39 research outputs found

    Reconciling the stratigraphy and depositional history of the Lycian orogen-top basins, SW Anatolia

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    Terrestrial fossil records from the SWAnatolian basins are crucial both for regional correlations and palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. By reassessing biostratigraphic constraints and incorporating new fossil data, we calibrated and reconstructed the late Neogene andQuaternary palaeoenvironments within a regional palaeogeographical framework. The culmination of the Taurides inSWAnatolia was followed by a regional crustal extension from the late Tortonian onwards that created a broad array of NE-trending orogen-top basins with synchronic associations of alluvial fan, fluvial and lacustrine deposits. The terrestrial basins are superimposed on the upper Burdigalian marine units with a c. 7 myr of hiatus that corresponds to a shift from regional shortening to extension. The initial infill of these basins is documented by a transition from marginal alluvial fans and axial fluvial systems into central shallow-perennial lakes coinciding with a climatic shift from warm/humid to arid conditions. The basal alluvial fan deposits abound in fossil macro-mammals of an early Turolian (MN11–12; late Tortonian) age. The Pliocene epoch in the region was punctuated by subhumid/humid conditions resulting in a rise of local base levels and expansion of lakes as evidenced by marsh-swamp deposits containing diverse fossilmammal assemblages indicating late Ruscinian (lateMN15; late Zanclean) ageWe are grateful for the support of the international bilateral project between The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) and The Russian Scientific Foundation (RFBR) with grant a number of 111Y192. M.C.A. is grateful to the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TUBA) for a GEBIP (Young Scientist Award) grant. T.K. and S.M. are grateful to the Ege University Scientific Research Center for the TTM/002/2016 and TTM/001/2016 projects. M.C.A., H.A., S.M. and M.B. have obtained Martin and Temmick Fellowships at Naturalis Biodiversity Center (Leiden). F.A.D. is supported by a Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Scientific Research Grant. T.A.N. is supported by an Alexander-von-Humboldt Scholarship. L.H.O. received support from TUBITAK under the 2221 program for visiting scientists

    Geographic and geological context of the Kocabas site, Denizli Basin, Anatolia, Turkey

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    The site of Kocabas is located in the Denizli Basin, in western Anatolia, 400 km southwest of Ankara, 360 km south of Istanbul, 200 km east-southeast of Izmir and 150 km northwest of Antalya. The Denizli Basin depression, at the junction of the Buyuk Menderes and Gediz grabens, which began to form at the beginning of the Miocene, was filled in around the edges, along fault lines, by significant travertine formations, some of which are still active today. The age of the Kocabas travertines, which yielded the Kocabas Homo erectus skullcap, was evaluated by thermoluminescence at 828,000 years, by electron spin resonance (ESR) at 1,110,000 years and by the Al-26/Be-10 cosmogenic nuclide method to more than 1.22 Ma and less than 1.5 Ma, a date which has been confirmed by magnetostratigraphy and biochronology. (C) 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved

    Stratigraphic correlation of the Neogene basins in southwestern Anatolia: Regional palaeogeographical, palaeoclimatic and tectonic implications

