190 research outputs found

    Yunus Emre Divan’ında Hızır-İlyas Kültü

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    Eine allgemeine Definition des Begriffs “Kult”, der in verschiedenen Disziplinen mit teilweise nahen beieinander liegenden Bedeutungen verwendet wird, kann als “religiöse Zeremonie oder Glaube, der gemeinsame Konnotationen hervorruft” vorgenommen werden. Um Gesellschaften zu verstehen, wäre es nützlich, die von ihnen geschaffenen Kulte mit ihren Glaubenssystemen und Ritualen zu untersuchen. Weil Mythologien, Glaubenssysteme und Kulturen weitgehend um diese Kulte herum gebildet und geformt wurden. Der Einfluss von Kulten, die sich in mythischen Perioden zu bilden und Gestalt anzunehmen begannen, auf Individuen und Gesellschaften dauert bis heute an. Im Zusammenhang mit Kult ist Kultur eine Reihe von Symbolen, die als Ergebnis der Handlungen von Menschen entstehen, sich entwickeln und daher produziert werden. Die archaische Form dieser Produktion finden wir in Kulten. In dieser Hinsicht bedeutet auch dass, die Kulte zu erforschen, zu verstehen, der Versuch, es zu verstehen und zu analysieren, die “ersten und ältesten kulturellen Überreste” hervorzubringen. Hızır und Ilyas, die wir als Ahnenkult annehmen können, sind spirituelle Menschen, von denen angenommen wird, dass sie durch das Trinken vom Unendlichkeitswasser (das Wasser der Unsterblichkeit) Immoralität erlangt haben. Die Erzählungen über Hızır-Ilyas haben einen großen Platz im türkischen Volksglauben eingenommen und waren die Inspirationsquelle für viele kulturelle Überträger der Diwan Literatur und Volksliteratur. Yunus Emre, der sich in seinen Gedichten mit verschiedenen Aspekten der türkischen Kultur mit einer reinen Sprache auseinandersetzt, profitierte auch direkt oder indirekt von diesem Kult. Im Diwan “Yunus” kann der Kult “Hızır-Ilyas” als eine der gängigen Metaphern der Volksliteratur und Diwan Literatur hervorgehoben werden. In diesem Artikel wurden Spuren des Kultes “Hızır-Ilyas” im Diwan von Yunus festgelegt und ausgelegt.The concept of “cult” can be defined as a religious ceremony or belief that evokes common connotations in society. Additionally, the cult is used in many different disciplines with partially similar meanings. To analyze cults which were created by each society with their own belief systems and rituals, it would be beneficial to first look at the meaning of this concept because mythologies, belief systems, and cultures have been formed and shaped around these cults on a large scale. Cults were formed in Mythic periods and began to gain meaning. The influence of cults on societies continues today. Related to cults, culture is a series of symbols that occur, develop, and is produced as a result of the actions of humans. The archaic form of this can be found in cults. In this respect, researching, understanding, interpreting and analyzing cults also mean to unearth “the first and the oldest cultural remains”. Hızır and İlyas are spiritual figures who are thought to have attained immortality by drinking the ab-ı hayat (water of immortality). Narratives about Hızır-İlyas have a great place in belief system of Turkish people. Yunus Emre, who deals with different aspects of Turkish culture with a pure language in his poems, also directly or indirectly benefited from this cult. For this reason, the cult of Hızır-İlyas stands out as one of the common themes of folk and divan literature in Yunus’s Divan. In this article, traces of the cult of Hızır İlyas in Yunus’s divan were identified and interpreted.Farklı disiplinlerde kısmen birbirine yakın anlamlarda kullanılan “kült” kavramının “ortak çağrışımlar uyandıran, dini tören veya inanç” şeklinde genel bir tanımı yapılabilir. Toplumları anlamak adına, onların inanç sistemi ve ritüelleriyle yarattığı kültleri incelemek faydalı olacaktır. Çünkü mitolojiler, inanç sistemleri ve kültürler, büyük ölçüde bu kültlerin etrafında oluşup şekillenmişlerdir. Mitik dönemlerde oluşup şekillenmeye başlayan kültlerin bireyler ve toplumların üzerindeki etkisi günümüzde de devam etmektedir. Kült ile bağlantılı olarak kültür, insanların yapıp etmeleri sonucunda ortaya çıkan, gelişen ve dolayısıyla üretilen bir semboller dizisi halinde var olmaya devam etmektedir. Bu açıdan kültleri araştırmak, anlamak, anlamlandırmak ve çözümlemeye çalışmak “ilk ve en eski kültür kalıntılarını” gün yüzüne çıkarmak anlamına da gelmektedir. Atalar kültü olarak kabul edebileceğimiz Hızır ile İlyas, ab-ı hayatı (ölümsüzlük suyunu) içerek ölümsüzlüğe kavuştuğu düşünülen ruhani varlıklardır. Hızır-İlyas ile ilgili anlatılar, Türk halk inanışında büyük bir yer edinmiş, divan ve halk edebiyatına mensup pek çok kültür aktarıcısına ilham kaynağı olmuştur. Türk kültürünün farklı cephelerini şiirlerinde saf bir dille ele alan Yunus Emre de bu kültten doğrudan veya dolaylı olarak istifade etmiştir. Bu nedenle Yunus Divanı’nda halk ve divan edebiyatının ortak mazmunlarından biri olarak Hızır-İlyas kültü öne çıkmaktadır. Bu makalede, Yunus’un divanında Hızır İlyas kültüne dair izler tespit edilmiş ve yorumlanmıştır

