13 research outputs found

    Deep Learning Based Hate Speech Detection on Twitter

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    There have been growing worries about the effects of the widespread use of hate speech and harsh language on social media sites like Twitter. Effective strategies for recognising and reducing such dangerous material are necessary for resolving this problem. In this research, we give a detailed analysis of four deep learning models for identifying hate speech and inflammatory language on Twitter: the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), the Bidirectional LSTM (Bi-LSTM), and the Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU). We downloaded a large dataset from Kaggle that was curated for hate speech identification and used it in our experiment. We built each model after preprocessing and tokenization, then tweaked their hyperparameters for maximum efficiency. The models' abilities to detect hate speech were evaluated using standard measures including accuracy, precision, recall, and Fl-score. Our findings show that there is a wide range of effectiveness amongst models in terms of identifying hate speech and inflammatory language on Twitter. In terms of accuracy and Fl-scores, the Bi-LSTM and GRU models were superior to the LSTM and RNN. The results of this study imply that using bidirectional and gated processes may increase the models' capability of understanding the interdependencies and contexts of tweets, and hence, their classification accuracy

    Daksha: On Alert for High Energy Transients

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    We present Daksha, a proposed high energy transients mission for the study of electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational wave sources, and gamma ray bursts. Daksha will comprise of two satellites in low earth equatorial orbits, on opposite sides of earth. Each satellite will carry three types of detectors to cover the entire sky in an energy range from 1 keV to >1 MeV. Any transients detected on-board will be announced publicly within minutes of discovery. All photon data will be downloaded in ground station passes to obtain source positions, spectra, and light curves. In addition, Daksha will address a wide range of science cases including monitoring X-ray pulsars, studies of magnetars, solar flares, searches for fast radio burst counterparts, routine monitoring of bright persistent high energy sources, terrestrial gamma-ray flashes, and probing primordial black hole abundances through lensing. In this paper, we discuss the technical capabilities of Daksha, while the detailed science case is discussed in a separate paper.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 1 table. Additional information about the mission is available at https://www.dakshasat.in

    Science with the Daksha High Energy Transients Mission

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    We present the science case for the proposed Daksha high energy transients mission. Daksha will comprise of two satellites covering the entire sky from 1~keV to >1>1~MeV. The primary objectives of the mission are to discover and characterize electromagnetic counterparts to gravitational wave source; and to study Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs). Daksha is a versatile all-sky monitor that can address a wide variety of science cases. With its broadband spectral response, high sensitivity, and continuous all-sky coverage, it will discover fainter and rarer sources than any other existing or proposed mission. Daksha can make key strides in GRB research with polarization studies, prompt soft spectroscopy, and fine time-resolved spectral studies. Daksha will provide continuous monitoring of X-ray pulsars. It will detect magnetar outbursts and high energy counterparts to Fast Radio Bursts. Using Earth occultation to measure source fluxes, the two satellites together will obtain daily flux measurements of bright hard X-ray sources including active galactic nuclei, X-ray binaries, and slow transients like Novae. Correlation studies between the two satellites can be used to probe primordial black holes through lensing. Daksha will have a set of detectors continuously pointing towards the Sun, providing excellent hard X-ray monitoring data. Closer to home, the high sensitivity and time resolution of Daksha can be leveraged for the characterization of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to ApJ. More details about the mission at https://www.dakshasat.in

    Deep CNN based brain tumor detection in intelligent systems

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    The early detection of brain tumor is crucial for effective treatment and improved patient prognosis in Industrial Information Systems. This research introduces a novel computational model employing a three-layer Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for the identification of brain tumors in Industrial Information Systems. Leveraging advanced computational techniques, this proposed model can autonomously detect intricate patterns and features from medical imaging data, resulting in more accurate and expedited diagnoses. With an impressive 90聽% precision rate, our model demonstrates the potential to serve as a valuable tool for medical professionals working in the field of neuroimaging. By presenting a dependable and precise computational model, this study contributes to the advancement of brain tumor identification within the domain of medical imaging. We anticipate that our methodology will aid healthcare providers in making more accurate diagnoses, thereby leading to enhanced patient outcomes. Potential avenues for future research encompass refining the model's fundamental architecture and exploring real-time therapeutic applications

    Adversarial learning for Mirai botnet detection based on long short-term memory and XGBoost

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    In today's world, where digital threats are on the rise, one particularly concerning threat is the Mirai botnet. This malware is designed to infect and command a collection of Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The use of Mirai attacks has intensified in recent times, thus threatening the smooth operation of numerous devices that are connected to a network. Such attacks carry adverse consequences that include interference with services or the leakage of confidential information. To fight this growing threat, smart and flexible detection techniques are required to counter the new methods cyber attackers use. The aim of this research is to develop a resilient defense against Mirai botnet attacks. The Long Short Term Memory term (LSTM) and XGBoost combined have the best performance of 97.7% accuracy score. With this combination, the aim is to strengthen our cyber defenses against sophisticated and dynamically operating Mirai botnets to further enhance the security of our digital world

    Machine Learning Technique for Fake News Detection Using Text-Based Word Vector Representation

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    In the modern era, social media has taken off, and more individuals may now utilise it to communicate and learn about current events. Although people get much of their information online, some of the Internet news is questionable and even deceptively presented. It is harder to distinguish fake news from the real news as it is sent about in order to trick readers into believing fabricated information, making it increasingly difficult for detection algorithms to identify fake news based on the material that is shared. As a result, an urgent demand for machine learning (ML), deep learning, and artificial intelligence models that can recognize fake news arises. The linguistic characteristics of the news provide a simple method for detecting false news, which the reader does not need to have any additional knowledge to make use of. We discovered that NLP techniques and text-based word vector representation may successfully predict fabricated news using a machine learning approach. In this paper, on datasets containing false and genuine news, we assessed the performance of six machine learning models. We evaluated model performance using accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score

    Daksha: On Alert for High Energy Transients

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    We present Daksha, a proposed high energy transients mission for the study of electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational wave sources, and gamma ray bursts. Daksha will comprise of two satellites in low earth equatorial orbits, on opposite sides of earth. Each satellite will carry three types of detectors to cover the entire sky in an energy range from 1 keV to >1 MeV. Any transients detected on-board will be announced publicly within minutes of discovery. All photon data will be downloaded in ground station passes to obtain source positions, spectra, and light curves. In addition, Daksha will address a wide range of science cases including monitoring X-ray pulsars, studies of magnetars, solar flares, searches for fast radio burst counterparts, routine monitoring of bright persistent high energy sources, terrestrial gamma-ray flashes, and probing primordial black hole abundances through lensing. In this paper, we discuss the technical capabilities of Daksha, while the detailed science case is discussed in a separate paper