18 research outputs found

    Semiempirical Modeling of Reset Transitions in Unipolar Resistive-Switching based Memristors

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    We have measured the transition process from the high to low resistivity states, i.e., the reset process of resistive switching based memristors based on Ni/HfO2/Si-n+ structures, and have also developed an analytical model for their electrical characteristics. When the characteristic curves are plotted in the current-voltage (I-V) domain a high variability is observed. In spite of that, when the same curves are plotted in the charge-flux domain (Q-phi), they can be described by a simple model containing only three parameters: the charge (Qrst) and the flux (rst) at the reset point, and an exponent, n, relating the charge and the flux before the reset transition. The three parameters can be easily extracted from the Q-phi plots. There is a strong correlation between these three parameters, the origin of which is still under study


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    Abstract.This study wants to address how migrant workers and their choices to work abroad have impacted its family, especially for economy and infrastructure sector. This paper explains that community development tend to adopt two approaches: micro or macro perspective. Macro perspective focuses on the people or agencies only in terms of their relationship to the large-scale structure, whilst micro-perspective places a greater emphasis on the individual level as the main focus and objective in the development programs. The objective of this research is to seize the structural issues of the migrant workers, and therefore, social mapping method is used. Social mapping is a visual method of showing the relative location of households and the distribution of different types of people (such as male, female, adult, child, landed, landless, literate, illiterate, and so on) together with the social structure and institutions of an area. This research was conducted in Sukowilangun village, near Malang, East Java, as this regency is named one of the largest migrant workers origins.Keywords: Migrant Workers, Indonesia, Social Mapping, Community DevelopmentĀ Ā Abstrak. Penelitian ini ingin membahas bagaimana pekerja migran dan pilihan mereka untuk bekerja di luar negeri telah mempengaruhi keluarganya, terutama dalam sektor ekonomi dan infrastruktur. Makalah ini menjelaskan bahwa pengembangan masyarakat (community development) cenderung mengadopsi dua pendekatan perspektif yakni mikro atau makro. Perspektif makro hanya berfokus pada orang atau badan yang berkaitan dengan struktur yang berskala besar, sementara perspektif mikro lebih menekankan pada tingkat individu sebagai fokus utamanya dan program pembangunan sebagai objeknya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menangkap isu struktural dari pekerja migran, penelitian ini menggunakan metode pemetaan sosial (social mapping). Social mapping adalah metode visual untuk menunjukkan lokasi relatif rumah tangga dan distribusi orang dari berbagai jenis (seperti laki-laki, perempuan, dewasa, anak-anak, rumah berubin atau tak berubin, terpelajar, buta huruf, dan lain-lain) bersama dengan struktur sosial dan institusi yang ada di area tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Sukowilangun, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur, karena kabupaten ini merupakan salah satu asal pekerja migran terbesar.Kata kunci: Buruh Migran, Indonesia, Pemetaan Sosial, Community Development

