82 research outputs found

    Patient perspectives on prenatal care delivery innovation: a call to action from pregnant high and low utilizers of unscheduled care

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    BACKGROUND: Rising rates of maternal morbidity and mortality and persistent disparities in care utilization and outcomes signal a need for new approaches to prenatal care delivery. This study uses perspectives of low-socioeconomic status (SES) pregnant women to generate features of a patient-centered intervention aimed at improving outcomes in high cost, high need pregnant individuals. METHODS: We performed a secondary analysis of qualitative interviews with Medicaid-insured pregnant high and low utilizers of unscheduled obstetric care. Using a grounded theory approach, we tightly mapped themes to generate intervention strategies with potential to improve prenatal care delivery. RESULTS: Three key themes translated into intervention features: social support, care delivery, and access. Unlike low utilizers, high utilizers had a desire for more social support, improved communication in care delivery, and access to timely and efficient appointments. For low utilizers, improved insurance access and the ability to opt out of support services that didn’t align with their priorities were essential. CONCLUSION: High and low utilizers of unscheduled obstetric care have unique ideas for improving their care. Targeted interventions to improve prenatal care can be tested to potentially address unmet needs of vulnerable subgroups of low-SES pregnant women at risk for poor outcomes.2019-10-31T00:00:00

    Distribution et habitats de Newbouldia laevis (P.Beauv.) Seemann ex Bureau et de Dracaena arborea (Willd.) Link dans les zones bioclimatiques du BĂ©nin

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    Cette Ă©tude a permis de dĂ©terminer la distribution et les habitats potentiels de Newbouldia laevis et de Dracaena arborea dans les zones bioclimatiques du BĂ©nin en vue de leur gestion durable. Trente relevĂ©s phytosociologiques ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©s dans les formations vĂ©gĂ©tales. La matrice obtenue a permis de discriminer les forĂŞts sacrĂ©es (74 genres ; 46 familles ; Richesse spĂ©cifique=130 ; H=5,92 bits; R=0,97) des champs/jachères (42 genres ; 28 familles ; Richesse spĂ©cifique =69; H=3,40 bits; R=0,62). Les densitĂ©s moyennes de tiges sont passĂ©es en forĂŞts sacrĂ©es de 64 Ă  31 et Ă  0 tiges.ha-1; puis de 28 Ă  16 tiges.ha-1 dans les champs/jachères chez D. arborea. Chez N. laevis, ces densitĂ©s sont passĂ©es de 30 Ă  15 puis Ă  09 tiges.ha-1 en forĂŞts sacrĂ©es et de 89 Ă  56 et Ă  13 tiges.ha-1 dans les champs/jachères respectivement en zones guinĂ©o-congolaise, soudano-guinĂ©enne et soudanienne. Les phanĂ©rophytes et les espèces guinĂ©o-congolaises sont les plus dominants. D. arborea et N. laevis se conservent mieux respectivement en forĂŞts sacrĂ©es et en champs/jachères. Leur introduction dans les programmes de reboisement et la protection de leurs habitats potentiels seraient un atout pour leur meilleure conservation et contribueront Ă  formuler des recommandations soutenues pour leur valorisation au BĂ©nin.Mots clĂ©s : BĂ©nin, Distribution, Zones bioclimatiques, Newbouldia laevis, Dracaena arborea.   English Title: Distribution and habitats of Newbouldia laevis (P.Beauv.) Seemann ex Bureau and Dracaena arborea (Willd.) Link in the bioclimatic zones of BeninThis study carried out in the three bioclimatic zones of Benin aims to determine the potential habitats and the geographic distributions of Newbouldia laevis and Dracaena arborea, two anthropophilic agroforestry species in order to conserve them sustainably. Thirty phytosociological surveys were sampled and the matrix gotten was subjected to an analysis of the adjusted correspondences (DCA) to discriminate the sacred forests with great diversity (Rf = 130; H = 5.92; R = 0.97) of the fields/fallows of medium diversity (Rf = 69; H = 3.40; R = 0.62) and balanced. The average densities of stems went from 64, 31 and 0 stems.ha-1 in D. arborea to 30, 15 and 09 stems.ha-1 in N. laevis in sacred forests and in fields/fallows from 28, 16 and 0 stems.ha-1 in D. arborea at 89, 56 and 13 stems.ha-1 in N. laevis respectively in guinean-congolese, sudano-guinean and sudanian zones. Phanerophytes constitute 85% of the average recovery in number and occupation of space. Guinean-congolese species are dominant and have a wide distribution spectrum. D. arborea and N. laevis keep better in sacred forests and fields / fallows respectively. The protection of potential habitats and the introduction of species into national reforestation programs as a priority would be an asset for better conservation.Keywords : Benin, Distribution, bioclimatic zone, Newbouldia laevis, Dracaena arborea.   &nbsp

