11 research outputs found

    Bringing Packed Red Blood Cells to the Point of Combat Injury: Are We There Yet?

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    INTRODUCTION: Hemorrhage is the leading cause of injury related pre-hospital mortality. We investigated worst case scenarios and possible requirements of Turkish Military. As we plan to use blood resources during casualty transport, the impact of transport related mechanical stress on PRBC (packed red blood cell) were analyzed. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The in vitro experiment was performed in the environmental test laboratories of ASELSAN(R). Operational vibrations of potential casualty transport mediums such as Sikorsky Helicopters, Kirpi(R) Armoured Vehicle and NATO vibration standardsoftware MIL-STD-810G were recorded. The most powerful mechanical stress, which was created by the NATO standard, was applied to 15 units of fresh (7 day) PRBC in a blood cooler box. The vibrations were simulated by TDS v895 Medium-Force Shaker Device. On site blood samples were analyzed at 0, 6th and 24th hours for biochemical and biomechanical analyses. RESULTS: The mean age of fresh and old PRBCs was 4.9 (SD +/- 2.2) and 32.8 (SD +/- 11.8) days, respectively. Six-hour mechanical damage of fresh PRBC was demonstrated by increased erythrocyte fragmentation rates (p=0.015), hemolysis rates (p=0.003), supernatant potassium levels (p=0.003) and decreased hematocrit levels (p=0.015). Old PRBC hemolysis rates (p=0.015), supernatant potassium levels (p=0.015), supernatant Hb (p=0.015) were increased and Htc levels were decreased (p=0.015) within 6 hours. Two (%13) units of fresh and none of the old PRBC were eligible for transfusion after 6 hours of mechanical stress. CONCLUSION: When the austere combat environment was simulated for 24 hours, fresh and old PRBC hemolysis rates were above the quality criteria. Currently, a technology to overcome this mechanical damage does not seem to exist. In the light of the above data, a new national project is being performed

    Kuzey Anadolu fayı orta kolunun Biga Yarımadasından Ege Denizi içindeki devamı

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    Kuzey Anadolu Fayı’nın Marmara Bölgesi’nde bulunan kollarının karakteri ve uzanımı konusunda Manyas-Uluabat Havzası ve Kapıda?? yarımadası batısına kadar genel olarak ara??tırıcılar arasında bir uzla??ma sa??lamı??tır. Fakat bu kesimden sonra fayların Ege sistemine nasıl katıldı??ı konusunda spekülatif haritalar bulunmaktadır. Bu çalı??mada Ege Denizi’nde Bozcaada ile Midili arasında kalan deniz alanında haritalanan faylar ve Baba Burnu’ndan Edremit körfezi’ne kadar olan bo??az içinde sismik kesitlerle saptanan fayların kara uzantısı birle??tirilmi??tir. Bu çalı??mada kullanılan Biga ??elfi’ne ait veriler Newfoundland Memorial Universitesi tarafından Aksu&Hiscott Projesi çerçevesinde B. ????ler ile birlikte yüksek lisans tezi çerçevesinde çalı??ılmı??, Baba Burnu do??usu ise Çubuklu R/V tarafından deneme amaçlı toplanmı?? sı?? sismik kesitlerden olu??ur. Kara alanında sayısal arazi modeli ve saha jeolojisi haritaları kullanılarak Kazda?? kuzeyinden Skiros Çukuru do??usuna kadar olan kara ve deniz alanı bir arada de??erlendirilmektedir. Biga ??elfinde yapılan haritalamada Bandırma’dan uzanan KAF orta kolunun Ege Denizi’ne Bayramiç üzerinde Biga yarımadasının batı kıyısından Ege’ye kavu??madı??ı açı??a çıkmı??tır. Aksine Bandırma’dan uzanan örgülü fay niteli??inde KAF orta kolu Kazda?? kuzeyi’nden Behramkale’ye ula??makta, burada yön de??i??tirerek normal bile??enli sa?? yanal faylara dönü??mektedir. Ege içine girdi??i alandan itibaren Baba Burnu önlerinde KB-GD do??rultulu Normal bir fayla kuzeyde DKD-BGB do??rultulu di??er bir do??rultulu atımlı faya sıçramaktadır. söylenebilir. DKD-BGB fayların arasında bulunan Baba Burnu önünde yer alan çukur alan Skiros çukurundan bir e??ikle ayrılmaktadır. Biga yarımadası ile Midilli arasında, KAF orta kolunun sa?? yanal oblik gerilmeli hareketi Pliyo-Kuvaterner’den ba??layarak saatin tersine gerçekle??en rotasyona ba??lı olarak KD-GB yönünde bir açılmayla Midilli ve Biga arasındaki kara ba??lantısını ortadan kaldırmı??tır

    Nesprin-1 impact on tumorigenic cell phenotypes

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    The largest protein of the nuclear envelope (NE) is Nesprin-1 which forms a network along the NE interacting with actin, Emerin, Lamin, and SUN proteins. Mutations in the SYNE1 gene and reduction in Nesprin-1 protein levels have been reported to correlate with several age related diseases and cancer. In the present study, we tested whether Nesprin-1 overexpression can reverse the malignant phenotype of Huh7 cells, a human liver cancer cell line, which carries a mutation in the SYNE1 gene resulting in reduced Nesprin-1 protein levels, has altered nuclear shape, altered amounts and localization of NE components, centrosome localization and genome stability. Ectopic expression of a mini-Nesprin-1 led to an improvement of the nuclear shape, corrected the mislocalization of NE proteins, the centrosome positioning, and the alterations in the DNA damage response network. Additionally, Nesprin-1 had a profound effect on cellular senescence. These findings suggest that Nesprin-1 may be effective in tumorigenic cell phenotype correction of human liver cancer

    Physician preferences for management of patients with heart failure and arrhythmia

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    Poster presentations.

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