570 research outputs found

    Gene Duplication and RNA Silencing in Soybean

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    Implementação e análises de modelamento de custo na Embraco

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Engenharia de Controle e Automação.A Embraco foi criada em 1970 para suprir a demanda nacional de refrigeradores através da produção de compressores. Na década seguinte deslancha e se torna uma multinacional, que busca oferecer soluções inovadoras para uma melhor qualidade de vida. A partir de então passa estar inserida em um cenário globalizado onde a competitividade e a excelência são exigidas constantemente, torna-se necessário na empresa uma gestão de custos eficaz, onde um time de procurement tem como meta incessante a melhoria e reavaliação das atividades de compra da companhia. Desta forma este trabalho objetiva implementar e analisar ferramentas de modelamento de custo dos fornecedores para levantar e mensurar as variáveis de maior impacto nos custos de compra da Embraco. O modelamento de custo consiste em transformar informações básicas relativas aos recursos em preços de bens e serviços, quando este é aplicado e analisado de modo correto a atender as necessidades da companhia torna-se possível uma melhoria em quatros áreas do setor de compras (negociação, engenharia, formação de estratégia e tomada de decisão). Este modelamento aplicado na Embraco com o nome de As is Cost torna as atividades de negociação colaborativas, ou seja, faz com que ambas as partes passem a focar não no interesse próprio, mas em redução de custos. A análise As is Cost possibilita ao fornecedor entender melhor seus custos e através do programa “top supplier”, que ainda está em implementação, possa agir proativamente e dar ideias de redução de custo. Além disso, a empresa conta ainda com o sistema should cost que busca compreender qual seria o custo em um ambiente eficiente e competitivo. Quando este sistema se junta com o as is cost tornam possível o conhecimento das possibilidades e restrições dos fornecedores. A Embraco ainda faz uso do composite index, uma ferramenta utilizada como indicador de mercado para medir a performance e verificar quais fornecedores possuem maior eficiência no mercado. O modelamento de custo é também aplicado na inovação de produtos, garantindo que o mesmo alcance o custo necessário para venda chamado de target cost. Todas essas metodologias de custo e esses processos de análise possibilitam 6 uma tomada de decisão simples e correta quando o modelamento de custo é corretamente aplicado. Portanto, a implementação do modelamento de custo em uma multinacional como a Embraco reduz significativamente os custos da empresa, tanto de itens correntes, como de itens que ainda serão desenvolvidos.Embraco was established in 1970 to meet the national demand of refrigerators by producing compressors. In the following decade advances and becomes a multinational, which seeks to offer innovative solutions for a better quality of life. From then passes it to be inserted in a globalized scenario where competitiveness and excellence is required constantly, it becomes necessary in effective cost management company, where a team of procurement aims to incessant improvement and revaluation of the company's purchasing activities. Thus this work aims to implement and analyze cost modeling tools from suppliers to raise and measure the variables of greater impact on costs of purchase of Embraco. Cost modeling consists of basic information relating to transform resources into goods and services prices, when this is applied and analyzed correctly to meet the needs of the company becomes possible an improvement in four areas of the shopping sector (trading, engineering, strategy formation and decision-making). This modeling applied in Embraco named As is Cost makes collaborative negotiation activities, i.e. causes both parties to focus not on self-interest, but on cost reduction. The analysis is Cost allows the supplier to better understand their costs and through the program "top supplier", which is still in implementation, can act proactively and give ideas of cost reduction. In addition, the company also has the system should cost that tries to understand what would be the cost in an efficient and competitive environment. When this system joins with the as is cost make it possible the knowledge of the possibilities and restrictions of the suppliers. Embraco also makes use of the composite index, a tool used as a market indicator to measure the performance and check which suppliers have increased efficiency in the market. The cost modeling is also applied in product innovation, ensuring that the same scope the cost necessary for sale called the target cost. All these cost methodologies and these review processes enable a simple and correct decision-making when the cost modeling is correctly applied. Therefore, the implementation of cost modeling in a multinational 8 like Embraco significantly reduces company costs, both current items, and items that will still be developed

    Micrometeorological environments and biodiversity in a closed forest and at a tree-fall gap in central Amazonia

