86 research outputs found

    The impact of computer software on print advertising Design: an analytical study

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    The advertisement is no longer an idea designed and presented to the public. Rather, it has become instrumental in the process of achieving persuasion and attracting interest in the product and its worth. After the introduction of computer software for advertising, the elements and the technical aspects of advertising have become decisive in determining the success of any advertisement. As such, the problem that the research presents is based on a set of questions. The most important question is whether the level of manually executed advertisement are different from those based on the computer and whether they have any mental impact. The aim of the research is to detect the differences between the manual-based advertisement and the computer-based ones. lt also discusses operational techniques used in the computer-based advertisements. The researcher adopted the analytical descriptive method for analyzing the advertisement samples that reached 70 of the total research society (200 advertisements). The research offers a set of conclusions and recommendations. There is a clear variation in the level of manually executed advertisements and digitally executed advertisements in terms of design and output. There is also a need to adopt both old designing methods like having a painter, and modern methods based on computer graphics. The use of both modern techniques especially in the field of technical drawings and traditional techniques can result in worthy advertisements

    Distribution of Aminoglycoside Resistance Mediated by 16S rRNA Methylation among IraqI Isolates of Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    One hundred   clinical isolates  of Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (58 , 42 isolates respectively ) were obtained  from patients   suffering from  different infections at Baghdad \Iraq  teaching  hospital . These isolates were diagnosed using api 20E  .Results of primary screening test for aminoglycoside resistance using determination the minimum inhibitory concentration  revealed that all the isolates conferring multidrug resistance and the highest resistance was against kanamycin, while the lowest  was against amikacin .Phenotypic detection of Extended spectrum ?–lactamase ( ES?Ls) was preformed and the results showed that 84% of the isolates gave positive results. Highly resistant isolates (20 for each ) were selected for the genetic study using polymerase chain reaction technique (PCR) to determine  aminoglycoside resistance mediated by methylation 16S rRNA  beside detection blaCTX –M gene responsible for ESBLs production .Seven 16S rRNA methylase genes were amplified ,the ArmA (846 bp), RmtA(635bp), RmtB(584bp), RmtC(711bp), RmtD (500 bp), RmtF(453bp) and npmA (641bp) beside amplifying blaCTX –M gene ( 550bp) .Out of 20 E.coli isolates ,16(80%)gave positive results for ArmA gene, while non of P.aeruginosa harboured this gene. Only one isolates out of 20(5%) harboured  RmtB methylation gene in E.coli isolates, while 3 isolates out of 20(15%) contains RmtC gene and 1 isolates(5%) harboured  RmtD gene in E.coli isolates while in P.aeruginosa showed 3 isolates out of  20 (15%) positive results in this gene. The sixth methylation gene was npmA was detected in only one isolate (5%) out of 20. For blaCTX –M gene , it was detected in all E.coli isolates  (100%) while  it was  detected in 17(85%)  of  P.aeruginosa. This is the first report in Iraq for the emergence of 16S rRNA methylases  among  E.coli and P.aeruginosa in correlation with ES?Ls  production . Key words: Aminoglycoside resistance, 16S rRNA methylation genes, and ES?Ls  blaCTX –M genes

    Dual techniques of load shedding and capacitor placement considering load models for optimal distribution system

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    Voltage stability represents one of the main issues in electrical power system. Under voltage load shedding (UVLS) has long been regarded as one of the most successful techniques to prevent the voltage collapse. However, the ordinary load shedding schemes do not consider the different load models and decreasing in the ‎economic cost that resulted from load disconnection, so the dual techniques of load shedding with reactive compensation are needed. Usually loads being modeled as constant power, while in fact of load flow the various load models are utilized. An investigation of optimal dual load shedding with reactive compensation for distribution system based on direct backward forward sweep method (DBFSM) load flow along with a comparison among the other load models are presented in this paper. The teaching learning-based optimization (TLBO) algorithm is executed in order to reduce power losses and enhance the voltage profile. This algorithm is tested and applied to IEEE-16 bus distribution test system to find the optimal superior capacitor size and placement while minimizing load shading for the network. Five different load shedding sequences are considered and the optimization performance of load models demonstrated the comparison through MATLAB program

    Optimum reactive power compensation for distribution system using dolphin algorithm considering different load models