    Economic Impossibility in Turkish Law from the Perspective of Law and Economics

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    We argue that the proposed introduction of the doctrine of economic impossibility in Article 137 of the reform draft of the Turkish Code of Obligations is in line with economic considerations and facilitates business transactions. This new rule gives courts the explicit power to terminate a contract and relieve the party, which owes specific performance of its obligation without imposing any duty to pay expectation damages to the other party. We argue that a court's decision to terminate a contract under economic impossibility should be based on three tests. First, between contract formation and performance a low-probability-event occurs. Second, this event causes an excessive increase in the costs of specific performance. Third, the concept of an excessive increase should take into due consideration the other party's interest in specific performance. The reform draft includes explicitly the first two tests, but not the third test. We also show under what conditions an excessive performance difficulty should not lead to termination of the contract but rather to an adjustment of the agreed price. We argue that the rule of economic impossibility, if diligently adjudicated, saves the parties transactions costs in comparison to a rule under which the law insists on specific performance or damage payments. We also argue that a specific rule of economic impossibility leads to better and more business-oriented solutions to the underlying problems than the alternative, which is to solve such problems under the broad and unspecific cover of the "good faith" or the "Clausula Rebus Sic Stantibus" doctrine.contract law, impossibility, excessive performance difficulty, impracticability,

    Seismic Damage Assessment of an 891 Years Old Historic Masonry Mosque

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    Diyarbakir Grand Mosque is one of the oldest and the most significant mosques in the Islamic world and the Mesopotamia. The mosque was heavily damaged due to fire following an earthquake which was predicted 8 magnitude in 1114. It was rebuilt between 1117 and 1125. It is predicted that a great earthquake in the forthcoming years will be occurred in the region. Therefore, conservation and retrofitting works should execute for this 891 years old building. In this study, nonlinear seismic analyses of the main prayer hall of the mosque are performed and damage assessment of it due to a probable great earthquake is determined. Material properties of the mosque are defined by using nondestructive tests. Three level seismic acceleration data are produced by considering seismic characteristics of the region. Damage regions on the mosque are obtained under these earthquake loads. Suggestions about retrofitting of this significant historical mosque are recommended

