46 research outputs found

    Confidence and RISC: How Russian papers indexed in the national citation database Russian Index of Science Citation (RISC) characterize universities and research institutes

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    The paper analyses Russian Index of Science Citation (RISC), a national citation database. We continue our previous study (Moskaleva et al., 2018) and focus on difference between bibliometric indicators calculated on, so to say, ""the best"" journals, so called RISC Core, and those which take into account all Russian journals available. Such a difference may show focuses of insitutional actors on different document types, publication strategies etc

    Comparative analysis of Russian and industrialized countries performance on Energy and Fuels, WoS, 2008–2017

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    The selection of basic research priorities plays an important role in efficient science policy. After the economic crisis in 2008 many countries turned its attention to R&D of energy resources. Effective development of R&D could contribute to efficiency of oil and gas processing and improve Russian prosperity. The goal of our study is to examine trends in Russian research performance (RP) and compare them with other leading industrialized countries. More detailed analysis was focused on tracing evolution in the research area (by WoS classification) as Energy&Fuel (E&F), which is invaluable for the Russian economy. Sources of data were Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI-E) that is the part of Web of Science (WoS), analytical tool InCites and the national database Russian Science Citation Index—Clarivate. World dataset demonstrated the growth rate in total research performance (RP) by 140% (2,006,082 records) in 2017 compared to 2008 (1,416,233 records). Russian RP growth rate was the same as in world dataset in 2008–2017. Our analysis revealed that two of each RA Science Technology and Other Topics, and Energy & Fuels (E&F) demonstrated striking growth rate (in three-fold) comparing with growth rate 140% in the world dataset during 2008–2017. Total amount of Russian RP on E&F consisted of 4237 records indexed in SCI-E and 6300 records indexed in RSCI-C for 10 years. During the last 10 years, Russia significantly improved various citations indicators of RP on E&F. The share of publications in top 1% and top 10% journals increased. Russian RP growth rate on E&F was about 200%. Despite the growth its impact is low compared to leading industrial countries. A significant disparity was revealed in RP distribution by leading organizations in SCI-E and RSCI-C. Powerful Russian oil and gas companies are practically absent among organizations indexed in SCI-E. Contrarily, the national Russian database RSCI-C revealed a network of regional branches of the famous private oil company named “Lukoil”. Russian international collaboration (IC) on E&F is significantly less (about 8–10%) than in total Russian RP. The negative factor is low number of IC on E&F with each of traditional Russian partners as Germany and USA. Value of Jaccard index of almost all countries collaborating with Russia (besides Kazakhstan’s 0.46) is no higher than 0.2. This indicates significant difference in direction of research. Our data could be useful as a source for effective decision-making. © 2020, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary.Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: 17-02-00157, 17-02-00078Authors express the gratitude to the Russian Foundation for Basic Research for financial support (Grants 17-02-00157 and 17-02-00078) and to Clarivate Analytics for the opportunity to use the data

    Экстрапульмональные состояния, сопутствующие бронхолегочной дисплазии, у детей первых 3 лет жизни: результаты ретроспективного одномоментного исследования

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    Background: There are few data on co-occurring with bronchopulmonary dysplasia diseases but there is no single point of view on their mutual effect.Objective: Our aim was to learn the structure and frequency of extrapulmonary disease, concomitant of bronchopulmonary dysplasia, in children aged up to 3 years.Methods. A retrospective analysis of histories of 93 children with bronchopulmonary dysplasia with an analysis of the consequences of perinatal pathology structure was carried out.Results. On average, each patient with bronchopulmonary dysplasia accounted for 5 comorbidities. The most common (89; 96%) were perinatal lesions of the nervous system and their consequences. In children with bronchopulmonary dysplasia at the age of 3 years there was a relatively low incidence of hydrocephalus and, on the contrary, high — of infantile cerebral palsy. Violations of the organs of vision were found in 58 (62%) children, malnutrition and other violations of physical development — in 58 (62%) and 27 (29%), respectively, and the cardiovascular system pathology — in 59 (63%).Conclusion. The most commonly, extrapulmonary pathology, co-occuring with bronchopulmonary dysplasia, includes neurological deficit with psychomotor retardation, violations of organs of vision, pathology of the cardiovascular system, malnutrition/delay in physical development.Имеются немногочисленные сведения о коморбидных бронхолегочной дисплазии заболеваниях. Единая точка зрения на их взаимное влияние отсутствует.Цель исследования: изучить структуру и частоту встречаемости экстрапульмональной патологии, сопутствующей бронхолегочной дисплазии, у детей в возрасте до 3 лет.Методы. Проведен ретроспективный анализ историй болезни 93 детей с бронхолегочной дисплазией с анализом структуры последствий перинатальной патологии.Результаты. В среднем на каждого пациента с бронхолегочной дисплазией приходилось по 5 сопутствующих заболеваний. Наиболее часто (у 89; 96%) встречались перинатальные поражения нервной системы и их последствия. У детей с бронхолегочной дисплазией в возрасте 3 лет отмечена относительно низкая частота встречаемости гидроцефалии и, напротив, высокая — детского церебрального паралича. Нарушения со стороны органов зрения выявлены у 58 (62%) детей, пониженное питание и другие нарушения физического развития — у 58 (62%) и 27 (29%) соответственно, патология сердечно-сосудистой системы — у 59 (63%).Заключение. Наиболее часто экстрапульмональная патология, сопутствующая бронхолегочной дисплазии, включает неврологический дефицит c задержкой психомоторного развития, поражение органов зрения, патологию со стороны сердечно-сосудистой системы, пониженное питание/задержку физического развития

    Первичный серологический статус и иммунологическая эффективность вакцинации против Streptococcus pneumoniae и Haemophilus influenzae типа b у детей с бронхолегочной дисплазией: когортное исследование