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    The distribution system represents the connection between consumers and the entire power network. The radial structure is preferred for distribution system due to its simple design and low cost. The electrical distribution system suffers from problems of rising power losses higher than the transmission system and voltage drop. One of the important solutions to improve the voltage profile and to reduce the electrical distribution system losses is the reactive power compensation which is based on the optimum choice of position and capacitor size in the network. In this paper, different models of electrical loads such as constant power(P), constant current(I), constant impedance(Z), and composite (ZIP) model are implemented with comparisons between them in order to identify the most effective load type that produces the optimal settlement for alleged loss reduction ,enhancement of the voltage profile, and cost savings. To minimize search space, Dolphin Optimization Algorithm (DOA) is applied for selecting the size and location of capacitors. Two case studies (IEEE 16- bus and 33- bus) are employed to evaluate the different load models with optimal reactive power compensation. The results of comparison between the different load models show that ZIP model is the best to produce the optimum solution for capacitor position and size. In addition, comparison of results with literature works are done and showed that DOA is the most robust among other algorithms to achieve the optimum solution for voltage profile enhancement significant reduction of losses, and saving cost

    Mechanisms of Helicobacter pylori Resistance to Antibiotics

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    Background: Helicobacter pylori is the most frequent human bacterial infection worldwide; it is prevalent in approximately half of the world's population. H.pylori poses a major health risk because it possesses distinct virulence factors and highly resistant to antibiotics. Multidrug resistance (MDR) and single-drug resistance are two distinct resistance profiles. Chromosome mutations influence antibiotic activity via target-mediated pathways. Inadequate drug absorption, efflux pumps activity, biofilm development, and cocci formation represent supplementary biological mechanisms by which H.pylori acquires drug resistance. The overexpression of efflux pumps genes in mutant isolates is readily detectable in post-therapy courses. Objective: Characterization of the biological and molecular mechanisms contributing to the development of antibiotic resistance in H.pylori. Conclusion: An alarming rate of drug-resistant H.pylori is on the rise. Primary and acquired resistance to clarithromycin and metronidazole has increased globally.  Bacterial factors including biofilms, efflux pumps, and molecular mechanism are in association with H.pylori resistance. It is important to continue to monitor the resistance profiles of H.pylori isolates

    Prevalence and Associated Factors of Under Nutrition Among Under-Five Children in Babylon Province, Iraq,2016

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    خلفية البحث:يعتبر نقص التغذية من المشكلات التي لها الأولوية في حقل الصحة العامة خاصة في الدول المحدودة او المتوسطة الدخل ومنها العراق , ان نقص التغذية سبب رئيسي للمرض والموت في الأطفال. هدف البحث:تحديد انتشار نقص التغذية والعوامل المرتبطة بها بين الأطفال تحت عمر خمس سنوات. طرائق العمل :تم تطبيق دراسة المقطع العرضي ل1000طفل تحت سن الخامسة من العمرمن المراجعين لعشرة مراكز رعاية صحية أولية  اختيرت عشوائيا من مجموع المراكز الصحية الأولية في مدينة الحلة- محافظة بابل- العراق. امتدت الدراسة من تشرين الأول 2015 إلى أب  2016, جمعت البيانات من خلال ورقة استبانة علمية استخدمت لاستجواب الأمهات المشاركات ,تضمنت الاستبانة معلومات ديموغرافية ومعلومات عن أنماط الرضاعة وعمر الفطام للطفل وطريقة الولادة ومدة الحمل . تم قياس وزن الطفل وطوله بالطريقة القياسية حسب دليل منظمة الصحة العالمية لتحديد نقص التغذية , الوزن للعمر (نقص الوزن),الطول للعمر(التقزيم), والوزن للطول ( الهزال). تم التحليل الإحصائي لربط بين المتغيرات المعتمدة والمتغيرات المستقلة. النتائج  :أظهرت الدراسة ان نسب انتشار الوزن للعمر (نقص الوزن),الطول للعمر(التقزيم), والوزن للطول ( الهزال).هي 7,6% و20,6%و6,6%على التوالي وأوضحت الدراسة وجود علاقة إحصائية ذات دلالة إحصائية معنوية P<0.05)) بين مؤشرات نقص التغذية المذكورة والمتغيرات المستقلة الأتية: كانخفاض مستوى التحصيل الدراسي للأمهات والرضاعة المختلطة  وجنس الطفل حيث تأثر الذكور بنقص الوزن اكثر من الإناث وكان الأطفال الذين هم بعمر 24-36 شهرهم الأكثر تعرضا لنقص التغذية من الفئات العمرية الأخرى وبدلالة إحصائية  مهمة. الاستنتاج:نقص التغذية بين الأطفال دون الخامسة  في مدينة الحلة  لا يزال مقلقا في الوقت الحاضر ويحتاج الى تدخل منهجي للحد منه والسيطرة عليه.Background:Malnutrition  in children  under five years of age  is  high priority  public health problems especially in middle and low income countries including Iraq, it is +associated with high morbidity and mortality among infants and young children Objectives:To identify the prevalence and the correlates of under nutrition (underweight, stunting and wasting) among children under 5 years of age living in Babylon province, Iraq. Methodology:A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted, to collect primary information from  mothers  of1000 children attending  ten   randomly selected primary health care centers (five rural and five urban centers) in Babylon province during the period from  January through June 2016 ,a scientific questionnaire, anthropometric measurements   (weight for age, length/height for age and weight for height), were used  to assess the nutritional status of the child . Results: The  study revealed that the prevalence of underweight , stunting and  wasting were 7.6%, , 20.6%, and 6.6% respectively . Significant statistical  associations were found between all types of under nutrition and the following independent variables p<0.05 ; age,( gender  , more common in boys ), low level of mother education , types of  breast feeding and family income. Conclusion:The study concluded that chronic malnutrition in the study area is still a  concern that needs timely intervention by governmental and non-governmental organizations. We conclude that improvements in child feeding, and better maternal education are needed to maintain the children's nutritional status

