31 research outputs found

    Characteristics of Teachers’ Classroom Discourse in an EFL Setting

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    This study explored the characteristics of teacher classroom discourse in an EFL setting. Two middle school teachers teaching grades seven and eight were observed and data for analysis were collected via audio recording on the two lessons and via some field notes. The first eleven minutes of each lesson were transcribed and analyzed for the most common features of the teacher’s talk. The findings revealed a number of characteristics for their classroom discourse which involved teacher echo, extended teacher turn, display questions, error correction, extended wait time and content feedback. The research suggested that teachers need to be aware of the vast range of classroom discoursal features and to rely less on their current practices that characterize their classroom discourse as they may not result in fruitful learning

    Establishing the Validity of the Reading Questions in a Centralized Test Using Weir Socio-Cognitive Framework

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    Establishing test validity is among the highly significant issues in language assessment which can be achieved by employing well-established validity frameworks. Adopting validity frameworks could generate valid and reliable tests that inform more systematic decisions. Using Weir’s socio-cognitive framework (2005), this paper aims to highlight the validation process of the reading questions in the General Education Diploma of English Language Test (GEDELT) of 2016/2017 in Oman. Findings revealed that context-validity is inadequately satisfied due to the test response format, absence of allotted time for each question and the exhaustion that the test takers may experience due to the length of the test. Theory-based validity witnesses strengths from utilizing a large number of texts and a weakness from overemphasis on the skill of scanning to locate specific information. Scoring-validity is considered high since types of task response, marking guides and electronic marking reduce markers' subjectivity and minimize human error. The study draws its conclusions in light of the findings of test validity.


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    It is well established that classroom interaction and peer learning are essential aspects of the learning process. Thus, it is crucial to incorporate classroom peer interaction into second language learning situations. Drawing on sociocultural theory (SCT), the present study explored students’ focus on form while collaboratively completing pair/group activities and investigated the students’ and teacher’s perceptions of and attitudes towards focusing on the formal properties of the language during peer interaction in their regular English lessons. The research data were collected quantitatively and qualitatively using the following instruments: students’ recorded audio dialogues, a students’ survey, and a teacher’s interview. One English language teacher and 22 Grade 7 learners who were studying English as a foreign language (EFL) at a basic education school in the Sultanate of Oman participated in ten pair/group collaborative tasks. The students’ collaborative dialogues (CDs) resulted in 40 audio recordings that were quantitatively analyzed for language-related episodes (LREs). The findings showed that the students generated 152 LREs in 140 minutes. These LREs were analyzed according to Shehadeh’s (2001) model. The findings revealed that the students produced more phonological LREs (76.3%) than morphosyntactic LREs (13.8%) or lexical LREs (9.9%). Other-initiated LREs (53.9%) were slightly higher than self-initiated LREs (46.1%). The students were able to correctly resolve most of the LREs with 77% of the episodes correctly resolved in comparison to 21.7% of the episodes being incorrectly resolved and only 1.3% left unresolved, while there were more comprehension signals (80.3%) in the LREs than continuation moves (19.7%). The findings concerning the students’ perceptions towards focusing their attention on the formal properties of the language while being engaged in pair and group activities showed their overall positive attitudes toward CDs. The students were able to offer help to each other and contribute to the overall language improvement, particularly in pronouncing the English words correctly. Thus, they preferred to continue working on CDs in the future and suggested arranging the groups differently and balancing the use of individual, pair, and group work. Similarly, the teacher expressed her positive attitude towards implementing CDs in her teaching because she believed that CDs teach students to cooperate and learn from one another. However, she was concerned about the collaborative activities’ time allocation, some students’ dominance, and silent learners. The findings of the present study emphasize that EFL learners can identify different linguistic problems, and address and resolve them while they are engaged in peer CDs. The findings further support the link between social interaction and second/foreign language (L2) learning since students’ collaboration and peer interaction result in learning the language, as well as in the co-construction of knowledge. It is recommended that EFL educators promote peer interaction in their classes by providing their learners with the necessary scaffolding and support for a metalinguistic talk in L2 via clear instructions and guided pre-task training on CDs


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    Purpose: The objectives of the study were to critically investigate the challenges faced by SMEs; to analyze SMEs difficulties during adopting new technologies and to critically investigate the difficulties in the form of policies and procedures. Design/methodology/approach: For this research study, purposive sampling methodology was adopted. Using a well-defined questionnaire, 257 samples were collected from all over Oman. The data collected was recorded, tabulated, summarized and the tests – Chi-square tests, Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests and regression analysis were carried to obtain the results. Findings: The study reveals that most of the respondents got delay in the commencement of business due to lack of finance. It is also revealed that the SMEs are in dire need of technical support at the time of commencement of their businesses and need support to establish IT infrastructure. Research limitations/Implications: The study suggests that the adequate support from General Authority for SMEs can change the scenario of setting up of the SMEs in a smooth transition and the interim advances by the financial institutions can help them avoid time lag. Social implications: The study suggests that the Governmental authority should monitor and follow up SMEs to avoid the SME units becoming sick and provide technical support, guidance and nurse the units, if they become sick. Also, the licensing for the SME units should be made easier through single window system. Originality/Value: Only a very few have examined the main challenges faced by SMEs in Oman. Our study includes selected samples of SMEs and not the micro enterprises. The study can further be extended to all the MSMEs in all the regions / Governorates of Oman

    FBXO32, encoding a member of the SCF complex, is mutated in dilated cardiomyopathy

