704 research outputs found

    The elimination of broker voting in director elections

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    In 2009, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) reformed shareholder voting by eliminating uninstructed broker voting in director elections. We use this reform as a quasi-natural experiment to assess the value of shareholder empowerment. Using different control groups and various cross-sectional tests, we find that the reform did not increase average equity values


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    This study aims to present pre-service teachers’ perceptions of “administration” and “school principal” reflected through metaphors; a purpose based on the fact that although they are trained in educational administration with only one course at university, pre-service teachers who are trained in the faculties of education constitute the group with the highest potential for becoming educational administrators in Turkish education system. The study group is the 4th grade (senior) university students who were chosen by means of criterion sampling method and who study at Preschool Teaching, Primary School Teaching, Social Sciences Teaching, Science Teaching, Music Teaching, Art Teaching, Psychological Counseling and Guidance programs at Adnan Menderes University. The criteria were the students’ year of education and the course of Turkish Education System and School Management they take during their higher education. In this study which is based on phenomenology research design, a written form was used as the data collection tool aiming the perception of pre-service students for administration and school principal through metaphors. After the content analysis of the data gathered through written forms, it has been found out that pre-service students have mostly positive perceptions of administration and school principal concepts and administration is perceived to a more authoritarian structure while school principal and administration are considered equal in terms of responsibility.   Article visualizations

    (1,0) superconformal theories in six dimensions and Killing spinor equations

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    We solve the Killing spinor equations of 6-dimensional (1,0) superconformal theories in all cases. In particular, we derive the conditions on the fields imposed by the Killing spinor equations and demonstrate that these depend on the isotropy group of the Killing spinors. We focus on the models proposed by Samtleben et al in \cite{ssw} and find that there are solutions preserving 1,2, 4 and 8 supersymmetries. We also explore the solutions which preserve 4 supersymmetries and find that many models admit string and 3-brane solitons as expected from the M-brane intersection rules. The string solitons are smooth regulated by the moduli of instanton configurations.Comment: 26 page

    An anatomical variant: evaluation of accessory canals of the canalis sinuosus using cone beam computed tomography

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    Background: The anatomical variation of the anterior superior alveolar nerve described as canalis sinuosus (CS) is a less known structure of anterior maxilla. Due to the fact that it contains anterior superior alveolar nerve as well as veins and arteries, exact localisation of this structure will allow surgeons to avoid complications. Hence, the aim of this study was to verify the presence, reveal the frequency and characteristics of accessory canals of CS.Materials and methods: This study was based on retrospective evaluation of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans. A total of 1460 CBCT images were analysed and collected data were noted. The following parameters were recorded: age, sex, presence or absence of CS, location in relation to the adjacentteeth and impaction of canine teeth.Results: A total of 6668 accessory canals were found in 1460 CBCT images. Of these, 672 (46.0%) were from female patients, and 788 (54.0%) were from male patients. 1034 (70.8%) of 1460 images had at least one accessory canal of CS. Maxillary intercentral region is the area where accessory canals were seen mostfrequently (n = 653, 44.72%).Conclusions: Canalis sinuosus is a bony canal which is incidentally found and less known structure of anterior portion of maxilla. Knowing the accessory canals deriving from this structure will allow surgeons to avoid complications and non-integration after dental implant procedures. Conventional imaging modalities have limited value in detecting this neurovascular structures. Therefore CBCT may have an important role for accurate diagnosis to reveal anatomical variations

    Crystal Structure of the Pre-fusion Nipah Virus Fusion Glycoprotein Reveals a Novel Hexamer-of-Trimers Assembly.

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    Nipah virus (NiV) is a paramyxovirus that infects host cells through the coordinated efforts of two envelope glycoproteins. The G glycoprotein attaches to cell receptors, triggering the fusion (F) glycoprotein to execute membrane fusion. Here we report the first crystal structure of the pre-fusion form of the NiV-F glycoprotein ectodomain. Interestingly this structure also revealed a hexamer-of-trimers encircling a central axis. Electron tomography of Nipah virus-like particles supported the hexameric pre-fusion model, and biochemical analyses supported the hexamer-of-trimers F assembly in solution. Importantly, structure-assisted site-directed mutagenesis of the interfaces between F trimers highlighted the functional relevance of the hexameric assembly. Shown here, in both cell-cell fusion and virus-cell fusion systems, our results suggested that this hexamer-of-trimers assembly was important during fusion pore formation. We propose that this assembly would stabilize the pre-fusion F conformation prior to cell attachment and facilitate the coordinated transition to a post-fusion conformation of all six F trimers upon triggering of a single trimer. Together, our data reveal a novel and functional pre-fusion architecture of a paramyxoviral fusion glycoprotein

