105 research outputs found

    面会制度からみるハワイの戦時強制収容 ―日系人抑留者とその家族の体験―

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    本稿は、1941年3月より1945年8月頃までホノウリウリ抑留所に収容されていた日系人と社会に残された家族の体験を、そこで行われていた面会制度を軸に分析し、ハワイの戦時日系人強制収容についてのひとつの視点を提示するものである。日米開戦とともに始まったハワイの日系人強制収容は、その日系人の一部が抑留された。しかしその傾向については、これまで当事者の事前選別に始まる逮捕、抑留、そして釈放などの事件の被害的な経過を中心に語られてきた。また、ハワイから約1,000名の抑留者の家族が経済的疲弊などにより、すでにアメリカ本土に移送された夫や父親と暮らすために、本土の日系人収容施設へ自ら抑留されたことも特徴とされてきた。しかし、真珠湾攻撃後から使用された湾岸沿いのサンドアイランド抑留所が閉鎖されオアフ島山間部ホノウリウリ抑留所が開設されて以来、そこを訪ねた家族の抑留者との面会を通じて生まれた体験については注目されてこなかった。戦時下のハワイを生きた抑留者とその家族にとっては、この面会は苦痛をともなう行為ではあったものの、それぞれの生活において重要な位置を占めていた。面会の詳細については、複数のオーラルヒストリーから、軍のバスによる送迎、抑留者と家族の物資の交換などがあったことがわかりつつある。なかでも、抑留者の家族はハワイ社会から受ける差別と疎外感から、抑留所での「面会」を意識しながら社会生活を送り、抑留者は社会から隔離された日常生活を「面会」を楽しみにしつつ抑留生活を耐えるという、両者が面会を心に抱いて過ごしていたことに着目するべきである。「ホノウリウリとハワイ社会の一体化」のようにもみえる面会は、抑留者とその家族の、抑留所の内と外に分断されてしまったそれぞれの生活を近づけようとしていたことの現れだと考えられるからである。「ホノウリウリ」は抑留所でありながら、両者が戦時下の生活を耐えるための「確認の場」ともなっていた。しかしハワイに残った抑留者とその家族の問題については、抑留者と家族がともに暮らせる居留区を抑留所内に造る案が連邦政府と軍政府により検討されたが実現しなかった。戦局の変化により太平洋戦線から送られてくる戦争捕虜のための用地を確保しておく必要があったからである。またオーラルヒストリーから、軍部の抑留者管理の方策として、所内で穏当でいるようにという抑留者側への交換条件が付随していた、という可能性もある。このような軍部の面会の利用は抑留者と家族の経験へのより深い洞察とともに、今後の調査が必要だと考える。 The aim of this paper is to provide a new perspective on aspects of the experiences of Japanese internees in Hawaii during the Pacific War as shown by the family visits to the Honouliuli Internment Camp that existed from March 1943 to around August 1945. This camp was used after the first detention camp on Oahu known as Sand Island was closed. Arrests and incarcerations of Japanese and Japanese-Americans that began after Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii constituted a selective internment. Many male householders were taken away from their families, while other family members were left. Because of this situation, these family members tried to follow the internees who were sent to the War Relocation Centers (WRC) or camps.The families of internees from Hawaii spent their days under pressure and in isolation from the rest of society, but the visitations to the Honouliuli Internment Camp gave them some relief from the pressure although it was another type of painful experience. Some features of the visits have been clearly described in the oral histories. On Sundays, military buses transported the regular visitors to Honouliuli, and visitors brought various things to the camp mess hall while internees prepared some gifts for them. These visits were opportunities for the members of families that had been torn apart to help each other to endure their wartime status and the isolation caused by the internment. For internees, the family visits were a nervous but joyful routine.There is an oral history that seems to indicate that the visitor system at the Honouliuli camp was a type of method that the military authorities used to control internees. Moreover, there was mention in a military telegram of plans to build family units in the Honouliuli internment camp. However, these were never built because the site needed to be opened for incoming prisoners of war from many battlefields as the Allies gained the advantage in the war.This paper theorizes that the apparent intimacy between Honouliuli and the community in Hawaii may have come about because the visitation system that united internees with their families helped to bridge the gap between those inside the internment camp and the society at large. For the families in Hawaii, the Honouliuli Internment Camp was a special place that helped to confirm their identity. However, future investigation is needed regarding the military control and use of visitations at the site to control internees, and the management of family requests for transport to the WRC and camps by the Hawaii Military Government

