1,083 research outputs found
Islamic law: an introduction
This work is an attempt to provide some light into the basic principles of Islamic law in order to understand the purpose of the revelation of rulings in Islam. This understanding is very important to be understood particularly by students and researchers in the field of islamic law. This book also examines five important legal maxims, namely: al-umur bi maqasidiha (matters determined according to intention), al-yaqin la yazulu bi al-shakk (certainty cannot be removed by doubt), al-mashaqqah tajlubu al-taysir (hardship begets facility), la darara wa la dirar (harm shall not be inflicted nor reciprocated) and al-'adah muhakkamah (custom as arbitrary). Theese are considered as supporting sources of Islamic law. In the last part of the work, the development of Islamic from the time of the Prophet (pbuh) till the present is discussed. Finally, the work outlines about the present state of Islamic law and provides some suggestions for the way forward. It is hoped that this work will shed some light for those who are interested in understanding the basics of Islamic law. The author would like to thank the International Islamic University Malaysia for ganting him sabbatical leave and financial assistance for the realisation of this work
Meursault’s indifferent stance: a conscious acceptance of capitalism
Volume 3, Issue 1, January 201
Development of cost-effective nano-bainitic steels
The aim of this work is the development of low-cost, fast transforming nano-bainitic steel
alloys for the purposes of lightweighting and fuel efficiency in the transportation industry.
Three alloying strategies were investigated under the scope of this work. A high C (0.54-0.8
wt.%), low Mn strategy (0.3 wt.% Mn), a high C (0.67-0.95 wt.%), high Al-strategy (3 and 5
wt.%), and a low carbon (0.23 and 0.3 wt.), high Al (0.7 to 3 wt.%) contents. All the alloying
strategies dispensed with the expensive substitutional elements Co, Cr and Ni. Fast
transformation times ranging from 650 s to 4600 s were obtained for all the investigated
conditions. The highest mechanical strengths were obtained by the low Mn alloying strategy,
with tensile strengths ranging from 1900 - 2140 MPa at elongation values of about 10 %.
Increasing the Al content within the second strategy lowers the transformation times
compared to the alloys of the first strategy with similar C contents. However, because of their
high Al-content, alloys of the second strategy required more C additions to maintain
sufficiently low martensite start temperatures (Ms). This increase in C led to an overall
increase in the transformation times within this strategy. On the other hand, increasing Al to 3
wt.% led to a drop in the maximum tensile strength from 2140 to 2000 MPa, while the
elongation values remained constant at about 10 %, similar to those of the low Mn strategy.
Further increasing Al to 5 wt.% yielded brief incubation periods and shorter transformation
times (1000 – 1800 s) despite the high C contents utilized (0.67 – 0.94 wt.%). However, this
came at the cost of a deterioration of the strength-ductility balance, with strength values
ranging from 1330 – 1845 MPa and ductility of about 5 %.
Increasing the Al content within the third strategy from 0.7 to 2.8 wt.% (~ 0.3 wt.% C and ~
2.9 wt.% Mn) lowers the transformation time from 3000 to 2000 s, respectively, at a cost of a
reduction in tensile strength and elongation from 1330 to 1270 MPa and from 13.5 to 7.7%,
respectively. Introducing δ-ferrite to the microstructure of the 3 wt.% Al alloy (~ 0.23 wt.% C
and ~ 4.2 wt.% Mn) increased elongation% up to 16% and reduced the tensile strength to
1105 MPa. Continuously cooling of alloys of this group at a rate of 0.3 Ks-1 yielded almost
fully martensitic structures, with bainite partly forming only in the alloys with higher Al. A
cooling rate of 0.03 Ks-1 increased the tensile strength by about 100 MPa at similar
elongation values, while lowering the cooling rate down to 0.003 Ks-1 yielded similar
properties as isothermal treatment because most of the transformation is concluded near the
starting temperature.
For both the low and high C groups, the impact properties increased with the increase of Al
to 2 – 3 wt.% followed by a drop as the Al was increased further. Conversely, the presence of
δ-ferrite severely deteriorated the impact properties of the microstructures generated. Impact
testing of select alloys from (-160 to 50 °C) revealed that changing the Al content has no
significant effect on the impact transition temperature. Generating deformation induced ferrite
(DIF) in the microstructure of the low carbon group alloys prior to the bainitic transformation
had inconclusive effects on the final properties, improving the uniform elongation in some
cases while deteriorating it in others. Finally, select alloys were subjected to bake hardening
investigations to help expand a newly developed module in MatCalc software into the field of
fine bainitic steels. Strain ageing experiments reveal high bake hardening strengths ranging
from 130 – 240 MPa after brief ageing times of less than 20 min. The developed model was
able to successfully predict the bake hardening behaviour of the alloys investigated.Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung kostengünstiger, schnell umwandelnder nano-bainitischer Stahllegierungen für die Zwecke des Leichtbaus und der Kraftstoffeffizienz in der
Transportindustrie. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden drei Legierungsstrategien untersucht.
Eine Strategie mit hohem C- (0,54-0,8 Gew.-%) und niedrigem Mn-Gehalt (0,3 Gew.-% Mn),
eine Strategie mit hohem C- (0,67-0,95 Gew.-%) und hohem Al-Gehalt (3 und 5 Gew.-%)
sowie eine Strategie mit niedrigem Kohlenstoff- (0,23 und 0,3 Gew.-%) und hohem Al-Gehalt
(0,7 bis 3 Gew.-%). Bei allen Legierungsstrategien wurde auf die teuren
Substitutionselemente Co, Cr und Ni verzichtet. Für alle untersuchten Bedingungen wurden
schnelle Umwandlungszeiten zwischen 650 s und 4600 s erzielt. Die höchsten
mechanischen Festigkeiten wurden mit der Legierungsstrategie mit niedrigem Mn-Gehalt
erzielt, wobei die Zugfestigkeiten zwischen 1900 und 2140 MPa bei Dehnungswerten von
etwa 10 % lagen. Die Erhöhung des Al-Gehalts bei der zweiten Strategie senkt die
Umwandlungszeiten im Vergleich zu den Legierungen der ersten Strategie mit ähnlichen C-Gehalten. Aufgrund ihres hohen Al-Gehalts benötigten die Legierungen der zweiten Strategie
jedoch mehr C-Zusätze, um ausreichend niedrige Martensit-Starttemperaturen (Ms) zu
erhalten. Diese Erhöhung des C-Gehalts führte zu einer allgemeinen Verlängerung der
Umwandlungszeiten bei dieser Strategie. Andererseits führte eine Erhöhung des Al-Gehalts
auf 3 Gew.-% zu einem Rückgang der maximalen Zugfestigkeit von 2140 auf 2000 MPa,
während die Dehnungswerte bei etwa 10 % konstant blieben, ähnlich wie bei der Strategie
mit niedrigem Mn-Gehalt. Eine weitere Erhöhung des Al-Anteils auf 5 Gew.-% führte trotz der
hohen C-Gehalte (0,67 - 0,94 Gew.-%) zu kurzen Inkubationszeiten und kürzeren
Umwandlungszeiten (1000 - 1800 s). Dies ging jedoch auf Kosten einer Verschlechterung
des Festigkeits-Duktilitäts-Gleichgewichts, mit Festigkeitswerten von 1330 - 1845 MPa und
einer Duktilität von etwa 5 %.
Die Erhöhung des Al-Gehalts innerhalb der dritten Strategie von 0,7 auf 2,8 Gew.-% (~ 0,3
Gew.-% C und ~ 2,9 Gew.-% Mn) verkürzt die Umwandlungszeit von 3000 auf 2000 s,
allerdings auf Kosten einer Verringerung der Zugfestigkeit und der Dehnung von 1330 auf
1270 MPa bzw. von 13,5 auf 7,7 %. Die Einführung von δ-Ferrit in das Gefüge der 3-Gew.-
%-Al-Legierung (~ 0,23 Gew.-% C und ~ 4,2 Gew.-% Mn) erhöhte die Dehnung um bis zu 16
% und reduzierte die Zugfestigkeit auf 1105 MPa. Die kontinuierliche Abkühlung von
Legierungen dieser Gruppe mit einer Rate von 0,3 Ks-1 führte zu fast vollständig
martensitischen Strukturen, wobei sich nur in den Legierungen mit höherem Al-Anteil
teilweise Bainit bildete. Eine Abkühlungsrate von 0,03 Ks-1 erhöhte die Zugfestigkeit um etwa
100 MPa bei ähnlichen Dehnungswerten, während eine Verringerung der Abkühlungsrate
auf 0,003 Ks-1 ähnliche Eigenschaften wie eine isotherme Behandlung ergab, da der größte
Teil der Umwandlung in der Nähe der Anfangstemperatur abgeschlossen ist.
Sowohl bei der Gruppe mit niedrigem als auch bei der Gruppe mit hohem C-Gehalt stiegen
die Kerbschlagzähigkeitseigenschaften mit der Erhöhung des Al-Gehalts auf 2 bis 3 Gew.-%
an, gefolgt von einem Rückgang bei weiterem Anstieg des Al-Gehalts. Umgekehrt
verschlechterte das Vorhandensein von δ-Ferrit die Kerbschlagzähigkeit der erzeugten
Gefüge erheblich. Kerbschlagbiegeversuche an ausgewählten Legierungen im
Temperaturbereich von -160 bis 50 °C zeigten, dass eine Änderung des Al-Gehalts keine
signifikante Auswirkung auf die Kerbschlagübergangstemperatur hat. Die Erzeugung von
verformungsinduziertem Ferrit (DIF) im Gefüge der Legierungen mit niedrigem
Kohlenstoffgehalt vor der bainitischen Umwandlung hatte keine schlüssigen Auswirkungen
auf die endgültigen Eigenschaften, wobei sich die gleichmäßige Dehnung in einigen Fällen
verbesserte, während sie sich in anderen Fällen verschlechterte. Schließlich wurden
ausgewählte Legierungen einer Bake-Hardening-Untersuchung unterzogen, um ein neu
entwickeltes Modul der MatCalc-Software auf den Bereich der feinbainitischen Stähle
auszuweiten. Die Alterungsversuche zeigen hohe Bake Hardening Festigkeiten von 130 -
240 MPa nach kurzen Alterungszeiten von weniger als 20 min. Das entwickelte Modell war in
der Lage, das Bake-Hardening-Verhalten der untersuchten Legierungen erfolgreich
Ethics and medicine
This paper provides a brief overview of competing ethical approaches to various substantial legal issues in a Medical or Healthcare context. In a nutshell, there are three main reasons for considering ethical approaches separately from and prior to examining the law. This is because many of the legal principles in medical law are based on ethical foundations, for example the law on consent to treatment is based on respect for autonomy. Secondly, on many of the topics in medical law, law is insufficiently developed to provide guidance for healthcare professionals, e.g. the equitable remedy for breach of confidentiality. And thirdly, there may be ethical reasons for not attempting to extend law into certain areas, e.g. attempts to regulate the behavior of pregnant women which may be better influenced by education and information, rather than law
Risk perceptions among potential Airbnb hosts
Airbnb has taken advantage of recent technological advances to emerge as a disruptive innovation in
the tourism and hotel industry. Attracting millions of customers annually, it is present in over 65,000
cities in 191 countries. Its rapid success has attracted research, most focused on guests and their
intention to use or recommend the service. This study assesses perceived risk among Airbnb hosts,
focusing on hosts’ perception of risks related to services offered, finances, safety and security, and
psychological, political, and privacy issues. Ease of use is considered among factors that determine
hosts’ adoption intention. A survey of young adults in Dubai revealed a positive correlation between
adoption intention and financial risk and time concern, and a negative correlation between safety and
security risk, psychological, political, privacy risks, ease of adoption, and adoption intention. This
study informs Airbnb management of concerns that might affect business continuity and recommends
strategies to address the issues.Airbnb a profité des récentes avancées technologiques pour devenir une innovation de rupture dans
l'industrie du tourisme et de l'hôtellerie. Il attire des millions de clients chaque année. Il est présent
dans plus de 65 000 villes de 191 pays. Son succès rapide a attiré la recherche, la plupart du temps sur
les clients ciblés et leur intention d'utiliser ou de recommander le service. Cette étude évalue le risque
perçu parmi les hôtes Airbnb, en se concentrant sur la perception par les hôtes des risques liés aux
services offerts, aux finances, à la sûreté et à la sécurité et aux problèmes psychologiques, politiques
et de confidentialité. La facilité d’utilisation fait partie des facteurs qui déterminent l’intention
d’adoption des hôtes. Une enquête auprès de jeunes adultes à Dubaï a révélé une corrélation positive
entre l'intention d'adoption et le risque financier et le souci du temps, et une corrélation négative entre
les risques pour la sûreté et la sécurité, les risques psychologiques, politiques, de confidentialité, la
facilité d'adoption et l'intention d'adoption. Cette étude informe la direction d'Airbnb des
préoccupations susceptibles d'affecter la continuité des activités et recommande des stratégies pour
résoudre ces problèmes
Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) has an Additive Effect and Alters Minimal Inhibitory Concentrations of Antifungal Drugs
Background: Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) iscommonly used as a solvent for anti-fungal drugs. It hasbeen reported to possess anti-fungal activity by itself somay interfere in the evaluation and comparison of antifungaldrugs. DMSO 1% and below are usually consideredto possess insignificant effect on the growth of fungi. Thepresent study was aimed to determine anyadditive/synergistic effect of DMSO (1%) with anti-fungaldrugs.Methods: The effect of DMSO (1%) was determined onthe colonial growth of Trichophyton rubrum, andMicrosporum canis along with clotrimazole, griseofulvin,ketoconazole and thymoquinone (an active principle ofNigella sativa). Similarly, the ability of DMSO (1%) toenhance the effect of amphotericin-B and thymoquinonewas observed on the growth of Aspergillus niger. The fungiwere grown in three sets of plates of dermasel agar foreach drug containing: (a) serial dilutions of the drug alone;(b) serial dilutions of the drug plus DMSO 1% in eachdilution and (c) dermasel agar alone, as control.Results: DMSO (1%) lowered the MICs of all drugstested against the fungi used, except amphotericin-Bagainst Aspergillus niger. Presence of DMSO (1%) in serialdilutions of drugs also significantly shifted the growthcurves of fungi towards right.Conclusion: DMSO, as a solvent, is one of theimportant factors that can alter the results of antifungaldrugs
Innovation versus Replication: Some Notes on the Approaches in Defining Shariah Compliance in Islamic Finance
Shariah contains the principles and foundations upon which financial system from an Islamic perspective is established and acts as guidance and framework on which the direction of the industry is set. This would include the whole processes from product conceptual inception of developing shariah product compliance manual, developing product structure, reviewing the legal documentation, and producing report or opinion on the product application in the market. Islamic finance is expected to offer something new to the market instead of a mere replication and modification of conventional practices in Islamic forms. The paper attempts to survey the approach in developing Islamic finance, including the debate on replication and innovation in a product to the structure as well as the gaps between ideals and practices. [Keuangan Islam dikembangkan berdasarkan atas semangat, filosofi dan prinsip-prinsip hukum Islam sebagaimana terangkum dalam ekonomi shariah. Makalah ini berusaha mengamati berbagai pendekatan dalam mengembangkan keuangan Islam, perdebatan mengenai replikasi ekonomi konvensional, dan inovasi dalam produk hingga struktur maupun kesenjangan antara yang ideal dengan kenyataannya.
Iatrogenic Circumflex Artery Stenosis Following Mitral Valve Repair
Injury of the left circumflex coronary artery is a potentially serious complication of mitral valve surgery due to the proximity of the vessel to the posterior segment of the mitral annulus. Suture-related distortion of the artery with partial or subtotal occlusion is the most commonly implicated mechanism. Herein, we present a case of symptomatic iatrogenic circumflex coronary artery stenosis following mitral valve annuloplasty for degenerative mitral valve regurgitation
The common law privilege against self-incrimination: has it been abolished in Malaysia?
It is an inveterate principle of the common law, adopted by common law jurisdictions that any person cannot be
compelled to answer any questions that may incriminate himself. This privilege against answering self-incriminating
questions can only be abrogated by statute, expressly or by necessary implication. Though, this privilege has been much
criticised as being obsolete, particularly in civil cases because it can prevent much relevant and strongly probative
evidence from being disclosed in litigation, nevertheless, it still has a hallowed place in criminal cases. However, recent judicial decisions in Malaysia have blatantly held that this privilege against self-incrimination has gone, though the section concerned does not expressly abrogated the privilege. The purpose of this paper is to argue that in Malaysia, the privilege has not been abrogated, but is still intact
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