    Le projet "Dahomey Gap": une contribution à l'histoire de la végétation au Sud-Bénin et Sud-ouest du Nigéria

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    La coupure que l'on constate dans les forêts denses africaines au niveau du Togo et du Bénin soulève de nombreuses questions sur les rapports forêt/savane au cours des derniers millénaires. Le projet Dahomey Gap vise à y répondre, par une approche pluridisciplinaire intégrant botanique et histoire de la végétation dans le Sud-Bénin et le Sud-Ouest du Nigéria. A partir de travaux déjà avancés sur la végétation du Bénin et des premières prospections palynologiques, quelques aspects du projet sont exposés ici: tels la caractérisation des différentes formations forestières du Bénin, les premiers résultats sur l'histoire holocène de la végétation du Sud-Bénin (mangroves, forêts, savanes) enregistrée depuis près de 7000 ans dans les lagunes

    Les transporteurs sélectifs de cholestérol SR-BI, SR-BII, CD36 et ABCA1 contribuent au maintien de l’homéostasie du cholestérol intratesticulaire

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    Le testicule assure la production des spermatozoïdes et la sécrétion de la testostérone. Chaque fonction est assumée par un compartiment cellulaire distinct: l’épithélium séminifère et le tissu interstitiel. Le cholestérol, présent dans les deux compartiments, est un composé indispensable aux membranes cellulaires et un précurseur essentiel de la testostérone. Dans le compartiment interstitiel, environ 40 % du cholestérol utilisé pour la production hormonale est importé du sang à partir des lipoprotéines HDL et/ou LDL. Dans l’épithélium séminifère, la cellule de Sertoli assure le contrôle et le maintien de la spermatogenèse. Elle a la capacité de synthétiser du cholestérol à partir de l’acétate in vitro, néanmoins, il n’y a pas d’évidence qu’elle le fait in vivo. De plus il existe, au niveau des tubules séminifères, une barrière hémato-testiculaire qui empêche le libre passage de plusieurs composés sanguins, y compris le cholestérol. Nous avons testé l’hypothèse qu’il existe des moyens d’importation du cholestérol sanguin, mais aussi l’exportation du cholestérol intra-tissulaire, qui contourneraient cette barrière et qui contribueraient au maintien du taux intratubulaire du cholestérol compatible avec le bon déroulement de la spermatogenèse. Nous avons comparé les taux de variation de l’expression de l’ARNm et de la protéine des transporteurs sélectifs de cholestérol SR-BI, SR-BII, CD36 et ABCA1 aux taux de variation du cholestérol libre et estérifié au cours de la spermatogenèse chez les souris normales durant le développement postnatal. Afin de mieux apprécier le niveau d’implication de chacun de ces récepteurs, nous avons examiné comment la suppression du gène d’une enzyme comme la lypase hormono-sensible (HSL) ou de celui d’un transporteur de cholestérol comme SR-BI, CD36 ou NPC1 était compensée et comment cette suppression affectait le taux de cholestérol libre et estérifié dans chacun des deux compartiments cellulaires du testicule. Nous avons dans un premier temps mis au point une nouvelle technique d’isolation des testicules en fraction enrichie en tissu interstitiel (ITf) et en tubules séminifères (STf) qui a l’avantage de mieux préserver l’intégrité des formes phosphorylées et glycosylées des protéines comparée aux techniques préexistantes. Les résultats de nos analyses ont montré que l’expression de SR-BI et CD36 étaient maximales dans les ITf au moment où les souris ont complété leur maturité sexuelle et où le niveau de synthèse de la testostérone était maximal. Dans les tubules séminifères, l’expression maximale de SR-BI et le taux le plus élevé de cholestérol estérifié étaient mesurés de façon concomitante à 35 jours après la naissance, au moment où la première vague de l’activité spermatogénétique était complétée. L’expression de l’ABCA1 était maximale au moment où le taux de cholestérol était élevé et minimale au moment où le taux de cholestérol était le plus bas, alors que le niveau d’expression de CD36 était maximal chez l’adulte au moment où le taux de spermiation était le plus élevé. L’expression de SR-BII variait peu dans les deux compartiments cellulaires durant le développement. La suppression génétique de la HSL et de NPC1, qui cause une infertilité chez les souris mâles, était accompagnée d’une accumulation de cholestérol libre et estérifié dans les tubules séminifères. Par