2,109 research outputs found

    Implementation of dust control system using management and planning tools (MPT)

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    This report basically discusses the progress research done and basic understanding of the chosen topic, which is Multitask Anti-Dust Cleaner. The objective of this project is to introduce a new method in cleaning the SMT facilities especially in electronic production line


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    At the end of 2019, the world was shocked by the emergence of a deadly virus; (Coronavirus Disease 19 (COVID 19). Since its emergence, the Indonesian government issued a policy set out in Government Regulation Number 21 of 2020 concerning Large Scale Social Restrictions. One of the policies is to stop learning activities at school, that is replaced by online learning at home. This regulation has been stated in the Ministry of Education and Culture Circular Letter number 15 of 2020; "the aim of implementing learning at home is to ensure the fulfillment of students' rights to get educational services during the Covid 19”. The This study, therefore, aimed to figure out the effectiveness of learning at the homes of elementary school students in the city of Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar during the Covid 19 pandemic and to analyze the respond of students’ elementary school parents toward the learning process conducted at home during the Covid 19 disease. This study is a qualitative approach using a survey method. The results of this study indicate that during online learning, teachers use the WhatsApp application more for learning, and less do video conferencing with students, however, some teachers still accompany students to learn online and also provide clear work instructions to students. Another result found that teachers experienced many obstacles, such as unstable internet networks, and th parents who did not understand children's learning materials, and more than 80% of elementary school teachers in Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar cities did not agree with the online learning process, due to the online learning more effective to be applied in elementary schools

    Gold and Iron Loaded Micelles: A Multifunctional Approach for Combined Imaging and Therapy, With Improved Pharmacokinetics

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    Radiation therapy is an important component in the treatment and management of cancer patients. Despite current advances in imaging technologies and treatment planning strategies, a major limitation persists in accurately delineating tumor from normal tissue resulting in radiation–induced damage to healthy structures. Therefore, the frequency and dose of radiation exposure is limited by the generated toxicity in healthy tissues. The use of nanoparticles for contrast–enhanced imaging could improve the accuracy of therapeutic delivery and guide radiation treatments to maximize delivery to disease target tissues while sparing adjacent normal structures. Further, advancements in radiation therapy focus on the use of radiosensitizers that are intended to enhance tumor cell killing while minimizing effects on normal tissue. We have developed multifunctional nanoplatforms, containing sub–nanometer gold and iron nanoparticles that can provide contrast enhancement using computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, while also serving as radiosensitizers for X–ray therapy. The effectiveness of these nanoparticles was evaluated in vivo demonstrating an improvement in both tumor margin visualization for image-guided radiation therapy and overall survival in tumor bearing mice. Importantly, we found that measurements of contrast enhancement in imaging correlated strongly with tumor response after radiation therapy. Furthermore, we have found that by encapsulating sub–nanometer gold particles within micelles we are able achieve improved excretion profiles compared to larger gold particles, with gold detected in both urine and feces suggesting that particles within this size range are more efficiently removed by the kidneys and liver. Finally, the use of an actively targeted nanoplatform can achieve higher tumor retention, facilitate nanoparticle internalization, and improve tumor specificity. To facilitate the introduction of targeting molecules onto micelle formulations, a naturally occurring surfactant protein oleosin was used to stabilize superparamagnetic iron oxide clusters. Functionalization with targeting ligands (e.g. Her2/neu affibody) was achieved by fusing the biologically relevant motifs to oleosin using standard cloning techniques, and cell specific targeting was confirmed using magnetic relaxation techniques. In the future, we envision that strategies like this will minimize the off–target effects of radiation, reduce tumor burden, provide information on the likelihood of tumor regression in response to therapy and reduce long–term nanoparticle retention