    Fibroblasts Show More Potential as Target Cells than Keratinocytes in COL7A1 Gene Therapy of Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa

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    Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (DEB) is an inherited blistering skin disorder caused by mutations in the type VII collagen gene (COL7A1). Therapeutic introduction of COL7A1 into skin cells holds significant promise for the treatment of DEB. The purpose of this study was to establish an efficient retroviral transfer method for COL7A1 into DEB epidermal keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts, and to determine which gene-transferred cells can most efficiently express collagen VII in the skin. We demonstrated that gene transfer using a combination of G protein of vesicular stomatitis virus-pseudotyped retroviral vector and retronectin introduced COL7A1 into keratinocytes and fibroblasts from a DEB patient with the lack of COL7A1 expression. Real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis of the normal human skin demonstrated that the quantity of COL7A1 expression in the epidermis was significantly higher than that in the dermis. Subsequently, we have produced skin grafts with the gene-transferred or untreated DEB keratinocytes and fibroblasts, and have transplanted them into nude rats. Interestingly, the series of skin graft experiments showed that the gene-transferred fibroblasts supplied higher amount of collagen VII to the new dermal–epidermal junction than the gene-transferred keratinocytes. An ultrastructural study revealed that collagen VII from gene-transferred cells formed proper anchoring fibrils. These results suggest that fibroblasts may be a better gene therapy target of DEB treatment than keratinocytes

    Repression of interleukin-4 in T helper type 1 cells by Runx/Cbfβ binding to the Il4 silencer

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    Interferon γ (IFNγ) is the hallmark cytokine produced by T helper type 1 (Th1) cells, whereas interleukin (IL)-4 is the hallmark cytokine produced by Th2 cells. Although previous studies have revealed the roles of cytokine signaling and of transcription factors during differentiation of Th1 or Th2 cells, it is unclear how the exclusive expression pattern of each hallmark cytokine is established. The DNaseI hypersensitivity site IV within the mouse Il4 locus plays an important role in the repression of Il4 expression in Th1 cells, and it has been named the Il4 silencer. Using Cbfβ- or Runx3-deficient T cells, we show that loss of Runx complex function results in derepression of IL-4 in Th1 cells. Binding of Runx complexes to the Il4 silencer was detected in naive CD4+ T cells and Th1 cells, but not in Th2 cells. Furthermore, enforced expression of GATA-3 in Th1 cells inhibited binding of Runx complexes to the Il4 silencer. Interestingly, T cell–specific inactivation of the Cbfβ gene in mice led to elevated serum immunoglobulin E and airway infiltration. These results demonstrate critical roles of Runx complexes in regulating immune responses, at least in part, through the repression of the Il4 gene

    LATERAL BRANCHING OXIDOREDUCTASE acts in the final stages of strigolactone biosynthesis inArabidopsis