    Modelling and Applications of Memristive Devices

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    [spa] En este trabajo, se ha utilizado un nuevo enfoque en lugar del mĀ“etodo tradicional de tensiĀ“on y corriente para modelar con Ā“exito ReRAM unipolar y bipolar en el espacio de carga de flujo considerando los dispositivos como memristores. Este enfoque considera un sistema dinĀ“amico y permite capturar el complejo comportamiento dinĀ“amico de los dispositivos ReRAM mediante el uso de un sistema simple de ecuaciĀ“on diferencial ordinaria que puede implementarse en simulaciones de circuitos. Por lo tanto, es posible simular el comportamiento del dispositivo para cualquier seĖœnal de entrada, independientemente de la forma de la seĖœnal de entrada. Este enfoque de modelado supera los inconvenientes que aparecen en los modelos complejos tradicionales en el dominio de corriente de voltaje que hacen que la simulaciĀ“on de circuitos grandes sea bastante difĀ“ıcil o incluso poco prĀ“actica. Se ha utilizado una relaciĀ“on no lineal entre el flujo y la carga para modelar las transiciones de restablecimiento de los dispositivos unipolares. Esta relaciĀ“on no lineal se extiende a uno por partes para modelar las transiciones de restablecimiento / ajuste de los dispositivos bipolares. La corriente y la tensiĀ“on se pueden obtener derivando con respecto al tiempo las magnitudes, el flujo y la carga principales del modelo. Para los dispositivos memristive ReRM tanto unipolares como bipolares, se han empleado datos simulados y experimentales para desarrollar un modelo que se pueda incluir fĀ“acilmente en los simuladores de circuitos para describir la operaciĀ“on de conmutaciĀ“on resistiva. Se empleĀ“o un modelo simple en el espacio de carga de flujo con un conjunto reducido de parĀ“ametros para ajustar con Ā“exito los diferentes procesos de reinicio experimental para dispositivos memristive ReRAM unipolar. La variabilidad intrĀ“ınseca en estos dispositivos se ha analizado utilizando el enfoque de carga de flujo. Se emplearon simulaciones fĀ“ısicas de dispositivos con diferentes tamaĖœnos de filamentos conductores para adaptarse al modelo introducido. Posteriormente, las relaciones entre los parĀ“ametros del modelo y las caracterĀ“ısticas geomĀ“etricas del filamento conductor se caracterizaron en profundidad. Las relaciones obtenidas se utilizaron luego para generar un nuevo conjunto de parĀ“ametros que muestra propiedades estadĀ“ısticas similares a la experimental, lo que demuestra la validez del enfoque. AdemĀ“as, se presentĀ“o un modelo para obtener la energĀ“ıa empleada en el proceso de reinicio. La transiciĀ“on de restablecimiento de un dispositivo memristive ReRAM bipolar se ha analizado en funciĀ“on de las consideraciones energĀ“eticas. Se ha realizado un anĀ“alisis de los resultados experimentales en el espacio de carga de flujo junto al voltaje-corriente habitual. Se ha considerado el efecto de cambiar la pendiente de la seĖœnal de entrada en el punto de reinicio, y se ha encontrado un conjunto de ecuaciones para estimar los nuevos parĀ“ametros. Estas ecuaciones, basadas en un anĀ“alisis de energĀ“ıa cuasiestĀ“atica, permiten la caracterizaciĀ“on de la transiciĀ“on de restablecimiento de un dispositivo memristive bipolar ReRAM utilizando solo tres parĀ“ametros ademĀ“as de la pendiente de la seĖœnal, una resistencia tĀ“ermica y la temperatura de reinicio del filamento conductor. Se ha desarrollado y probado un modelo por partes para restablecer y establecer transiciones de un dispositivo memristive ReRAM bipolar en el espacio de carga de flujo. El modelo utilizado es muy simple y proporciona resultados de simulaciĀ“on precisos. TambiĀ“en permite el desarrollo de expresiones simples para la conductancia y el consumo de energĀ“ıa, asĀ“ı como la caracterizaciĀ“on del dispositivo memristive ReRAM en el dominio de corriente de voltaje mediante el uso de dos puntos para cualquier reinicio o ciclo establecido. Se ha considerado el caso de una seĖœnal de entrada en rampa con diferentes pendientes para obtener los parĀ“ametros del modelo, y se han comparado las predicciones del modelo con los resultados experimentales. Finalmente, se ha implementado y probado un modelo cuasi estacionario compacto para el dispositivo memristive bipolar ReRAM para diferentes frecuencias. Finalmente, se ha implementado y probado un modelo cuasi estacionario compacto para el dispositivo memristive bipolar ReRAM para diferentes frecuencias.[cat] En aquest treball, sā€™ha utilitzat un nou enfocament en lloc del tradicional m`etode de voltatge-corrent per modelar amb `exit el RePram unipolar i bipolar en lā€™espai de c`arrega de flux considerant els dispositius com memristors. Aquest enfocament considera un sistema din`amic i permet capturar el comportament din`amic complex dels dispositius ReRAM mitjanĀøcant lā€™Ā“us dā€™un sistema simple dā€™equaciĀ“o diferencial ordin`aria que es pot implementar en simulacions de circuits. Per tant, Ā“es possible simular el comportament del dispositiu per a qualsevol senyal dā€™entrada, independentment de la forma del senyal dā€™entrada. Aquest enfocament de modelatge supera els inconvenients que apareixen en models complexos tradicionals en el domini de voltatgecorrent que fan que la simulaciĀ“o de circuits grans sigui bastant difĀ“ıcil o fins i tot pr`actic. Sā€™ha utilitzat una relaciĀ“o no lineal entre flux i c`arrega per modelar les transicions de restauraciĀ“o dels dispositius unipolars. Aquesta relaciĀ“o no lineal sā€™amplia a una peĀøca per modelar les transicions de restabliment / establiment de dispositius bipolars. El corrent i la tensiĀ“o es poden obtenir derivant respecte al temps les magnituds model principal, el flux i la c`arrega. Per a dispositius memristius ReRM unipolars i bipolars, sā€™han utilitzat dades simulades i experimentals per desenvolupar un model que es pugui incloure f`acilment en els simuladors de circuits per descriure lā€™operaciĀ“o de commutaciĀ“o resistiva. Es va utilitzar un model senzill en lā€™espai de c`arrega de flux amb un conjunt reduĀØıt de par`ametres per ajustar amb `exit