    Studi kasus pengelolaan wakaf uang di Baitul Maal Hidayatullah Semarang

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    Baitul Maal Hidayatullah Semarang dengan SK Mentri Agama RI No 538 tahun 2001 adalah badan hukum yang bergerak di bidang sisial, pendidikan, kemasyarakatan dan atau keagamaan Islam, selain itu sebagai pengelola ZIS juga sebagai nadzir wakaf termasuk wakaf uang (uang). Wakaf uang adalah wakaf uang (penyerahan hak milik) yang dilakukan seseorang, kelompok orang, lembaga atau badan hukum dalam bentuk uang uang, kepada seorang nadzir dengan ketentuan bahwa manfaatnya digunakan untuk hal-hal yang sesuai dengan syariat Islam dengan tidak mengurangi atau menghilangkan jumlah pokoknya, tidak boleh dihibahkan, diwariskan dan dipindah tangankan kepada orang lain. Karena pada dasarnya harta wakaf adalah salah satu bentuk amal seseorang yang pahalanya terus mengalir walaupun orang yang berwakaf telah meninggal. Dari latar belakang tersebut, rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini meliputi : Bagaimana pengelolaan wakaf uang di Baitul Maal Hidayatullah Semarang, dan apakah pengelolaan wakaf uang di Baitul Maal Hidayatullah Semarang sudah sesuai dengan tujuan dan fungsi wakaf menurut hukum Islam dan hukum positif di Indonesia. Jenis penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian lapangan (field research), yaitu suatu penelitian yang meneliti obyek di lapangan untuk mendapatkan data dan gambaran yang jelas dan konkrit tentang hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan permasalahan yang diteliti. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, yang bertujuan penelitian ini didapat pencandraan secara sistematis, faktual dan akurat mengenai fakta-fakta dan sifat-sifat populasi atau daerah tertentu. Adapun metode pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode diskriptif analisis. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat ketahui bahwa pelaksaan pengelolaan wakaf uang yang dilakukan oleh Baitul Maal Hidayatullah Semarang, dalam usahanya menjaga agar harta wakaf tidak berkurang atau habis, direalisasikan dalam bentuk bangunan gedung sekolah yang kemudian disewakan kepada Yayasan Pendidikan Al-Burhan, dengan memberikan Toko Sakinah dan dengan investasi di Bank Syariah Mandiri dan Bank Muamalat cabang Semarang. Dari hasil yang diperoleh didistribisikan kepada peruntukannya yang tercermin dalam pasal 22 Undang-undang No. 41 tahun 2004 tentang wakaf atau kepada hal-hal yang sesuai dengan syariat Islam. Namun demikian pengelolaan wakaf uang yang dilakukan oleh Baitul Maal Hidayatullah Semarang masih kurang transparan dalam mengelola dana wakaf uang secara rinc

    Natural products from Dittrichia Viscosa (Mini-Review)

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    During the last two decades, natural products and their biological activities have been the focus of numerous phytochemical, pharmacological and synthetic studies. There has also been much interest in relating the structure and oxygenation patterns of these products to their function. This review covers the structures of different compounds from Dittrichia viscosa

    Utilizing Noun-Verb Extraction in Enhancing Information Retrieval

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    The increasing growth of the news and a large number of users on information retrieval (IR) has resulted in making the retrieval of documents complex and more difficult. The IR process consists of pre-processing, extraction and representation, feature selection and indexing, querying, and retrieving results. The weakness of IR is concerned with the process of extraction, where most important words focused on verbs or nouns. Unsupervised Feature selection is an important task in content classification for being among the most popular and effective methods for retrieval reduction. The use of the verbs and nouns as extraction was recently introduced in the IR technique to avoid irrelevant and redundant unsupervised features. This paper aims to enhance IR using noun-verb extraction using Word-Net and Krill Herd Algorithm as Unsupervised Feature Selection (KHUFS) combine with Simulated Annealing as Unsupervised Feature Selection to find the suitable retrieval of ranking. The external of Mean Average Precision (MAP) and Mean Average Recall (MAR) internal of Mean Average Distance (MAD) as measurements were used to verify the proposed retrieval of ranking. The results demonstrate that the proposed nouns verbs method extraction outperformed other extraction methods, in which the proposed extraction was 26.15 % using MAP measure and using MAR was 45.41%. In comparison with other unsupervised feature selection algorithms such as Harmony Search, Simulated Annealing, Particle Swarm, and Genetic Algorithm, the combined combination outperformed other unsupervised feature selection algorithms with an accuracy 26.163 % MAP, and 11.653% MAR. On the other side, the effect of use proposed extraction on the proposed unsupervised feature selection was 39.563% MAP, and 8.96% MAR. The other evaluation using the number of features, the using combined Krill Herd with Simulated Annealing number of features has decreased to more than 50 %, which the total feature in the dataset was 10682 features and after used the proposed was 4723 features


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    This study aims to investigate the effect of financial literacy and religiosity on students\u27 interest in saving. The population of this study were 126 students of the Management Study Program at Nahdatul Ulama University. The sample was taken based on the criteria, namely those who had obtained courses related to financial literacy so that a sample of 45 people was obtained. The analysis technique uses multiple regression with hypothesis testing, namely the t test and F test. The t test results show that the level of financial literacy partially has a significant effect on students\u27 interest in saving. Religiosity partially has a significant effect on students\u27 interest in saving. The results of the F test show that simultaneously the level of financial literacy and religiosity has a significant effect on students\u27 interest in saving. The conclusion is that both partially and simultaneously the level of financial literacy and religiosity has a significant effect on students\u27 interest in saving
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