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    Strigolactones are a group of plant compounds of diverse but related chemical structures. They have similar bioactivity across a broad range of plant species, act to optimize plant growth and development, and promote soil microbe interactions. Carlactone, a common precursor to strigolactones, is produced by conserved enzymes found in a number of diverse species. Versions of the MORE AXILLARY GROWTH1 (MAX1) cytochrome P450 from rice and Arabidopsis thaliana make specific subsets of strigolactones from carlactone. However, the diversity of natural strigolactones suggests that additional enzymes are involved and remain to be discovered. Here, we use an innovative method that has revealed a missing enzyme involved in strigolactone metabolism. By using a transcriptomics approach involving a range of treatments that modify strigolactone biosynthesis gene expression coupled with reverse genetics, we identified LATERAL BRANCHING OXIDOREDUCTASE (LBO), a gene encoding an oxidoreductase-like enzyme of the 2-oxoglutarate and Fe(II)-dependent dioxygenase superfamily. Arabidopsis lbo mutants exhibited increased shoot branching, but the lbo mutation did not enhance the max mutant phenotype. Grafting indicated that LBO is required for a graft-transmissible signal that, in turn, requires a product of MAX1. Mutant lbo backgrounds showed reduced responses to carlactone, the substrate of MAX1, and methyl carlactonoate (MeCLA), a product downstream of MAX1. Furthermore, lbo mutants contained increased amounts of these compounds, and the LBO protein specifically converts MeCLA to an unidentified strigolactone-like compound. Thus, LBO function may be important in the later steps of strigolactone biosynthesis to inhibit shoot branching in Arabidopsis and other seed plants

    A tomato strigolactone-impaired mutant displays aberrant shoot morphology and plant interactions

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    Strigolactones are considered a new group of plant hormones. Their role as modulators of plant growth and signalling molecules for plant interactions first became evident in Arabidopsis, pea, and rice mutants that were flawed in strigolactone production, release, or perception. The first evidence in tomato (Solanum lycopersicon) of strigolactone deficiency is presented here. Sl-ORT1, previously identified as resistant to the parasitic plant Orobanche, had lower levels of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (Glomus intraradices) colonization, possibly as a result of its reduced ability to induce mycorrhizal hyphal branching. Biochemical analysis of mutant root extracts suggested that it produces only minute amounts of two of the tomato strigolactones: solanacol and didehydro-orobanchol. Accordingly, the transcription level of a key enzyme (CCD7) putatively involved in strigolactone synthesis in tomato was reduced in Sl-ORT1 compared with the wild type (WT). Sl-ORT1 shoots exhibited increased lateral shoot branching, whereas exogenous application of the synthetic strigolactone GR24 to the mutant restored the WT phenotype by reducing the number of lateral branches. Reduced lateral shoot branching was also evident in grafted plants which included a WT interstock, which was grafted between the mutant rootstock and the scion. In roots of these grafted plants, the CCD7 transcription level was not significantly induced, nor was mycorrhizal sensitivity restored. Hence, WT-interstock grafting, which restores mutant shoot morphology to WT, does not restore mutant root properties to WT. Characterization of the first tomato strigolactone-deficient mutant supports the putative general role of strigolactones as messengers of suppression of lateral shoot branching in a diversity of plant species

    How do nitrogen and phosphorus deficiencies affect strigolactone production and exudation?

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    Plants exude strigolactones (SLs) to attract symbiotic arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the rhizosphere. Previous studies have demonstrated that phosphorus (P) deficiency, but not nitrogen (N) deficiency, significantly promotes SL exudation in red clover, while in sorghum not only P deficiency but also N deficiency enhances SL exudation. There are differences between plant species in SL exudation under P- and N-deficient conditions, which may possibly be related to differences between legumes and non-legumes. To investigate this possibility in detail, the effects of N and P deficiencies on SL exudation were examined in Fabaceae (alfalfa and Chinese milk vetch), Asteraceae (marigold and lettuce), Solanaceae (tomato), and Poaceae (wheat) plants. In alfalfa as expected, and unexpectedly in tomato, only P deficiency promoted SL exudation. In contrast, in Chinese milk vetch, a leguminous plant, and in the other non-leguminous plants examined, N deficiency as well as P deficiency enhanced SL exudation. Distinct reductions in shoot P levels were observed in plants grown under N deficiency, except for tomato, in which shoot P level was increased by N starvation, suggesting that the P status of the shoot regulates SL exudation. There seems to be a correlation between shoot P levels and SL exudation across the species/families investigated

    Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies multiple novel loci associated with serum uric acid levels in Japanese individuals

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    Gout is a common arthritis caused by elevated serum uric acid (SUA) levels. Here we investigated loci influencing SUA in a genome-wide meta-analysis with 121,745 Japanese subjects. We identified 8948 variants at 36 genomic loci (P<5 × 10–8) including eight novel loci. Of these, missense variants of SESN2 and PNPLA3 were predicted to be damaging to the function of these proteins; another five loci—TMEM18, TM4SF4, MXD3-LMAN2, PSORS1C1-PSORS1C2, and HNF4A—are related to cell metabolism, proliferation, or oxidative stress; and the remaining locus, LINC01578, is unknown. We also identified 132 correlated genes whose expression levels are associated with SUA-increasing alleles. These genes are enriched for the UniProt transport term, suggesting the importance of transport-related genes in SUA regulation. Furthermore, trans-ethnic meta-analysis across our own meta-analysis and the Global Urate Genetics Consortium has revealed 15 more novel loci associated with SUA. Our findings provide insight into the pathogenesis, treatment, and prevention of hyperuricemia/gout

    ソクヨク ニ オケル ジンコウ ボウショウセン ガ ジリツシンケイカツドウ ニ アタエル エイキョウ

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    本研究は人工芒硝泉による足浴が自律神経活動に及ぼす影響について検討することを目的とした。健康な若年男女計6名(男性3名 : 20.7±0.6歳,女性3名 : 21.3±0.6歳)を対象に,人工芒硝泉浴,淡水浴,湯なし条件(対照座位)の足浴条件を1日1条件,ランダムな順序で施行した。対象者には20分間座位安静をとってもらい,引き続き足浴前値の測定を行った。足浴は座位にて41℃(33L)の温湯に両足膝下約10cmまで15分間浸漬して行った。足浴終了後は対象者自身が水分を拭き取り,両足を毛布で覆い,60分間座位安静を保った。その間,心拍数,心拍変動周波数に基づく自律神経活動,鼓膜温を測定するとともに,体感温度,眠気,疲労感などの主観的評価をVisual Analogue Scale(VAS)を用いて記録した。その結果,人工芒硝泉浴及び淡水浴により体感温度は有意に上昇したが,鼓膜温及び心拍数に有意な変動は見られなかった。また淡水浴後は交感神経活動の有意な亢進が認められたが,人工芒硝泉浴後はそれが見られなかった。本結果から人工芒硝泉による足浴は足浴後の交感神経活動の亢進を抑え,疲労感の低減に寄与する可能性が示唆された。This study was conducted to estimate the effect of a footbath with sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) on autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity. Each of three young healthy males (age, 20.7±0.6 years) and females (age, 21.3±0.6 years) participated in 3 conditions in random order, footbaths with or without Na2SO4, and a sitting position without water as a control. Each subject sat on a chair and kept quiet for 20min with heart rate (HR) stabilized, and subsequently basal measurements were conducted. In a sitting position, they dipped their calves 10cm under their knee joints into hot water (41℃, 33L) for 15min. Immediately after the bathing, they removed moisture, covered their knees with a blanket and sat for 60min thereafter. Counts of HR, ANS activity based on frequency of HR variability, and a core temperature using an eardrum thermometer were measured. The degree of thermal comfort such as relatively hot or relatively cool, sleepiness and fatigue were also estimated using visual analogue scales (VAS). As a result, both footbaths with and without Na2SO4 significantly increased the subjective thermal comfort, while the core temperature and HR counts were unaffected. Sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activity was significantly increased by the footbath without Na2SO4, but not with Na2SO4. These observations suggested that in the footbath, Na2SO4 might have an inhibitory effect on increased SNS activity, and induce some depressive effects on feeling of fatigue