48 research outputs found

    Surgical resection of neoplastic cervical spine lesions in relation to the vertebral artery V2 segment

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    Neoplastic cervical spine lesions are seen infrequently by the spinal surgeon. The surgical management of these tumors, particularly with associated neurovascular compromise, is challenging in terms of achieving proper resection and spinal stabilization and ensuring no subsequent recurrence or failure of fixation. In this report we highlight some of the problems encountered in the surgical management of tumors involving the cervical spine with techniques applied for gross total resection of the tumor without compromising the vertebral arteries. Ten patients with neoplastic cervical spine lesions were managed in our study. The common cardinal presentation was neck and arm pain with progressive cervical radiculo-myelopathy. All patients had plain X-rays, computer tomography scans, and magnetic resonance imaging of the cervical spine. Digital subtraction or magnetic resonance angiograms were performed on both vertebral arteries when the pathology was found to be in proximity to the vertebral artery. When a tumor blush with feeders was evident, endovascular embolization to minimize intraoperative bleeding was also considered. A single approach or a combined anterior cervical approach for corpectomy and cage-with-plate fixation and posterior decompression for resection of the rest of the tumor with spinal fixation was then accomplished as indicated. All cases made a good neurological recovery and had no neural or vascular complications. On the long-term follow-up of the survivors there was no local recurrence or surgical failure. Only three patients died: two from the primary malignancy and one from pulmonary embolism. This report documents a safe and reliable way to deal with neoplastic cervical spine lesions in proximity to vertebral arteries with preservation of both arteries

    Thoracic Disc Herniation of the Adjacent Segment With Acutely Progressing Myelopathy

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    We report a case of a 66-year-old woman with progressing myelopathy. Her history revealed instrumented fusion from T10 to S1 for degenerative lumbar kyphosis and spinal stenosis. The plain radiographs showed narrowing of the intervertebral disc space with a gas shadow and sclerotic end-plate changes at T9-T10. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a posterolateral mass compressing the spinal cord at the T9-T10 level. The patient was treated with a discectomy through the posterior approach combined with posterior instrumentation. The patient's symptoms and myelopathy resolved completely after the discectomy and instrumented fusion. The thoracic disc herniation might have been caused by the increased motion and stress concentration at the adjacent segment

    Morphometric Analysis of the Corpus Callosum According to Age and Sex in Middle Eastern Arabs: Racial Comparisons and Clinical Correlations to Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    This study sought to examine the influence of age and sex on morphometric measurements of the corpus callosum (CC) within Middle Eastern Arab population, in order to obtain reference data and conduct racial comparisons with previously reported measurements from other ethnicities. Furthermore, it aimed to investigate CC variations that may occur in children with autism. To this end, magnetic resonance images of normal brains were acquired from three different age groups, consisting of children, younger adults, and older adults. Brain images were also acquired from boys with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The CC length, area, and thickness were measured. The CC length was smaller in children than in the other age groups, but no difference in CC length was found between younger and older adults. The CC area and thickness were greater in younger adults than in children and older adults, and greater in older adults than in children. With regard to sexual dimorphism, the CC area and forebrain volume were larger in male children than in female children. No sex-related differences in CC area or thickness were found in adults. However, the ratio of CC area to the forebrain volume was greater in adult females than in males, owing to the smaller forebrain volume in females. The absolute length of the CC was greater in older adult males than in their female counterparts. In addition, significant differences in CC measurements were found in comparison to measurements obtained from other ethnicities. Lastly, significant reductions in CC area and thickness were found in boys with ASD compared to their neurotypical peers. In conclusion, age and sex significantly influence morphometric measurements of CC in Middle Eastern Arab population. This study points to the presence of racial differences in CC size. Finally, it reveals that children with ASD display a distinct reduction in CC size compared to neurotypical children of the same ethnicity.Funds for the conduction of this study were provided by the Deanship of Research at Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan (Grant # 20160212). Publication fees were provided by a grant to MZA from the Office of Research at United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, UAE (Grant # G00003289, Fund # 31M441)

    Sequential Magnetic Resonance Imaging Finding of Intramedullary Spinal Cord Abscess including Diffusion Weighted Image: a Case Report

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    Intramedullary spinal cord abscess (ISCA) is a rare infection of the central nervous system. We describe the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings, including the diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) findings, of ISCA in a 78-year-old man. The initial conventional MRI of the thoracic spine demonstrated a subtle enhancing nodule accompanied by significant edema. On the follow-up MRI after seven days, the nodule appeared as a ring-enhancing nodule. The non-enhancing central portion of the nodule appeared hyperintense on DWI with a decreased apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) value on the ADC map. We performed myelotomy and surgical drainage, and thick, yellowish pus was drained

    Surgical management of low grade isthmic spondylolisthesis; a randomized controlled study of the surgical fixation with and without reduction

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>spondylolisthesis is a condition in which a vertebra slips out of the proper position onto the bone below it as a result of pars interarticularis defect. The slipped segment produces abnormal positioning of the vertebrae in relation to each other along the spinal column and causes mechanical back pain and neural breach.</p> <p>Materials and methods</p> <p>A randomized and double blinded study consisted of 41 patients aged 36-69 years (18 females and 28 males) treated for symptomatic spondylolisthesis between December,2006 and December, 2009. All patients were randomly distributed into two groups I and II. Twenty patients were in Group I; they underwent reduction of the slipped vertebrae by using Reduction-Screw Technique and posterior lumbar interbody fixation (PLIF). Group II consisted of twenty one patients who underwent only surgical fixation (PLIF) without reduction. All patients in this study had same pre and post operative management.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>only one case had broken rod in group I that required revision. Superficial wound infection was experienced in two patients and one patient, from group II, developed wound hematoma. The outcome in both groups was variable on the short term but was almost the same on the long term follow up.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>surgical management of symptomatic low grade spondylolisthesis should include neural decompression and surgical fixation. Reduction of slipped vertebral bodies is unnecessary as the ultimate outcome will be likely similar.</p

