48 research outputs found

    The Effect of 5-Fu and Ruxolitinib on Mitochondrial Apoptosis in Glioblastoma U87 Cell Line

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    DergiPark: 819208tmsjAims: The aim of this study is to carry out the effect of 5-Fluorouracil alone or combined with Ruxolitinib on both apoptosis and JAK/STAT pathway in U87 glioblastoma cells. Methods: We used U87 glioblastoma cell lines as the human brain cancer cells. We treated the cells with 5-Fluorouracil (3.125 ?M-400 ?M) alone and with a combination of Ruxolitinib (100 ?M or 400 ?M of Ruxolitinib with 3.125-25 ?M 5-Fluorouracil), and performed the MTT test for calculating IC50 value. Molecular fluorescence staining was performed with Hoechst and acridine orange/ethidium bromide probes. The alteration in mitochondrial apoptosis and JAK/STAT pathways to drug treatment was analyzed by the qRT-PCR assay. Results: Decrease in cell viability was more prominent in U87 cells treated with a combination of 5-Fluorouracil and Ruxolitinib compared to those treated with 5-Fluoro- uracil alone. In gene expression analysis, apoptosis signals were observed in cells treated with 5-Fluorouracil alone and 5-Fluo- rouracil+Ruxolitinib treatment. Conclusion: Treatment with 5-Fluorouracil alone and 5-Fluorouracil+Ruxolitinib combination increased apoptosis in U87 glioblastoma cells. However, it is difficult to mention an evident difference between treatments. Therefore, further studies are needed

    Child age marriages and the effects on women's health: Literature review Çocuk yaştaki evlilikler ve kadın sağlığına etkileri: Literatür incelemesi

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    Early marriage is a violation of human rights outside of the free will, which restricts many rights and freedoms of girls under 18 years of age. Cultural norms, traditional masculine society structure, poverty and wars are effective, and there is a question that remains unresolved despite the legitimacy. It is more prevalent in backward poor countries and developing societies. The country in the first place in the world is Central Africa and more than half (58%) of these women have to marry children. In Turkey, the rate is 5.2% of the total marriages in 2015. The most common province is Kars.When the literature is examined, the causes of early marriage are gender discrimination, low socioeconomic status, cultural factors, traditional assumptions and religious beliefs, male domination and patriarchal society.Children with global problems are threatening women's health. These children who are not ready for sexual life are vulnerable to inadequacy in family planning, unwanted pregnancy, excessive number of births, premature births, mother and infant deaths. In addition, early marriages also contain risks that adversely affect women's health, such as sexual violence, sexual health problems, sexually transmitted infections and cervical cancer. The fact that these marriages are not legal makes it difficult to diagnose the risks that children may encounter and to provide nursing and counseling services by nurses.It is suggested that nurses should take an active role in raising awareness of traditional families and their children, to organize training programs and to build interdisciplinary business associations to raise social awareness. Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file.ÖzetErken yaş evlilik, 18 yaş altı kızların birçok hak ve özgürlüğünü kısıtlayan, özgür iradeleri dışında gerçekleşen insan hakları ihlalidir. Kültürel normlar, geleneksel eril toplum yapısı, yoksulluk ve savaşların etkin olduğu, yasalara rağmen çözümsüz kalan bir sorundur. Geri kalmış yoksul ülkelerde ve gelişmekte olan toplumlarda daha yaygın görülmektedir. Dünyada ilk sırada yer alan ülke Orta Afrika'dır ve buradaki kadınların yarısından fazlası (%58) çocuk yaşta evlenmek zorunda kalmaktadır. Türkiye’de ise toplam resmi evlilikler içindeki oranı 2015 yılında %5.2’dir. En yaygın olan il Kars’tır.Literatür incelendiğinde erken yaş evlilik nedenleri, tolumsal cinsiyet ayrımcılığı, düşük sosyo ekonomik durum, kültürel etmenler, geleneksel kabuller, dini inançlar, erkek egemenliği ve ataerkil toplum yapısıdır.Global sorun olan çocuk yaştaki evlilikler kadın sağlığını tehdit etmektedir. Cinsel yaşama hazır olmayan bu çocuklar, aile planlamasında yetersizlik, istenmeyen gebelik, fazla sayıda doğum, erken doğum, anne ve bebek ölümlerine karşı savunmasız kalmaktadırlar. Ayrıca erken yaş evlilikler cinsel şiddet, cinsel sağlık sorunları, cinsel yolla bulaşan enfeksiyonlar ve serviks kanseri gibi kadın sağlığını olumsuz etkileyen riskleri de barındırmaktadır. Bu evliliklerin yasal olmaması çocukların karşılaşabilecekleri risklerin tanılanmasını, hemşire ve ebeler tarafından bakım ve danışmanlık hizmeti vermelerini güçleştirmektedir.Hemşirelerin toplumsal farkındalığın arttırılması konusunda geleneksel aileler ve çocuklarını bilinçlendirmede etkin rol almaları, eğitim programları düzenlemeleri ve disiplinler arası iş birliği yapmaları önerilebilir

    Evaluation of Thoracolumbar Injuries in Trakya University School of Medicine According to Aospine Classification System

