5 research outputs found

    Knowledge Management Practices and Transformational Leadership Traits: Predicting Process Innovation in FMCG Industry

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    Organizations in the current competitive and challenging situation considered organizational process innovation to sustain themselves with competitive advantage and provisioning of high value products to consumers. The current study investigates the role of transformational leadership traits and knowledge management practices on predicting the process innovation in FMCG companies. Data has been collected from the 10 FMCG companies located in major two cities i.e. Lahore and Karachi, Pakistan. Sample of 200 top line managers have been selected by convenience sampling method and adapted itemized questionnaire has been presented to the top management after a brief session of face to face interviews. Response of 170 top line employees has been registered and statistical testing has been done on SPSS 22. Results indicated that the transformational leadership traits has significantly positive impact on process innovation which effectively expedites the production efficiency of manufacturing units. The knowledge management practices such as acquisition, transfer and application has strong and positively significant association with process innovation. The knowledge management practices positively mediates with transformational leadership traits and resultantly lays foundation for continuous process improvement to survive in market. This conceptual model practically helps the production and manufacturing companies to nurture positive change management attitudes, decreasing production time, expanding products range, development of skills needed to advocate and adopt change, employee involvement, commitment and benefits of large scale economy. This study is limited to FMCGs in major cities and can be expanded to services industry and test the conceptual model

    Leadership Style and Employee Motivation: A Study of Saudi Arabian Work Environment

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    Leaders motivate employees through setting in place structures aimed at taking full advantage of employee鈥檚 potential, organization resources and providing direction. Conversely, they can severely cause difficulty in inspiring confidence, buying into firm鈥檚 goals, promoting alignment and fostering collaborative environment. Therefore, this research aims at investigating relationship leadership style and motivation of employees. An intensive review of literature has been conducted highlighting employee motivation, leadership style (Authoritarian, Paternalistic, Transformational, Laissez-faire). The data were collected through questionnaire which was distributed to government employees working in Alkharj (Riyadh region) and 130 valid responses were received. SPSS 22 was used to carry out statistical analysis and the results indicated an overall positive significance of leadership styles and motivation. The overall impact of leadership styles together on motivation was found as 66.5% (R2=0.665). The unique effects of each Paternalistic, Transformational and Laissez-faire style on motivation was found positive and significant. Whereas, the relationship between authoritarian leadership style and motivation was found insignificant. It is recommended that leaders in Saudi Arabia work environment must follow paternalistic and transformational leadership styles to enhance motivation level of their employees.Los l铆deres motivan a los empleados mediante el establecimiento de estructuras destinadas a aprovechar al m谩ximo el potencial de los empleados, los recursos de la organizaci贸n y proporcionar direcci贸n. Por el contrario, pueden causar graves dificultades para inspirar confianza, aceptar los objetivos de la empresa, promover la alineaci贸n y fomentar un entorno colaborativo. Por lo tanto, esta investigaci贸n tiene como objetivo investigar el estilo de liderazgo de relaci贸n y la motivaci贸n de los empleados. Se ha llevado a cabo una revisi贸n intensiva de la literatura que destaca la motivaci贸n de los empleados, el estilo de liderazgo (Autoritario, Paternalista, Transformacional, Laissez-faire). Los datos se recopilaron mediante un cuestionario que se distribuy贸 a los empleados del gobierno que trabajan en Alkharj (regi贸n de Riad) y se recibieron 130 respuestas v谩lidas. El SPSS 22 se utiliz贸 para llevar a cabo an谩lisis estad铆sticos y los resultados indicaron una importancia positiva general de los estilos de liderazgo y la motivaci贸n. El impacto general de los estilos de liderazgo juntos en la motivaci贸n se encontr贸 en 66.5% (R2 = 0.665). Los efectos 煤nicos de cada estilo Paternalista, Transformacional y Laissezfaire en la motivaci贸n fueron positivos y significativos. Mientras que la relaci贸n entre el estilo de liderazgo autoritario y la motivaci贸n se consider贸 insignificante. Se recomienda que los l铆deres en el ambiente de trabajo de Arabia Saudita deben seguir estilos de liderazgo paternalistas y transformadores para mejorar el nivel de motivaci贸n de sus empleados

    Knowledge Management Practices and Transformational Leadership Traits: Predicting Process Innovation in FMCG Industry