    Decompressive cervical laminectomy and lateral mass screw-rod arthrodesis. Surgical analysis and outcome

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This study evaluates the outcome and complications of decompressive cervical Laminectomy and lateral mass screw fixation in 110 cases treated for variable cervical spine pathologies that included; degenerative disease, trauma, neoplasms, metabolic-inflammatory disorders and congenital anomalies.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A retrospective review of total 785 lateral mass screws were placed in patients ages 16-68 years (40 females and 70 males). All cases were performed with a polyaxial screw-rod construct and screws were placed by using Anderson-Sekhon trajectory. Most patients had 12-14-mm length and 3.5 mm diameter screws placed for subaxial and 28-30 for C1 lateral mass. Screw location was assessed by post operative plain x-ray and computed tomography can (CT), besides that; the facet joint, nerve root foramen and foramen transversarium violation were also appraised.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>No patients experienced neural or vascular injury as a result of screw position. Only one patient needed screw repositioning. Six patients experienced superficial wound infection. Fifteen patients had pain around the shoulder of C5 distribution that subsided over the time. No patients developed screw pullouts or symptomatic adjacent segment disease within the period of follow up.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>decompressive cervical spine laminectomy and Lateral mass screw stabilization is a technique that can be used for a variety of cervical spine pathologies with safety and efficiency.</p

    Nuevos métodos de fosforescencia en fase sólida a temperatura ambiente para el análisis de fármacos

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    La presente Memoria de Tesis Doctoral contiene los estudios realizados por el doctorando acerca de una nueva metodología para analizar los ácidos nalidíxico, oxolínico , piromídico y flumequina en muestras reales en las que potencialmente se pueden encontrar como consecuencia de su utilización, tanto en la práctica médica como en veterinaria, donde son ampliamente utilizados, sobre todo en esta última, por su acción específica contra infecciones del aparato digestivo y urinario causadas por gérmenes patógenos del tipo salmonela, entre otros. La utilización en veterinaria y las altas dosis que se suelen administrar hacen posible su presencia en la leche de vaca y sus derivados, con lo cual pueden introducirse en la cadena alimentaria, pasando así a los consumidores de tales productos, siendo excretados en la orina humana en cantidades de mg/L. Para la determinación de estos analitos a los niveles de concentración referidos, la presente Memoria propone utilizar una metodología analítica, basada en la espectrofosforimetría en fase sóllida como técnica analítica, usando sensores de un solo uso para la fijación de los analitos que quedan incorporados en el sensor mediante un proceso de absorción que tiene lugar al introducir el sensor en la disolución que contiene el analito y mantener una agitación de dicha disolución durante un determinado tiempo. En este proceso de fijación , que se afectúa directamente con la muestra sin una preparación previa, los analitos, además de quedar fijados en la zona sensora, son preconcentrados en ella consiguiéndose así una doble finalidad: primero, separar el analito de la matriz en la que se encuentra, con lo que se alcanza un cierto grado de selectividad y, segundo, preconcentrarlo con lo cual aumenta la sensibilidad del método. Los sensores usados están formados por un soporte sólido que es una lámina de material polimérico sobre la que se deposita una gota de una mezcla de reactivos formada por cloruro de polivinilo como polímero, tributilfosfato como plastificante y tetrahidrofurano como disolvente. Se deposita una gota de una mezcla de estos tres componentes sobre la lámina de soporte, sólido, se deja secar y se forma una película sólida, adherida a la superficie de la lámina, que constituye la zona sensora del dispositivo. Cuando esta zona sensora se introduce, durante un determinado tiempo, en la disolución de la muestra que contiene el analito, mientras se agita dicha disolución, el fármaco se absorbe en la película de cloruro de polivinilo de manera que la cantidad absorbida es proporcional a la concentración del mismo en la disolución. En esta medicina también se propone un nuevo método de calibrado para este tipo de medidas en las que, como se ha dicho anteriormente, una vez que se han optimizado todas las variables experimentales, la señal emitida depende de la concentración de analito en la disolución de muestra siempre que el tiempo de fijación del analito sobre el sensor se mantenga constante, es decir, la señal analítica depende de la concentración de analito y del tiempo. Desde este punto de partida se ha elaborado un modelo de calibración en el que se obtiene una superficie de respuesta, utilizando una función spline para interpolar términos y construir dicha superficie. Esta forma de obtener la función de calibrado permite saber en cada caso particular cuál es el tiempo más adecuado para efectuar la medida de la señal analítica según sea la concentración de analito en la muestra. Los diferentes métodos propuestos se han aplicado a la determinación individual de los respectivos fármacos en muestras reales de leche de vaca y orina humana, así como a la determinación conjunta de los ácidos nalidíxico y piromídico en dichos tipos de muestras utilizando para ello la técnica de espectrofosforimetía sincrónicaUniversidad Granada, Departamento de Química Analítica. Leída en el 200