4,156 research outputs found

    A machine-based personality oriented team recommender for software development organizations

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    Hiring the right person for the right job is always a challenging task in software development landscapes. To bridge this gap, software_rms start using psychometric instruments for investigating the personality types of software practitioners. In our previous research, we have developed an MBTI-like instrument to reveal the personality types ofsoftware practitioners. This study aims to develop a personality-based team recommender mechanism to improve the e_ectiveness of software teams. The mechanism is based on predicting the possible patterns of teams using a machine-based classi_er. The classi_er is trained with em-pirical data (e.g. personality types, job roles), which was collected from52 software practitioners working on _ve different software teams. 12software practitioners were selected for the testing process who were recommended by the classi_er to work for these teams. The preliminary results suggest that a personality-based team recommender system mayprovide an effective approach as compared with ad-hoc methods of teamformation in software development organizations. Ultimately, the overallperformance of the proposed classi_er was 83.3%. These _ndings seemacceptable especially for tasks of suggestion where individuals might beable to _t in more than one team

    The Openness-Calibration Hypothesis

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.The current study tested the hypotheses that (1) psychological adaptations calibrate Openness to Experience to facilitate or deter pursuit of short-term mating, and (2) this calibration varies as a function of mating strategy, physical attractiveness, and sex—individual differences that shift the costs and benefits of alternative personality strategies. Participants completed a personality inventory before and after reading vignettes describing mating opportunities of different durations (short- and long-term) with individuals of differing levels of attractiveness. Among study findings, participants presented with short-term mating opportunities with individuals of average attractiveness exhibited down-regulated Openness relative to those presented with highly attractive mates. Moreover, these effects varied as a function of the interaction between participants’ sex, mating strategy, and attractiveness. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that evolved psychological mechanisms adaptively calibrate Openness levels in response to short-term mating opportunities. More broadly, they highlight the heuristic value of an evolutionary framework for the study of personality and individual differences. 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Kitlesel Açık Çevrimiçi Kurslardaki Katılımcı Profillerinin Yapay Sinir Agı Kullanılarak Sınıflandırılması (Classification of Participants Profiles in MOOCs Using Neural Networks [in Turkish])

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    Son yıllarda, özellikle bilgisayar mühendisligi egitimi alanında, kitlesel açık çevrimiçi kurslara (KAÇK) artan bir ilgi söz konusudur. Bu ilgi bireylerin davranısları, özellikleri ve tercihlerinin anlasılması öneminin altını çizmektedir. Böyle bir anlayıs gelistirmek, sıklıkla oyun gelistirme alanında kullanılan kisilik profilleme gibi yenilikçi teknikleri uyarlayarak KAÇK tasarım sürecini gelistirmek için çesitli yollar gerektirmektedir. Bu çalısma, bir kisilik referansı olarak Myers-Briggs Tip Göstergesi (MBTG) kullanılarak katılımcıları (özellikle eksik veri durumlarında) sınıflandırmak için bir yöntem önermektedir. Amaç, KAÇK izleyicileri hakkında ayrıstırıcı bir bakıs sunmak için KAÇK katılımcı profillerini MBTG kullanarak arastırmaktır. Bu amaçla, bir bilgisayar mühendisligi kursunda 20 soruluk bir çevrimiçi anket kullanılmıstır: Muhatapların (N=75) cevapları yardımıyla katılımcıların kisilik tipleri belirlenmistir. Dahası, bir makine ögrenimi modeli bireylerin sınıflandırması için önerilmistir. Sonuçlar, geri yayılımlı (GY) yapay sinir agının hem egitim süreci (performans=%100) hem de test süreci için (performans=%93,3) uygun oldugunu göstermistir. Bu bilgilerin ısıgında, yaklasımımızın MBTG açısından KAÇK katılımcılarının sınıflandırılabilirliklerini arastırmak için kullanılabilecek özgün bir yaklasım olarak kabul edilebilir

    Transition of free convection flow inside an inclined parallel walled channel: effects of inclination angle and width of the channel

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    Transition of free convection flow in an inclined parallel walled channel has been investigated numerically by employing k–ɛ turbulent model. Particular attention is paid on how the inclination angle and width of the channel affect the transition process of the flow developing in the channel. The upper plate of the channel is heated isothermally and facing downward, while the lower one is kept under the adiabatic condition. The inclination angle of the channel is varied from 0° to 85° with respect to its vertical position while the distance separating the two plates is systematically reduced from 0.45 to 0.06 m. Distributions of velocity, turbulent kinetic energy and local heat flux are presented to examine the critical distance and the results obtained show good agreement with experimental data available in the literature

    The Effects of Oil Shocks on Turkish Macroeconomic Aggregates

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    This paper examines the impacts of oil price shocks on macroeconomic aggregates of Turkey. We find evidence suggesting the influential role of oil price shocks on macroeconomic aggregates. In other words, we find that oil price shocks affect output growth negatively with a delay. However, higher oil prices are associated with higher inflation, and depreciating exchange rate. We also explore the role of asymmetric oil shocks on macroeconomic aggregates and find that both oil price increases and decreases are associated with a delayed lower output growth rate. Furthermore, we find oil price increases affect inflation positively a delay. The appreciation of exchange rate appears with a delay due to oil price decreases. Keywords: Oil Price Shocks, Economic Activity, Turkey JEL Classification: C22, C32, Q4

    A New Formula for the BER of Binary Modulations with Dual-Branch Selection over Generalized-K Composite Fading Channels

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    Error performance is one of the main performance measures and derivation of its closed-form expression has proved to be quite involved for certain systems. In this letter, a unified closed-form expression, applicable to different binary modulation schemes, for the bit error rate of dual-branch selection diversity based systems undergoing independent but not necessarily identically distributed generalized-K fading is derived in terms of the extended generalized bivariate Meijer G-function.Comment: Diversity schemes, selection combining, dual-branch selection diversity, binary modulation schemes, generalized-K (GK) model, composite fading, bit error rate (BER), and Meijer G-function distributio

    Single-visit chairside adjustment of a metal-acrylic resin implant-supported fixed complete dental prosthesis on an unloaded implant using a novel fixed attachment system: a case report

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    Background: Implant-supported prosthetic treatment options are reliable for elderly edentulous patients with systemic health problems. These patients often need cost- and time-efficient solutions to avoid complications. However, it is a challenge for clinicians to treat these patients without surgical interventions, placement of additional implants, or the need to renew existing prostheses. Case presentation: A 75-year-old medically compromised caucasian male patient using multiple medications was referred for prosthetic rehabilitation of his edentulous maxilla after several implant failures. Because the patient's health was compromised, further surgical interventions were ruled out and the treatment was centered on the use of the remaining implants by placing a fixed attachment system and altering the existing prosthesis. The stepwise management of the patient's situation through the use of a new attachment system and adjustment of existing prosthesis is described in the present case report. Conclusions: Although implant therapy is not always contraindicated for medically compromised patients, it is preferable not to perform extensive surgeries to avoid complications. This clinical report describes an alternative, safe option based on a novel fixed attachment system to salvage an existing maxillary implant-supported fixed complete dental prosthesis of a patient with systemic health problems