273 research outputs found

    A Partitioning Algorithm for Detecting Eventuality Coincidence in Temporal Double recurrence

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    A logical theory of regular double or multiple recurrence of eventualities, which are regular patterns of occurrences that are repeated, in time, has been developed within the context of temporal reasoning that enabled reasoning about the problem of coincidence. i.e. if two complex eventualities, or eventuality sequences consisting respectively of component eventualities x0, x1,....,xr and y0, y1, ..,ys both recur over an interval k and all eventualities are of fixed durations, is there a subinterval of k over which the occurrence xp and yq for p between 1 and r and q between 1 and s coincide. We present the ideas behind a new algorithm for detecting the coincidence of eventualities xp and yq within a cycle of the double recurrence of x and y. The algorithm is based on the novel concept of gcd partitions that requires the partitioning of each of the incidences of both x and y into eventuality sequences each of which components have a duration that is equal to the greatest common divisor of the durations of x and y. The worst case running time of the partitioning algorithm is linear in the maximum of the duration of x and that of y, while the worst case running time of an algorithm exploring a complete cycle is quadratic in the durations of x and y. Hence the partitioning algorithm works faster than the cyclical exploration in the worst case

    The Lack that Carries Lacks: The Paradox of Women Amidst the Boko Haram Insurgency

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    Book Haram insurgency in Adamawa, Yobe, and Borno states has affected the socio political and economic landscapes of the states. People have been displaced from their homes and now reside at different Internally Displaced People (IDP) Camps across Nigeria.  This humanitarian catastrophe has become an intractable social problem. While counting the losses from the activities of the insurgents, little has been done to assess the plight of the women who have been the victims of the insurgency challenge. Many were raped, kidnapped and forcefully married out to the sect members. Ironically, the women who have never been fully involved in the making of governmental decision of these states are the major carriers of insurgency burden. Arguing from this background the paper critically examines the plights of women amidst the Boko Haram insurgency using the secondary data sought from literatures. Hence, the paper concludes that women suffered in the hand of Boko Haram insurgents and also the various IDP camps Keywords: Insurgency; Boko Haram; Socio-political economic

    Sentiment analysis applied to tourism: exploring the tourist generated content in the case of a wellness tourism destination

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    Sentiment analysis applied to tourist-generated content through social media is one of the many sources of information for travellers in the case of a wellness tourism destination. The objectives of exploring tourist-generated content are to analyse the sentiments expressed on social media, in this research about wellness tourism destinations, based on destination reviews, and to identify the motivations that lead tourists to look for this kind of services in the Algarve destination The analysis of the hotel reviews exposes the tourist's opinion of the wellness destination and the grading of the infrastructural facilities and the acclaimed services in the categories of the tourist wellness destination. In attaining the objectives, quantitative approach methods were used to review 1,294 comments manually extracted from TripAdvisor and apply text mining algorithms to assess the sentiment expressed in the comments. The result shows that the three key extracted words frequently used by all categories of the component in the Algarve wellness destination are “bird”, “day”, “experience”, “Faro”, “fish”, “great”, “horse”, “love”, “market”, “massage”, “nice”, “old”, “park”, “Pinetree”, “place”, “relax”, “ride”, “spa”, “time”, “town”, “visit” and “walk”, also revealed some categories of a hotel into the services of spas and massage in the tourist wellness destination mainly satisfy the desire of the tourist. Exploring generated content with sentiment analysis helped to stimulate opinion on destinations with wellness facilities, revealing how the wellness of individuals at tourism destinations are generally satisfied based on keywords that illustrated opinions, shows diverse opinion, which shows that expectations are being met from the comments in TripAdvisor. It also widens the destination management organisation's (DMO) knowledge of the sustainability of destination infrastructures due to tourist views and opinions on destinations. However, generated review content which may be changed due to implicit factors, sometimes gives a psychological time frame view of the individual reviewer.A anĂĄlise de sentimentos efetuada aos conteĂșdos gerados pelo turista nas redes sociais Ă© uma das muitas fontes de informação consultadas pelos viajantes, permite visualizar os testemunhos de outros turistas que jĂĄ visitaram os mesmos destinos. AtravĂ©s de avaliaçÔes efetuadas nas plataformas de social mĂ­dia, sobre infraestruturas existentes nos destinos turĂ­sticos, como no caso de um destino de saĂșde e bem-estar, permite estudar os principais motivos pelos quais estas regiĂ”es suscitam um sentimento mais positivo que outros, associado Ă  experiĂȘncia turĂ­stica, com ou sem valor acrescentado pelos gestores do destino. A diversidade de opiniĂ”es, que por vezes Ă© em função das expectativas que estĂŁo a ser satisfeitas, ou nĂŁo, expressas atravĂ©s dos comentĂĄrios gerados no TripAdvisor, podem contribuir para a sustentabilidade de infraestruturas de apoio ao turismo, que inclui, entre outras, instalaçÔes culturais tangĂ­veis e intangĂ­veis. Face ao exposto, os objetivos da presente dissertação sĂŁo: (i) analisar o sentimento expresso nos conteĂșdos turĂ­sticos gerados pelos viajantes nas redes sociais sobre o destino turĂ­stico de saĂșde e bem-estar, (ii) avaliar o sentimento do turista sobre as componentes que caracterizam este tipo de destino e (iii) identificar as motivaçÔes que levam os viajantes a optar pelo Algarve, como um destino de turismo de saĂșde e bem-estar, que compreende dezasseis municĂ­pios com atraçÔes e especificidades Ășnicas. Para analisar o sentimento expresso nos comentĂĄrios, foi necessĂĄrio recorrer a uma metodologia prĂłpria de mineração de texto, cujo processo envolveu a recolha de dados, prĂ©-processamento, extração de caracterĂ­sticas, aplicação do algoritmo de anĂĄlise de sentimento e por fim avaliação dos resultados. As avaliaçÔes foram extraĂ­das manualmente e categorizadas em NĂșmero da Entidade (ID), Nome (Nome), Cidade onde estĂĄ localizada (Cidade), PaĂ­s (PaĂ­s), Categoria (Categoria) NĂșmero de estrelas (Estrela) e nĂșmero de avaliaçÔes (NĂșmero de avaliaçÔes). No conjunto de entidades foram considerados hotĂ©is e infraestruturas selecionados pelas suas caracterĂ­sticas: classificação e serviços turĂ­sticos adicionais prestados na ĂĄrea. De acordo com a revisĂŁo da literatura, as componentes consideradas e analisadas