60 research outputs found

    Mide Karsinomunda Prediktif Faktörler

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    Amaç: Serum albumin, albumin-globulin oranı AGR , nötrofil/lenfosit N/L değerlerinin mide kanseri hastalarında sağkalım üzerine etkileri araştırıldı.Gereç ve Yöntem: Ön çalışma niteliğindeki bu çalışmaya kemoterapi değerlendirmesindeki 46 hastanın biyokimyasal parametreleri retrospektif olarak arşiv kayıtlarından alındı. AGR=Albumin/Total Protein-Albumin formülüyle AGR değerleri hesaplandı. Büyükten küçüğe doğru sıralanıp, Receiver Operating Characteristic ROC analiziyle AGR düşük-yüksek olarak değerlendirildi. Albumin ve N/L oranları da benzer şekilde gruplandırıldı.Bulgular: AGR’ nin ROC analiziyle tespit edilen cut-off değeri; 1.295 % 62.5 duyarlılık, % 50 özgüllük idi. Kaplan-Meier metoduyla yüksek AGR grubunda düşük AGR grubuna göre daha uzun ortalama genel sağkalım OS tespit edildi. Sırasıyla 27 ± 21 aya karşı 26 ± 26 ay , p: 0.706, % 95 CI: 0.295-0.791 . ROC analiziyle albumin için cut-off değeri; 4.05 mg/dl % 50 duyarlılık, % 58.5 özgüllük idi. Kaplan-Meier metoduyla düşük albumin seviyeli olan grupda yüksek albumin seviyeli olan grupa göre daha uzun OS tespit edildi. OS; 30 ± 26 aya karşı 22 ± 21 ay , p: 0.524, % 95 CI:0.195-0.660 dı, sırasıyla. ROC analizine göre N/L’ nin cut-off değeri: 2.445 % 50 duyarlılık, % 60.5 özgüllük idi. Kaplan-Meier metoduyla OS’ si yüksek olan N/L grubunda düşük olan gruba göre daha uzun olarak tespit edildi 32 ± 29 aya karşı 23 ± 19 ay , p:0.965, % 95 CI: 0.247-0.748 idi. Logistic regression analizi ile AGR, N/L, albumin düzeyleri ile mortalite ve OS arasında istatitiki anlamlı ilişki tespit edilmemiştir.Sonuç: AGR, N/L, albumin düzeyleri mide kanserli hastalardaki mortaliteyi, sağkalımı öngörmede tek başlarına yeterli parametreler olmayabilirler. Vaka sayılarının arttırılmasıyla daha net sonuçlar elde edilebilini

    Hierarchical microspheres of Co(2)CrO(4) nanoplates for electrocatalytic water oxidation

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    Co(2)CrO(4)microspheres were hydrothermally synthesized as new electrocatalyst for water oxidation/oxygen evolution reaction (OER). SEM and TEM analyses revealed the hierarchical morphology of the microspheres which are assembly of nanoplates formed by the assembly of individual nanoparticles with ca. 17 nm size. BET analyses showed that this new material has very large surface area (125 m(2) g(-1)). Co(2)CrO(4)microspheres were then used to modify glassy carbon electrode for electrocatalytic investigations in alkaline medium. The results revealed that this new material has promising catalytic performance toward OER with an onset potential of 1.52 V vs. RHE and an overpotential of 456 mV at 10 mA cm(-2)current density. In addition, the microspheres presented very good stability during long-term constant potential electrolysis. In general, the catalytic performance of Co(2)CrO(4)microspheres is comparable to the one of benchmark RuO(2)with an advantage of being more stable and cost-effective

    Serum Uric Acid Levels In Patients With Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis

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    Aim: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory demyelinating dis-ease with unknown origin. Several studies suggest lower levels of serum uric acid (UA), an endogenous antioxidant, in MS patients. Methods: In this study, we aimed to investigate serum UA levels in relapsing-remitting (RR) MS. In addition we compared serum UA levels by means of clinical activity, expanded disability status scale (EDSS) and disease duration. Results: In the present study, mean serum UA levels were lower in RRMS and relapse patients with MS than in the other neuro-logical diseases (OND) group, but the difference did not reach significance level. UA levels did not correlate with clinical activity, EDSS score and disease duration either in relapse or remitting or both of them. Conclusion: In conclusion, this study suggests serum uric acid lev-els may affect neither pathogenesis of MS nor activity of disease. Further studies are needed to clarify the role of uric acid in MS patients