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    The extensional intramontane grabens that formed in southwestern Anatolia in the Late Cenozoic bear the unique tectono-sedimentary, palaeontological and palynological record of a region that underwent rapid transition from the last compressional pulses of the Alpine orogeny to the tectonic phase of orogen collapse and the onset of neotectonic regime. The change in tectonic regime was accompanied by regional climatic changes, recorded by the sedimentary environments of the basins and evidenced by palaeontological and palynological data. The late Early to mid-Middle Miocene was characterized by a warm and humid subtropical climate with densely forested wetlands. The late Middle to Late Miocene witnessed a change to arid climatic conditions, with grass-dominated steppe ecosystems. The Pliocene climate was warm and humid, with savannah-type open habitats. In terms of their stratigraphic development, the southwestern Anatolian basins form two distinct groups. One group is represented by the Denizli, Söke and Yataǧan basins, which commenced their development in the Early Burdigalian and underwent similar phases of environmental change: (1) the Burdigalian phase of alluvial environment and redbed deposition; (2) the Late Burdigalian-Langhian phase of alluvial sedimentation accompanied by the formation of "terminal" lakes; (3) the Serravallian-Middle Tortonian phase of the formation of shallow perennial lakes; (4) the Middle Tortonian-Messinian phase of lake expansion and deepening, followed by shrinking and shallowing; (5) the Pliocene phase of lake expansion and deepening; and (6) the erosional Quaternary phase of two-stage alluvial sedimentation separated by a high-relief erosional unconformity. The other, younger group of tectonic grabens is represented by the Karacasu, Bozdoǧan, Çameli and Eşen basins, which commenced their development in the earliest Tortonian and underwent common environmental changes: (1) the Tortonian phase of alluvial environment and redbed deposition, coeval with the phase of lake drying in the Denizli, Söke and Yataǧan basins; (2) the Messinian phase of the formation of "terminal" lakes, coeval with the re-establishment of shallow lakes in the three other basins; (3) the Zanclean phase of shallow perennial lakes, coeval with the expansion and deepening of lakes in the other basins; (4) the Piacenzian phase of deep lacustrine environments; (5) the Gelasian phase of shallow lacustrine environments; and (6) the erosional Quaternary phase of two-stage alluvial sedimentation, similar as in the other basins. In spite of the time offset in their development, the two basin groups have been strongly modulated by climate and hence show correlative responses to regional climatic changes. Despite the time offset in their tectonic development, the two basin groups showed correlative environmental changes imposed by regional climatic conditions. The basins were environmentally unified by the Quaternary alluvial phase of their development. In the Late Cenozoic, Anatolia was at the crossroads of fauna migration routes between Africa, Asia and Europe, and the palaeontological data from the southwestern Anatolian basins shed more light on this phenomenon. The study as a whole contributes to a better understanding of the Late Cenozoic environmental, climatical and biogeographical changes in the Eastern Mediterranean. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    A new cardiid bivalve from the Pliocene Baklan Basin (Turkey) and the origin of modern Ponto-Caspian taxa

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    Abstract: We present the first record of the cardiid genus Monodacna from the Pliocene of Anatolia, Turkey. Monodacna imrei sp. nov. was found in the Pliocene Killik Formation from the western margin of the Baklan Basin, in very marginal brackish to freshwater lacustrine deposits. The new record extends the stratigraphic range of the modern Ponto-Caspian genus back into the Pliocene and adds to earlier evidence that modern Ponto-Caspian taxa originated in the Pliocene of south-western Turkey. © The Palaeontological Association

    Late Miocene to Plio-Pleistocene fluvio-lacustrine system in the Karacasu Basin (SW Anatolia, Turkey): Depositional, paleogeographic and paleoclimatic implications

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    The sedimentary record of the late Cenozoic Karacasu Basin, a long-lived continental half-graben from southwestern Turkey, is characterized by siliciclastic and carbonate deposits. Sedimentation was controlled by an active NW-SE trending major normal fault along the basin's southern margin and by climatically-induced lake-level changes. Detailed facies analysis subdivides the entire Neogene-Quaternary basin-fill into three distinct litostratigraphic units representing paleogeographic changes and sedimentation patterns throughout the basin evolution.Sedimentation commenced in the late Miocene with the deposition of proximal-medial alluvial fan and fluvial facies (Damdere Formation; FA1). At this stage, alluvial fans developed in elevated areas to the south, prograding towards the basin center. At the beginning of the Pliocene, fresh to slightly alkaline, shallow lake deposits (FA2a) of the Karacaören Formation formed. The lake became open and meromictic conditions developed (FA2b). Pollen data from the FA2b facies show that climate was arid to humid. Climate probably changed cyclically through time producing alternation of Artemisia steppe (cold and dry periods) and more forested vegetation (warm and wet). The open lake facies passes upwards into lake margin facies (FA2c), but it was still dominated by alkaline to slightly saline lake conditions. Sedimentation was almost continuous from the late Miocene to Pleistocene.In the early Quaternary, the basin was dissected by the re-activation of basin bounding faults. The unconformable base of the overlying Quaternary deposits (Karacasu Formation; FA3) reflected the basin's transformation from a half-graben into a full-graben system. Oxygen isotope data from carbonates show an alternation of humid climatic periods, when freshwater settings predominated, and semiarid/arid periods in which the basin hosted alkaline and saline water lakes. Neotectonic activity has rejuvenated many of the basin-bounding faults, causing development of talus aprons and local alluvial fans. The basin was progressively incised by modern rivers that have largely smoothed out the topographic relief of the graben margins. © 2013 Elsevier B.V

    Alternatif kaba yem kaynakları üzerine araştırmalar III. Asma filiz ve yapraklarının silolanma imkanı ve yem değeri

