495 research outputs found

    Cloning, Protein Expression, and Characterization of Interleukin 1 Alpha

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    Recombinant DNA technology and the ability to produce recombinant proteins have significantly changed the world of pharmaceutical market. Recombinant DNA technology using E. coli cells has successfully produced many therapeutic proteins. In this study, the designed tag Ark-RUBY-tag facilitates rapid, and reproducible purification of recombinant proteins expressed as inclusion bodies in E. coli cells. Purification of Ark-RUBY-fused recombinant protein(s) can be obtained by using imidazole fractions. Target protein can be easily removed from the Ark-RUBY-tag by enzymatic cleavage. Ark-RUBY-fused recombinant proteins can be quantitatively detected using polyclonal antibodies. Ark-RUBY-tag can be used to purify small peptides. By using Ark-RUBY-tag, purified recombinant protein regains fully biologically active form. Therefore, bioactive protein has wide range of application in drug-delivery. Copper is crucial in many cellular functions. It is known that copper is necessary in non-classical secretion by inducing multiprotein realize complex, but the involvement of copper in complex formation is not clear. In this study, the role of copper in non-classical protein secretion of IL-1α was investigated. This framework demonstrates the role of copper to induce IL-1α dimerization under in vitro conditions. The dimerization mechanism is mediated by the single cysteine at position 143 that gets oxidized resulting in the formation of an inter-disulfide bond. The ratio of copper to induce IL-1α dimerization is one to two that means one copper can induce two molecules of IL1-α. The binding affinity of IL-1α to copper study showed that IL-1α binds to copper with Kd value 1.9 μM, which suggests IL-1α is copper binding protein. Also, some binding affinity experiments were conducted to elucidate whether copper is the only metal that induce dimerization. Some metals showed good binding affinity, but no one induced dimerization. Interestingly, corpus form showed high binding affinity, but it did not induce dimerization. Also, the monomer and the dimer forms of IL-1α have binding affinity to S100A13 with Kd values 1.30 μM and 1.34 μM respectively, which could be crucial in the non-classical secretion of signal-less IL-1α. The study also shows that Amlexanox (AMX), the anti-allergic drug, can bind to IL-1α and chelates copper with kd 1.9 μM and 1.6 μM respectively. It also inhibits the copper induced dimer formation of IL-1α. The mechanism that underlies dimer formation inhibition of AMX is either because it binds close to cysteine 143 of IL-1α where copper can bind and inhibits the induction of homodimer formation of IL-1α by masking the thiol group of Cys134 or by chelating copper and preventing it from binding to IL-1α. The results of AMX role in inhibiting dimer formation of IL-1α may help in designing a drug that inhibits non-classical secretion of IL-1α

    Sport Reservation System With Decision Support System Features For Sport Complex of Universiti Utara Malaysia

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    This project presents a web based study highlighting the best practices in designing and building a prototype. It used web-based application in a system which includes both an online reservation system for the sport activities, and DSS to help the manager of the sport complex. This project used object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD) methodology, and UML in designing and developing a prototype. JSP and MYSQL etc. provided adequate support for building a prototype. After developing the prototype, evaluation of it has been done by using usability testing through the distribution of questionnaires on a sample of users including the students and staff. An interview has been held also with the manager of the sport complex in UUM. The responds from the users show that our objectives have been met in this study. We concluded that online sport reservation system provides an opportunity to the users to be familiar with the web applications, and provides enhancement to the management of the sport complex through the use of a data-driven decision support system

    Localization of Osteocalcin in Amelogenin-Propolis Coated Dental Implants in Rabbits

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    Dental implant is an artificial tooth root fixed into the jaws to hold a replacement tooth or bridge. Functional surface modifications by organic material such as amelogenin/propolis coating seem to enhance early peri-implant bone formation. The aim of the study was to evaluate the expression of osteocalcin  as bone formation markers in amelogenin/propolis coated and uncoated implant in interval periods(1,2 and 4 weeks). Commercially pure Titanium(cpTi) implants, coated with amelogenin/ propolis, were placed in the tibias of 30 New Zealand white rabbits, histological and immunohistochemical tests for detection of expression of osteocalcin were performed on all the implants of both control and experimental groups for (1,2 and 4 weeks) healing intervals. Histological finding for coated titanium implant with amelogenin/ propolis illustrated an early bone formation, mineralization and maturation in comparison to control. Immunohistochemical finding showed that positive reaction for osteocalcin was expressed by osteoblast cells (OB)at implants coated with amelogenin/ propolis, indicating that bone formation &maturation was accelerated by adding biological materials as a modification modality of implant surface. The present study concludes that coating of implants with amelogenin/ propolis showed increment in osseointegration in short interval period. Keywords: amelogenin, propolis, dental implant, biochemical bone markers, osteocalcin and osseointegration.