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    Ubiquitination defect in cells expressing mutant FBXO32. a Co-immunopricipitation analysis. HEK293 cells were transfected with the indicated plasmids and immunoblot analysis was performed from total cell lysates using a specific anti-ubiquitin antibody. FBXO32 expression is shown as well as GAPDH. The blot is representative of three independent experiments. b Immunoblot analysis of the ubiquitination in cardiomyocytes. Cells were transfected with the Flag-FBXO32-WT or Flag-FBXO32-Mutant and whole cell extracts were analyzed by immunoblotting using the indicated antibodies. (TIF 1928 kb

    Probabilistic Allocation of Specialized Robots on Targets Detected Using Deep Learning Networks

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    Task allocation for specialized unmanned robotic agents is addressed in this paper. Based on the assumptions that each individual robotic agent possesses specialized capabilities and that targets representing the tasks to be performed in the surrounding environment impose specific requirements, the proposed approach computes task-agent fitting probabilities to efficiently match the available robotic agents with the detected targets. The framework is supported by a deep learning method with an object instance segmentation capability, Mask R-CNN, that is adapted to provide target object recognition and localization estimates from vision sensors mounted on the robotic agents. Experimental validation, for indoor search-and-rescue (SAR) scenarios, is conducted and results demonstrate the reliability and efficiency of the proposed approach

    Spousal Compatibility and its Effect on the Stability of the Family

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    تهدف الدراسة إلى بيان أهمية التوافق بين الزوجين وأثره في تماسك الأسرة واستقرارها، وهو اًمر يترتب عليه التقاء أفرد الأسرة على أرضية مشتركة من المبادئ والقواعد الني تنطلق من تعاليم الإسلام، وهي القواعد الني جاءت العلوم والمعارف الحديثة لتشهد لها وتؤكدها. وقد اعتمدت الدراسة على المنهج الاستقرائي؛ باستقراء نصوص الوحيين (القرآن والسنة) ذات العلاقة بالموضوع، ثم المنهج التحليلي؛ بتحليل تلك النصوص، وتفسيرها، ثم المنهج الاستنباطي؛ باستنباط الدلالات والتوجيهات التروية المستفاده من تلك النصوص، وتطبيقها. وخلصت الدراسة إلى أن الشرع الحنيف قد اهتم بالتوافق بين الزوجين بما لا مزيد عليه؛ وذلك لأهميته البالغة في توثيق العلاقة بين الزوجين، وتقوية وشائج المحبة بينهما، وتحقيق تماسك الأسرة واستقرارها؛ مما يسهم في الحد من الظواهر التي تهدد كيان الأسر وقيمها، ومن ثم تنذر المجتمع بالهدم والخرب.Objective: The study investigated the importance of marital adjustment as well as itseffects on family cohesion and stability. Marital adjustment needs the existence ofcommon grounding of principles and rules- derived from the teachings of Islam,which, in turn, have received scientific evidence and support from many researchand studies- upon which the family members can act and interact. Method: Thestudy used the following approaches: (1) the inductive, for making inferences fromthe relevant texts in both Islamic revelation sources (Quran and Sunnah); (2) theanalytic, for analyzing and interpreting those texts; and finally (3), the deductive, foridentifying its implications, the educational messages, and applications included inthose texts. Conclusion: The Sharia adequately addressed the question of maritaladjustment, due to its paramount role in enhancing the marital relationship,strengthening mutual affection between spouses, and achieving family cohesion andstability, which would, in turn contribute to the prevention or reduction of thepotential factors and phenomena that may threat the family, its value, or society

    Task Allocation for Multi-Agent Specialized Systems Using Probabilistic Estimate of Robots Competencies

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    An innovative task allocation scheme for a text multi-robotic system in a specific context is introduced in this paper, where functionalities of the individual robots are considered, and a probabilistic estimate of each robot specialization is computed. The problem is formulated based on the assumption that each robotic agent is qualified for performing specialized functionalities, and the expected tasks distributed in the surrounding environment enforce specific requirements. The task allocation algorithm evolves through three stages to compute individual robot allocation probabilities. First, recognizing the features of the target task is addressed by leveraging the output of a vision system in the sensing layer to drive the proposed text agent-task allocation scheme. Second, a matching strategy is formulated to match each robot’s unique functionalities with the corresponding features of target tasks. The specialization of each agent is developed in two approaches as a main part of the matching process: first, a binary association of the capabilities of each agent, and second, based on the suitability of each agent to tackle the various tasks. Finally, the developed robot-task-matching system is expanded to fully utilize the potential of the robot specializations, considering the agents attendance level with the availability of services of each agent. The developed framework is extensively validated through MATLAB simulations. To demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed system for real-life applications, the developed framework is implemented on real robots. The results show that the performance of the proposed allocation scheme is increased significantly when the suitability levels of the agents’ specializations inform the task allocation process and agent attendance levels are activated

    Automatic Task Selection from Targets Recognition for Swarm Mobile Robots with Specialized Agents

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    Considering specialized agents in swarm robotics, with robots dedicated to specific tasks, requires that formation control and efficient transition in the leadership of the swarm is achieved. Here, a task switching approach is formulated by evolving the definition of specialization to match with targets recognition in the environment, such as detecting special landmarks via embedded sensors. Specialization zones are defined around each detected target corresponding to a task to be dealt with by a specific robot. Entering within the zone of influence surrounding a target triggers the switching of the leader of the formation. The framework is also further refined by making the targets, and therefore the corresponding zone of influence, dynamic, which leads to the consideration of combined specialization areas. The proposed system is validated in simulation to demonstrate that the group of robots effectively coordinate themselves around targets and dynamically allocate the appropriate specialized agent