49 research outputs found

    A Study on the development process of a multimedia learning environment according to the ADDIE model and students’ opinions of the multimedia learning environment

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    In this study, the development process of the environment was examined according to the Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate, Instructional Design Model (ADDIE) and the effect on achievement of the environment and students’ opinions on the learning environment was observed. The study group was composed of 85 fourth grade primary school students, consisting of 50 females and 35 males. To be able to measure the effect on achievement, pre-test and post-test procedures were applied. In conclusion, it was discovered that the multimedia learning environment positively effects achievement

    Checkland'ın Soft Sistemler Metodolojisi

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    Sistem yaklaşımı günlük yaşamın karmaşık sorunlarına çözüm bulabilmek için, üzerinde çalışılan konunun değişik yönlerini ele alan bir problem çözme yaklaşımıdır. Bir başka deyişle, sistem yaklaşımı herhangi bir probleme bakış şeklidir. Problem çözümünde sistem yaklaşımını kullanma eğilimi çeşitli sistem metodolojilerinin geliştirilmesine neden olmuştur. Sistem metodolojileri varolan durumu çeşitli açılardan incelemek için 1960'larda geliştirilmiştir ve günümüzde de yaygın şekilde kullanılmaktadır. Başlangıçta sistem metodolojileri ile ilgili pek çok sorun yaşanmış, problemin veya amacın formüle edilmesi başlangıç noktası olarak kabul edilmiştir. Amaçları bilinen, başlangıç noktası iyi belirlenen problemler ve metodolojiler hard (katı) olarak isimlendirilir. Checkland'ın da vurguladığı gibi (1972) bu tür problemlerle, soft (ılıman) olarak adlandırdığımız problemler arasındaki en temel fark hard problemlerde bilinen bir sorunun çözümlenebilmesi için etkin bir yolun araştırılması söz konusu iken, soft problemlerde sonuç veya başarılması gereken durumun ne olduğu problemin bir parçasıdır. Buradan hareketle ve hard sistemler metodolojilerinin yetersiz kaldığı alanlarda işe koşmak amacıyla Checkland, Soft Sistemler Metodolojisini (SSM) (Ilıman Sistemler Metodolojisi) geliştirmiştir. Checkland metodolojisinin kütüphanecilikten sağlık bilimlerine, eğitim bilimlerinden yönetim bilimlerine kadar birçok alanda uygulanmıştır

    A Qualitative Study on Online Social Networks and Language Mistakes

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    The purpose of this study is to put the suggestions of the students for the solutions towards caring Turkish by examining their projects carried out by Primary School 7th and 8th grade students in the online social networks (Facebook, Youtube, Myspace, Twitter, Blogs) in order to detect the wrong use of Turkish. The case study among the qualitative research methods was used. In the study, 7th and 8th grade students examined how Turkish (language) is used in the correspondences in the online social networks (Facebook, Youtube, Myspace, Twitter, Blogs), detected the mistakes and presented solution suggestions towards the correct use of the language. The students assessed the mistakes in the use of Turkish in the online social networks with the dimensions of the mistakes about the phonetics, the mistakes about the words, mistakes about the sentences and the mistakes about the spelling. The content analysis was carried out in order to examine the answers given by the students to the open- ended questions and their reflections towards the process and categorized under themes. As a result, the reflections of the student relating to the process provided the researchers with 3 main themes. These are categorized as the individual steps, the social steps and the institutional steps and the reflections of the students relating to the process were examined under these three headings. When the reports are examined, it is observed that the students talked about the things which can be done by the students themselves, by the society and governmental and private institutions in order to care Turkish


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    In this study, it was aimed to determine the reflective thinking levels of prospective teachers and the change of their reflectivity levels within the teaching practicum process. For this purpose, the blog postings, which written by the prospective teachers at different themes, were analyzed. Within the scope of the study, reflective thinking levels were discussed based on the six different criteria with the following titles: Attending to feeling, sharing personal experience, analysis and meaning-making, depth of reflection, language use and writing quality, use of textual evidence and historical context, and transfer of knowledge. In this study, the document analysis method was used as a data collection technique. The study was carried out with 37 prospective teachers, attending Teaching Practicum in the Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology (CEIT) of a state university in Ankara, Turkey. Prospective teachers wrote about their teaching experiences throughout teaching practicum on their blogs. Blogs were evaluated with the help of the reflection level rubric, which prepared by the researchers. It was concluded that the lowest reflection level emerged with regard to the use of textual evidence and historical context criteria and that less reflective blogs were, in almost all criteria, with respect to the overall evaluation of the course (Theme-5). In the last section, further results and related recommendations are mentioned

    Öğretmen Adaylarının Sosyal Medya Destekli Bilimsel İletişimi Kullanmaları Üzerine Nitel Bir Çalışma

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    Aim of this study is to determine prospective teachers’ usage of social media based scientific communication within case study research method perspective. Study group consisted of seventeen prospective teachers who were enrolled in Teaching Practice Course. Within implementation process, blogs were designed and used as an online learning environment in order to provide them to see their thinking skills and their self awareness, to learn how to think as a teacher and equip them with scientific communication skills. As a result of the content analysis of blogs, it was observed that prospective teachers were successful on basic skills such as examining, classifying and evaluating the studies published by others, whereas, they were not successful in higher order thinking skills such as generating new ideas, comparing the information with previous studies and presenting it.Bu araştırmada öğretmen adaylarının ağ günlüklerinde bilimsel iletişimi kullanım durumlarının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma, nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden biri olarak kabul edilen durum çalışması yöntemiyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada Öğretmenlik Uygulaması dersine devam eden 17 öğretmen adayının kendi düşünme ve öğrenme süreçlerinin farkında olmaları, kontrollerini sağlayabilmeleri, öğretmen gibi düşünmeyi öğrenmeleri ve bilimsel iletişim becerilerine sahip olabilmeleri için ağ günlükleri oluşturulmuş ve ders sürecinde kullanmaları sağlanmıştır. Günlükler belirlenen ölçütler doğrultusunda içerik analiziyle incelendiğinde, öğretmen adaylarının ilk aşama olan diğer kişiler tarafından yayınlanmış çalışmaları inceleme, sınıflandırma ve değerlendirme aşamasındaki görevleri gerçekleştirebildikleri, daha üst düzey bilgi ve beceri gerektiren aşamalarda yeni, orijinal fikirler üretme, ortaya çıkanları daha önceki çalışmalarla karşılaştırma ve sunma aşamalarındaki görevleri gerçekleştiremedikleri görülmektedir