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    Diversos par\ue2metros micrometeorol\uf3gicos foram medidos em floresta fechada (CF) e em clareira natural (LG) na regi\ue3o do Rio Madeira, munic\uedpio de Novo Aripuan\ue3, Estado do Amazonas, na estac\ue3o seca (agosto a setembro, 2003) e na estac\ue3o chuvosa (mar\ue7o, 2004). Os resultados foram relacionados com o n\ufamero de esp\ue9cies por fam\uedlia e a regenera\ue7\ue3o natural de um invent\ue1rio flor\uedstico. A amplitude da radia\ue7\ue3o l\uedquida diurna (Rn: W/m2) entre CF e LG foi de 9,5 e 168,0, respectivamente, durante a esta\ue7\ue3o seca, e 3.6 e 125.9 durante a estac\ue3o chuvosa. A m\ue9dia dos valores foi influenciada pela diferen\ue7a da radia\ue7\ue3o de onda curta entre s\uedtios (CF<LG). Da mesma maneira, o fluxo de calor no solo no per\uedodo diurno, a temperatura do solo, temperatura do ar e o d\ue9ficit de satura\ue7\ue3o apresentaram a rela\ue7\ue3o de CF<LG. As diferen\ue7as entre as \ue1reas s\ue3o explicadas pela abertura do dossel (CF: 14,8\ub13,9%, LG: 43,6\ub16,0%). As freq\ufcentes clareiras e reconstru\ue7\uf5es da floresta resultam no aumento das esp\ue9cies colonizadores, como Burseraseae, Cecropiaceae, Meliaceae, Myristicaceae, Simaroubaceae, Violaceae, e Sterculiaceae. Na compara\ue7\ue3o quantitativa de regenera\ue7\ue3o natural em sub-parcelas, foi observada a ocorr\ueancia de g\ueaneros aptos a clareiras tais como Pourouma , Parkia , Tachigalia e Orbignya , e de g\ueaneros comuns em ambiente de floresta fechada ( Protium , Chrysophyllum , Micropholis ).Micrometeorological parameters were measured in a closed forest (CF) and at a tree-fall gap (LG) near Novo Aripuan\ue3, AM, along the Madeira River in dry season (August to September 2003) and rainy season (March 2004), and were compared to the number of species per family and the number of seedlings obtained from forest inventory. The daily averages of net radiation (W/m2) between CF and LG were 9.5:168.0 during dry season and 3.6:125.9 during rainy season, and these averages were influenced by the difference in shortwave radiation between the sites (CF<LG). Likewise, the diurnal range of soil heat flux, soil temperature, air temperature, and saturation deficit were all CF<LG. These site differences were explained from the sky-view factor (CF: 14.8\ub13.9%, LG: 43.6\ub16.0%). Frequently-occurring tree-falls and recoveries resulted in increases in the numbers of colonizer species, such as Burseraseae, Cecropiaceae, Meliaceae, Myristicaceae, Simaroubaceae, Violaceae, and Sterculiaceae. From the comparison of the number of seedlings at mini-plots, some genera, which have established themselves in response to improvements in environments at gaps, were found, such as Pourouma , Parkia , Tachigalia , and Orbignya , meanwhile genera peculiar to closed forests ( Protium , Chrysophyllum , Micropholis ) were also found

    Growth dynamics of Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil and Tabebuia impetiginosa from Pantanal Mato-grossense, Brazil

