivated, isolated and identified by standard laboratory techniques. MRSA was ascertained by means of the method of disc diffusion to 1µg of oxicillin disc and 5 µg of methacillin disc; an antimicrobial sensitivity test was carried out by disc diffusion method of selected antibiotics.The oral  infections include  dental abscesses,  periodontal abscesses, gingivitis, periodentitis, dental caries,  pulpitis and oral thrush. Results:  Of a total of 296 cultured pus and swabs, only 217 produced a positive culture (73.3%). Gram-positive bacteria formed 67.4% of the total isolates where S. aureus was the predominant pathogen (43.1%).  The prevalence of MRSA was 23.5%. There was a higher rate of antibiotic resistance tested in MRSA isolates compared to a lower rate of resistance in MSSA as well as 22.2% of MRSA isolates were vancomycin resistant, while only 11.4% of MSSA were vancomycin resistant. Conclusion:  It can be concluded, S. aureus was the most widespread isolate in dental infections, high rate of  MRSA,  the appearance of S. aureus isolates resistant to vancomycin and other broad choice of antibiotics have raised MRSA in oral infections into a multi-drug-resistant, making it more and more hazardous in oral infections. Consistent assessment of oral associated infections and observing the pattern of antibiotic sensitivity and strict drug policy for antibiotics are recommended.                        Peer Review History: Received 16 April 2020; Revised 2 May; Accepted 12 May, Available online 15 May 2020 Academic Editor:Ahmad Najib, Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Makassar, Indonesia, [email protected] UJPR follows the most transparent and toughest ‘Advanced OPEN peer review’ system. The identity of the authors and, reviewers will be known to each other. This transparent process will help to eradicate any possible malicious/purposeful interference by any person (publishing staff, reviewer, editor, author, etc) during peer review. As a result of this unique system, all reviewers will get their due recognition and respect, once their names are published in the papers. We expect that, by publishing peer review reports with published papers, will be helpful to many authors for drafting their article according to the specifications. Auhors will remove any error of their article and they will improve their article(s) according to the previous reports displayed with published article(s). The main purpose of it is ‘to improve the quality of a candidate manuscript’. Our reviewers check the ‘strength and weakness of a manuscript honestly’. There will increase in the perfection, and transparency. Received file:                Reviewer's Comments: Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 5.5/10 Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 8.0/10 Reviewer(s) detail: Dr. Mohamed Awad Mousnad, Faculty of Pharmacy, International University of Africa (IUA), Khartoum, Sudan, [email protected] Dr. George Zhu, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, [email protected] Similar Articles: PREVALENCE OF METHICILLIN RESISTANT STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS (MRSA) AND ANTIMICROBIAL SUSCEPTIBILITY PATTERNS AT A PRIVATE HOSPITAL IN SANA'A, YEMEN PREVALENCE, ANTIMICROBIAL SUSCEPTIBILITY PATTERN AND RISK FACTORS OF MRSA ISOLATED FROM CLINICAL SPECIMENS AMONG MILITARY PATIENTS AT 48 MEDICAL COMPOUND IN SANA'A CITY-YEME

    Pancreatic Cysts Identification Using Unstructured Information Management Architecture

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    poster abstractPancreatic cancer is one of the deadliest cancers, mostly diagnosed at late stages. Patients with pancreatic cysts are at higher risk of developing cancer and surveillance of these patients can help with early diagnosis. Much information about pancreatic cysts can be found in free text format in various medical narratives. In this retrospective study, a corpus of 1064 records from 44 patients at Indiana University Hospital from 1990 to 2012 was collected. A natural language processing system was developed and used to identify patients with pancreatic cysts. The input goes through series of tasks within the Unstructured Information Management Architecture (UIMA) framework consisting of report separation, metadata detection, sentence detection, concept annotation and writing into the database. Metadata such as medical record number (MRN), report id, report name, report date, report body were extracted from each report. Sentences were detected and concepts within each sentence were extracted using regular expression. Regular expression is a pattern of characters matching specific string of text. Our medical team assembled concepts that are used to identify pancreatic cysts in medical reports and additional keywords were added by searching through literature and Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) knowledge base. The Negex Algorithm was used to find out negation status of concepts. The 1064 reports were divided into sets of train and test sets. Two pancreatic-cyst surgeons created the gold standard data (Inter annotator agreement K=88%). The training set was analyzed to modify the regular expression. The concept identification using the NegEx algorithm resulted in precision and recall of 98.9% and 89% respectively. In order to improve the performance of negation detection, Stanford Dependency parser (SDP) was used. SDP finds out how words are related to each other in a sentence. SDP based negation algorithm improved the recall to 95.7%

    Pancreatic Cancer Risk Stratification based on Patient Family History

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    poster abstractBackground: Pancreatic cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the US with an annual death rate approximating the incidence (38,460 and 45,220 respectively according to 2013 American Cancer Society). Due to delayed diagnosis, only 8% of patients are amenable to surgical resection, resulting in a 5-year survival rate of less than 6%. Screening the general population for pancreatic cancer is not feasible because of its low incidence (12.1 per 100,000 per year) and the lack of accurate screening tools. However, patients with an inherited predisposition to pancreatic cancer would benefit from selective screening. Methods: Clinical notes of patients from Indiana University (IU) Hospitals were used in this study. A Natural Language Processing (NLP) system based on the Unstructured Information Management Architecture framework was developed to process the family history data and extract pancreatic cancer information. This was performed through a series of NLP processes including report separation, section separation, sentence detection and keyword extraction. The family members and their corresponding diseases were extracted using regular expressions. The Stanford dependency parser was used to accurately link the family member and their diseases. Negation analysis was done using the NegEx algorithm. PancPro risk-prediction software was used to assess the lifetime risk scores of pancreatic cancer for each patient according to his/her family history. A decision tree was constructed based on these scores. Results: A corpus of 2000 reports of patients at IU Hospitals from 1990 to 2012 was collected. The family history section was present in 249 of these reports containing 463 sentences. The system was able to identify 222 reports (accuracy 87.5%) and 458 sentences (accuracy 91.36%). Conclusion: The family history risk score will be used for patients’ pancreatic cancer risk stratification, thus contributing to selective screening

    Freshwater microalgae-based wastewater treatment under abiotic stress

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    Wastewater treatment by microalgae is an eco-friendly and sustainable method for pollutant removal and biomass generation. Microalgae production under abiotic stress (such as salinity/salt stress) has an impact on nutrient removal and fatty acid accumulation. In this study, a freshwater microalgal strain (Desmodesmus communis GEEL-12) was cultured in municipal wastewater with various NaCl concentrations (ranging from 25–150 mM). The growth kinetics and morphological changes of the microalgae were observed. The nutrient removal, salinity change, fatty acid composition, and biodiesel quality under various groups were also investigated. The maximum growth of D. communis GEEL-12 was observed in the control group at 0.48 OD680nm. The growth inhibition was observed under high salt conditions (150 mM), which showed poor tolerance with 0.15 OD680nm. The nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) removal significantly decreased from 99–81% and 5.0–5.9% upon the addition of 100–150 mM salt, respectively. Palmitic acid (C16:0) and stearic acid (C18:0) were the most common fatty acid profiles. The abundance of C18:0 enhanced from 49.37%–56.87% in D. communis GEEL-12 upon high NaCl concentrations (100–150 mM). The biodiesel quality index of D. communis GEEL-12 under 50–75 mM salt concentrations reached the levels advised by international standards
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