    Polipropilen elyaf ile güçlendirilmiş kumun kayma mukavemeti parametreleri

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    Improving the engineering properties of soils is one of the common necessity encountered in geotechnical engineering applications. This article investigates the effect of the addition of polypropylene fiber (PPF) on shear strength parameters of compacted sand. Different percentages of PPF (0.5%, 1.0% and 1.5%) by dry weight of the sand were added. Maximum dry density (MDD) and optimum moisture content (OMC) of sand alone and PPF-reinforced sand were measured by standard Proctor compaction test. Subsequently, shear box test was applied for sand and PPF-reinforced sand under three different normal stresses, samples were prepared under the condition of OMC and MDD. The results showed that when the percentage of PPF reaches 1%, the internal friction angle was at maximum value and cohesion is at the minimum value. With increasing percentage of PPF internal friction angle decreased and cohesion increased.Zeminlerin mühendislik özelliklerinin iyileştirilmesi, geoteknik mühendisliği uygulamalarında sıklıkla karşılaşılan gerekliliklerden biridir. Bu çalışmada, polipropilen elyaf (PPF) ilavesinin sıkıştırılmış bir kumun kayma mukavemeti parametreleri üzerindeki etkisi araştırılmıştır. Kuru kuma ağırlıkça farklı yüzdelerde (%0.5,%1.0 ve %1.5) PPF ilave edilmiştir. Katkısız kumun ve PPF ile güçlendirilmiş kumun maksimum kuru birim hacim ağırlıkları (MDD) ve optimum su muhtevaları (OMC) standart Proktor deneyi ile belirlenmiştir. OMC ve MDD şartlarında hazırlanan katkısız kum ve PPF takviyeli kum numuneler üzerinde üç farklı normal gerilme altında kesme kutusu deneyi yapılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar, PPF yüzdesi % 1 olduğunda, içsel sürtünme açısının maksimum ve kohezyonun ise minimum değere ulaştığını göstermiştir. Artan PPF yüzdesi ile içsel sürtünme açısı azalmış ve kohezyon artmıştır

