894 research outputs found


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    Untuk mengurai kejumudan komunikasi sosial dalam kehidupan masyarakat yang plural dan multikultural seperti Indonesia, formulasi kurikulum pendidikan tinggi yang lebih konkrit dan sitematis, yaitu integrasi interkoneksi pendidikan multikultural berbasis moderasi Islam melalui pendidikan tinggi, menjadi sangat penting dilakukan. Tulisan ini berusaha menjelaskan bagaimana integrasi interkoneksi pendidikan multikultural berbasis moderasi Islam di perguruan tinggi, kurikulum keagamaan pedidikan multikultural berbasis moderasi islam di perguruan tinggi, dan implementasi integrasi interkoneksi pendidikan multikultural berbasis moderasi islam di perguruan tinggi

    Public Open Spaces in Bahrain: The Potential for Transcultural Conviviality

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    This research investigated how theories of conviviality, transcultural cities and everyday encounters in public open spaces (POS) are interrelated, and explored these dynamics through fieldwork in Bahrain. Throughout its history, Bahrain developed a fluid population of multi-ethnic origin, and the later oil boom has led to a population increase mostly among non-Bahraini migrant residents, who now account for more than 50% of the population. This research used a qualitative methodology, integrating observation, on-site short interviews, in-depth go-along interviews and expert interviews. The participants included both Bahraini and migrant groups from different origins and generations. The intention was to understand diverse personal interpretations and socio-spatial associations and analyse these alongside different patterns of use in POS. This research focused on eight case study areas including both formal and informal POS in different cities. The findings explored the importance of POS in Bahrain for transcultural practices and developing a sense of belonging across differences. It highlighted how these places support positive migrants experiences in Bahrain. The variation of case studies addressed spatial and temporal affordances for different leisure activities and patterns of outdoor sociability and demonstrated how these reflect different cultural values. The research also found that different transcultural practices in POS support conviviality and meaningful encounters. However, the findings also explored that conflicts arise from the complexity of cultural differences in transcultural cities. Parenting and littering appeared as cultural differences regarding social responsibility in public spaces. Although these are mundane conflicts, ignoring them may have widespread implications both for the value of POS and intercultural exchanges within the city. The research engaged theory with practice, utilising the social justice agenda proposed by Low and Iveson (2016) to shape the responsibility of professional practice in maintaining the responsiveness of public spaces in urban contexts of cultural complexity. This research suggests that to support conviviality and to respond positively to cultural differences in POS, embedding an understanding of transcultural urbanism in landscape architecture planning, design and management can be an effective and ethical approach in both Bahrain and the wider Gulf region

    Pedestrians' Vulnerability Considering Parental Status, Age, Sex and Crash Severity

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    This study attempts to test hypotheses related to child pedestrian casualties as per their parental living conditions as being together, separated, living without mothers or without fathers. These are analyzed according to the children age, sex and injury severity. The necessary data are taken from questionnaires administered by Directorate of Traffic in Bahrain. The questionnaires are filled out on scene by accident investigators for every pedestrian crash spread over a period of eight years. The actual traffic crash records were categorized according to the investigated characteristics considering their expected risk. The former frequencies were categorized according to the necessary investigated characteristics. Furthermore, they were compared to those expected as per their percentage presence in the society. The data were statistically analyzed using Chi-square tests to compare the actual crash frequencies to those expected in each subcategory. The findings revealed that children who are under 15 years of age and living with both parents are less exposed to traffic crashes compared to those living in families without mothers. Living with separated parents also leads to higher exposure to accidents. The effect of the latter on children exposure to crashes is even greater than living without fathers. While the absence of mothers from home increases the vulnerability of young male children who are under 15 years to traffic crashes, the absence of fathers increases the vulnerability of those who are between 16 to 20 years. Vulnerability of female children to crashes showed no significant differences for different living conditions. Many factors contribute in traffic crashes involving young pedestrians. The above findings assist the officials for better utilization of the resources in the field of traffic safety education, engineering solutions, roadway improvements and law enforcement

    The Effect Of Blended Learning Approach On Fifth Grade Students’ Academic Achievement In My Beautiful Language Textbook And The Development Of Their Verbal Creative Thinking In Saudi Arabia

