246 research outputs found

    The influence of strontium and cobalt content on crystal structure and properties of Nd1-xSrxFe1-yCoyO3- oxides

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    In the present work the homogeneity range, crystal structure, oxygen nonstoichiometry, thermal properties and electrical conductivity of partially substitutedNd1-xSrxFe1-yCoyO3-δ oxides versus temperature, strontium and cobalt content was studied

    Some New Reactions and Properties of Xanthane Hydride (5-Amino-1,2,4-dithiazole-3-thione)

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    Aminomethylation of xanthane hydride (5-amino-1,2,4-dithiazole-3-thione) with the RNH2–HCHO system has resulted in the formation of the derivatives of new heterocyclic system (3,7-dihydro-5H-[1,2,4]-dithiazolo[4,3-a][1,3,5]triazine) in low yields. The reaction of xanthane hydride with dicyandiamide has led to thioammeline [4,6-diamino-1,3,5-triazine-2(5Н)-thione]. Some practically important properties of xanthane hydride and its derivatives have been investigated. Xanthane hydride has efficiently exhibited carbon steel corrosion in neutral aqueous media. The prepared compounds have not exhibited growth-regulating or antidote activity to herbicide 2,4-D

    Establishment of educational electronic publications as one of the strategic directions of improving the quality of training graduates

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    Качество обучения зависит от совершенства учебного материала, формы его представления и организации учебного процесса. В традиционной схеме обучения возникает множество проблем, связанных с постоянно возрастающим потоком информации, усложнением знаний, отсутствием иллюстрационного материала. Внедрение компьютера в учебный процесс дает возможность создать богатый справочный и иллюстративный материал в самом разнообразном виде.The quality of training depends on the excellence of educational material, its presentation and organization of educational process. In the traditional scheme of education face many challenges with a constantly increasing flow of information, complexity of knowledge, lack of illustrative material. The introduction of the computer in the learning process makes it possible to create a rich background and illustrative material in the most diverse form

    Parameters of blood pressure during stress test in young elite athletes

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    It is known that in children at rest, BP values depend on height, but this aspect is not taken into account when analyzing the maximum BP during exercise.Objective: to determine the maximum value of BP in young elite athletes, depending on height and gender.Materials and methods: 2313 (age 15.5 ± 1.4 years, 45% of young men) young elite athletes, members of national teams of the Russian Federation in 40 sports, were examined. All subjects underwent bicycle ergometry according to the PWC170 protocol, blood pressure was measured manually at each stage of the load, and its maximum values were determined during the entire test.Results: The maximum BP values in boys were higher than in girls: systolic blood pressure (SBP) 195 ± 25 vs 175 ± 20 mmHg, p < 0.001, diastolic blood pressure (DBP) 80 ± 11 vs 80 ± 10 mm Hg, p < 0.05. A relationship was found between the maximum value of blood pressure on load and growth (r = 0.55; p < 0.001). Normative tables are proposed for assessing the maximum values of SBP and load, depending on growth.Conclusion: In young elite athletes, the maximum BP value during VEM according to the PWC170 protocol depends not only on gender, but also on height. The maximum values of SBP during exercise in tall young elite athletes can reach 250 mm Hg in boys and 210 mm Hg in girls

    Le pluralisme politique à l’épreuve de la vie privée : entre normes et pratiques

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    L’espace des relations interpersonnelles et privées, en tant qu’espace de politisation et d’expression des choix politiques, est peu connu. C’est à une meilleure connaissance du « citoyen privé » et de la « politisation intime » que cet article veut contribuer, en étudiant les ressemblances et les divergences idéologiques au sein du cercle des proches. Présentant les résultats d’une enquête quantitative et représentative de la population française inédite, « Famille, amour et politique », réalisée par le CEVIPOF, il examine la filiation, la conjugalité, et l’amitié et montre les interactions et les transactions qui opèrent entre le système des normes et le système des affects des individus. La famille apparaît plus hétérogame politiquement tandis que le couple et le cercle des amis sont plus homogames. Toutefois, c’est le niveau de politisation des individus qui est en dernière instance le plus déterminant. Une affiliation politique affirmée, et tout particulièrement à gauche, ainsi qu’un intérêt marqué pour la politique, renforcent toujours l’homogamie politique au sein du cercle des proches, dans les principes comme dans les faits. Plus largement, l’article ouvre une réflexion sur l’espace de la vie privée en tant que terrain d’expérience des conditions de la pluralité démocratique.Little is known of the role played by private interpersonal relationships in politicization and the expression of political choices. This article aims to improve our understanding of “private citizens” and “personal politicization” through a study of ideological similarities and divergences within family and friendship circles. The analysis, based on findings from an unprecedented quantitative representative French population survey by the CEVIPOF (Center for the study of French political life) entitled “Famille, amour et politique” [Family, love and politics], examines filiation, conjugality and friendship, showing the interactions and transactions that take place between the system of norms and the system of individual feelings. Families appear more heterogamous politically, while couples and friendship circles are more homogamous. However, individuals’ level of politicization is ultimately the most determinant factor. Having a strong political affiliation, particularly on the left of the political spectrum, and a strong interest in politics always strengthens intra-circle political homogamy in terms of both principles and actions. At a more general level, the article reflects on the sphere of private life as a field for the development of conditions of democratic pluralism