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    DergiPark: 700170tmsjAims: This study aims to classify the thoracolumbar spinal injuries that were treated in Trakya University School of Medicineaccording to the recent Thoracolumbar AOSpine injury score and crosscheck the classified data with categorical modifiers suchas gender, trauma type and treatment type. Methods: AOSpine Classification System was used to classify thoracolumbar spinalinjuries. Classes were compared with patients’ gender, age, trauma energy and treatment type. Pearson Chi-Squared test and Shapiro-Wilk test were used for statistical analysis. Results: The total number of patients was 248. One hundred fifty-two (61.3%)were male and 96 (38.7%) were female. One hundred and three (86.6%) patients had high-energy trauma and 16 (13.4%) patientshad low-energy trauma in a total of 119 operated patients. Relationship between treatment type and AOSpine Classification System statistically significant. There was also a significant difference between trauma energy and AOSpine Classification Systemtypes. Conclusion: As a conclusion, gender and trauma energy were found to have a relationship and higher energy traumas weremost likely to cause spinal fractures. In addition, AOSpine classification system may be one of the confounding factors regardingthe choice of treatment. Keywords: Classification, spine, injur

    Interstitial cystitis: a rare manifestation of primary Sjögren’s syndrome, successfully treated with low dose cyclosporine

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    Chronic interstitial cystitis (IC), mostly affecting middle-aged women, is a very rare manifestation of primary Sjögren’s syndrome (pSS). Hereby, we report a 42-year-old woman with pSS, presenting with dysuria, urinary frequency, and suprapubic pain. She was diagnosed to have chronic IC, based upon the cystoscopic biopsy finding of chronic inflammation in the bladder wall. Systemic corticosteroid and azathioprine treatments together with local intravesical therapies were not effective. Therefore, cyclosporine (CSA) therapy was initiated. Initial low dose of CSA (1.5 mg/kg/d) improved the symptoms of the patient, with no requirement for dose increment. After 4 months of therapy, control cystoscopic biopsy showed that bladder inflammation regressed and IC improved. This case suggests that even low doses of CSA may be beneficial for treating chronic IC associated with pSS syndrome

    Investigation of Bosentan's Effects on Pulmonary Contusion Created by Blunt Thoracic Trauma in Rats

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    Introduction Bosentan is an endothelin-1 receptor antagonist with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antiproliferative effects. We aimed to evaluate its effects on lung tissue in a pulmonary contusion (PC) model

    Multimodal Evoked Potentials in Primary Sjogren's Syndrome Without Neurological Manifestations

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    WOS: 000273393300003We evaluated multimodal evoked potentials in patients with primary Sjogren's syndrome without clinical neurological manifestations. While brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEP) were performed in ninety patients visual (VEP) and somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP) could be evaluated in fifty-eight patients. The control group included 20 healthy adults matched for sex and chronological age. VEP and AEP studies did not reveal any abnormality. In SEP; N9-N13 interpeak latencies were significantly prolonged in the patients group. However, the latency of N9 potentials recorded from Erb's point was normal as well as the N13-N20 interpeak latencies. This result indicates that central branches of the primary sensory neurons are involved in Sjogren's syndrome

    Vanishing white matter disease with a novel EIF2B5 mutation: A 10-year follow-up.

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    Background: Vanishing white matter disease is a heterogeneous disorder caused by mutation in one of the five genes encoding subunits of the eukaryotic initiation factor eIF2B. It is a heterogeneous disorder due to phenotypic variation and a clear genotype-phenotype correlation could not be established so far. We describe a novel mutation in the EIF2B5 gene by analyzing the clinical phenotype and the progression of brain lesions for 10 years


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    Objective: We aimed to define the demographic characteristics, referral symptoms, and neuroimaging findings in children with pseudotumor cerebri syndrome (PTCS) by comparing the differences between idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) (primary PTSS) and secondary PTCS

    Unusual presentation of a cutaneous malignancy: Giant merkel cell carcinoma with intra-abdominal metastasis

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    Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare and aggressive cutaneous malignancy with uncertain histogenesis. Here, we present an unusual presentation of giant MCC of the skin with concomitant intra-abdominal metastasis to pancreas. A 53-year-old man was admitted to our clinic with a giant ulcerated mass in the gluteal region. Incisional biopsy of the mass revealed primary poorly differentiated neuroendocrine tumor of the cutaneous origin and confirmed the diagnosis of MCC. Clinically, the patient complained of abdominal discomfort and weight loss of 15 kg over the past 4 months. Intra-abdominal computerized tomographic examination demonstrated a heterogenous-appearing giant mass of the right upper quadrant invading the superior mesenteric artery and leading to obstruction of common biliary duct and a second mass (6 cm Χ 6 cm) located at the inferior pole of pancreas extending toward the duodenum. As the gluteal mass was prone to trauma and leading to massive hemorrhage, excision of the gluteal mass with 2 cm of tumor-free margin was performed. V-Y advancement flap based on the perforators of the inferior gluteal and profunda femoris artery was elevated to cover the resulting defect (22 cm Χ 17 cm). Although the patient was referred to medical oncology for further therapeutic management, he could only survive for 11 months from his initial diagnosis. We would like to emphasize that MCC has the potential to spread to unusual organs in short intervals and prompt evaluation and proper management is essential for optimal survival of these patients