    Novel approaches for constructing persistent Delaunay triangulations by applying different equations and different methods

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    “Delaunay triangulation and data structures are an essential field of study and research in computer science, for this reason, the correct choices, and an adequate design are essential for the development of algorithms for the efficient storage and/or retrieval of information. However, most structures are usually ephemeral, which means keeping all versions, in different copies, of the same data structure is expensive. The problem arises of developing data structures that are capable of maintaining different versions of themselves, minimizing the cost of memory, and keeping the performance of operations as close as possible to the original structure. Therefore, this research aims to aims to examine the feasibility concepts of Spatio-temporal structures such as persistence, to design a Delaunay triangulation algorithm so that it is possible to make queries and modifications at a certain time t, minimizing spatial and temporal complexity. Four new persistent data structures for Delaunay triangulation (Bowyer-Watson, Walk, Hybrid, and Graph) were proposed and developed. The results of using random images and vertex databases with different data (DAG and CGAL), proved that the data structure in its partial version is better than the other data structures that do not have persistence. Also, the full version data structures show an advance in the state of the technique. All the results will allow the algorithms to minimize the cost of memory”--Abstract, page iii

    Digital Algorithmic Generative Method of Case-based Design The generation of Primary School Plans as a Case Study

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    أدى توظيف لغات البرمجة في مجال العمارة الى تعزيزالمناهج الخوارزمية الرقمية في التصميم المعماري، والتي تكمن اهم فوائدها في إمكانية التوليدالسريع واليسيرلمجموعة واسعة من الحلول التصميمية. إذ كلما ازداد عدد الحلول التي يمكن توليدها وتقييمها، كانت القرارات التصميمية وعملية اختيار الحلولالملائمة أكثر استنارة ودعما. يتبنى البحث المنهج الخوارزمي الرقمي في توليد المخططات المعمارية, ويتحرى عن إمكانية استخدام البرمجة البصرية المطبقة في Grasshopperالملحق ببرنامجRhinoceros  لإنشاء وتنفيذ خوارزمية معدة من قبل الباحثين, تعتمد حالة توليد محددة المعطياتفي إنتاج تصاميم جديدة لمخططات أبنية ذات طابع نمطي كالمدارس, من غير استخدام برمجية حاسوبية جاهزة في عملية التوليد.إذ يهدف البحث الى الحصول على عدد من البدائل وحسب ادخالات المستخدم المتاحة, ويفترض البحث أنالتنويع في المدخلات يسهم بشكل فاعل في تنويع وتعدد الخيارات التصميمية المتولدة.  وقد أظهرت النتائج ان الطريقة كانت مجدية فيما يتعلق بالمشكلة ذات المعطيات المحددة قيد الدراسة، اضافة الى كفاءة المنهج الخوارزمي التوليدي في إنتاج تصاميم متنوعة تلبي المدخلات المتباينة للمستخدم.The use of programming languages in the field of architecture has strengthened the digital algorithmic approaches in the architectural design, which their main benefits lie in the possibility of rapid and easy generation of a wide range of design solutions. The generation and evaluation of more design solutions lead to more informed design decisions and the selection of the appropriate solution. The research adopted the digital algorithmic approach to generating architectural plans and investigates the possibility of using the visual programming applied in Grasshopper, the (plug-in) of Rhinoceros software. Its aim was to create and implement an algorithm prepared by researchers, which depends on a specific data in producing new designs for typical buildings plans, such as schools, without the use of ready software in the generation process. The research sought to obtain a number of alternative plans according to the user inputs. It hypothesized that the variation in the design inputs contributes effectively to the plurality of the generated design options.   The findings verified that the method was feasible regarding the problem with specific data under consideration. In addition, it showed the efficiency of the generative algorithm approach in producing various designs that meet the different inputs of the user

    Human leukocyte antigen-DRB1 ( HLA-DRB1) serum level act as a protective gene among acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus patients

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    Extremely diverse human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genes may contribute in special ways to the immune system's defense against CoV-2 infection caused by SARS. In the present investigation, the human leukocyte antigen was measured levels in the serum (HLA-DRB1). The severity of infection among acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus patients was compared with healthy controls. This case-control study was conducted on 180 acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus patients, including 40 cases of severe corona patients without pneumonia, 40 cases of severe corona patients with pneumonia, 40 cases of non-severe corona patients without pneumonia, 40 cases of non-severe corona patients with pneumonia and 20 cases healthy controls. HLA-DRB1 was identified among four cases and compared to healthy controls. The patients with SARS-CoV-2 had a reduced frequency of HLA-DRB1 when the results using the Kruskal-Wallis analysis were compared. The serum concentration for HLA-DRB1 through individuals with respiratory distress symptoms brought on by viral, and bacterial infections decreased, falling to 38.88 ng/L in severe corona patients without pneumonia, 34.35 ng/L in severe corona patients with pneumonia cases, 46.20 ng/L in non-severe corona patients without pneumonia cases, 51.13 ng/L in non-severe corona patients with pneumonia cases, and 59.95 ng/L in healthy controls ( P ≤0.02). HLA-DRB1 was also found at a reduced frequency in all acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus antibody-positive patients compared to controls. The SARS CoV-2 illness and HLA-DRB1 were related and may have protective properties in acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection. In addition, DRB1 was associated with protection from SARS-CoV-2 and bacterial infection.                                                     

