220 research outputs found

    Hormone Secretion in Pituitary Adenomas: Immunohistochemical Studies

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    Classification of pituitary adenomas is still changing and not completely satisfying. Various types of hormones, prehormonal substances, and transcription factors are detected in pituitary adenomas. Monohormonal secretion in pituitary adenomas is frequent, notably prolactin secretion. Secretion of more than one hormone normally originating from the same adenohypophyseal cell lineage is well known, classically GH-PRL and FSH-LH. Other combinations of hormonal secretion are reported; they are sometimes underestimated. Plurihormonal secretion in pituitary adenomas, which is secretion of hormones that are normally originating from different adenohypophyseal cell lineages, is usually underestimated and in most cases remains subclinical. An immunohistochemical study of all pituitary hormones and prehormonal substances, as demonstrating transcription factors, is not always available; it is frequently not performed. This chapter aims to show the underestimated and vague areas of pituitary adenomas and to emphasize the importance of immunohistochemical studies in the diagnosis and prediction of clinical outcomes of these adenomas

    The Important Role of Friday Mosques in Reviving the Urban Identity of Doha, Qatar

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    Qatar is one of the oil countries that has witnessed a paradigm shift in urbanism during the last few decades. Globalization is one of the exogenous forces that influenced the urban transformation of Doha and its identity. This global phenomenon has affected the local environment and its identity. Therefore, cities in Qatar must define their own urban and architectural characteristics. Qatar National Vision (QNV) 2030 and the Qatar National Development Framework (QNDF) 2032 are some governmental actions to enhance urban identity and social development to improve the built environment. Mosques are an essential element in defining urban identity due to their cultural and functional roles. The aim of this thesis is to highlight the loss of urban identity in Doha, while exploring how mosques can contribute in reinforcing this identity, especially at the micro-level of the city. Furthermore, this research tries to evaluate and analyze the components of urban identity based on qualitative and quantitative methods, through site observations, interviews, and questionnaires. The findings of this thesis show that the contemporary Friday mosques can be a successful paradigm in reviving Qatari urban identity. The thesis highlights some recommendations for urban identity enhancements

    Histopathological Changes in Temporal Epilepsy

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    Urban Revitalization of Public Spaces in the Pearl in Qatar

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    Qatar has witnessed a rapid development in urbanism within the last few decades especially after the oil discovery. Modern style projects have been imported to the country in-order to reflect aluxurious image. The Fareej (traditional Gulf) neighbourhood has almost disappeared and a modern lifestyle has replaced it. The Pearl Island in Qatar was one of these luxury projects contributing to the new impression. However, its social spaces lack social interaction, cohesion and vibrancy; thus, the space is less attractive except to a select group of people. Visitors are quick to notice the absence of social activities in the area, which reduces the liveability of the place. This paper focuses on investigating the social spaces of Pearl, Qatar to provide insight into what is missing and how the space could be revitalized to improve the quality of the space for users. Some recommendations are suggested to serve this aim. The paper in conclusion notes that the usage of the space can be optimised through various interventions such as hosting festivals and events in the open areas. Measures to improve thermal comfort including shading devices and thermally suited seating as well as limiting vehicular access would also help achieve the goal


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    ABSTRAK M. Fahmi Zikri Al-khani NIM 11721100967. TINJAUAN HUKUM ISLAM TERHADAP PEMENUHAN HAK ANAK DI LEMBAGA PEMBINAAN KHUSUS ANAK (LPKA) KELAS II PEKANBARU. Program Studi Hukum Keluarga, Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum, Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Qasim Riau 2021 M. Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemenuhan hak-hak anak di Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak kelas II pekanbaru. Untuk melihat bagaimana pemenuhan hak anak di lembaga pembinaan khusus anak kelas II pekanbaru. Serta tinjauan hukum islam. Terhadap pemenuhan hak anak di lembaga pembinaan khusus anak kelas II Pekanbaru. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian lapangan (field Reasearch) yang sumber data utamanya diambil dari obyek secara langsung didaerah penelitian yaitu melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini bahwa hak-hak yang di dapat anak di Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak Kelas II pekanbaru antara lain: mendapatkan pendidikan dan pengajaran, mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan dan asupan makanan yang layak, melakukan ibadah sesuai dengan agama dan kepercayaannya, mendapatkan bahan bacaan dan siaran media masa lainnya yang tidak dilarang. Pemenuhan hak tersebut belum terpenuhi sepenuhnya dikarenakan masih menumpang di satu lokasi Lapas Salemba. Hak anak yang belum terpenuhi, kurangnya pemenuhan hak-hak anak didik di LPKA Kelas II Jakarta ditinjau dari Hukum Islam. Dalam hal Hak Beragama, Hak Kesehatan, Hak Pendidikan, Hak Berkreasi Hak-hak anak yang sudah terpenuhi, yaitu: adanya fasilitas pendidikan sekolah diantaranya: PKBM, adanya fasilitas kesehatan berupa satu buah poliklinik, adanya fasilitas beribadah terdapat satu buah masjid, terdapat satu buah perpustakaan, dan adanya perpustakaan keliling untuk menambah wawasan anak di lpka. Kata Kunci : Hak Anak, Perlindungan Anak dan Hukum Islam. Pembimbing : Hendri sayuti, M.Ag