    Wave propagation in functionally graded and layered materials

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    Askeri ekipmanlarda kullanılan kompozit malzemelerin darbe yükleri altındaki davranışı ve bu davranışın modellenmesi giderek önem kazanmaktadır. Kompozit plakların tasarımında iki temel yaklaşım kullanılmaktadır. Bunlardan bir tanesi farklı malzeme özelliklerine sahip malzemelerden oluşan çok katmanlı plaklardır. Diğeri ise özellikleri fonksiyonel olarak derecelendirilmiş malzemelerdir(FDM). FDM’lerde malzeme özelliklerinin sürekli olmasından dolayı malzeme içerisinde gerilme yığılması meydana gelmemektedir. FDM'nin bu özelliği onu bir çok uygulama için uygun kılmaktadır. Malzemelerin darbe yükleri altındaki davranışlarının incelenmesinde özellikle malzemenin dinamik plastik davranışının modellenmesi, temas yüklerinin tespiti ve darbe yükünün etkisi ile meydana gelen şok dalgasının ilerleyişinin doğru olarak modellenmesi silah sistemlerinin tasarımında büyük öneme sahiptir. Burada kullanılan sayısal yöntemin korunum özellikleri (momentum, açısal momentum ve enerji korunumu) önem kazanmaktadır. Süreksiz Galerkin yöntemi, korunum özellikleri ve eleman sınırlarında süreksizliğe izin vermesi nedeni ile dalga yayılması problemlerinde araştırmacılar tarafından tercih edilmektedir. Bu çalışmada çok katmanlı malzemelerin ve FDM’nin ani darbe yükleri altındaki davranışları süreksiz Galerkin yöntemi kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Bu kapsamda ortasından ani darbe yüküne maruz bırakılmış,4, 8 ve 16 katmandan oluşan eksenel simetrik plak probleminden elde edilen sonuçlar FDM plak probleminden elde edilen sonuçlar ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Yapılan çalışma sonucu katman sayısı arttıkça plağın merkezindeki etkin gerilme değerlerinin FDM plakta hesaplanan etkin gerilme değerlerine yaklaştığı tespit edilmiştir. Diğer taraftan çok katmanlı plaklarda radyal yönde ilerledikçe etkin gerilme değerleri FDM plakda hesaplanan değerlerden farklılaştığı görülmüştür. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kompozit malzemeler, dalga yayılması, Süreksiz Galerkin Yöntemi.Composite materials have been used by the engineers. Thus by using proper combination of different materials one can produce a material with an improved thermal, acoustical, mechanical or electrical properties according to the needs in design. Composite materials can be classified in three groups, which are fibrous composites, laminated composites and particulate composites. Many different approaches have been used for approximating the mechanical behaviour of composite materials. The mechanical behaviour of composite materials under static loads are well documented. On the other hand less is known about mechanical behaviour of composites under dynamic loads. Behaviour of composite materials, which are used in military equipments, under impact loads and modeling of this behaviour is gaining attention. In design and modelling of composite materials two main approaches have been used. One of these is to model the composite material as layered material. In modelling the layered media most of the attention is paid to the defining the effective material properties. Many theoretical and experimental studies have been done on this topic. The use of layered media in designing composite plates has some disadvantages. Sudden change in material properties causes stress concentration in the material which may cause failure. The later is functionally graded materials (FGMs). The material properties are continuous in FGMs. Therefore no stress concentration occurs. This property of FGMs makes it advantageous for many applications. Modelling of both FGMs and layered media are challenging task. Modelling of graded material increases the computational cost whilst modelling the layered media degrades the accuracy due to the sudden change of material properties. Thus degradation of numerical accuracy affects the conservation of energy, momentum and angular momentum. Conservation properties of numerical methods are important for many structural dynamics problems. Therefore in the recent years more attention paid to the research on the conservative numerical methods for time integration and discretization in space. In the field of computational mechanics researchers are focused on the conservation properties and stability of the time integration algorithms. Newmark time integration method is one of the most widely used time integration method in structural dynamics. On behalf of this, Newmark family of algorithms are not energy and angular momentum conserving. Energy preserving algorithms are developed by the researchers. Thus energy preserving schemes are lack of high frequency dissipation, which is necessary for damping high frequency oscillations in the numerical solution. Space-time finite element method is attractive for researchers due to the stability properties. On the other hand time finite element methods are not energy conserving. One approach in discretizing the balance equations is discontinuous Galerkin method. Time Discontinuous Galerkin method (TDG) has begun to be used in elastodynamics. It has small phase error and has small dissipation error at high frequency regime which damps the high frequency oscillations in the numerical solution makes it attractive for wide range of structural problems. The DGM is widely used in the spatial discretization of rst-order partial differential equations(PDEs) in fluid mechanics, because of its local and global conservation properties. Since it allows discontinuities at the element interfaces, it is advantageous to use DGM for shock wave propagation problems. More recently DGM for the discretization of second order PDEs has been developed. Another advantage of the DGM is continuously changing material properties can be defined in an element for FGMs and sudden change of the material properties are allowed at the element interfaces for layered materials. n this study mechanical behaviour  of layered materials and FGMs is compared under impact loads. Discontinuous Galerkin method will be used for this purpose. Within these context numerical results obtained from the solution of 4, 8 and 16 layered axi-symmetric composite plate is compared with FGM plate. It is observed that as the number of layers increases the effective stress results obtained from layered plate is getting closer to the FGM plate at the centre of the plate. On the other hand it is seen that as the stress wave propagates in the radial direction effective stress values obtained from the layered plate differs from the results obtained form the FGM plate. Keywords: Composite materials, wave propagation, Discontinuous Galerkin Method

