432 research outputs found

    The impact of institutional quality on human development in Sub-Sahara African countries

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    Despite the abundant research on institutional quality and development, little has been done to examine the impact of institutional quality on human development in Sub-Sahara African (SSA) countries. Many institutions in the SSA are problematic because of weak rules of law, high level of corruption, poor bureaucratic quality and low property rights which have resulted in low level of human development, standard of living, educational attainment and life expectancy. Institutions and economic transformations through human development have become the central focus of the development agenda in developing countries.The objective of this study evaluates the relationship between institutional quality and human development in SSA countries from 2005 to 2013. The study used secondary data which were sourced from World Bank governance indicators and Transparency International. The empirical analysis used both static and dynamic panel data. The study aggregated and disaggregated human development indicator into three components namely; standard of living, educational attainment and life expectancy. The SSA countries are divided into low income and lower middle-income countries. The empirical results of fixed effects model, random effects model and the General Method of Moments (GMM) produced similar outcomes. The results suggest that institutional quality contributes to the low level of human development of SSA countries. In addition, most of the investigated countries exhibits mixed performance in terms of the institutional quality and human development. Nevertheless, the results signify that institutional quality plays vital role in human development in the SSA countries. Consequently, the study recommends policies such as economic and political reforms to strengthen the institutional quality, to fight corruption, to enforce strong law for effective regulations and implementation in the region. Finally, human development capabilities need urgent attention to improve the standard of living of the people and to attain their yearnings and aspirations in life

    Giant hydrocele - an epitome of neglect

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    Hydrocele [Greek: water - sac] is abnormal fluid collection within the tunica vaginalis of the scrotum or a patent tunica vaginalis. It is a relatively common condition in surgical practice. However, a giant hydrocele, here defined for clinical purposes, as a hydrocele equal to or bigger than the patient's head, is rare as indicated by the limited number of reported cases in the literature. In this paper I am presenting three cases of giant hydroceles and highlighting how it affects the quality of patients' life by way of complications, infertility, sexual function and work capacity. African Health Sciences Vol. 5 (4) 2005: pp. 343-34

    Structure spécifique d'une végétation sahélienne : cas de Wiidu Thiengoli (Ferlo, Sénégal)

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    Cette étude se propose d'établir les fluctuations spatio-temporelles d'une végétation sahélienne à proximité de Wiidu Thiengoli (Sénégal), à partir d'une série d'observations floristiques. Les données, traitées par des méthodes d'analyses multivariées, font apparaître une forte variabilité de la composition floristique et un effet rémanence, qui est d'autant plus important que l'année de référence est exceptionnellement sèche ou humide. La comparaison des relevés floristiques de stations proches du forage par rapport à des sites éloignés permet d'évaluer la réponse du système aux perturbations zoo-anthropiques. (Résumé d'auteur

    Lecturers’ Variables and Utilization of Web-Based Resources in State Colleges of Education in South-South Nigeria

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    This research investigated the influence of lecturers’ variables and use of web-based resources in State Colleges of Education in South-South Nigeria. Three research questions and one hypothesis guided the study. Survey research design was used for the study. The population consisted of 796 lecturers. 629 lectures were chosen for the study using simple random sampling techniques. “Lecturers’ Variables and Use of Web-Based Resources Questionnaires” (LVUWBRQ) with a reliability index of .83 determined using Cronbach Alpha method was used for data collection. Descriptive statistics and t-test were used for data analysis. The result showed that lecturers variables (competency, qualification, and gender) do influence their use of web-based resources in State Colleges of Education. Recommendations were made based on the result of the study. Keywords: Lectures’ Variables, Utilization, Web-based Resources, Colleges of Education, South-South Nigeria DOI: 10.7176/JEP/14-8-04 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Caractéristiques morphologiques et croissance de jeunes plants de Jatropha curcas L.

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    Une étude sur le développement de jeunes plants de Jatropha curcas (L) provenant de boutures et de semis a été menée dans le Jardin botanique du Département de Biologie végétale de l’Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar en comparant différents paramètres liés à leur croissance et à leur morphologie racinaire. Une culture de boutures et de semis en pots remplis de sol sablo-argileux et disposés en bloc complètement randomisé puis un essai de semis direct sur une parcelle de 100 m2 du même substrat ont été réalisés. Les résultats ont montré que les segments de rameau proches de la tige débourrent mieux (80%) que les segments apicaux (50%). Par ailleurs, aucune différence significative n’a été notée sur la germination entre les graines décortiquées (87%) et les graines non décortiquées (73,3%). Le rapport « longueur racine / longueur tige » est plus élevé chez les boutures que chez les plants issus de semis. Les boutures ont émis des racines adventives dont l’une évolue en pivot avec beaucoup de ramifications tandis que les autres racines disparaissent. Les semis en pot ont présenté un enracinement dense avec plus de ramifications latérales en forme d’échasse que les semis directs dont les ramifications ont, par ailleurs, été superficielles. Les mensurations effectuées sur la partie aérienne ont montré une croissance en diamètre chez les plants issus de semis direct et de semis en pot de 17,5 mm et de 13,08 mm chez les boutures.Mots clés: Semis, bouture, tige, racin