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    Ba çalışmada, uç alma sonrası tarlada İmlan asma filiz ve yapraklarının silolanma imkanı, besin maddelerinin sindirilme derecesi ve yem değeri araştırılmıştır. Silaj kalite kriterleri olarak pH değeri, silo asitleri ve fiziksel özellikler ele alınmıştır. Asma filizi ve yaprakları silajının % 24.93 kurumadde ve kurumaddede % 21.39 ham protein, % 15.90 ham selüloz, % 27.92 NDF, % 25.17 ADF, % 3.69 lignin (ADL), % 21.13 sellüloz yanısıra tabii halde % 0.468 laktik asit, % 0.131 asetik asit ve % 0.121 botirik asit içeriği saptanmıştır. Yürütülen sindirim denemelerine göre, organik maddelerin % 69.57, ham proteinin % 72.53, ham sellülozun % 58.08, N-siz öz maddelerin % 73.67 düzeyinde sindirilidiği saptanmıştır. İn-vivo yem enerji içerikleri; kurumaddede 10,27 MJ/kg ME, 6.13 MJ/kg NEL ve 572 g/kg NB olarak bulunmuştur. Bu bulgulara dayanarak, asma filiz ve yapraklarından 'memnuniyet verici nitelikte bir silaj die edildiği ve gerek besin maideleri içeriği ve gerekse yem değeri açısından siiajlarla karşılaştırılabilir nitelikte olduğa ortaya konmuştur

    Alternatif kaba yem kaynakları üzerine arıştırmalar II.Biber sap ve yaparklarının silolanma imkanı ve yem değeri

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    In diesem Versuch wurden die Silierfâhigkeit, die NâhrstoffVerdaulichkeit und der Futtenvert von Paprikastengel mit Blâttern nach der Ernte untersucht. Neben der Bestimmung des pH-Wertes wurden die Gârsâure und die Sinnenprüfung zur Silagebewertung herangezogen. Die Paprikastengel-Silage enthielt 19.01 % Trockenmasse und 16.89 % Rohprotein, 21.52 % Rohfaser, 45.08 % NDF, 35.33 % ADF, 6.29 % ADL, 26.04 % Cellulose in der TM sowie 1.89 % Milchsâure und 1.14 % Essigsâure in FM.. Die im Verdauungsversuch ermittelten Verdaulichkeiten betrugen in %; Org. Masse 59.62, Rohprotein 60.03, Rohfaser 44.60, NfE 66.00. Die in vivo Energiewerte liegen bei 8.74 MJ ME/kg und 5.05 MJ NEL/kg sowie 495 StE/kg in der TM. Die Versuchsergebnisse zeigen, daB die Paprikastengel-Silage bezüglich der Nâhrstoff- und der Energiegehalte befriedigende Silagequalitat aufweist als den vergleichbaren Silierpflanzen.Bu çalışmada, biber hasadı sonrası tarlada kalan sap ve yaprakların silolanma imkanı, besin maddelerinin sindirilme derecesi ve yem enerji içeriği araştırılmıştır. Silaj kalite kriterleri olarak pH değeri, silo asitleri ve fiziksel özellikler ele alınmıştır. Biber sap ve yapraklan silajının % 19.01 kurumadde ve kurumaddede % 16.89 ham protein, % 21.52 ham sellüloz, % 45.08 NDF, % 35.33 ADF, % 6.29 ADL ve % 26.04 sellüloz yanısıra % 1.89 laktik asit ve % 1.14 asetik asit içerdiği saptanmıştır. Yürütülen sindirim denemelerinde, organik maddelerin % 59.62, ham proteinin % 60.03, ham sellülozun % 44.60, N-siz öz maddelerin % 66.00 düzeyinde sindirildiği saptanmıştır. İn-vivo yem enerji içerikleri; kurumaddede 8.74 MJ ME/kg, 5.05 MJ NEL/kg ve 495 g NB/kg olarak bulunmuştur. Bu bulgulara göre, biber sap ve yapraklarından iyi nitelikte bir silaj elde edildiği, besin maddeleri içeriği ve yem değeri ile diğer silo yemleriyle karşılaştınlabilir nitelikte olduğu ortaya konmuştur

    A Late Miocene Paratethyan mollusc fauna from the Denizli Basin (southwestern Anatolia, Turkey) and its regional palaeobiogeographic implications

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    We report on a Late Miocene mollusc fauna from a single locality in the Denizli Basin in southwestern Turkey that is composed of ten presumably euryhaline species and three freshwater species. The fauna is remarkably distinct from faunas of the adjacent Late Miocene Aegean and Euxinian Basins, and has elements in common with the modern Caspian Sea fauna in the form of Didacna species. The suggested age of the fauna (Late Miocene) would extend the stratigraphic range of the lymnocardiid genus Didacna (hitherto Calabrian-Extant) considerably. The palaeobiogeographic significance of the Denizli fauna is discussed. © 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved