218 research outputs found

    Theory of multi-fans

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    We introduce the notion of a multi-fan. It is a generalization of that of a fan in the theory of toric variety in algebraic geometry. Roughly speaking a toric variety is an algebraic variety with an action of algebraic torus of the same dimension as that of the variety, and a fan is a combinatorial object associated with the toric variety. Algebro-geometric properties of the toric variety can be described in terms of the associated fan. We develop a combinatorial theory of multi-fans and define ``topological invariants'' of a multi-fan. A smooth manifold with an action of a compact torus of half the dimension of the manifold and with some orientation data is called a torus manifold. We associate a multi-fan with a torus manifold, and apply the combinatorial theory to describe topological invariants of the torus manifold. A similar theory is also given for torus orbifolds. As a related subject a generalization of the Ehrhart polynomial concerning the number of lattice points in a convex polytope is discussed

    Application of continuous light in a plant factory system 4. Physiological changes and concept of injury induction in plant leaves under continuous light

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    Physiological changes and concept of injury induction occurring under continuous light are comprehensively reviewed. Continuous light usually reduces photosynthetic rate, which may relate to changes in transpiration and leaf necrosis caused by reactive oxygen species. Other factors apart from photosynthesis may also affect leaf injuries occurring under continuous light. Continuous light sometimes increases carbohydrate and some secondary metabolite contents

    The DNA polymerase activity of Pol ε holoenzyme is required for rapid and efficient chromosomal DNA replication in Xenopus egg extracts

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    BACKGROUND: DNA polymerase ε (Pol ε) is involved in DNA replication, repair, and cell-cycle checkpoint control in eukaryotic cells. Although the roles of replicative Pol α and Pol δ in chromosomal DNA replication are relatively well understood and well documented, the precise role of Pol ε in chromosomal DNA replication is not well understood. RESULTS: This study uses a Xenopus egg extract DNA replication system to further elucidate the replicative role(s) played by Pol ε. Previous studies show that the initiation timing and elongation of chromosomal DNA replication are markedly impaired in Pol ε-depleted Xenopus egg extracts, with reduced accumulation of replicative intermediates and products. This study shows that normal replication is restored by addition of Pol ε holoenzyme to Pol ε-depleted extracts, but not by addition of polymerase-deficient forms of Pol ε, including polymerase point or deletion mutants or incomplete enzyme complexes. Evidence is also provided that Pol ε holoenzyme interacts directly with GINS, Cdc45p and Cut5p, each of which plays an important role in initiation of chromosomal DNA replication in eukaryotic cells. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that the DNA polymerase activity of Pol ε holoenzyme plays an essential role in normal chromosomal DNA replication in Xenopus egg extracts. These are the first biochemical data to show the DNA polymerase activity of Pol ε holoenzyme is essential for chromosomal DNA replication in higher eukaryotes, unlike in yeasts

    Estimating Body Stiffness in Quadrupedal Locomotion using the Flexible Shoulder as a Physical Reservoir

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    The 11th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines. Kobe University, Japan. 2023-06-06/09. Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines Organizing Committee.Poster Session P1

    Research on characteristics of Responses on Floating Structures due to Various Tsunami Wave Profiles

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    ABSTRACT It is the objective of this research to develop practical estimation methodologies for responses of and the mooring force on a floating structure in shallow seas and to clarify the characteristics of responses induced by various tsunami wave profiles. In the present paper, the estimation methodology is introduced. The Tsunami propagation is numerically simulated from the hypocenter to shallow sea after an initial Tsunami elevation around sea area above the hypocenter is predicted by using Manshinha-Smylie's method. The numerical simulation is carried out two-dimensionally. It is assumed that the floating structure is moored by catenary chains in shallow sea around Japanese Island. The two-dimensional boundary integral method is applied to a computation of the Tsunami propagations on a floating structure. The convolution integral method is applied to the prediction of the motion response with the catenary mooring tethers. In the present paper, some tools of parts of system are verified. The analysis method for the Tsunami exciting forces based on the 2-D BEM simulation program code is verified by comparing with the experimental results and another simulation results. The characteristics of responses due to the difference of Tsunami wave profile are discussed

    Upstream reciprocity in heterogeneous networks

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    Many mechanisms for the emergence and maintenance of altruistic behavior in social dilemma situations have been proposed. Indirect reciprocity is one such mechanism, where other-regarding actions of a player are eventually rewarded by other players with whom the original player has not interacted. The upstream reciprocity (also called generalized indirect reciprocity) is a type of indirect reciprocity and represents the concept that those helped by somebody will help other unspecified players. In spite of the evidence for the enhancement of helping behavior by upstream reciprocity in rats and humans, theoretical support for this mechanism is not strong. In the present study, we numerically investigate upstream reciprocity in heterogeneous contact networks, in which the players generally have different number of neighbors. We show that heterogeneous networks considerably enhance cooperation in a game of upstream reciprocity. In heterogeneous networks, the most generous strategy, by which a player helps a neighbor on being helped and in addition initiates helping behavior, first occupies hubs in a network and then disseminates to other players. The scenario to achieve enhanced altruism resembles that seen in the case of the Prisoner's Dilemma game in heterogeneous networks.Comment: 10 figures, Journal of Theoretical Biology, in press (2010