7 research outputs found

    Responses of Company Staff upon the Performance of Interns and Alumni of the Hospital Administration Program of Universitas Indonesia: A Descriptive Study

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    Vocational education tends to educate with practice rather than with mere theory; and internship programs become an important process of vocational education. Hospital administration department at Vocational Program, Universitas Indonesia also runs an internship program. Based on the background, the author is interested to conduct a research regarding the staff responses upon the performance of the students of the hospital administration program. Quantitative and qualitative approaches have been used at the same time in this research. This research uses a cross-sectional design. The subjects of this study are the alumni and interns from the Hospital Administration Program, Vocational Program, Universitas Indonesia. Variable on this research consists of seven variables regarding the performance of the interns. Those are integrity (ethics and moral), expertise in hospital administration science (professionalism), Englishlanguage skill, expertise in information technology, expertise in communication, teamwork and self-development. Based on the result, interns mostly have good score for seven indicators and only the English-language skill has a less score. The component that has the highest score is the ability to use information technology devices and teamwork that is 30.4%. Meanwhile, the ability to use English is the component that has the highest score as adequate rather than other components that is 30.4%. Several problems have been expressed by informants such as the lack of ability to operate Microsoft excel and use foreign language. Some recommendations have also been conveyed by informants such as adding certification in operating computer program and also adding soft skills in educational process.     Keywords: intern, alumni, job performance, vocational program, hospital administratio

    Supporting Factor Analysis in Health Promotion Hospital in Muhamadiyah Hospital, Lamongan

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    Implementation of health promotion hospital is deemed not quite good enough. Although, health promotion has been implemented in Lamongan Muhammadiyah Hospital, there are still problems that interfere the implementation. This study aimed to describe the factors that support the implementation of health promotion hospital in Lamongan Muhammadiyah Hospital. This research uses a qualitative method. Factors that influence an implementation of health promotion hospital developed by the Ministry of Health of Indonesia have been used as the conceptual framework. That concept says that the commitment of management, the existence of special unit and worker, HPH training, facilities and tools and fund influence an implementation of HPH. Interviewees have been selected using purposive sampling and snowball sampling method. Interviewees in this research are the Directors of hospital, Head and Members of HPH unit and patients. Sources of data are divided into two parts. The first part is the primary data that are the result of interview, document analysis, focus group discussion and observation, and the second part is the secondary data that are the documents that needed to answer the purpose of this study. All of the directors show that they have a commitment in the implementation of HPH. An HPH Team has been created. Hospital still do not have a special health promotion worker. HPH training is still rarely implemented. Hospitals have a good and enough facilities and tools for implementing health promotion. Funding of health promotion has been arranged by every department in the hospital.     Keywords: supporting factors, health promotion hospital, qualitative approac

    Assessment of Nutrition Information System Using Health Metrics Network Framework

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    Nutrition Information System (NIS) developed by Heath Ministry's Nutritional Development Directorate since 2011 covers data of toddler assessment in integrated health care, malnutrition case, coverages of Fe tablet among pregnant mothers, iodized salt consumption, vitamin A distribution and exclusive breastfeeding. This study aimed to assess NIS performance in South Tangerang City Health Agency using WHO's Health Metrics Network 2008 framework. NIS is national level information system with gradual reporting mechanism starting from 508 districts/cities to 34 provinces ended at national level. Eight districts/cities over Banten Province have conducted NIS. This study had six informants namely nutrition section, health resources and health information system section, two nutrition duties and two integrated health care workers. Data was collected on January - April 2013 using interview, observation and document analysis guidelines. Data analysis used interpretation analysis. The result showed no any policy and training implemented regarding nutrition surveillance. Monitoring activity was already conducted. Facilities were adequate, but the maintenance was deficient. There are six nutritional development indicators according to MDGs. Data grouping and dictionaries were available. Data reporting was conducted every month. Graphics and maps were used for presenting data. The data served was used for monitoring and making a decision on nutritional development programs at integrated health care, primary health care and health agency levels. Generally, NIS implementation in South Tangerang City. Health agency was already adequate

    A Scoping Review on Biopsychosocial Predictors of Mental Health among Older Adults

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    This review aims to map the available evidence on biopsychosocial predictors of elderly mental health. The articles were independently screened in three selected databases, namely Pubmed, Proquest and Google Scholar. The stages consist of identifying the research questions, seeking and selecting relevant evidence, mapping data, and concluding and reporting results. The PRISMA flowchart was used to show the PEOS evidence search flow. A total of 23,722 articles were obtained from all databases during the initial search, where 458 titles fulfilled the eligibility criteria at the title screening stage. Furthermore, 383 articles passed through abstract screening, where 75 met the inclusion criteria and were included for full-text screening. Based on the full-text screening stage, 28 articles were excluded and the remaining 47 articles that matched the search process were included for data extraction. This review creates biopsychosocial variables related to the mental health of the elderly. The biological factors consist of age, biomarkers, female, health conditions, chronic diseases, and physical function. Variables related to psychological factors are affect, personality traits, and subjective well-being. Meanwhile, social factors include smoking, sleep quality, physical activity, daily living, social support, marital status, loneliness, religiosity, spirituality, and early life conditions