    Disturbance in fine grained soils

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    İnce daneli zeminlerde numune örselenmesi nedeniyle, numunenin alındığı zemini temsil etmediği bilinmektedir. Numune örselenmesi özellikle yumuşak zeminlerde deney sonuçlarını daha fazla etkilemektedir. Zemin mühendisliği açısından kohezyonlu zeminlerde numune örselenmesinin iki ana sebebi olduğu kabul edilmektedir. İlki, numune alımı işleminden (delme, numune alma, saklama, çıkartma vs.) kaynaklanan mekanik örselenme, ikincisi ise numunenin üzerinde gerilme boşalması sebebiyle meydana gelen örselenmedir. Zeminde gerilme boşalması nedeniyle meydana gelen örselenme zeminin maksimum kayma gerilmesini ve başlangıç kayma modülünü etkilemektedir. Bu amaçla laboratuvarda yeniden oluşturulmuş numuneler elde edilerek her bir numune için gerilme-şekil değiştirme değerleri ve başlangıç kayma modülü değerleri yardımıyla numune örselenmesinin derecesi belirlenmeye çalışılmış ve elde edilen sonuçlar karşılaştırılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Numune örselenmesi, gerilme boşalması, aşırı konsolide kil, üçeksenli deneyIn fine grained soils; due to the sample disturbance the specimen can?t represent the soils which exist at the field. Sample disturbance effects test results especially on fine grained soils. If researchers determine the soil properties with higher precision this will reduce the all costs of the geotechnical projects. From the view point of geotechnical engineering; sample disturbance consist of two components, one associated with mechanical disturbance caused by the sampler, handling, etc. and the other is due to the stress release. It is inevitable that mechanical disturbance which occurs because of the stress release, effect especially two of soil parameters; maximum shear strength and initial shear modulus. In this work initial shear modulus and stress-strain relationships will be determined on normally consolidated and over consolidated soil specimens. Reconstituted soil samples are used for laboratory tests. Samples are consolidated at anisotropic and/or isotropic conditions, after consolidation samples were sheared These samples were assumed as normally consolidated soils at the site. Other samples are consolidated at isotropic or anisotropic conditions, after this all loads were released. After one day the sample is loaded with a lower isotropic pressure and sheared in undrained conditions. These samples are assumed as laboratory samples. Maximum shear strength and initial shear modulus of each sample are determined. This data can be used for determining the degree of sample disturbance.Keywords: Sample disturbance, stress relief, overconsolidated clay, triaxial test

    The importance of genotoxicity tests in new drug development processGenotoksisite testlerinin yeni ilaç geliştirme sürecindeki önemi

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    In the preclinic investigation period at the beginning of the drug development process, it is an obligation to subject candidate drugs to genotoxicty investigations. Genotoxicty data of drugs that are developed with these tests are demanded as a part of the security evaluation process by regulatory authorities in various countries. The demand of these laboring and costly data by regulatory authorities of various countries in different standards prevents potential candidate drugs from being marketed, interrupts the drug development process and causes unnecessary utilization of experimental materials in researches. Therefore, nowadays,  it is generally accepted that the researches aimed at achieving these data are implemented with standardized approaches in the guidelines of international harmonisation organizations such as ICH (International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use) and OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development). In this review, it is aimed to provide current information about the various genotoxicity tests which are used commonly in the drug development process, in accordance with ICH, OECD guidelines and literature. Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file.Özetİlaç geliştirme sürecinin başlangıcındaki preklinik araştırma döneminde, aday ilaçların genotoksisite testlerinden geçirilmesi bir zorunluluktur. Bu testlerle elde edilen genotoksisite verileri, çeşitli ülkelerdeki düzenleyici otoriteler tarafından güvenlilik değerlendirme sürecinin bir parçası olarak istenmektedir. Elde edilmesi oldukça zahmetli ve maliyetli olan bu bilgilerin, farklı ülkelerin düzenleyici otoriteleri tarafından değişik standartlarda istenmesi, potansiyel ilaç adaylarının pazarlamasını engellemekte, ilaç geliştirme sürecini kesintiye uğratmakta ve araştırmalarda gereksiz yere deney materyali kullanımına neden olmaktadır. Bu bakımdan, günümüzde bu bilgileri elde etmeyi amaçlayan araştırmaların, ICH (İnsanda Kullanılan İlaçların Ruhsatlandırılması İçin Teknik Gerekliliklerin Uyumlandırılması Uluslararası Birliği) ve OECD (Ekonomik Kalkınma ve İşbirliği Örgütü) gibi uluslararası harmonizasyon örgütlerinin kılavuzlarında standardize edilen yaklaşımlarla uygulanması genel kabul görmektedir. Bu derlemede, ilaç geliştirme sürecinde kullanılan genotoksisite testlerine ilişkin, ICH, OECD kılavuzları ve literatür ışığında güncel bilgiler verilmesi amaçlanmıştır