    Human leukocyte antigen-C (HLA-C) serum level as an indicator of severity among acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus patients

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    One of the respiratory viruses with the highest rate of dissemination, the coronavirus, sparked a global pandemic that claimed the lives of roughly six million people. As a result, various vaccinations and medications to lessen disease severity and hasten patient recovery were developed quickly. The purpose of this study was for coronavirus patients with acute lung distress to have their serum levels measured and compared to healthy controls. One hundred eighty blood samples from respiratory infections syndrome coronavirus patients between the ages of (13-80) were included in this case-control research. Results showed that human leukocyte antigen-C (HLA-C) serum concentrations were measured in patient groups compared to healthy groups. Patients with acute lung symptoms of coronavirus had higher serum levels of HLA-C, and the outcomes were contrasted using the Kruskal-Wallis. Upon testing, it was discovered that their serum levels for HLA-C showed a significant difference (P< 0.05). There were▫severe corona patients without pneumonia having a level of 40.03 ng/ml, severe corona patients with pneumonia having a level of 47.93ng/ml, non-severe corona patients without pneumonia having a level of 46.83 ng/ml, non-severe corona patients with pneumonia cases having a level of 61.15 ng/ml and with controls having a level of 17.65 ng/ml, (P ≤0.001). An increase in HLA-C serum level led to contribute to the immune storm that changes immunoregulatory▫such as including reducing the number ofˑallogeneic made by mixing lymphocyteˌcultures, death of the natural killer cell and CD8+ˌT lymphocytes, and inhibition of alloreactive cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) activity

    Detection of ERG11-2 gene in candida spp. wich resistant to some antifungal agents by Real Time –PCR

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    The present study was aimed to determine ERG11-2 that responsible of resistance to some antifungal agents in candida spp. Atotal of( 107) samples were obtained  fromdifferent clinical  cases included(36) oral swabs from children suffering from oral thrush  , (32) vaginal swabs from women suffering from vaginal candidiasis  ,(39) urine samples from individuals suffering from urinary tract infection) and( 25) samples from sewage water as a control samples in the molecular study .The result of morphological and biochemical tests showed For pathogenic samples that 83(77.5%) isolate of candida spp. Included 36/31(86.1%) from oral samples,32/28 (75%) from vaginal swabs, 28/39 isolates (71.7%) from urine samples while the result of non- pathogenic samples revealed that 20 (80%) isolate of candida spp. Detecting of,ERG11-2 resistant gene was done by RealTime-PCR technique . Results showed that all isolates 31  (100%) were carrying ERG11-2 that responsibe of resistance  in candida to some antifungal , Did not record any isolated from control samples from sewage water wich amounted to (9) the ERG11-2resistantgene Key words: ERG11gene , candida sp., RT-PC

    Artificial neural network in the prediction of surface roughness: A comparative study

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    Surface roughness is a key parameter to consider in the machining of aluminum alloy. It is rendered as one of the important determinants of the performance of mechanical instruments or components. Owing to its excellent mechanical properties, and ease of machinability, Aluminum 6061 (Al6061) is rendered a popular choice in many industries. Achieving a desired surface finish is crucial for the performance and longevity of machined components. This study aimed to compare the predictive performance of the artificial neural network (ANN) model versus the response surface methodology (RSM) in the prediction of surface roughness in the turning process of Al6061. ANN performed better than RSM in the prediction of surface roughness (A20 index 0.93 and 0.86 for ANN and RSM models respectively). MAPE and sMAPE were also found to be lower in the ANN model compared with the RSM model (8.06 versus 9.69, and 0.039 versus 0.047 respectively) indicating that the ANN model had a better predictive performance compared with the RSM model. Both ANN and RSM models showed that cutting speed and feed rate were the most important determinants of surface roughness in the turning process of Al6061 in other words to achieve a smoother surface during the turning process of Al6061 high cutting speed and low feed rate should be used. The findings of this study reflect the potential utility of ANN in the prediction and subsequently optimizing cutting parameters to achieve a smoother surface

    Mathematical Model of FHXWBranching Type with Hyphal Death

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    A mathematical description of growth and branching in fungi can be derived in terms of continuous variables such as densities of filaments and tips. The general concept of continuum modeling yields the following equations of fungal growth in which a balance is kept for the accumulation of hyphal filaments and their tips.Hyphae are immobile. They are created only through the motion of tips-essentially the trail left behind tips as they moves. The rate of local length accumulation depends on the number of tips and branches present as well as on their rate of motion