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    O uso de informa\ue7\uf5es obtidas por estudos com an\ue9is de crescimento \ue9 cada vez mais freq\ufcente e s\ue3o muito importantes para florestas naturais tropicais onde a demanda por madeira \ue9 grande, mas geralmente n\ue3o existem dados dispon\uedveis sobre o crescimento das esp\ue9cies arb\uf3reas para a estrutura\ue7\ue3o de programas de manejo. O Pantanal da Nhecol\ue2ndia, sub-regi\ue3o do Pantanal Mato-Grossense, pode ser visto como uma dessas regi\uf5es onde as florestas naturais s\ue3o sistematicamente cortadas para extra\ue7\ue3o de madeira, ou para implanta\ue7\ue3o de pastagens cultivadas. Fatores clim\ue1ticos e ed\ue1ficos, caracter\uedsticos do Pantanal, sub-regi\ue3o da Nhecol\ue2ndia, induzem a forma\ue7\ue3o de an\ue9is anuais de crescimento. Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, determinar a idade e os incrementos radiais de Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil e Tabebuia impetiginosa , pela an\ue1lise dos an\ue9is de crescimento. Discos de oito \ue1rvores de Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil e seis de Tabebuia impetiginosa foram coletados em julho de 1996, na fazenda Nhumirim, de propriedade da Embrapa Pantanal, localizada na sub-regi\ue3o da Nhecol\ue2ndia. As \ue1rvores de Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil e Tabebuia impetiginosa apresentavam 14 a 30 e 15 a 30 anos respectivamente, com crescimento anual m\ue9dio, em di\ue2metro a 1,3 m do solo, variando de 5,4 a 8,0 mm em Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil e de 4,8 a 11,6 mm em Tabebuia impetiginosa. O tempo m\ue9dio para Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil e Tabebuia impetiginosa atingirem 40 cm de di\ue2metro foi estimado em, no m\uednimo, 55 anos.There is a great demand for wood within tropical natural forests and a scarcity of available data to carry out a management program. It is of great importance, therefore, that growth ring information is being enhanced. The Pantanal of Nhecol\ue2ndia, sub-region of Pantanal Mato-grossense, may be viewed as one of these regions. Its natural forests are systematically cut to be used as solid wood or fuel, or replaced by cultivated pastures. Peculiar climatic and soil factors of Nhecolandia induce the formation of annual growth rings. This work aims at determining the radial increments of Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil and Tabebuia impetiginosa by growth ring analysis. Disks from eight trees of Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil and six of Tabebuia impetiginosa were collected, in July 1996, in Nhumirim Farm, Embrapa Pantanal, located in Nhecolandia sub-region. The trees of Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil and Tabebuia impetiginosa were 14 to 30 and 15 to 30 years old, respectively. Diameter increment varied from 5.4 to 8.0 mm/year for Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil and from 4.8 to 11.6 mm/year for Tabebuia impetiginosa. The average estimated time for both species to reach a diameter of 40 cm was 55 years


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    A New Synthetic Route to Squaric Acid as a chelating Agent

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    Micrometeorological environments and biodiversity in a closed forest and at a tree-fall gap in central Amazonia.

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    Micrometeorological parameters were measured in a closed forest (CF) and at a tree-fall gap (LG) near Novo Aripuanã, AM, along the Madeira River in dry season (August to September 2003) and rainy season (March 2004), and were compared to the number of species per family and the number of seedlings obtained from forest inventory. The daily averages of net radiation (W/m2) between CF and LG were 9.5:168.0 during dry season and 3.6:125.9 during rainy season, and these averages were influenced by the difference in shortwave radiation between the sites (CF<LG). Likewise, the diurnal range of soil heat flux, soil temperature, air temperature, and saturation deficit were all CF<LG. These site differences were explained from the sky-view factor (CF: 14.8±3.9%, LG: 43.6±6.0%). Frequently-occurring tree-falls and recoveries resulted in increases in the numbers of colonizer species, such as Burseraseae, Cecropiaceae, Meliaceae, Myristicaceae, Simaroubaceae, Violaceae, and Sterculiaceae. From the comparison of the number of seedlings at mini-plots, some genera, which have established themselves in response to improvements in environments at gaps, were found, such as Pourouma, Parkia, Tachigalia, and Orbignya, meanwhile genera peculiar to closed forests (Protium, Chrysophyllum, Micropholis) were also found.Micrometeorological parameters were measured in a closed forest (CF) and at a tree-fall gap (LG) near Novo Aripuanã, AM, along the Madeira River in dry season (August to September 2003) and rainy season (March 2004), and were compared to the number of species per family and the number of seedlings obtained from forest inventory. The daily averages of net radiation (W/m2) between CF and LG were 9.5:168.0 during dry season and 3.6:125.9 during rainy season, and these averages were influenced by the difference in shortwave radiation between the sites (CFPourouma, Parkia, Tachigalia, and Orbignya, meanwhile genera peculiar to closed forests (Protium, Chrysophyllum, Micropholis) were also found

    Construction and Superfunction of Metal-oxide Nanostructures and Interfaces(Interfaces by various techniques)

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    Metal oxides show such versatile properties as high T_C superconductivity, ferroelectricity, colossal magnetoresistance and non-linear optical properties. By developing laser molecular beam epitaxy, we have been working on atomic scale control for the heteroepitaxy of these materials in order to explore a novel field of "oxide electronics", in which monolithically integrated devices composed of epitaxially grown oxide nanostructures show outstanding performances that Si-based semiconducting devices would not be able to give. Among many topics we have, we concentrate on Josephson tunnel junction made out of high T_C superconductors and ultra-violet laser emission from ZnO nanocrystal films