no que se refere a um destino de saĂșde e bem-estar foram dez, nomeadamente: Termas, Spas, Cuidados de corpo e mente, Turismo MĂ©dico, Ambiente Natural, Espiritualidade, Cultura, Enogastronomia, Desporto e Eventos. Neste contexto, foram identificados os hotĂ©is e infraestruturas considerados como representativos de cada tipo de instalação que caracteriza este tipo de turismo e em seguida foram extraĂ­dos comentĂĄrios do TripAdvisor. A seleção recaiu sobre as seguintes instalaçÔes: Caldas de Monchique (Monchique), Zensation - Body & Soul (Albufeira), Mercado de LoulĂ© (LoulĂ©), Moinhos Velhos Juice Detox & Yoga Retreat (Lagos), Old Town Faro (Faro), Pinetrees Horse Riding (Almancil), Ria Formosa Natural Park (OlhĂŁo), Swan Day Spa (Alvor) e Zoomarine Algarve (Albufeira). O prĂ©-processamento envolveu a limpeza de elementos indesejados, transformação, tokenização, normalização e filtragem de texto. Na avaliação do resultado, a anĂĄlise de sentimento foi tambĂ©m aplicada a duas dimensĂ”es (palavras extraĂ­das e associadas em cada categoria), que foram comparadas com o comentĂĄrio correspondente para determinar qual o sentimento associado a cada entidade considerada na investigação. Para atingir os objetivos, foram utilizados mĂ©todos de abordagem quantitativa para rever 1,294 comentĂĄrios extraĂ­dos manualmente do TripAdvisor e nos quais foram aplicados algoritmos de mineração de texto para avaliar o sentimento expresso nos mesmos. O resultado destacou como as palavras-chave de comentĂĄrios positivos: “bird”, “day”, “experience”, “Faro”, “fish”, “great”, “horse”, “love”, “market”, “massage”, “nice”, “old”, “park”, “Pinetree”, “place”, “relax”, “ride”, “spa”, “time”, “town”, “visit” e “walk”, TambĂ©m, evidenciou que o sentimento associado a “spas”, “luxo”, “massage” e “sauna” obtiveram os valores mais elevados, no que se refere ao sentimento positivo. Os resultados expressaram de forma clara a aceitabilidade e popularidade perante os turistas, do Algarve como destino de saĂșde e bem-estar, onde se destacaram os termos “spas” e “cuidados de corpo e mente”, “ambiente natural” e “desporto” com desvio padrĂŁo de 0.4 e 0.3, com mĂ©dia de 4.7 par cada termo. Mostra que destinos de saĂșde e bem-estar com desporto (golfe), natureza e paisagem sĂŁo caracterĂ­sticas positivas neste tipo de destino. AlĂ©m disso, as avaliaçÔes geradas durante os meses de inverno: janeiro, fevereiro, março, novembro e dezembro apresentaram valores mais altos. O estudo revelou, ainda, que algumas das categorias associadas ao destino de bem-estar turĂ­stico satisfazem o desejo do turista, principalmente, no que refere aos serviços de spas e massagem oferecidos pelos hotĂ©is. A extração de comentĂĄrios manualmente, apesar de ser uma limitação, concedeu ao investigador a possibilidade de confirmar questĂ”es relacionadas com a inclusĂŁo de taxas escondidas, com o tempo gasto no acesso Ă  ĂĄrea de destino e Ă s instalaçÔes turĂ­sticas, as atitudes do staff, prestação seletiva de serviços sem regras padrĂŁo, sem correlação entre o serviço anunciado e o prestado. A exploração de conteĂșdos gerados pelos turistas, em conjunto com anĂĄlise de sentimentos, permitiu adquirir conhecimento sobre a perceção dos turistas sobre o destino, assim como revelou que o bem-estar dos mesmos nos destinos turĂ­sticos Ă© geralmente satisfatĂłrio e expresso atravĂ©s de comentĂĄrios diversos nas redes sociais que manifestam sentimentos, o que mostra que as expectativas foram satisfeitas. Para alĂ©m disso, tambĂ©m permitem Ă  organização de gestĂŁo de destinos (DMO) conhecer as potencialidades e desafios identificados pelos turistas. As categorias de instalaçÔes associadas a um destino de saĂșde e bem-estar, podem ajudar a melhorar a sua viabilidade econĂłmica atravĂ©s da gestĂŁo do sector turĂ­stico, contribuindo para o PIB, bem como permite identificar ĂĄreas que necessitam de especial atenção por parte dos governantes, como os eventos e o turismo mĂ©dico. Contudo, o conteĂșdo gerado pelos turistas pode ser alterado devido a fatores implĂ­citos, como a visĂŁo psicolĂłgica do estado do revisor individual ou o tempo que caracteriza o destino no momento. Assim, para futuros estudos, o processo de mineração de texto deverĂĄ ser efetuado de forma automĂĄtica e em diversas fontes de informação, de modo que inclua mais instalaçÔes e constituĂ­do por mais comentĂĄrios, especialmente no turismo mĂ©dico que nĂŁo foram analisados, uma vez que nĂŁo existiam

