295 research outputs found

    Testicular Sparing Surgery For A 5-Year- Old Boy with Sertoli's Cell Tumour of the Testis: Case Report

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    يعتبر ورم سارتولي للخصية من الأورام النادرة و هناك حالات قليلة جدا مسجلة. في هذه المقالة حالة جديدة لورم الخصية تم تسجيلها لحالة ولد عمره 5 سنوات يعاني من تورم الثديين و النضوج المبكر بسبب ورم سارتولي في الخصية اليسرى ومعالجته بعملية المحافظة عليها. و تم الاستنتاج بأن هذه العملية يمكن تطبيقها لمعالجة ورم سارتولي للخصية.Introduction: Steroli's cell tumors SCT are the rare testicular tumor. Very few cases were published in the literature. A new case of Sertoli's cell tumor that is reported and treated by testicular sparing surgery. Case Presentation: A 5-year-old boy with Sertoli' cell tumor presents with gynaecomastia and precocious puberty. He was treated by successful testicular sparing surgery. Conclusions: SCTs are rare testicular tumors. Testicular sparing surgery can be applied. &nbsp

    Huge (Voluminous) Femoral hernia in a male (Case Report)

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        من المعروف ان الفتق الفخذي اكثر شيوعا في المرضى الأناث منه في الذكور و في اكثر الأحيان يكون الفتق صغير الحجم و يشخص بعد حصول المضاعفات و هي اختناق الفتق.  هذه الحالة المرضية التي تم تسجيلها تشمل تشخيصا لفتق فخذي كبير جدا غير مختنق   لمريض ذكر عمره 54 سنة   بالأعتماد على الفحص السريري. و بعد اجراء التحاليل الطبية  اللازمة و اشعة الصدر تم اجراء العملية اللازمة لتصليح الفتق باستعمال الشبكة بدون مضاعفات وهذه تعتبر من الحالات النادرة. وتم متابعة المريض لمدة 18 شهرا بعد العملية دون رجوع الفتق.   Femoral hernia is usually of a small size. It is more common in females than males and presents in a strangulation. It is considered a huge (Voluminous) if it exceeds a volume of a fist.Herewith, A 54-year-old thin man presents with an irreducible but non-strangulated huge right femoral hernia. Diagnosis was confirmed by history and physical examination. Preoperative laboratory and chest x-ray were normal.  Open mesh repair was done with uneventful postoperative course. The patient was well after 18 months of operation without recurrence

    Biosurfactant Production by Pseudomonas Aeruginosa 181

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    This study involves the screening of biosurfactant producers that have been isolated from crude oil bacteria degraders. The bacteria were isolated by qualitative screening on cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) agar plates and quantitative screening for biosurfactant production in liquid media. A biosurfactant producer identified as Pseudomonas aeruginosa 181 was selected for further analysis. Maximum biosurfactant production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa 181 was achieved after 120 h incubation at pH 7.0 and 37°C. Static condition and 5.0% bacterial inoculum’s gave the optimum biosurfactant yield. Culture medium containing glucose as the carbon source; and casamino acids as the organic nitrogen source gave the highest level of biosurfactant production. Corn steep liquor and ammonium nitrate on the other hand inhibited biosurfactant production. However, the addition of metal ions such as Fe, Mg and Mn maximized biosurfactant synthesis.The biosurfactant produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa 181 was purified to homogeneity by acid precipitation and ammonium sulphate precipitation. Biosurfactant produced byPseudomonas aeruginosa 181 was stable and had a broad range of pH from 3.0 to 12.0 with the maximum activity (Surface Tension reduction and Emulsification Index (E24))exhibited at pH 7.0. The purified biosurfactant had a broad range of temperature and exhibited optimum activity at 30°C. This biosurfactant had high activity compared to many commercial surfactants with 0.1 mg critical micelle concentration (CMC). The purified biosurfactant had a maximum emulsification index (E24) of 86% with hexadecane,followed by 80% with nonane, dodecane,tridecane, pentadecane, octadecane and o- Xylene.Response surface methodology (RSM) was then used to study interactive effects of the parameters (pH, stirring rate, casamino acid concentration and incubation period) on the production of biosurfactants. Generally, simultaneously increasing surface tension reduction and emulsification index (E24) improved yields. Production carried out at larger volumes of 1L using Bioreactor under RSM-optimized conditions yielded 350.22 mg of products after purification by acid precipitation. Identities of isolated products were verified by using TLC, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), liquid chromatography–Mass spectrometry (LC-MS), mass spectrometry (MS-MS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and infraredspectroscopy (FT-IR), from analysis carried out the rhamnolipids were monorhamnolipids and dirhamnolipids

    Evaluation of Physical Chemical and Biological Characteristics of Underground Wells in Badra City, Iraq