    Degradation of structure and properties of rail surface layer at long-term operation

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    The microstructure evolution and properties variation of the surface layer of rail steel after passed 500 and 1000 million tons of gross weight (MTGW) have been investigated. The wear rate increases to 3 and 3.4 times after passed 500 and 1000 MTGW, respectively. The corresponding friction coefficient decreases by 1.4 and 1.1 times. The cementite plates were destroyed and formed the cementite particles of around 10-50 nm in size after passed 500 MTGW. The early stage dynamical recrystallization was observed after passed 1000 MTGW. The mechanisms for these have been suggested. The large number of bend extinction contours is revealed in the surface layer. The internal stress field is evaluated

    Frequency and structure of endocrine diseases in young elite athletes

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    There is no data on the prevalence of endocrine disorders in young elite athletes in Russia.Objective: to assess the prevalence of endocrine pathologies and their structure in children and adolescents involved in elite sport.Materials and methods: the study included data from outpatient records of members of national sports teams, who underwent special medical examination. The data of a random sample of 1081 outpatient cards of young athletes, for 26 sports, were analyzed.Results: we found a high prevalence of endocrine pathology (18.6 %) in children and adolescents involved in high-performance sports. Thyroid diseases are most the most frequent in young athletes (in 57.3 % of cases). On second place is obesity (12.3 %). The frequency of weight deficiency and short stature is 8.4 % each. Autoimmune thyroiditis occupies a leading place in the structure of thyroid pathology in young elite athletes. Subclinical hypothyroidism takes the second place, and nodular goiter — the third place.Conclusion: young elite athletes are characterized by a high frequency of endocrine pathology, the leading place in which is occupied by thyroid diseases. It is necessary to further studies aimed at assessing the mechanisms of hormonal adaptation in elite young athletes to assess their impact on the development of the child and the correct interpretation of the hormonal profile obtained during a special medical examination

    Effect of testosterone in young ice-hockey players on hematological, biochemical parameters and the level of physical performance

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    Ice-hockey combines intense physical activity at high speed with elements of power struggle. Testosterone is the main anabolic hormone, an increase in which during adolescence is associated with faster growth, increased muscle mass, physical strength, and increased overall and aerobic performance. Thus, it is interesting to study the effect of different testosterone levels on metabolic parameters and physical performance of young ice-hockey players.Objective: to compare hematological and biochemical parameters, as well as exercise performance in young ice-hockey players, depending on the testosterone level.Materials and methods: the study included 100 young ice-hockey players aged 15–17 years (average age 15.3 ± 1.1 years). The study group included 25 young ice-hockey players with an increased level of total blood testosterone (> 27.5 nmol/l). The control group included 75 young athletes with normal testosterone levels. All athletes included in the study underwent the PWC 170 test to assess physical performance. Assessment of hematological parameters included hemoglobin (HGB), hematocrit, red blood cell, mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean concentration hemoglobin (MCH), and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC). β-crosslaps, myoglobin and creatine phosphokinase (CPK) activity were measured to assess the functional state of muscle and bone tissue.Results: A comparative assessment of the CBC in young ice-hockey players did not reveal significant differences depending on the level of serum testosterone level. Tolerance to physical activity in the study groups also did not differ. Young ice-hockey players with increased testosterone levels showed lower β-crosslaps values compared to the control group. The values of other biomarkers of the functional activity of muscle tissue did not depend on the level of testosterone levels.Conclusion: Increased serum testosterone level in the range from 27.5 to 40 nmol/l, detected in young ice-hockey players aged 15–17 years, is not associated with a change in hematological and biochemical parameters. High total testosterone levels do not improve physical performance. It is necessary to continue studies to assess the dynamics of the serum testosterone in young ice-hockey players to clarify the long-term effects of androgens on the metabolic and functional indicators of young athletes. Increasing serum testosterone levels in athletes is subject to wide discussion in the community of sports physicians and endocrinologists