1,022 research outputs found

    Fast protein classification by using the most significant pairs

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    This study introduces a new approach to speed up the protein classification process. The basic idea is rewriting the sequences of each family by using the most significant pairs, where the total number of the pairs that can be appeared in the protein sequences is 400 different pairs. The sequence length could be reduced to 0.86, 0.91 and 0.95 by using the most 100, 200 and 300 significant pairs, respectively. The average time reduction is 0.53 %, 0.33 % and 0.22 % for 100, 200, and 300 pairs, respectively. In the three cases the suggested procedure can be adopted to speed up the testing time. However to get identical classification rate to the previous profile HMM, 300 pairs at least must be used

    Identifying DNA splice sites using patterns statistical properties and fuzzy neural networks

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    This study introduces a new approach to recognize the boundaries between the parts of the DNA sequence retained after splicing and the parts of the DNA that are spliced out. The basic idea is to derive a new dataset from the original data to enhance the accuracy of the wellknown classification algorithms. The most accurate results are obtained by using a derived dataset that consists from the highest correlated features and the interesting statistical properties of the DNA sequences. On the other hand, using adaptive network based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) with the derived dataset outperforms well-known classification algorithms. The classification rate that is achieved by using the new approach is 95.23 %, while the classification rates 92.12 %, 86.75 %, 83.13 % and 84.51 % are obtained by Levenberg- Marquardt, generalized regression neural networks, radial basis functions and learning vector quantization, respectively. Moreover, this approach can be used to represent the DNA splice sites problem in form if-then rules and hence provides an understanding about the properties of this problem

    Economic Opportunity: Brand Drugs vs. Generic Drugs

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    Outlines: * Pharmaceutical markets in the Middle East region are attractive *The high spending on branded drugs is unsustainable *Publicly funded health systems – increased pressure to reduce rising drug budgets *Originator (NDA) vs Generic (ANDA) review process requirements 20-90% cheaper generics * The generic drug industry is responsible for making more affordable and cost-saving medicine

    An Improved Public Key Cryptography Based on the Elliiptic Curve

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    Elliptic curve cryptography offers two major benefits over RSA: more security per bit, and a suitable key size for hardware and modern communication. Thus, this results to smaller size of public key certificates, lower power requirements and smaller hardware processors. Three major approaches are used in this dissertation to enhance the elliptic curve cryptsystems: reducing the number of the elliptic curve group arithmetic operations, speeding up the underlying finite field operations and reducing the size of the transited parameters. A new addition formula in the projective coordinate is introduced, where the analysis for this formula shows that the number of multiplications over the finite field is reduced to nine general field element multiplications. Thus this reduction will speed up the computation of adding two points on the elliptic curve by 11 percent. Moreover, the new formula can be used more efficiently when it is combined with the suggested sparse elements algorithms. To speed up the underlying finite field operations, several new algorithms are introduced namely: selecting random sparse elements algorithm, finding sparse base points, sparse multiplication over polynomial basis, and sparse multiplication over normal basis. The complexity analysis shows that whenever the sparse techniques are used, the improvement rises to 33 percent compared to the standard projective coordinate formula and improvement of 38 percent compared to affine coordinate. A new algorithm to compress and decompress the sparse elements algorithms are introduced to reduce the size of the transited parameters. The enhancements are applied on three protocols and two applications. The protocols are Diffie-Hellman, ELGamal and elliptic curve digital signature. In these protocols the speed of encrypting, decrypting and signing the message are increased by 23 to 38 percent. Meanwhile, the size of the public keys are reduced by 37 to 48 percent. The improved algorithms are applied to the on-line and off-line electronic payments systems, which lead to probably the best solution to reduce the objects size and enhance the performance in both systems

    A study of development of the coastal zone of Aqaba, Jordan : a suggested model

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    This dissertation focuses on the need to implement integrated coastal management for sustainable development in the region of Aqaba /Jordan, while proposing methods for^ doing so. At the beginning, the integrated management process is studied in detail, highlighting its role in creating a steady sustainable relationship between resources and their users in general. Aqaba is explored as a case-in-point. The reader is introduced to the region geographically, physically, climatically and with an overview of the development, population, and environmental effects. The economic and social development of the region is examined in detail and the various administrative offices in the area are defined, along with an explanation of their responsibilities. The effects of the various development on the environment are discussed at length. Ways and means of improving situation are suggested. In order to facilitate the choice of a suitable strategy, the various proposed plans for development in the region, are explored. A model is suggested, and methods for making it prompt and cost effective are elaborated. At the end, the previous chapters are summarized as conclusions of the study. Recommendations for future actions of the management system in the region, are enumerated

    A new splitting-based displacement prediction approach for location-based services