    Is inflation a growth killer? Evidence from sub-Saharan Africa

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    This paper examines the impact of ination on economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa in order to provide an empirical evidence whether ination hinders or boost economic activities in the region. The paper found that ination exhibits a reducing-growth effect in both short-term and long-term periods using Panel Autoregressive Distributed Lag (PARDL) model. Therefore, the study recommends that African government needs to address the issues of ination especially imported ination in order to stimulate sustainable economic growth in the region. In addition, strengthening political commitment to ensure conducive business environment has to be paramount rather than depending on the traditional model of bring your own infrastructure.Keywords: Ination, Sub-Sahara Africa, Panel Autoregressive Distributed La

    Empirical Investigation of External Debt-Growth Nexus in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    The long run debt-growth nexus in sub-Saharan Africa is the main focus of this study. Its analysis is conducted on the basis of theoretical discussions and data considerations. The study employs both panel autoregressive distributed lag (PARDL) model and panel non-linear autoregressive distributed lag (PNARDL) model to examine the relationship between external debt and economic growth using a panel dataset of 22 countries from 1985 to 2015. Its results find that the level of investment significantly influences the long-run economic growth in both linear and non-linear models. However, the long-run coefficient of external debt is only significant in the non-linear model. There is strong evidence of error correction as the lagged GDP per capita is highly significant and negative in the two models.Key Words: debt, debt and growth, public debt and growth, linear regression model

    Exploring Patterns of Fiscal Policy Multiplier in Selected Countries

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    This study examines the evolution of fiscal spending multiplier in selected oil producing countries over the period of 1981-2015, using the structural vector autoregressive (SVAR) approach. The study found that lag-year of government consumption spending significantly affects the level of output in the countries. In addition, the results of the SVAR model show that real GDP responds positively and significantly to fiscal shocks in the concerned countries. Keywords: Fiscal spending multiplier, Structural vector auto-regression (SVAR); Fiscal shocks JEL Classification: H50, H1

    Comparative evaluation of hydrophilic bases for improved delivery of Benzoic acid and Salicylic acid in antimicrobial ointment