    The anatomical studies on two Biarum (Araceae) species in Turkey

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    In this study, anatomical properties of Biarum marmarisense (P. C. Boyce) P. C. Boyce and Biarum pyrami (Schott) Engl. var. pyrami were examined. The specimens were collected from Antalya province, South West of Anatolia. Degree of spathe tube margin connection, distribution of pistillodes and staminate-pistillate flower zone interstice length characters are important in Biarum Schott. taxonomy at specific level. The cross-sections of root, stem and leaf parts of the plant were examined and demonstrated by photographs. Although thicknesses of the cell wall of the endodermis and xylem strands are distinguishing features, raphide crystals are same feature in both species. B. marmarisense has observed paracytic stoma types while B. pyrami var. pyrami has anomocytic stoma types. Most of the anatomical properties were similar to the other members of the Araceae family


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    We solve the Killing spinor equations and determine the near horizon geometries of M-theory that preserve at least one supersymmetry. The M-horizon spatial sections are 9-dimensional manifolds with a Spin(7) structure restricted by geometric constraints which we give explicitly. We also provide an alternative characterization of the solutions of the Killing spinor equation, utilizing the compactness of the horizon section and the field equations, by proving a Lichnerowicz type of theorem which implies that the zero modes of a Dirac operator coupled to 4-form fluxes are Killing spinors. We use this, and the maximum principle, to solve the field equations of the theory for some special cases and present some examples.Comment: 36 pages, latex. Reference added, minor typos correcte

    Spinorial geometry and Killing spinor equations of 6-D supergravity

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    We solve the Killing spinor equations of 6-dimensional (1,0)-supergravity coupled to any number of tensor, vector and scalar multiplets in all cases. The isotropy groups of Killing spinors are Sp(1)\cdot Sp(1)\ltimes \bH (1), U(1)\cdot Sp(1)\ltimes \bH (2), Sp(1)\ltimes \bH (3,4), Sp(1)(2)Sp(1) (2), U(1)(4)U(1) (4) and {1}(8)\{1\} (8), where in parenthesis is the number of supersymmetries preserved in each case. If the isotropy group is non-compact, the spacetime admits a parallel null 1-form with respect to a connection with torsion the 3-form field strength of the gravitational multiplet. The associated vector field is Killing and the 3-form is determined in terms of the geometry of spacetime. The Sp(1)\ltimes \bH case admits a descendant solution preserving 3 out of 4 supersymmetries due to the hyperini Killing spinor equation. If the isotropy group is compact, the spacetime admits a natural frame constructed from 1-form spinor bi-linears. In the Sp(1)Sp(1) and U(1) cases, the spacetime admits 3 and 4 parallel 1-forms with respect to the connection with torsion, respectively. The associated vector fields are Killing and under some additional restrictions the spacetime is a principal bundle with fibre a Lorentzian Lie group. The conditions imposed by the Killing spinor equations on all other fields are also determined.Comment: 34 pages, Minor change

    Polarity in GaN and ZnO: Theory, measurement, growth, and devices

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    This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in Appl. Phys. Rev. 3, 041303 (2016) and may be found at https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4963919.The polar nature of the wurtzite crystalline structure of GaN and ZnO results in the existence of a spontaneous electric polarization within these materials and their associated alloys (Ga,Al,In)N and (Zn,Mg,Cd)O. The polarity has also important consequences on the stability of the different crystallographic surfaces, and this becomes especially important when considering epitaxial growth. Furthermore, the internal polarization fields may adversely affect the properties of optoelectronic devices but is also used as a potential advantage for advanced electronic devices. In this article, polarity-related issues in GaN and ZnO are reviewed, going from theoretical considerations to electronic and optoelectronic devices, through thin film, and nanostructure growth. The necessary theoretical background is first introduced and the stability of the cation and anion polarity surfaces is discussed. For assessing the polarity, one has to make use of specific characterization methods, which are described in detail. Subsequently, the nucleation and growth mechanisms of thin films and nanostructures, including nanowires, are presented, reviewing the specific growth conditions that allow controlling the polarity of such objects. Eventually, the demonstrated and/or expected effects of polarity on the properties and performances of optoelectronic and electronic devices are reported. The present review is intended to yield an in-depth view of some of the hot topics related to polarity in GaN and ZnO, a fast growing subject over the last decade

    An improved constraint satisfaction adaptive neural network for job-shop scheduling

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    Copyright @ Springer Science + Business Media, LLC 2009This paper presents an improved constraint satisfaction adaptive neural network for job-shop scheduling problems. The neural network is constructed based on the constraint conditions of a job-shop scheduling problem. Its structure and neuron connections can change adaptively according to the real-time constraint satisfaction situations that arise during the solving process. Several heuristics are also integrated within the neural network to enhance its convergence, accelerate its convergence, and improve the quality of the solutions produced. An experimental study based on a set of benchmark job-shop scheduling problems shows that the improved constraint satisfaction adaptive neural network outperforms the original constraint satisfaction adaptive neural network in terms of computational time and the quality of schedules it produces. The neural network approach is also experimentally validated to outperform three classical heuristic algorithms that are widely used as the basis of many state-of-the-art scheduling systems. Hence, it may also be used to construct advanced job-shop scheduling systems.This work was supported in part by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of UK under Grant EP/E060722/01 and in part by the National Nature Science Fundation of China under Grant 60821063 and National Basic Research Program of China under Grant 2009CB320601