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    Background. The primary serological status of children with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) with respect to respiratory significant pathogens remains unstudied. Wherein, the efficacy of vaccination of children with BPD against Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) has been studied in a small number of studies which results are contradictory.Objective. Our aim was to study the pre-vaccinal serological status with regard to S. pneumoniae and Hib and the immunological efficacy of vaccination against these infections in children with BPD.Methods. The study included children with BPD without exacerbation. The immunological efficacy of conjugate vaccines — pneumococcal 13-valent and against Haemophilus influenza type b — was assessed by the level of IgG against S. pneumoniae and Hib using the ELISA method. The level of antibodies was determined before vaccination and 1 or 3–6 months afterwards.Results. The study included 32 children with BPD, mean age at the time of determining primary serological status was 13.3±1.3 months, at the time of vaccination — 15.2±1.5 months. The mean gestational age was 28.7±0.8 weeks, the body weight at birth was 1225±180 g. Before vaccination, all children with BPD had no protective antibody titre against S. pneumoniae and Hib averaging 0.2±0.034 and 0.13±0.0106 mg/L, respectively. One month after vaccination, the level of antibodies to S. pneumoniae reached 12.9±2.34 mg/L to Hib — 3.34±0.769 mg/L.Conclusion. After immunization with a pneumococcal 13-valent conjugate vaccine and a conjugate vaccine against Haemophilus influenzae type b, the concentration of IgG against S. pneumoniae exceeded the protective level in all examined patients (100%), the concentration to Hib — in 29 (90.6%).Обоснование. Первичный серологический статус детей с бронхолегочной дисплазией (БЛД) в отношении респираторно значимых патогенов остается неизученным. При этом эффективность вакцинации детей с БЛД против Streptococcus pneumoniae и Haemophilus influenzae типа b (Hib) изучалась в небольшом числе исследований, результаты которых противоречивы. Цель исследования — изучить довакцинальный серологический статус в отношении S. pneumoniae и Hib и иммунологическую эффективность вакцинации против этих инфекций у детей с БЛД.Методы. В исследование включали детей с БЛД, вне обострения. Иммунологическую эффективность конъюгированных вакцин — 13-валентной пневмококковой и против гемофильной инфекции типа b — оценивали по уровню IgG к S. pneumoniae и Hib методом ELISA. Уровень антител определяли до вакцинации и спустя 1 и 3–6 мес.Результаты. Включено 32 ребенка с БЛД средний возраст которых на момент определения первичного серологического статуса составил 13,3±1,3 мес, на момент вакцинации — 15,2±1,5 мес. Средний гестационный возраст — 28,7±0,8 нед, масса тела при рождении — 1225±180 г. У всех детей с БЛД до вакцинации отсутствовал защитный титр антител к S. pneumoniae и Hib, составив в среднем 0,2±0,034 и 0,13±0,0106 мг/л соответственно. Через 1 мес после вакцинации уровень антител к S. pneumoniae достигал 12,9±2,34 мг/л, к Hib — 3,34±0,769 мг/л.Заключение. После иммунизации 13-валентной пневмококковой конъюгированной вакциной и конъюгированной вакциной против гемофильной инфекции типа b концентрация IgG к S. pneumoniae превышала защитный уровень у всех обследованных пациентов (100%), концентрация к Hib — у 29 (90,6%).Конфликт интересовЛ.С. Намазова-Баранова — получение исследовательских грантов от фармацевтических компаний Пьер Фабр, Genzyme Europe B.V., ООО «Астра зенека Фармасьютикалз», Gilead / PRA «Фармасьютикал Рисерч Ассошиэйтс СиАйЭс», Teva Branded Pharma ceuti cal products R&D, Inc. / ООО «ППД Девелопмент (Смоленск)», «Сталлержен С.А.» / «Квинтайлс ГезмбХ» (Австрия). М.В. Федосеенко — получение гонораров от компании Sanofi, Pfizer за чтение лекций

    Forecast of the Development of Russian Scientific Journals: The Publishers

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    This article examines the system structure of Russian scholarly journal publishers. Bibliometric indicators, composition of authors and some features of editorial and publishing policy by different groups of publishers are analyzed. Proposals are presented on changing the editorial policy and introducing publishing services in order to promote Russian journals and improve their quality


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    This article is the second in a series of articles representing the development forecast of Russian scientific journals. Based on the analysis of the dynamics of many bibliometric indicators of Russian journals presented in the Scopus citation index, a forecast is made for the development of journals by field of science using the OECD classifier. A forecast is made based on the data presented in the first article of this series, combined with the results of the analysis of Russian journals in the Scopus database, a list of journals that can soon replenish the collections of Russian journals in international citation indexes is presented


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    This article is the first in a series of articles representing the development forecast of Russian scientific journals. Based on the analysis of the dynamics of many bibliometric indicators of Russian journals presented in various databases on the Web of Science platform, a forecast is made for the development of journals by field of science using the OECD classifier. Proposals are made on the necessary measures to increase the bibliometric indicators of Russian journals in the natural sciences, forecast of increasing the number of Russian journals in Social Sciences and Humanities in the Web of Science Core Collection is presented

    Developments in the Russian scientific production indexed in Scopus and Web of Science

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    Trends are analysed in the annual number of documents published by Russian institutions and indexed in Scopus and Web of Science, giving special attention to the time period starting with the year 2013 in which the Project 5-100 was launched by the Russian Government. Numbers are broken down by document type, publication language, type of source, research discipline, BRIC country and source. It is concluded that publication counts strongly depend upon the database used, and upon changes in database coverage, and that one should be cautious when using indicators derived from WoS, and especially from Scopus, as tools in the measurement of research performance of the Russian science system