contre, la suppression génétique de SR-BI et CD36, qui ne causent pas d’infertilité chez les souris mâles était sans impact significatif sur le taux de cholestérol intratubulaire. Nous avons montré que l’invalidation génétique d’un transporteur sélectif ou d’une enzyme du métabolisme du cholestérol était accompagnée d’un ensemble de mécanismes de compensation visant à maintenir le taux de cholestérol libre aux niveaux semblables à ceux mesurés dans les fractions tissulaires de souris normales. Ensemble, nos résultats ont montré que l’expression des transporteurs sélectifs de cholestérol SR-BI, SR-BII, CD36 et ABCA1 variait en fonction de la spermatogenèse et du taux intratesticulaire du cholestérol suggérant leur contribution au maintien de l’homéostasie du cholestérol intratesticulaire.The testis is made up of loops of convoluted seminiferous tubules surrounded by interstitial tissue composed of loose connective tissue containing Leydig cells that secrete testosterone into the bloodstream. The seminiferous tubules are lined with a stratified epithelium containing germ cells at various stages of development and the supporting Sertoli cells. Cholesterol is present in both compartments and is crucial for the development of germ cells, the fertility of spermatozoa as well as for testosterone production. In the interstitial compartment, approximately 40 % of the cholesterol used for the hormonal production is imported from blood lipoproteins HDL and LDL. In the seminiferous epithelium, Sertoli cells plays key role in the development and maintenance of spermatogenesis. Sertoli cells have the capacity to synthesize cholesterol from acetate in vitro, however, there is no evidence that they do so in vivo. In addition, there is a blood-testis barrier within the seminiferous tubules that prevents the free passage of several blood compounds including cholesterol. We tested the hypothesis that there are ways of blood cholesterol uptake, but also the intratubular cholesterol efflux that by-pass this barrier and contribute to the cholesterol homeostasis within the tubules. We compared expression patterns of the mRNA and proteins for selective cholesterol transporters SR-BI, SR-BII, CD36 and ABCA1 with those of free and esterified cholesterol during the spermatogenesis in normal mice during the postnatal development. To better appreciate the level of involvement of each receptor, we examined the effect of the deletion of the genes for an enzyme (HSL) or for cholesterol transporters (SR-BI, CD36 or NPC1) on the rate of free and esterified cholesterol in both compartments of the testis. At first, we worked out a new technique to separate the testes into interstitial tissue- (ITf) and seminiferous tubule-enriched fractions (STf) that has the advantage of allowing a more faithful detection of the phosphorylated and glycosylated forms of the proteins compared to existing techniques. Our results showed that the expression of SR-BI and CD36 was maximum in the ITf when mice completed their sexual maturity and reached the peak level of testosterone synthesis. In the seminiferous tubule-enriched fractions, the maximum level of SR-BI expression coincided with the highest level of esterified cholesterol during the development at 35 days, as the first wave of the spermatogenetic activity was completed. ABCA1 reached the highest expression level when cholesterol was high and reached the lowest when cholesterol was at its minimum, while the level of CD36 expression was maximal in the adult tubules as the rate of spermiation was the highest. The knockout of the HSL and NPC1, which renders the male mice infertile, was accompanied by the accumulation of free and esterified cholesterol in the seminiferous tubules. On the other hand, the knockout of SR-BI and CD36, linkes to infertility, did not affect the rate of intratubular cholesterol. Here we showed that genetic withdrawal of a cholesterol transporter or of an enzyme involved in cholesterol metabolism was compensated by other transporters or enzymes in order to maintain the level of free cholesterol similar to those measured in the tissue-enriched fractions of wild-type mice. Together, our results showed that the expression of the selective cholesterol transporters SR-BI, SR-BII, CD36 and ABCA1 varied according to the spermatogenesis and intratesticular cholesterol rate, thus suggesting their contribution to the preservation of the intratesticular cholesterol homeostasis

    Expression différentielle des récepteurs "scavenger" de classe B de type I (SR-BI) et de type II (SR-BII) dans le testicule de souris et de vison

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    Etude Phytochimique Et De Cytotoxicité De Quelques Plantes Utilisées Dans Le Traitement De La Stérilité Féminine Au Sud-Bénin

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    The most cited plant drugs during an ethnobotanical survey conducted for traditional healers and resource persons in southern Benin, used in the treatment of female infertility, were the subject of a phytochemical screening. It aims to determine the chemical substances that are conferred on the plants. These chemical substances are the pharmacological properties that are used for the treat of ailment recognized as being the origin of this disease. As a result, we studied the cytotoxicity of each herbal drug. In total, the organs of 17 plant species involved in this study are Aframomum melegueta, Allium cepa, Anchomanes deformants, Baphia nitida, Carissa spinarum, Elaeis guineensis, Garcinia cola, Kigelia africana, Monodora myristica, Morinda lucida, Musa sapientum, Olax subscorpioidea, Piper guineense, Pterocarpus erinaceus, Pupalia lappacea, Tetrapleura tetraptera, Xylopia aethiopica. The results obtained indicate that the richness in phytochemical element is a function of the species. Thus, Aframomum melegueta, Garcinia kola, Monodora myristica, Tetrapleura tetraptera, Xylopia aethiopica, and Anchomanes difformis are rich in catechin and/or gallic tannins, mucilages, reducing compounds, anthocyanins and/or leucoanthocyanins. On the other hand, no drugs is at same time rich in free anthracenics, steroids and / or terpernoids, alkaloids, saponosides, and quinone derivatives. The calculated CL50 values for each of the plant organs are all greater than 0.1 mg / ml. None of them is toxic. However, the non-toxicity of an herbal drug does not mean the same with the multispecies recipe in which it is used. Pharmacological tests of the various recipes used are also of significant importance

    Caractéristiques techniques et importance socio-économique de l’apiculture au Nord-Ouest du Bénin : cas de la commune de Cobly

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    Au Bénin, la production du miel constitue une source potentielle non négligeable de revenu monétaire pour la population rurale. Une enquête a été conduite au Nord-Ouest du Bénin auprès de 35 apiculteurs pour évaluer les caractéristiques techniques et l’importance socio-économique de l’apiculture. Les apiculteurs enquêtés ont un âge compris entre 20 et 79 ans. La plupart des apiculteurs interviewés (74,29%) pratiquaient la chasse au miel avant d’être formés pour l’apiculture moderne. Les types de ruches connus sont la ruche kenyane qui est utilisée exclusivement par 68,57% des apiculteurs et la ruche traditionnelle utilisée seulement par 8,57%. Le nombre de ruches colonisées par apiculteur ou groupement varie de 3 à 46. La production annuelle de miel est en moyenne de 10,55 ± 3,56 litres par ruche et de 148,57 ± 77,01 litres par apiculteur ou groupement. Le prix de vente du miel est compris entre 1200 et 2000 F CFA par litre. La recette annuelle brute par apiculteur ou groupement varie de 9000 à 580000 F CFA. Le miel est utilisé dans le traitement de 28 maladies dont la brûlure et la toux sont les plus citées.Mots clés: Miel, techniques apicoles, revenu monétaire, usages, Bénin

    Diversité floristique et caractérisation structurale de la réserve forestière de Ouoghi en zone soudanoguinéenne (Centre-Bénin)