els diferents processos de restabliment experimental per a dispositius memristius unipolars ReRAM. La variabilitat intrĀ“ınseca dā€™aquests dispositius sā€™ha analitzat utilitzant lā€™enfocament de c`arrega de flux. Es van utilitzar simulacions fĀ“ısiques de dispositius amb diferents mides de filaments conductius per adaptar-se al model introduĀØıt. Posteriorment, es van caracteritzar les relacions entre els par`ametres del model i les caracterĀ“ıstiques geom`etriques del filament conductor. Les relacions obtingudes es van utilitzar llavors per generar un nou conjunt de par`ametres que mostra propietats estadĀ“ıstiques similars a lā€™experimental, demostrant aixĀ“ı la validesa de lā€™enfocament. A mĀ“es, es va presentar un model per obtenir lā€™energia emprada en el procĀ“es de restabliment. La transiciĀ“o de restabliment dā€™un dispositiu memristiu bipolar ReRAM sā€™ha analitzat sobre la base de consideracions energ`etiques. Sā€™ha realitzat una an`alisi dels resultats experimentals a lā€™espai de c`arrega de flux al costat de la tensiĀ“o-corrent habitual. Sā€™ha considerat lā€™efecte de canviar el pendent del senyal dā€™entrada al punt de restabliment i sā€™ha trobat un conjunt dā€™equacions per estimar els nous par`ametres. Aquestes ecuaciones, basades en una an`alisi dā€™energia quasiest`atica, permeten la caracteritzaciĀ“o de la transiciĀ“o de reset dā€™un dispositiu memristiu bipolar ReRAM utilitzant nomĀ“es tres par`ametres, a mĀ“es del pendent del senyal, la resist`encia t`ermica i la temperatura de reset del filament conductor. Sā€™ha desenvolupat i provat un model de peces per a la restauraciĀ“o i configuraciĀ“o de transicions dā€™un dispositiu memristiu bipolar ReRAM a lā€™espai de c`arrega de flux. El model utilitzat Ā“es molt senzill i proporciona resultats de simulaciĀ“o precisos. TambĀ“e permet el desenvolupament dā€™expressions simples per a la conducta i el consum dā€™energia, aixĀ“ı com la caracteritzaciĀ“o del dispositiu memRristard ReRAM en el domini actual de tensiĀ“o utilitzant dos punts per a qualsevol restabliment o cicle establert. Sā€™ha considerat el cas dā€™una senyal dā€™entrada de rampa amb diferents vessants per obtenir els par`ametres del model i sā€™han comparat les prediccions del model amb resultats experimentals. Finalment, sā€™ha implementat i provat un model compacte gairebĀ“e estacionari per a dispositius memristius bipolars ReRAM per a diferents freqĀØu`encies. Finalment, sā€™ha implementat i provat un model compacte gairebĀ“e estacionari per a dispositius memristius bipolars ReRAM per a diferents freqĀØu`encies.[eng] In this work, a new approach in place of the traditional Voltage-Current (V āˆ’ I) method has been used to successfully model unipolar and bipolar ReRAM in Flux-Charge (Ļ† āˆ’ Q) space by considering the devices as memristors. This approach considers a dynamical system and enables capture of the complex dynamic behavior of ReRAM devices through the use of a simple ordinary differential equation system that can be implemented in circuit simulations. Thus, it is possible to simulate the device behavior for any input signal, regardless the input signal shape. This modeling approach overcomes the drawbacks that appear in traditional complex models in V āˆ’ I domain which make simulation of large circuits rather difficult or even impractical. A non-linear relation between flux and charge has been used to model the reset transitions of unipolar devices. This non-linear relation is extended to a piecewise one to model the reset/set transitions of bipolar devices. Current and voltage can be obtained by deriving with respect to time the main model magnitudes, flux and charge. For both unipolar and bipolar ReRAM memristive devices, simulated and experimental data have been employed to develop a model that can be easily included in circuit simulators in order to describe resistive switching operation. A simple model in Ļ† āˆ’ Q space with a reduced set of parameters was employed to fit successfully the different experimental reset processes for unipolar ReRAM memristive devices. The intrinsic variability in these devices has been analysed by using the Ļ† āˆ’ Q approach. Physical simulations of devices with different conductive filament sizes were employed to fit the model introduced. Afterwards, the relations between the model parameters and the conductive filament geometrical features were characterized in-depth. The obtained relations were then used to generate a new ensemble of parameters that shows similar statistical properties to the experimental one, thus proving the validity of the approach. In addition, a model to obtain the energy employed in the reset process was presented. The reset transition of a bipolar ReRAM memristive device has been analysed based on energy considerations. An analysis of the experimental results has been done in the Ļ† āˆ’ Q space beside the usual V āˆ’ I one. The effect of changing the slope of the input signal in the reset point has been considered, and a set of equations to estimate the new parameters has been found. These equations, based on a quasi-static energy analysis, allow the characterization of the reset transition of a bipolar ReRAM memristive device by using only three parameters in addition to the signal slope, a thermal resistance and the reset temperature of the conductive filament. A piecewise model for the reset and set transitions of a bipolar ReRAM memristive device in the Ļ†āˆ’Q space has been developed and tested. The model used is very simple and provides accurate simulation results. It also allows the development of simple expressions for the conductance and power consumption, as well as the characterization of the ReRAM memristive device in V āˆ’ I domain by using two points for any reset or set cycle. The case of a ramp input signal with different slopes has been considered to obtain the model parameters, and the predictions of the model with experimental results have been compared. Finally, a quasi-stationary compact model for bipolar ReRAM memristive device has been implemented and tested for different frequencies

