24 research outputs found

    Integrated Management of Aphis craccivora in Cowpea Using Intercropping and Entomopathogenic Fungi under Field Conditions

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    Cowpea aphid, Aphis craccivora, is a major cowpea pest. Cowpea–cereal intercrop alone does not effectively manage the pest. Use of pesticides in intercrop leads to health and environmental risks. Fungal-based biopesticides offer a better option because they are environment- and consumer-friendly. This study assessed the combined effect of Metarhizium anisopliae ICIPE 62 and cowpea–maize intercrop against A. craccivora under six treatments: (1) untreated cowpea monocrop, (2) untreated cowpea–maize intercrop, (3) cowpea monocrop + ICIPE 62, (4) cowpea–maize intercrop + ICIPE 62, (5) cowpea monocrop + Duduthrin insecticide, and (6) cowpea–maize intercrop + Duduthrin during three seasons (long rainy/cold and dry/short rainy). In the cold and dry season, cowpea–maize intercrop treated with ICIPE 62 recorded the lowest infestation/cowpea damage, whereas the leaf yield was comparable to cowpea monocrop treated with ICIPE 62. In the short rainy season, the cowpea–maize intercrop treated with ICIPE 62 recorded the lowest infestation/damage, whereas leaf yield was similar to cowpea–maize intercrop treated with ICIPE 62 in the cold and dry season. Duduthrin in monocrop and intercrop did not reduce aphid infestation/cowpea damage levels in all the seasons. Although the efficacy of M. anisopliae ICIPE 62-based biopesticide could be affected by seasons, it successfully controlled aphid population in cowpea–maize intercrop under field conditions without affecting aphid-associated natural enemies.Peer Reviewe

    Gut microbiota assemblages of generalist predators are driven by local- and landscape-scale factors

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    ABSTRACT: The gut microbiomes of arthropods have significant impact on key physiological functions such as nutrition, reproduction, behavior, and health. Spiders are diverse and numerically dominant predators in crop fields where they are potentially important regulators of pests. Harnessing spiders to control agricultural pests is likely to be supported by an understanding of their gut microbiomes, and the environmental drivers shaping microbiome assemblages. This study aimed to deciphering the gut microbiome assembly of these invertebrate predators and elucidating potential implications of key environmental constraints in this process. Here, we used high-throughput sequencing to examine for the first time how the assemblages of bacteria in the gut of spiders are shaped by environmental variables. Local drivers of microbiome composition were globally-relevant input use system (organic production vs. conventional practice), and crop identity (Chinese cabbage vs. cauliflower). Landscape-scale factors, proportion of forest and grassland, compositional diversity, and habitat edge density, also strongly affected gut microbiota. Specific bacterial taxa were enriched in gut of spiders sampled from different settings and seasons. These findings provide a comprehensive insight into composition and plasticity of spider gut microbiota. Understanding the temporal responses of specific microbiota could lead to innovative strategies development for boosting biological control services of predators.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Prioritization of invasive alien species with the potential to threaten agriculture and biodiversity in Kenya through horizon scanning

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    Invasive alien species (IAS) rank among the most significant drivers of species extinction and ecosystem degradation resulting in significant impacts on socio-economic development. The recent exponential spread of IAS in most of Africa is attributed to poor border biosecurity due to porous borders that have failed to prevent initial introductions. In addition, countries lack adequate information about potential invasions and have limited capacity to reduce the risk of invasions. Horizon scanning is an approach that prioritises the risks of potential IAS through rapid assessments. A group of 28 subject matter experts used an adapted methodology to assess 1700 potential IAS on a 5-point scale for the likelihood of entry and establishment, potential socio-economic impact, and impact on biodiversity. The individual scores were combined to rank the species according to their overall potential risk for the country. Confidence in individual and overall scores was recorded on a 3-point scale. This resulted in a priority list of 120 potential IAS (70 arthropods, 9 nematodes, 15 bacteria, 19 fungi/chromist, 1 viroid, and 6 viruses). Options for risk mitigation such as full pest risk analysis and detection surveys were suggested for prioritised species while species for which no immediate action was suggested, were added to the plant health risk register and a recommendation was made to regularly monitor the change in risk. By prioritising risks, horizon scanning guides resource allocation to interventions that are most likely to reduce risk and is very useful to National Plant Protection Organisations and other relevant stakeholders

    Interrelationships between Diglyphus isaea, Phaedrotoma scabriventris and endophytic fungi in the control of Liriomyza leafminers