    Biocompatibility of Newly Prepared Nanocalcium Oxide Based Root Canal Sealer (In Vivo study)

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    Aims: To evaluate in vivo the biocompatibility of newly prepared calcium oxide-based nanosealer. Materials and Methods: Twenty albino healthy male rabbits were used, each received three polyethylene tubes; one filled with BioRoot sealer (+ve control), one received the newly prepared nanosealer, and the last left empty served as (-ve control) were implanted in the corresponding skin pockets made at the dorsal skin of the anesthetized rabbits. Then the rabbits divided into four equal groups according to the observation periods. Tissue biopsies were collected at (3, 7, 14, and 28) day after the implantation. The specimens were processed and stained with hematoxylin and eosin and examined microscopically. Statistical analysis was performed by Kruskal Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests for analyses the inflammatory tissues response of each group at observation times. Results: Histopathologically; at 3 days (-ve) and (+ve) control groups revealed sever inflammatory reaction, while the experimental group represented moderate tissues inflammation. These inflammatory tissues reactions were reduced over times for all group until subsided completely at 28 days but still faster for experimental sealer. All groups revealed thin full organized fibrous capsule at 28 days representing the tissues tolerance of implanted materials. Statistically the experimental nanosealer represented the least inflammatory tissue reaction among groups. There were no statistically significance differences in fibrous capsule thickness among the groups. Conclusions: The prepared nanosealer represented high biocompatibility than other groups

    Determination the Pathogenicity of Citrobacter freundii by Using Three Types of Antigens in Najaf City

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    Background:This study has been included stool and urine samples were collected from children under six years of ages collected from three hospitals in Al-Najaf city (Al-Sadr Teaching, Al-Hakeem, and Al-Zahra Maternity and Children) ,Citrobacter freundii isolated from clinical sample. The Suckling Mice Assay (SMA) and Rabbit ligated ileal loop assay (RIL) have been tested to detect production of heat stable and heat labile enterotoxins by bacteria. Material and Methods: Three types of antigens were prepared: Live Bacteria, Crude Enterotoxin and Partially purified enterotoxin(PPET). LD50 for crude and PPET were determined by using white mice (20-25) g, which divided into five groups each group consist of five mice. Results LD50 of bacterial Suspension, crude enterotoxin and PPET in mice was 2.04 × 107 cell/mouse, 66.6 μg/mouse and 46.2 μg/mouse respectively. Conclusion: Citrobacter freundii considered as a potential pathogen that isolated from clinical samples .Bioassay administrated the ability of this species to produce heat stable enterotoxin by using SMA, and heat labile enterotoxin by RIL. Aim:The aim of this study was to investigate three types of antigens isolated from Citrobacter freundii to determination the pathogencity of this bacteria by LD50

    Minimization of Loss in Small Scale Axial Air Turbine Using CFD Modelling and Evolutionary Algorithm Optimization

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    Small scale axial air driven turbine (less than 10 kW) is the crucial component in distributed power generation cycles and in compressed air energy storage systems driven by renewable energies. Efficient small axial turbine design requires precise loss estimation and geometry optimization of turbine blade profile for maximum performance. Loss predictions are vital for improving turbine efficiency. Published loss prediction correlations were developed based on large scale turbines; therefore, this work aims to develop a new approach for losses prediction in a small scale axial air turbine using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. For loss minimization, aerodynamics of turbine blade shape was optimized based on fully automated CFD simulation coupled with Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) technique. Compare to other conventional loss models, results showed that the Kacker & Okapuu model predicted the closest values to the CFD simulation results thus it can be used in the preliminary design phase of small axial turbine which can be further optimized through CFD modeling. The combined CFD with MOGA optimization for minimum loss showed that the turbine efficiency can be increased by 12.48% compare to the baseline design