    Dietary factors and Type 2 diabetes in the Middle East : what is the evidence for an association? - A systematic review.

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    This review aims to search and summarise the available evidence on the association between dietary factors and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in Middle Eastern populations, where diabetes prevalence is among the highest in the world. Electronic databases were searched; authors, libraries, and research centres in the Middle East were contacted for further studies and unpublished literature. Included studies assessed potential dietary factors for T2DM in Middle Eastern adults. Two reviewers assessed studies independently. Extensive searching yielded 17 studies which met the inclusion criteria for this review. The findings showed that whole-grain intake reduces the risk of T2DM, and potato consumption was positively correlated with T2DM. Vegetables and vegetable oil may play a protective role against T2DM. Dietary patterns that are associated with diabetes were identified, such as Fast Food and Refined Grains patterns. Two studies demonstrated that lifestyle interventions decreased the risk of T2DM. In summary, the identified studies support an association between some dietary factors and T2DM; however, many of the included studies were of poor methodological quality so the findings should be interpreted with caution. The review draws attention to major gaps in current evidence and the need for well-designed studies in this area

    Systematic review of the safety of medication use in inpatient, outpatient and primary care settings in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries

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    Background Errors in medication use are a patient safety concern globally, with different regions reporting differing error rates, causes of errors and proposed solutions. The objectives of this review were to identify, summarise, review and evaluate published studies on medication errors, drug related problems and adverse drug events in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. Methods A systematic review was carried out using six databases, searching for literature published between January 1990 and August 2016. Research articles focussing on medication errors, drug related problems or adverse drug events within different healthcare settings in the GCC were included. Results Of 2094 records screened, 54 studies met our inclusion criteria. Kuwait was the only GCC country with no studies included. Prescribing errors were reported to be as high as 91% of a sample of primary care prescriptions analysed in one study. Of drug-related admissions evaluated in the emergency department the most common reason was patient non-compliance. In the inpatient care setting, a study of review of patient charts and medication orders identified prescribing errors in 7% of medication orders, another reported prescribing errors present in 56% of medication orders. The majority of drug related problems identified in inpatient paediatric wards were judged to be preventable. Adverse drug events were reported to occur in 8.5–16.9 per 100 admissions with up to 30% judged preventable, with occurrence being highest in the intensive care unit. Dosing errors were common in inpatient, outpatient and primary care settings. Omission of the administered dose as well as omission of prescribed medication at medication reconciliation were common. Studies of pharmacists’ interventions in clinical practice reported a varying level of acceptance, ranging from 53% to 98% of pharmacists’ recommendations. Conclusions Studies of medication errors, drug related problems and adverse drug events are increasing in the GCC. However, variation in methods, definitions and denominators preclude calculation of an overall error rate. Research with more robust methodologies and longer follow up periods is now required.Peer reviewe

    Social Alignment Contagion in Online Social Networks

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    Researchers have already observed social contagion effects in both in-person and online interactions. However, such studies have primarily focused on users’ beliefs, mental states, and interests. In this article, we expand the state of the art by exploring the impact of social contagion on social alignment, i.e., whether the decision to socially align oneself with the general opinion of the users on the social network is contagious to one’s connections on the network or not. The novelty of our work in this article includes: 1) unlike earlier work, this article is among the first to explore the contagiousness of the concept of social alignment on social networks; 2) our work adopts an instrumental variable approach to determine reliable causal relations between observed social contagion effects on the social network; and 3) our work expands beyond the mere presence of contagion in social alignment and also explores the role of population heterogeneity on social alignment contagion. Based on the systematic collection and analysis of data from two large social network platforms, namely, Twitter and Foursquare, we find that a user’s decision to socially align or distance from social topics and sentiments influences the social alignment decisions of their connections on the social network. We further find that such social alignment decisions are significantly impacted by population heterogeneity