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    PhD (Environmental Sciences), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013Horticulture is a major foreign exchange earner in Kenya and provides employment to approximately 75% of the population. However, the growth of the horticultural industry is constrained by pests such as the leafminer flies, Liriomyza sativae, L. trifolii and L. huidobrensis (Diptera: Agromyzidae). These pests do not only cause damage to crops, but are also tagged as quarantine pests, resulting in export rejections, loss of export markets and consequently loss of revenue to smallholders. The management of leafminers worldwide has commonly relied on the use of chemical insecticides, but due to associated negative effects thereof, biological control using parasitoids and entomopathogenic fungi has been proposed as major components of integrated pest management (IPM) strategies. The indigenous ectoparasitoid Diglyphus isaea and exotic endoparasitoid Phaedrotoma scabriventris are the two key natural enemies being considered. A number of endophytic fungal isolates have been identified with potential for use as biological control agents of pests. Although there have been previous reports on toxicity of fungal endophytes to leafminers, no attempts have been made to exploit them for control of Liriomyza leafminers. The objectives of this study were to investigate the mechanisms by which fungal endophytes control Liriomyza spp., as well as the interactions between these endophytic fungi and the L. huidobrensis, endoparasitoid Phaedrotoma scabriventris and ectoparasitoid Diglyphus isaea. This study showed that under laboratory conditions, while used separately, parasitism rates of L. huidobrensis by D. isaea and P. scabriventris were 63.6 ± 7.7% and 30.4 ± 10.9% respectively and increased to 77.0 ± 5.3% when used simultaneously. In addition, both parasitoids induced leafminer mortality through larval-feeding and stinging. In order to identify and characterize endophytic fungi that could possibly be used for control of these pests, fungi were isolated from the aboveground parts of maize, sorghum, Napier grass, Coleopteran larvae and Busseola fusca pupae. Identified fungi were evaluated endophytically in two host plants species (Phaseolus vulgaris and Vicia faba) through seed inoculation. The fungal isolates that succeeded in colonizing the host plants were all pathogenic to L. huidobrensis, causing 100% mortality within 13.2 ± 0.7-15.0 ± 0.6 days. They were also able to reduce the longevity of the progeny, the number of pupae and adult emergence and survival. In addition, results also showed that endophytically-inoculated and L. huidobrensis-infested V. faba plants had no adverse effects on parasitism rates and life history parameters of P. scabriventris and D. isaea. Bio-prospecting for fungal endophytes in P. vulgaris and V. faba seeds, followed by morphological and molecular identification revealed the presence of various species of fungal entomopathogens, including Beauveria bassiana, Epacris microphylla, Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Metarhizium anisopliae.Doctora

    Direct and Indirect Infection Effects of Four Potent Fungal Isolates on the Survival and Performance of Fall Armyworm Larval Parasitoid <i>Cotesia icipe</i>

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    Fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda, has recently invaded Africa where it is seriously threatening food security. Current management methods rely heavily on synthetic insecticides which are harmful to humans, the environment, and non-target beneficial insects. Cotesia icipe was recently identified as a major FAW-associated indigenous parasitoid causing a high parasitism rate on the pest in Kenya. Previous studies have demonstrated the efficacy of Metarhizium anisopliae ICIPE 7, ICIPE 41, ICIPE 78, and Beauveria bassiana ICIPE 621 against FAW. However, limited information is available on the interactions between these potent isolates and C. icipe. This study therefore assessed direct and indirect infection effects of these fungal isolates on C. icipe, induced 2nd instar FAW mortality, and parasitism rates of the infected C. icipe. Results showed that when C. icipe were directly exposed to dry conidia of the fungal isolates, ICIPE 7 and ICIPE 41 caused the highest (100%) C. icipe adult mortality seven days post-exposure. Both isolates also induced the highest FAW larval mortality of 55% and 53%, respectively. ICIPE 78 recorded the highest parasitism rates after direct infection. In the indirect exposure (fungal-infected FAW larvae exposed to the parasitoid), 1 × 109 conidia mL−1 recorded high C. icipe adult and FAW 2nd instar mortalities for all fungal isolates. This study provides an important baseline for effective fungal-based biopesticides development that could also be used in augmentative biological control. However, further studies are warranted to assess the performance of C. icipe in combination with these potent biopesticides in the field

    First Report of Field Efficacy and Economic Viability of Metarhizium anisopliae-ICIPE 20 for Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) Management on Tomato