    Impact of Institutional Quality on Educational Attainment: The Case of Low-Income SSA Countries

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    Education produces many social, political and economic outcomes including improved cognitive competences, higher wages, better health and enhanced economic status. Nations ensure the development of their population by the use of educational intervention. Despite the documented empirical correlations of education attained, there have been scanty researches exploring the impact of institutional quality in low-income SSA countries. The problem facing SSA can be ascertained in the area of weak institutions which leads to poor level of educational attainment and low level of life expectancy which have become the focus of the development agenda in the world as a whole and developing countries in general. The objective of this study is to evaluate the relationship between institutional quality and educational attainment in low-income SSA countries from 2005 to 2013. The research used secondary data sourced from World Bank governance indicators, Transparency International and Heritage Foundation. The analysis was divided into panel data using the fixed effects method (FEM) and generalized method of moments (GMM). Both the panel data analysis and the generalized method of moments of institutional quality and educational attainment indicated that most of the countries investigated exhibits mixed performance in institutional quality. The study recommends policies to reduce corruption in all levels of economic activities. In addition, rule of law need to be strengthened and the educational sector should be refined to train manpower in all aspect of human activities in the region especially the low-income countries in SSA countries

    Congrès international des terres de parcours

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    Afin de contribuer à la régénération des systèmes écologiques sahéliens particulièrement éprouvés par la persistance de la sécheresse et de la pression anthropique croissante, cette étude se propose d'identifier les interactions entre les espèces ligneuses et herbacées d'une steppe à épineux du Ferlo (nord Sénégal). L'analyse de l'influence des ligneux sur l'organisation spatiale et la structure spécifique de la strate herbeuse montre que l'arbre joue un rôle déterminant sur la répartition des espèces herbacées, augmente significativement la richesse floristique et la production de la strate herbacée. Par ailleurs, l'ombrage aide à la régénération des ligneux. Cette action favorable résulte de meilleures conditions d'alimentation en eau. (Résumé d'auteur

    Diversity of woodlands in the groundnut basin of Kaffrine region in Senegal

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    Objective: This work has examined the current state of woodlands in the groundnut basin to determine its importance Methodology and results: The floristic diversity of woodlands in the Groundnut Basin of was studied through ecological parameters. The woody flora contained 75 species with a predominance of three (3) families (Combretaceae, Mimosaceae and Caesalpiniaceae) represented by more than six (6) species. The statements from the four targeted rural communities indicated: 31 species for Ndiognick, 43 for Birkelane, 46 for Saly Escale and 48 for Ida mouride. The overall average density was 17 individuals/ha and varied depending on rural communities: 7 individuals/ha for Ndiognick, 9 individuals/ha for Birkelane, 18 individuals for Ida mouride and 39 individuals for Saly Escale. In Ndiognick and Birkelane rural communities, the cover was lower because they were less provided in species (Cordyla pinnata, Combretum glutinosum, Piliostigma reticulatum and Adansonia digitata) with summits higher than 5m2/ha. The flora and the woody vegetation selected parameters indicated that the level of organization of the woody species was not similar as well as the pressure on the woody species in the rural communities. The diversity of the wood species was reducing due to anthropogenic action and the deterioration due to climate conditions. Key words: Diversity floristic, diversity index, impact inde

    A new copula regression model for hierarchical data

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    This paper proposes multivariate copula models for hierarchical data. They account for two types of correlation: one is between variables measured on the same unit and the other is a correlation between units in the same cluster. This model is used to carry out copula regression for hierarchical data that gives cluster specific prediction curves. In the simple case where a cluster contains two units and where two variables are measured on each one, the new model is constructed within a D-vine. Then we focus on situations where two variables are measured on the units of a cluster of arbitrary size. The proposed copula density has an explicit form; it is expressed in terms of three copula families. We study the properties of the model; compare it to the linear mixed model and end with special cases. When the three copula families and the marginal distributions are normal, the model is equivalent to a normal linear mixed model with random, cluster specific, intercepts. The method to select the three copula families and to estimate their parameters are proposed. We perform a Monte Carlo study of the parameter estimators. A data set on the marks of students in several school is used to implement the proposed model and to compare its performance to standard normal mixed linear models
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