    A Simple Quasi-Static Compact Model of Bipolar ReRAM Memristive Devices

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    [eng] In this brief, we present a quasi-static compact model for bipolar ReRAM memristive devices. This model is based on a piecewise model in flux-charge space for reset and set transitions that has been extended to build a compact model of reset/set transitions for different slopes. In order to show its functionality, we use it to reproduce the behavior of a device fabricated by the CNR-IMM, MDM Laboratory. We discuss the needed parameters extraction procedure for the device. As shown in the results, the implemented model is able to capture the effects of the slope change in the ramp input signal for reset and set by using a set of technological parameters related to the device and information related to the slope of the ramp input voltage signal

    Stochastic Computing Emulation of Memristor Cellular Nonlinear Networks

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    Cellular Nonlinear Networks (CNN) are a concept introduced in 1988 by Leon Chua and Lin Yang as a bio-inspired architecture capable of massively parallel computation. Since then, CNN have been enhanced by incorporating designs that incorporate memristors to profit from their processing and memory capabilities. In addition, Stochastic Computing (SC) can be used to optimize the quantity of required processing elements; thus it provides a lightweight approximate computing framework, quite accurate and effective, however. In this work, we propose utilization of SC in designing and implementing a memristor-based CNN. As a proof of the proposed concept, an example of application is presented. This application combines Matlab and a FPGA in order to create the CNN. The implemented CNN was then used to perform three different real-time applications on a 512 × 512 gray-scale and a 768 × 512 color image: storage of the image, edge detection, and image sharpening. It has to be pointed out that the same CNN was used for the three different tasks, with the sole change of some programmable parameters. Results show an excellent capability with significant accompanying advantages, such as the low number of needed elements further allowing for a low cost FPGA-based system implementation, something confirming the system’s capacity for real time operation

    A Switched Capacitor Memristor Emulator Using Stochastic Computing

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    Due to the increased use of memristors and their many applications, the use of emulators has grown in parallel to avoid some of the difficulties presented by real devices, such as variability and reliability. In this paper, we present a memristive emulator designed using a switched capacitor (SC), that is, an analog component/block and a control part or block implemented using stochastic computing (SCo) and therefore fully digital. Our design is thus a mixed signal circuit. Memristor equations are implemented using stochastic computing to generate the control signals necessary to work with the controllable resistor implemented as a switched capacitor