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    للحفاظ على نوعية مياه الابار بعيداً عن مصادر الملوثات يجب عمل فحوصات وقياسات مستمرة قبل استعمالها للأغراض المتعددة. لا تتلقى الآبار الخاصة نفس الخدمات التي توفرها الآبار العامة. أصحاب البئر هم المسؤولون عن حماية مياه الشرب، لذلك يجب أن يكون مالك البئر على دراية بينة من إمكانية تلوث ابارهم بشكل مباشر او غير مباشر وكذلك متابعة التأثيرات الصحية المحتملة التي يمكن أن تحدثها تلك الملوثات المحتملة. تم تنفيذ هذا العمل في مدينة بدرة في العراق في الفترة من ديسمبر 2017 إلى مايس 2018، وتم فحص ست آبار مياه لتحديد الخصائص العامة للآبار بالإضافة إلى دراسة تأثير العوامل البيئية على جودة المياه. وأجريت الاختبارات الفيزيائية والكيميائية والمكروبيولوجية بما في ذلك تم تضمين العديد من العوامل بما فيها العوامل المناخية ومنها درجة حرارة الهواء والمطر الرطوبة وكذلك الكشف عن وجود المعادن الثقيلة، وشملت التحقيقات المكروبيولوجية، مجموع عدد البكتريا والكشف عن وجود الكوليرا والسالمونيلا. أظهرت نتائج الدراسة وجود احدى عشر قياس تكون خارج الحدود المسموح بها ضمن المواصفات العالمية للمياه وكذلك العراقية، وهي: التوصيلية الكهربائية، الملوحة، القاعدية، العسرة الكلية، الاملاح الذائبة الكلية، الصوديوم، الكالسيوم، الكلوريد، السلفات، الحديد، الزنك ومعدلات قيمها للآبار الستة المدروسة هي على التوالي: (4402-5183 /cm, 2.76-3.9 ppt, 302-366mg/L, 3164-4248 mg/L, 604-675 mg/L, 375-524 mg/L, 635-871 mg/L, 631-1107 mg/L, 2430-4570 g/L, 114-392 g/L). وشملت الدراسة التحقيقات المكروبيولوجية مجموع القولونيات، مجموع عدد البكتريا، والكشف عن وجود السالمونيلا و الكوليرا. وتظهر النتائج أن هناك علاقة ذات دلالة إحصائية بين زيادة مجموع العكارة والمذابات، تعتبر الاشريشيا كولاي من الملوثات البيولوجية المهمة المسببة للتلوث البكتيري ووجدت المواد الكيميائية مثل الحديد والزنك والسلفات وبقية العوامل الكيميائية مؤشراً هاماً لوجود مصدراً للتلوث الكيميائي. ووجد ان الابار 5،4،3 فيها مؤشرات معنوية عن وجود E.coli التي تعتبر مصدراً مهماً للتلوث المايكروبي، والذي يعد إنذارًا مهماً لأن هذا الماء له تأثير مؤثر هاماً ومباشراً على صحة الإنسان والحيوان. ينصح بشدة بطريقة متقدمة للكشف السريع لمياه الآبار لتجنب أي مشاكل صحية ومنع وصول الملوثات لتفادي المخاطر الصحية والبيئية.The quality of groundwater should be improved by keeping safe water sources from contaminants in protective way by doing regular measuring and checkup before it supplied for usage. Private Wells do not receive the same services that wells supplying the public do. Well owners are responsible for protecting their drinking water. This work was carried out in Badra city, Iraq from December 2017 to May 2018, six wells water were investigated to determine the general characteristics of wells as well as studying the effect of environmental factors on the quality of water. The average of six wells were eleven parameters that is out of permissible limits were EC, Sal., Alk., TH, TDS, Na, Ca, Cl, SO4, Fe, Zn (4402-5183 /cm, 2.76-3.9 ppt, 302-366mg/L, 3164-4248 mg/L, 604-675 mg/L, 375-524 mg/L, 635-871 mg/L, 631-1107 mg/L, 2430-4570 g/L, 114-392 g/L). Respectively, microbiological investigations involved the total coliform, total plate count, as well as the detection for the presence of E. coli, Salmonella and Cholera.  Results shows that there is a significant relation between the increasing of the TDS and Turbidity, TDS gives an indication for the significant increasing of chemical ions. Wells number 3, 4 and 5 showed gave positive results for E.coli growth which as a source of microbial pollution. Detection for the presence of chemical and microbial contaminate is an important alarm since this water has a direct effect on the human and animal's health. Advance method of rapid detection for the well water quality is highly recommended to avoid any health issue and prevent the outbreak of health risk and ecological contaminants

    A possible case of serum sickness after ocrelizumab infusion – Commentary

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    Serum sickness is a type III delayed hypersensitivity reaction which causes deposition of immune-complexes in the tissues. It has been reported with rituximab, and in this issue of the journal, there is a case report of a patient with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis who developed a possible serum sickness after the third infusion of ocrelizumab. In this commentary, we discuss the current literature on serum sickness, and how to diagnose and manage it. We provide our opinion on this particular case, and encourage neurologists and patients to remain vigilant of such a possibility

    Synthesis of New Pyrazoline - Phenoxathiin Derivatives

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    Phenoxathiin was prepared by the reaction of diphenyl ether with sulfur in the presence of anhydrous aluminum chloride. This work comprised the synthesis of new phenoxathiin derivatives containing heterocyclic moieties. These heterocyclic compounds were synthesized in three groups. The first group was made up of 2-(oxoalken-1-yl) phenoxathiin derivatives (3a-3j) obtained from the reaction of 2-acetylphenoxathiin with different aromatic aldehyde in the presence of sodium hydroxide. The other two groups involved compounds produced from the reaction of (3a-3j) with hydrazine hydrate in acetic acid to get 2-(1-acetyl pyrazolin-3-yl) phenoxathiin derivatives (4a-4j), and phenyl hydrazine in the presence of piperidine to afford 2-(1-phenyl pyrazolin-3-yl) phenoxathiin derivatives (5a-5j). All these compounds of two groups above were substituted in position (5) in pyrazoline ring with different aryl groups according to aromatic aldehyde used in the preparation of the first group series compounds