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    Objective: The objective of this study is to identify the plant species and to characterize the vegetation of the Ouoghi forest reserve in the commune of Savè (Center-Benin). Method and results: Floristic and forest inventories were carried out through 144 relevés in according to the Braun-Blanquet method. A total of 246 plant species were identified. They belong to 178 genera and 63 families. Multivariate analyzes with the Community Analysis Package (CAP) software made it possible to individualize 3 vegetation formations comprising 8 plant groups. This is the shrub savannah with Prosopis africana and Pennisetum polystachion, the tree savannah with Hymenocardia acida and Pennisetum polystachion, the tree savannah to Vitellaria paradoxa and Pennisetum polystachion, the tree savannah to Pterocarpus erinaceus and Hyptis suaveolens, the woodland savannah with Daniellia Oliveri and Chromolaena odorata, the woodland savannah at Isoberlinia doka and Pennisetum polystachion, the woodland savannah at Daniellia oliveri and Andropogon tectorum and the tree flood savannah to Daniellia oliveri and Leersia hexandra. The floristic and structural parameters change from one group to another. Thus, the specific richness varies from 49 to 153 species and the diversity of families is between 22 and 49 with a predominance of Leguminosae. The density varies from 95 to 275 stems / ha, basal area from 2.35 to 8.44 m² / ha. Conclusion and application of results: The study evaluated the floristic diversity of the Ouoghi reserve. In addition, it indicated the need for its integral protection for its dynamics towards dry dense forest vegetation. Sustainable management of this site needs implication of local population


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    Nanoelectronics is a nascent area of making electronic devices at the atomic scale to utilize small-scale 'quantum' characteristics of nature. As the name suggests, Nanoelectronics refers to employing nanotechnology in building electronic devices/components; especially transistors. Thus, transistor devices which are so small such that inter-atomic cooperation and quantum mechanical characteristics cannot be ignored are known as Nanoelectronics. This article presents Nanoelectronics and Nanodevices, which are the critical enablers that will not only enable mankind to exploit the ultimate technological capabilities of electronic, mechanical, magnetic, and biological systems but also have the potential to play a part in transforming of the systems thus giving rise to new trends that will revolutionize our life style

    Some Medicinal Plants with Anti-breast Cancer Activity and the Input of Phytotherapy in the Treatment of Breast Cancer

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    Aim: Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer leading to death among women worldwide. Despite the advances in the diagnosis skills and in the treatment of breast cancer, it has been observed that the recurrence rate experienced by breast cancer patients is quite high. Many plants have been reported to have anti-breast cancer properties. This paper focuses on determining the role of phytotherapy in the treatment of breast cancer. Methods: The following key search terms were used on Pubmed, Google scholar, and Researchgate: breast cancer, breast cancer cell lines, phytotherapy, medicinal plants in the treatment of breast cancer, treatment of breast cancer, cytotoxics effects of plant extracts on breast cancer in vitro/ in vivo, integrative oncology, and natural products as sources of drugs. Pertinent reviews in English language were examined. Results: It has been observed that many studies were conducted in vitro and in vivo to demonstrate the anti-breast cancer activities of a myriad of plants. While investigations are being made to prove the anti-breast cancer effects of many plants, the use of phytomedicine is not generating enough attention by mainstream practitioners. Some significant results were observed by patients with breast cancer history through the combination of phytotherapy and conventional medicines. Discussion: The conventional treatment of breast cancer is often accompanied with side effects. Many patients in low-income countries are faced off with the enormous cost of conventional treatment. Hence, there is a need to search for new bioactive substances in the treatments of breast cancer. Phytotherapy is a promising approach and herbal preparations are to be used in the same way as conventional medicine in the treatment of breast cancer. Conclusion: Phytotherapeutics products are used more often in the treatment of breast cancer as adjuvant therapy. In Africa, the use of herbal products in the treatment of breast cancer still remains in the hands of traditional-practitioners, without any control of quality and efficacy. Standard methods for the preparation of herbal products are to be determined in order to adopt phytotherapy in the treatment of breast cancer as much as conventional treatment
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