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    In location-based services (LBSs), the service is provided based on the users' locations through location determination and mobility realization. Several location prediction models have been proposed to enhance and increase the relevance of the information retrieved by users of mobile information systems, but none of them studied the relationship between accuracy rate of prediction and the performance of the model in terms of consuming resources and constraints of mobile devices. Most of the current location prediction research is focused on generalized location models, where the geographic extent is divided into regular-shape cells. These models are not suitable for certain LBSs where the objectives are to compute and present on-road services. One such technique is the Prediction Location Model (PLM), which deals with inner cell structure. The PLM technique suffers from memory usage and poor accuracy. The main goal of this paper is to propose a new path prediction technique for Location-Based Services. The new approach is competitive and more efficient compared to PLM regarding measurements such as accuracy rate of location prediction and memory usage

    Evaluation of the activity of hen eggshell graft in experimentally induced mandibular defects in rabbits: pilot study

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    Background: For the treatment of the cranial and maxillofacial bone defects autogenic and/or allogenic bone grafts and alloplastic materials have been used for a long time. In the last decade, avian eggshell powder has been suggested as a bone substitute candidate in reconstructive surgery. The purpose of this study was to investigate the beneficial effects of particulate hen eggshell grafting on the healing of experimentally induced mandibular defects.Methods: The study was conducted on 10 adult local rabbits. Two cavities of 4mm diameter have been created in the lateral surface of the mandible. One of the cavities was filled with particulate hen eggshell graft (test one), while the other hole was left for normal healing (control one). On the 8 weeks, the rabbits have been sacrificed and defective regions have been extracted.Results: All animals showed normal wound healing. No foreign body reaction was observed, hen eggshell grafts were resorbed, integrated with bone at 8 weeks.  There were no differences between control and chicken eggshell groups in new bone formation. At 8 weeks, histological analysis of specimens showed different amounts of woven bone contained osteocytes and covered by lining of osteoblasts.Conclusions: Within the limitations of this study, it was concluded that hen eggshell powder is a worth-while bone substitute because it is a safe, cheap, and easily available material


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    While often criticized, the independence of directors remains a crucial criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of the monitoring role of boards. This study examines the relationship between board independence and earnings management, paying attention to moderation role of family ownership concentration on this relationship using a sample of services companies listed on Amman Stock Exchange ASE. This study documented a significant and negative association between board independence and earnings management. In addition, the moderating role of family ownership concentration on this relationship was also negative. Thus, the board’s monitoring function was inefficient due to the concentration of ownership. These results were obtained through using multiple and sequential regression analysis for the research data from 2013 to 2016. This study provides new ideas for future research such as examining the impacts of the migration of capitals and investors from neighbouring countries such as Syria and Iraq.Iako se često kritizira, neovisnost direktora ostaje ključni kriterij za procjenu učinkovitosti nadzorne uloge odbora direktora. Ovo istraživanje ispituje odnos između neovisnosti odbora direktora i upravljanja plaćama, s posebnom pažnjom na moderirajuću ulogu koncentracije obiteljskog vlasništva na ovaj odnos, a uz pomoć uzorka uslužnih korporacija koje su na ammanskoj burzi. Ovo istraživanje je potvrdilo značajnu, negativnu povezanost između neovisnosti odbora direktora i upravljanja plaćama. Osim toga, moderirajuća uloga obiteljskog vlasništva na ovu korelaciju je također bila negativna. Stoga se nadzorna uloga odbora direktora pokazala neučinkovita zbog koncentracije obiteljskog vlasništva. Rezultati su dobiveni korištenjem višestruke i sekvencijske regresijske analize podataka u razdoblju od 2013. do 2016. godine. Istraživanje pruža nove ideje za buduća istraživanja kao što su ispitivanje utjecaja kretanja kapitala i investitora iz susjednih zemalja kao što su Sirija i Irak

    Oxidative stress contributes to cobalt oxide nanoparticles-induced cytotoxicity and DNA damage in human hepatocarcinoma cells.

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    BackgroundCobalt oxide nanoparticles (Co(3)O(4)NPs) are increasingly recognized for their utility in biological applications, magnetic resonance imaging, and drug delivery. However, little is known about the toxicity of Co(3)O(4)NPs in human cells.MethodsWe investigated the possible mechanisms of genotoxicity induced by Co(3)O(4)NPs in human hepatocarcinoma (HepG2) cells. Cell viability, reactive oxygen species (ROS), glutathione, thiobarbituric acid reactive substance, apoptosis, and DNA damage were assessed in HepG2 cells after Co(3)O(4)NPs and Co(2+) exposure.ResultsCo(3)O(4)NPs elicited a significant (P < 0.01) reduction in glutathione with a concomitant increase in lipid hydroperoxide, ROS generation, superoxide dismutase, and catalase activity after 24- and 48-hour exposure. Co(3)O(4)NPs had a mild cytotoxic effect in HepG2 cells; however, it induced ROS and oxidative stress, leading to DNA damage, a probable mechanism of genotoxicity. The comet assay showed a statistically significant (P < 0.01) dose- and time-related increase in DNA damage for Co(3)O(4)NPs, whereas Co(2+) induced less change than Co(3)O(4)NPs but significantly more than control.ConclusionOur results demonstrated that Co(3)O(4)NPs induced cytotoxicity and genotoxicity in HepG2 cells through ROS and oxidative stress