    A Switched Capacitor Memristor Emulator Using Stochastic Computing

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    Due to the increased use of memristors and their many applications, the use of emulators has grown in parallel to avoid some of the difficulties presented by real devices, such as variability and reliability. In this paper, we present a memristive emulator designed using a switched capacitor (SC), that is, an analog component/block and a control part or block implemented using stochastic computing (SCo) and therefore fully digital. Our design is thus a mixed signal circuit. Memristor equations are implemented using stochastic computing to generate the control signals necessary to work with the controllable resistor implemented as a switched capacitor

    Ischemic stroke in the setting of supratherapeutic International Normalized Ratio following coronavirus disease 2019 infection: a case report

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    Abstract Background SARS-CoV-19 infection is associated with an increased risk of thrombotic events. We present a case of acute middle cerebral artery ischemic stroke in a patient with SARS-CoV-19 infection despite being on warfarin with supratherapeutic INR (International Normalized Ratio). Case presentation A 68-year-old Caucasian female with multiple comorbidities was admitted to the hospital with symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection. A rapid antigen test confirmed the diagnosis of COVID-19 pneumonia, and intravenous remdesivir was initiated. On the fifth day of admission, the patient experienced sudden onset confusion, slurred speech, left-sided hemiplegia, right-sided eye deviation, and left-sided facial droop. Imaging studies revealed an occlusion of the distal anterior M2 segment of the right middle cerebral artery, and an MRI of the brain confirmed an acute right MCA infarction. Notably, the patient was receiving warfarin therapy with a supratherapeutic INR of 3.2. Conclusions This case report highlights the potential for thromboembolic events, including stroke, in patients with COVID-19 infection, even when receiving therapeutic anticoagulation therapy. Healthcare providers should be vigilant for signs of thrombosis in COVID-19 patients, particularly those with pre-existing risk factors. Further research is necessary to understand the pathophysiology and optimal management of thrombotic complications in COVID-19 patients

    Polymer/TiO2Nanorod Nanocomposite Optical Memristor Device

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    Modulation of resistive switching memory by light opens the route to new optoelectronic devices that can be controlled both optically and electronically. Applications include integrated circuits with memory elements switchable by light and neuromorphic computing with optically reconfigurable and tunable synaptic circuits. We report on a unique nanocomposite resistive switching material and device made from a low concentration (āˆ¼0.1% by mass) of titanium dioxide nanorods (TiO2-NRs) embedded within the azobenzene polymer, poly(disperse red 1 acrylate, PDR1A). The device exhibits both reversible electronic memristor switching and reversible polarization-dependent optical switching. Optical irradiation by circularly polarized light causes a trans-cis photochemical isomerization that modifies the conformation and orientation of the photoactive azo-unit within the polymer. The resulting expansion of the composite (PDR1A/TiO2-NR) polymer film modifies the conduction pathway, facilitated by the presence of the TiO2-NRs, as a semiconductor material, through the (PDR1A/TiO2-NR) polymer film, which provides a sensitive means to control resistive switching in the device. The effect is reversible by changing the polarization state of the incident light. A charge-flux memristor model successfully reproduces the current-voltage hysteresis loops and threshold switching properties of the device, as well as the effect of the illumination on the electrical characteristics

    Empirical Characterization of ReRAM Devices Using Memory Maps and a Dynamic Route Map

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    Memristors were proposed in the early 1970s by Leon Chua as a new electrical element linking charge to flux. Since that first introduction, these devices have positioned themselves to be considered as possible fundamental ones for the generations of electronic devices to come. In this paper, we propose a new way to investigate the effects of the electrical variables on the memristance of a device, and we successfully apply this technique to model the behavior of a TiN/Ti/HfO2/W ReRAM structure. To do so, we initially apply the Dynamic Route Map technique in the general case to obtain an approximation to the differential equation that determines the behaviour of the device. This is performed by choosing a variable of interest and observing the evolution of its own temporal derivative versus both its value and the applied voltage. Then, according to this technique, it is possible to obtain an approach to the governing equations with no need to make any assumption about the underlying physical mechanisms, by fitting a function to this. We have used a polynomial function, which allows accurate reproduction of the observed electrical behavior of the measured devices, by integrating the resulting differential equation system