    Prognostic value of indoleamine 2, 3-dioxygenase-1 expression in glial tumors

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    Background and purpose – Gliomas are the most common primary malignant central nervous system tumors in adults, exhibiting a poor prognosis. Indoleamine 2, 3-dioxygenase-1 (IDO-1) has important functions in cancer immunotherapy due to its role in escaping cancer cells from the immune system. In this study we purposed to evaluate the correlation between IDO- 1 expression and clinicopathological parameters in gliomas, and whether IDO-1 can be a prognostic marker. Methods – n=75 patients in total, n=25 patients with low grade glial tumors (LGG, grade 1-2), n=25 patients with high grade glial tumors (HGG, grade 3-4), and n=25 persons with normal brain tissue as control group were included in this study. IDO- 1 expression was categorized by using immunohistochemical staining in biopsy specimens as high (H) and low (L) groups among the patients with gliomas. We used a 95% percent confidence interval and p <0.05 to analyze the association between the degree of IDO-1 expression, clinicopathological characteristics, and survival rates in glioma patients. Results – In HGG, IDO-1 levels were higher than in control brain tissue and LGG (p< 0.001). The mean overall survival (OS) was longer in the L-IDO-1 group (64.53 ± 3.34) in months (95% CI: 57.969-71.098) compared to the H-IDO-1 group (43.74 ± 4.36) in months, (95% CI: 35.218-52.330) (p< 0.05). Conclusion – IDO-1 expression is an inde- pendent prognostic biomarker to predict OS and progression in HGG. IDO-1 can be evaluated as an alternative instrument for precision medicine in the treatment of gliomas. | Háttér és cél – A gliomák a leggyakoribb, rossz prognózissal rendelkező, primer rossz- indulatú központi idegrendszeri daganatok felnőtteknél. Az indolamin 2, 3-dioxigenáz-1 (IDO-1) fontos funkcióval rendelkezik a rák immunterápiájában, mivel a rákos sejtek im- munrendszer elől való elmenekülésében ját- szik szerepet. Ebben a tanulmányban az volt a célunk, hogy felmérjük az IDO-1-expresszió és a klinikopatológiai paraméterek közötti összefüggést gliomákban, és hogy az IDO-1 használható-e prognosztikai markerként. Módszerek – Összesen n = 75 beteg, n = 25 beteg alacsony fokú gliadaganattal (LGG, 1–2. fokozat), n = 25 beteg magas fokú gliadaganattal (HGG, 3–4. fokozat), és n = 25 személy normál agyszövetű kontrollcso- portként került be a vizsgálatba. A biopsziás minták immunhisztokémiai festése révén, az IDO-1 expressziója alapján a gliomás be- tegeket magas (H) és alacsony (L) csoportba soroltuk. 95%-os konfidenciaintervallumot és p < 0,05 értéket használtunk az IDO-1- expresszió mértéke, a klinikopatológiai jel- lemzők és a gliomás betegek túlélési aránya közötti összefüggés elemzésére. Eredmények – HGG-ben az IDO-1 szintje magasabb volt, mint a kontroll agyszövet- ben és LGG-ben (p < 0,001). A teljes túlélés (OS) középértéke hosszabb volt az L-IDO-1 csoportban (64,53 ± 3,34 hónap; 95%-os CI: 57,969–71,098), mint a H-IDO-1 csoportban (43,74 ± 4,36) hónap; 95%-os CI: 35,218– 52,330) (p < 0,05). Következtetés – Az IDO-1-expresszió független prognosztikai biomarker, ami HGG esetén előre jelzi az OS-t és a progressziót. Az IDO-1 a precíziós orvoslás alternatív esz- köze lehet a gliomák kezelése során

    Covid-19-induced cavernous sinus thrombosis in a myelodysplastic syndrome patient: case report

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    Abstract Background Cavernous sinus thrombosis (CST) is a very rare disease and can occur as a result of pharyngitis, a face infection, sinusitis, orbital cellulitis, otitis, traumatic injury, or surgery, particularly if the patient has a thrombophilic disease. So far, no myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) cases with CST have been recorded. We describe a case of CST induced by Covid-19 in a patient with MDS. Case presentation A 71-year-old woman with MDS was admitted to the hospital due to headache, weakness, diplopia, and drooping of the left eyelid. Pancytopenia was found. Left cavernous sinus thrombosis and encephalitis were also confirmed by Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A thorax Computed Tomography (CT) revealed bilateral patchy ground-glass opacities consistent with Covid-19. The patient was treated with low molecular weight heparin and discharged with partial recovery. Conclusions It's important to remember that CST can occur in people with Covid-19 infection, even if they have severe thrombocytopenia like MDS