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    Organizations in the current competitive and challenging situation considered organizational process innovation to sustain themselves with competitive advantage and provisioning of high value products to consumers. The current study investigates the role of transformational leadership traits and knowledge management practices on predicting the process innovation in FMCG companies. Data has been collected from the 10 FMCG companies located in major two cities i.e. Lahore and Karachi, Pakistan. Sample of 200 top line managers have been selected by convenience sampling method and adapted itemized questionnaire has been presented to the top management after a brief session of face to face interviews. Response of 170 top line employees has been registered and statistical testing has been done on SPSS 22. Results indicated that the transformational leadership traits has significantly positive impact on process innovation which effectively expedites the production efficiency of manufacturing units. The knowledge management practices such as acquisition, transfer and application has strong and positively significant association with process innovation. The knowledge management practices positively mediates with transformational leadership traits and resultantly lays foundation for continuous process improvement to survive in market. This conceptual model practically helps the production and manufacturing companies to nurture positive change management attitudes, decreasing production time, expanding products range, development of skills needed to advocate and adopt change, employee involvement, commitment and benefits of large scale economy. This study is limited to FMCGs in major cities and can be expanded to services industry and test the conceptual model.Las organizaciones en la actual situaci贸n competitiva y desafiante consideraron la innovaci贸n de procesos organizacionales para sostenerse con ventaja competitiva y aprovisionamiento de productos de alto valor para los consumidores. El estudio actual investiga el papel de los rasgos de liderazgo transformacional y las pr谩cticas de gesti贸n del conocimiento en la predicci贸n de la innovaci贸n de procesos en las empresas de bienes de consumo. Se han recopilado datos de las 10 compa帽铆as de bienes de consumo que se encuentran en las dos principales ciudades, es decir, Lahore y Karachi, Pakist谩n. Se seleccion贸 una muestra de 200 gerentes de primera l铆nea mediante un m茅todo de muestreo de conveniencia y se present贸 un cuestionario detallado adaptado a la alta gerencia despu茅s de una breve sesi贸n de entrevistas cara a cara. Se ha registrado la respuesta de 170 empleados de primera l铆nea y se han realizado pruebas estad铆sticas en SPSS 22. Los resultados indicaron que los rasgos de liderazgo transformacional tienen un impacto significativamente positivo en la innovaci贸n de procesos, lo que acelera efectivamente la eficiencia de producci贸n de las unidades de fabricaci贸n. Las pr谩cticas de gesti贸n del conocimiento, como la adquisici贸n, transferencia y aplicaci贸n, tienen una asociaci贸n fuerte y positivamente significativa con la innovaci贸n de procesos. Las pr谩cticas de gesti贸n del conocimiento median positivamente con rasgos de liderazgo transformacional y, en consecuencia, sientan las bases para la mejora continua de los procesos para sobrevivir en el mercado. Este modelo conceptual pr谩cticamente ayuda a las empresas de producci贸n y fabricaci贸n a fomentar actitudes positivas de gesti贸n del cambio, disminuyendo el tiempo de producci贸n, ampliando la gama de productos, desarrollando las habilidades necesarias para abogar y adoptar el cambio, la participaci贸n de los empleados, el compromiso y los beneficios de la econom铆a a gran escala. Este estudio se limita a los bienes de consumo en las principales ciudades y se puede ampliar a la industria de servicios y probar el modelo conceptual

    Social Media Adoption and Financial Sustainability: Learned Lessons from Developing Countries

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    Social Media (SM) is considered one of the most discussed topics in today’s business environment, mostly because of the recent developments and improvements in computer and ICT (Information and Communications Technology) technologies. However, very little is known about Social Media’s (SM) role in creating Small and Medium-sized Enterprises’ (SMEs’) financial sustainability. Drawing upon the Technology Organisational and Environmental (TOE) framework, the authors constructed a comprehensive model that examined the role of different factors in the adoption of SM by SMEs in developing countries (using Pakistan as an example). Using a questionnaire survey of 383 owners/managers of SMEs in Pakistan, the research findings determined the different factors (i.e., organisational, technological, and environmental), which can impact the adoption of SM by SMEs. In line with previous research studies, the results of structural equation modelling show that technological factors such as perceived benefits of SM, compatibility of SM, cost, and trust have a substantial effect on SMEs’ SM adoption. Similarly, both organisational factors: top management support and technological competence, are strong predictors of SM adoption in SMEs. Finally, environmental factors (i.e., competitor pressure, customer pressure, and information intensity) positively impacted SM adoption by SMEs. The effect of SM adoption on SMEs’ financial sustainability was also tested and found to be positive and significant. Several theoretical and practical implications for owners/managers and other stakeholders regarding SM’s successful implementation by SMEs are highlighted within the paper