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    This study aims at investigating the effect of Blended Learning approach compared to the traditional learning approach on fifth grade students’ achievement in My Beautiful Language Textbook and the development of their verbal creative thinking. The study consisted of 49 students among which 25 are males in the Experimental Group and 24 females in the Control Group. The study found a statistical significant difference (? ? 0.05) between the mean scores of the two study groups in achievement posttest and verbal creative thinking post application test. The experiment group which was taught using the blended approach of learning outperformed the Control Group in both tests. Thus, learning My Beautiful Language Textbook using the blended approach is more effective than the traditional method in terms of achievement and the development of verbal creative thinking skills. In light of this, the study recommends the adoption of blended approach in learning My Beautiful Language Textbook, the curriculum computerization, holding series of training courses, and workshops for teachers in school districts on how to effectively implement the blended approach.

    Saudi-Yemeni Territorial Sovereignty Disputes Over 'Asir, Jizan, Najran and the Rub' Al-Khali Desert Frontier : Legal Analysis of Some Aspects of Former Claims and the Final Settlement Under the 2000 Treaty of Jeddah

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    This thesis is concerned with the former disputes between Saudi Arabia and Yemen over title to the territories of' Asir, Jizan, Najran and the Rub' Al-Khali Desert frontier. Although the disputes were settled by the 2000 Treaty of Jeddah, it was possible right until the conclusion of that agreement that one of the disputing states could have submitted the disputes to arbitration, in which case the legal claims made by each state would have been highly significant. After examining the political and historical background of the disputed territories, the thesis examines three legal phases of the disputes. The first phase of the analysis is to identify the nature of claims: were they title or boundary claims or a combination of the two. The analysis shows that the two states asserted claims of both a title and a boundary nature, although the focus of this thesis is primarily on the title claims. It appears from the analysis that the title claims fall into two categories: claims related to international treaties and claims based on title acquisition modes. The second legal phase of the analysis will therefore concentrate on claims related to the two treaties that were pertinent to the disputes: the 1914 Anglo-Turkish Convention and the 1934 Treaty of Taif. The first treaty arguably delimited a boundary line, the 'Violet Line', located in the Rub' Al-Khali Desert. However, this purported delimitation was the subject of a series of claims and counter-claims between Saudi Arabia and Britain from 1934, until southern Yemen's independence in 1967, which put into doubt the continuing validity of the delimitation. This phase of the analysis considers arguments of Saudi succession to the treaty and the validity of the conclusion of the 1914 Convention by the Ottoman Empire. The second relevant treaty was the 1934 Treaty of Taif which was concluded by Saudi Arabia and northern Yemen following a short war, the two states having failed to settle title claims to 'Asir, Jizan and Najran through negotiations. Under the 1934 Treaty, Yemen renounced former title claims to these provinces, which she had formerly raised during the 1927-1934 negotiations. She also agreed with Saudi Arabia on a boundary line. However, from the mid-late 1970s, Yemen resumed its former title claims on various grounds, including the invalidity or termination of the 1934 Treaty. These claims will also be considered in the second phase of the analysis. The third phase of the analysis considers various arguments based on title acquisition/loss modes recognised by international law, such as cession, conquest, and prescription. It seeks to determine which of the two states had stronger claims to title to the disputed territories. Finally, the settlement in the 2000 Treaty of Jeddah is examined and it is asked to what extent the two states respected or ignored their former legal claims in the political settlement. It will also discuss any problems arising from the application of the 2000 Treaty

    Testing for a large roundabout capacity model: experimental comparisons between Italy and Bahrain

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    It is well-known that the maximum traffic flow that a roundabout entry is able to accommodate depends on the amount of flow circulating in the roundabout carriageway that conflicts with the entry flow, that exiting from it and strictly related to the geometric characteristics of the roundabout. International guidelines deal with various capacity models requiring different input data and often leading to different results for the same roundabout entry. Recently, an exponential model has been developed for capacity estimates of multi-lane roundabout entries under different conditions of circulating flow and geometrical factors. Such a model was validated by Al-Madani and Saad [1] on data gathered from a sample of existing large roundabouts in Bahrain. Calculations made applying the developed model, or BAHR model, showed a reasonable fitting to computational data obtained from different international models, as German, French SETRA, American HCM, and so on. In this paper, we have collected traffic data during peaks or congested periods and measured geometry parameters on twelve large roundabouts located in Tuscany, Italy. The main goal was in view of testing if the BAHR model could be well suited or not to Italian context. The same previous methodology applied for the BAHR model was followed and found a new exponential entry capacity model, called TUSC. Statistical tests are performed and the paper ends with some comments about the obtained results

