18 research outputs found

    Procjena spolnih razlika u tjelesnom sastavu i kondicijskom bodovanju u Odrasloj populaciji Saudijske Arabije pomoću analize bioelektrične impedancije

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    Obesity is a global problem that is reaching epidemic proportions. Body composition is an important parameter for humans because previous studies indicate high values of body fat as a predictor of mortality. The aim of the study was to assess gender differences in body composition and physical fitness in Saudi adult population. This epidemiological cross sectional study included 411 healthy adult Saudi subjects aged 18-72 years (mean } SD, 36.91}15.22). All participants underwent body composition analysis. Body composition was assessed by bioelectrical impedance analysis, with a commercially available body analyzer (InBody 3.0, Biospace, Seoul, Korea). Measurements included body weight, body mass index (BMI ), percent body fat, target weight, fat control, muscle control and fitness scoring based on target values. The mean BMI of the whole study population was 27.22}5.65 (median=26.80, range=15.6-55.4). The mean fitness score was 69.3}8.48 (median=71.0, range=29-99). Significant gender differences were observed in BMI,fitness score, percent body fat, and other parameters of body composition. In conclusion, the prevalence of obesity, percent body fat (%BF) and poor fitness is high in Saudi population with significant gender differences. In this regard, public awareness programs including exercise and diet teaching are required at large scale to cope up with the growing burden of obesity.Pretilost je globalni problem koji poprima epidemijske razmjere. Tjelesni sastav je važan parametar kod ljudi, jer prijašnja ispitivanja pokazuju da su visoke vrijednosti tjelesne masti predkazatelji smrtnosti. Cilj ove studije bio je procijeniti spolne razlike u tjelesnom sastavu i kondiciji u odrasloj saudijskoj populaciji. Ova epidemiološka poprečna studija obuhvatila je 411 odraslih osoba u dobi od 18 do 72 godine (srednja dob } SD, 36,91}15,22). Procjena tjelesnog sastava provedena je u svih ispitanika analizom bioelektrične impedancije pomoću tjelesnog analizatora dostupnog na tržištu (InBody 3.0, Biospace, Seoul, Koreja). Mjerila se tjelesna težina, indeks tjelesne mase, postotak tjelesne masti, ciljna težina, regulacija masti, regulacija mišića i bodovanje kondicije na osnovi ciljnih vrijednosti. Srednja vrijednost indeksa tjelesne mase za cijelu populaciju ispitanika bila je 27,22}5,65 (medijan=26,80, raspon=15,6-55,4), a srednja vrijednost kondicijskih bodova 69,3}8,48 (medijan=71,0, raspon=29-99). Značajne razlike prema spolu zabilježene su za indeks tjelesne mase, kondicijske bodove, postotak tjelesne masti i ostale parametre tjelesnog sastava. Ovi rezultati upućuju na visoku učestalost pretilosti, visokog postotka tjelesne masti i loše kondicije u saudijskoj populaciji, uza značajne razlike prema spolu. Zato su potrebni sveobuhvatni programi osvješćivanja populacije u tom smislu, uključujući izobrazbu u tjelovježbi i primjerenoj prehrani kako bismo se mogli nositi s rastućim teretom pretilosti

    The Impact of Psychosocial Factors of Physical Health Outcomes: A Review of the Biopsychosocial Model in Family Medicine

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    Discontent with the biological model of illness—which is still the predominant healthcare model—led to the development of the biopsychosocial model, which was described in Engel's seminal Science paper forty years ago. It is the foundation of the International Classification of Functioning (WHO ICF) developed by the World Health Organization Clinical outcomes for functional disorders and chronic diseases treated in family medicine may be improved by the biopsychosocial approach. Since clinical performance metrics and standards are biomedically focused, family medicine doctors have no financial incentive to implement the biopsychosocial paradigm in their practices. Implementing the biopsychosocial approach in family medicine may be hampered by workload and incompetence