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    Eco-friendly pest control options are highly needed in food crop production systems to mitigate the hazards of synthetic chemical pesticides. Entomopathogenic fungal biopesticides&mdash;Metarhizium anisopliae strains ICIPE 20 (oil-formulation containing 1.0 &times; 109 conidia/mL) and ICIPE 69 (commercialized biopesticide known as Mazao Campaign&reg;)&mdash;were evaluated against Tuta absoluta on tomato through inundative foliar spray and compared with the commonly used pesticide Dudu Acelamectin 5% EC (Abamectin 20 g/L + Acetamiprid 3%) and untreated plot. All the treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. The field experiments were conducted for two consecutive cropping seasons in Mukono district, Uganda. Tuta absoluta infestation, injury severity on leaves and fruits, fruit yield loss, marketable fruit yield gain and cost&ndash;benefit ratio of the treatments were assessed. The results during both seasons showed a significant lower fruit yield loss in M. anisopliae ICIPE 20-treated plots compared to untreated plots, with a marketable fruit yield gain exceeding 22% and a cost&ndash;benefit ratio greater than 2.8 (BCR~3). Dudu Acelamectin 5% EC outperformed all the other treatments, but needs to be considered with caution due to its non-target effect and resistance development, whereas M. anisopliae ICIPE 69 performed the least well. In addition, the findings showed the high degree of efficacy and economic viability of these biopesticides as a potential T. absoluta control option in the field. However, it is important to further explore different formulations of these eco-friendly biopesticides, inoculum delivery approach, application frequency, their effectiveness in different agro-ecological zones and compatibility with commonly used pesticides in tomato production systems for sustainable management of T. absoluta

    Effects of endophyte colonization of Vicia faba (Fabaceae) plants on the life

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    The effects of fungal endophytes Beauveria bassiana isolates ICIPE 279, G1LU3, S4SU1 and Hypocrea lixii isolate F3ST1 on the life-history of Phaedrotoma scabriventris and Diglyphus isaea, parasitoids of the pea leafminer Liriomyza huidobrensis, were studied in the laboratory. Parasitoids were allowed to parasitize 2nd-3rd L. huidobrensis larvae reared on endophytically-inoculated Vicia faba. In the control, parasitoids were reared on non-inoculated host plants. Parasitism, pupation, adult emergence and survival were recorded. No significant difference was observed between the control and the endophyte-inoculated plants in terms of parasitism rates of P. scabriventris (p = 0.68) and D. isaea (p = 0.45) and adult' survival times (p = 0.06). The survival period of the F1 progeny of P. scabriventris was reduced (p < 0.0001) in B. bassiana S4SU1 to 28 days as compared to more than 40 days for B. bassiana G1LU3, ICIPE 279 and H. lixii F3ST1. However, no significant difference (p = 0.54) was observed in the survival times of the F1 progeny of D. isaea. This study has therefore demonstrated the beneficial effects of both endophytes and parasitoids in L. huidobrensis population suppression

    First Report of Field Efficacy and Economic Viability of <i>Metarhizium anisopliae</i>-ICIPE 20 for <i>Tuta absoluta</i> (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) Management on Tomato

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    Eco-friendly pest control options are highly needed in food crop production systems to mitigate the hazards of synthetic chemical pesticides. Entomopathogenic fungal biopesticides—Metarhizium anisopliae strains ICIPE 20 (oil-formulation containing 1.0 × 109 conidia/mL) and ICIPE 69 (commercialized biopesticide known as Mazao Campaign®)—were evaluated against Tuta absoluta on tomato through inundative foliar spray and compared with the commonly used pesticide Dudu Acelamectin 5% EC (Abamectin 20 g/L + Acetamiprid 3%) and untreated plot. All the treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. The field experiments were conducted for two consecutive cropping seasons in Mukono district, Uganda. Tuta absoluta infestation, injury severity on leaves and fruits, fruit yield loss, marketable fruit yield gain and cost–benefit ratio of the treatments were assessed. The results during both seasons showed a significant lower fruit yield loss in M. anisopliae ICIPE 20-treated plots compared to untreated plots, with a marketable fruit yield gain exceeding 22% and a cost–benefit ratio greater than 2.8 (BCR~3). Dudu Acelamectin 5% EC outperformed all the other treatments, but needs to be considered with caution due to its non-target effect and resistance development, whereas M. anisopliae ICIPE 69 performed the least well. In addition, the findings showed the high degree of efficacy and economic viability of these biopesticides as a potential T. absoluta control option in the field. However, it is important to further explore different formulations of these eco-friendly biopesticides, inoculum delivery approach, application frequency, their effectiveness in different agro-ecological zones and compatibility with commonly used pesticides in tomato production systems for sustainable management of T. absoluta