    Role of social media in academic achievement among Northern Border University sudents

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    The study aimed to measure the impact of social media on academic achievement among a sample of Northern Border University students in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The study seeks to reach a cognitive perception to recognize the effect of using social media on academic achievement in university students. It relied upon the quantitative and qualitative distribution of each type of social media application among students to determine the importance of social media informing study groups amongst themselves and with faculty members. This helped to identify the negative and positive effects of using social media applications on the process of academic achievement among Northern Border University students. To achieve those objectives, the researchers used the descriptive survey methodology, with the questionnaire used as a study tool. The most prominent results showed that a wide range of students at the University is highly interested in using social media in academic achievement and in communicating with the Faculty members. The study also concluded with a proposal to increase the activation of social media as an important tool for increasing the rate of academic achievement among Northern Border University students

    Modeling and calibrating capacity of large roundabouts

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    Roundabout models, available in the literature widely, vary between one method and another. Majority of the models are solely based on circulating fl ow to estimate capacity. The relationship between maximum entry fl ow of large dual and triple lane roundabouts and their geometric and traffi c characteristics is investigated here for saturated fl ow condition using multivariate analysis. The developed model, based on the data gathered from 13 roundabouts in Bahrain, matched the fi eld data reasonably well. The signifi cant predictors, out of 60 tested ones, included circulating and exiting fl ows, number of entry and circulating lanes, circulating and entry widths, inscribed diameter and fl are length. Capacities predicted through various international models varied considerably with both the developed model and the fi eld data. The international models were then calibrated against the model, and consequently the fi eld data, so as to have signifi cant match with the two. The procedure followed in developing the model and calibrating the international models consisted of eight stages. It involved identifi cation of signifi cant correlation of individual predictor with capacity, multivariate regression analysis, model smoothing, multi-collinearity test, redevelopment of the model after adjusting the variables causing collinearity, comparison analysis with seven known international models and calibration of the international model. While UK, aaSIDRA and French models required around 50% reduction to match the developed model and actual data; US FHWA and Swiss models required 25% reduction and US HCM and German models required just 8% adjustments. Such clear variations call for further research. The fi ndings assist the urban planners as when to shift from one type of intersection control into another involving roundabout, and vice versa

    The role of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Visual Evoked Potential in management of optic neuritis

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    Introduction: To report our experience in management of patients with optic neuritis. The effects of brain magnetic resonance imaging and visual evoked potential on management were investigated. Methods: This is a four years clinical trial that included patients presenting with first attack of optic neuritis older than 16 years with visual acuity of less than 6/60 and presentation within first week of illness. Brain  magnetic resonance imaging and visual evoked potentials were done for all patients. Patients were classified into three groups. First group received placebo, second received oral steroids and third received intravenous and oral steroids. Primary outcome measure was improvement in vi sual acuity.Results: A total number of 150 patients were enrolled in the study. Ocular pain was seen 127 patients Relative  afferent pupillary defect in 142 patients and color vision impairment in 131 patients. Abnormal MRI  findings were seen in 84 patients. Pattern reversal VEP was abnormal in all patients. Using oral or intravenous steroid resulted in faster recovery but did not affect the final visual outcome. Recurrence rate was higher in patients with multiple MRI lesions and diminished VEP  amplitude. Using intravenous steroids decreased recurrence rate in patients with three and more MRI lesions and non recordable VEP response.Conclusion: MRI and pattern reversal VEP are recommended to be done in all patients presenting with optic neuritis. We advise to give intravenous methyl prednisolone in patients with multiple MRI white matter lesions and non recordable VEP at presentation.Key words: Optic neuritis, steroids, recurrence, visual evoked potentia