    Genotoxic, carcinogenic potential of food additives and their other effects on human healthGıda katkı maddelerinin genotoksik, karsinojenik potansiyeli ve insan sağlığı üzerindeki diğer etkileri

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    The use of food additives (FAs) in food production has become an indispensable part of food technology primarily in developed countries for the last 30 years. Today, we encounter with chemical or E coded names of FAs in the ingredients written on the packages of many food products; from take-home foods to frozen products and canned goods. Some of these products, which have been increasing in terms of usage and number each passing day, have detected genotoxic and carcinogenic effects with various toxicological test systems. Besides, some of these are emerged to play role in the formation of hyperactivity, allergy, neurodegenerative diseases, obesity, diabetes, reproduction and gastrointestinal system disorders. In this review, it is aimed to give information about food additives which have been determined to have genotoxic and carcinogenic effects and reported to cause other health risks with toxicological studies. Extended English abstract is in the end of PDF (TURKISH) file. ÖzetSon 30 yıldır gelişmiş ülkeler başta olmak üzere, gıda üretiminde katkı maddelerinin kullanımı gıda teknolojisinin vazgeçilmez bir parçası olmuştur. Günümüzde, hazır gıdalardan, dondurulmuş ürünlere ve konservelere kadar tükettiğimiz birçok gıda maddesinin ambalajlarındaki içindekiler kısmında gıda katkı maddelerinin kimyasal yada E kodlu isimleri ile karşı karşıya gelmekteyiz. Kullanımları ve sayıları her geçen gün artan bu maddelerin bazılarının genotoksik ve karsinojenik etkili olduğu çeşitli toksikolojik test sistemleriyle belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca bazılarının hiperaktivite, alerji, nörodejeneratif hastalıklar, obezite, diyabet, üreme ve gastrointestinal sisteme ilişkin bozuklukların oluşumunda rol oynadığı da ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu derlemede, toksikolojik çalışmalarla genotoksik, karsinojenik etkilere sahip olduğu ve diğer sağlık risklerine yol açtığı belirlenen gıda katkı maddeleri hakkında bilgi verilmesi amaçlanmıştır

    Evaluation of dissociative life of male athletes in some disability sportive branches

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    This research focused on evaluation of dissociative lives of male disabled athletes who played in teams of amputee football league and regional wheelchair basketball league. In this research; general survey method, one of the descriptive research methods, was used. As data collection tools; “Personal Information Form”, “Household Income Form” and “The Dissociation Scale Questioner” were used. A total of 92 male disabled participants (55 amputee football players and 37 wheelchair basketball players) were included in the study.There were no significant statistical differences between participants’ dissociation levels and age, educational status, marital status, whether or not being a national player and employment status. However; there was statistically significant difference in terms of use of prostheses-use, sportive branch, household income and time of disability.It may be argued that acquired traumatic events that occur after birth have stronger traumatic life levels/effects compared to congenital traumatic events that occur before or during birt