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    Background: Benzoic acid (BA) and salicylic acid (SA) combined are used as choice topical treatment for fungal and bacterial infections but their delivery is affected by ointment vehicle, among other factors. With aim to achieve improved release and antimicrobial activity in ointment formulation of these medicaments through selection of more efficient vehicle(s), this study comparatively evaluated prospective alternatives to thecompendium-specified base for delivery potential and relevant physical properties.Methodology: Water-sorption capacity, rheological characteristics and heat-tolerance limits of six hydrophilic bases [hydrous ointment (HO), hydrous sheabutter (HS), neat sheabutter (NS), lanolin anhydrous (LA), lanolin hydrous (LH), and emulsifying ointment (EO)] and their ointment products containing 1, 2, 3, or 6% w/w of BA or SA were determined. Drug delivery propensity of the products was evaluated by agar diffusion colorimetric assay, while their antimicrobial activities were determined by hole-in-plate agar diffusion assay against selected type organisms (Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans and Candida pseudotropicalis).Results: BA was released in relatively larger quantity and demonstrated greater antimicrobial activity than SA in most bases. The released quantities of each medicament correlated directly with concentration and antimicrobial activities. The rates and extents of drug release followed a similar trend in different vehicles namely, HO > HS > NS ≄ EO > LA ≈ LH. Water number of base, ointment preparation method, viscosity, or heat-tolerance showed no influence on drug release or antimicrobial activity.Conclusion: HO and HS are better vehicles for delivery of BA and SA in ointment than EO which is the prototypical base. Keywords: Benzoic acid, Salicylic acid, Antimicrobial activity, Ointment base, Delivery factors French Title: Évaluation comparative des bases hydrophiles pour une meilleure administration d'acide benzoĂŻque et d'acide salicylique dans une pommade antimicrobienne Contexte: L'acide benzoĂŻque (BA) et l'acide salicylique (SA) combinĂ©s sont utilisĂ©s comme traitement topique de choix pour les infections fongiques et bactĂ©riennes, mais leur administration est affectĂ©e par le vĂ©hicule de la pommade, entre autres facteurs. Dans le but d'amĂ©liorer la libĂ©ration et l'activitĂ© antimicrobienne dans la  formulation de pommade de ces mĂ©dicaments grĂące Ă  la sĂ©lection de vĂ©hicules plus efficaces, cette Ă©tude a Ă©valuĂ© comparativement des alternatives potentielles Ă  la base spĂ©cifiĂ©e dans le compendium pour le potentiel d'administration et les propriĂ©tĂ©s physiques pertinentes.MĂ©thodologie: CapacitĂ© de sorption de l'eau, caractĂ©ristiques rhĂ©ologiques et limites de tolĂ©rance Ă  la chaleur de six bases hydrophiles [pommade hydratĂ©e (HO), beurre de karitĂ© hydratĂ© (HS), beurre de karitĂ© pur (NS), lanoline anhydre (LA), lanoline hydratĂ©e (LH), et onguent Ă©mulsifiant (EO)] et leurs produits de pommade contenant 1, 2, 3 ou 6% p/p de BA ou SA ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©s. La propension Ă  l'administration de mĂ©dicaments des produits a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e par un essai colorimĂ©trique de diffusion sur gĂ©lose, tandis que leurs activitĂ©s antimicrobiennes ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©es par un essai de diffusion sur gĂ©lose en plaque contre des organismes de type sĂ©lectionnĂ© (Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans et Candida pseudotropicalis).RĂ©sultats: BA a Ă©tĂ© libĂ©rĂ© en quantitĂ© relativement plus grande et a dĂ©montrĂ© une plus grande activitĂ© antimicrobienne que SA dans la plupart des bases. Les quantitĂ©s libĂ©rĂ©es de chaque mĂ©dicament Ă©taient directement liĂ©es Ă  la concentration et aux activitĂ©s antimicrobiennes. Les taux et l'Ă©tendue de la libĂ©ration de mĂ©dicaments ont suivi une tendance similaire dans diffĂ©rents vĂ©hicules, Ă  savoir HO> HS> NS ≄ EO> LA ≈ LH. Le nombre d'eau de base, la mĂ©thode de prĂ©paration de la pommade, la viscositĂ© ou la tolĂ©rance Ă  la chaleur n'ont montrĂ© aucune influence sur la libĂ©ration du mĂ©dicament ou l'activitĂ© antimicrobienne.Conclusion: HO et HS sont de meilleurs vĂ©hicules pour la livraison de BA et SA en onguent que EO qui est la base prototypique. Mots-clĂ©s: acide benzoĂŻque, acide salicylique, activitĂ© antimicrobienne, base de pommade, facteurs de dĂ©livrance &nbsp

    Graphene and Nano-Scale Fiber Bio-Sensing Platform for Early Cancer Detection

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    On this poster, we present results from our ongoing research toward creating a proto-type of a bio-sensor that can detect cancer antigens in human saliva. A simple comb printed circuit board was designed and manufactured(Fig 1). The bare comb circuit is normally open and requires a conductive substance to fill in between the teeth of the comb to complete the circuit. We used graphene as the conductive material. The graphene acted as a soft electrical conductor completing the current path across the comb printed circuit board and created an electrical circuit with a unique current, voltage and resistance. We applied various concentrations of graphene to the comb circuit surface and explored graphene’s properties as a soft conductor. Next, a solution containing Poly-Vinyl Alcohol and Sericin Bombyx mori silk solution was electro-spun onto the circuit board creating a sticky cob-web-like covering over the comb circuit. This fabric acted as a resistor on the comb circuit and creates a sticky surface to which target cancer antibodies can be attached. Once the target cancer antibodies are attached to the circuit surface, a bio-sensing platform will be created to detect cancer antigens in fluid. When exposed to a fluid sample such as saliva that contains the complimentary cancer antigen to the antibody, the antibodies and antigens will spontaneously bind. This bound antibody/antigen structure will change the impedance of the electrical circuit. This change in impedance can then be detected, quantified and correlated to antigen concentrations in the saliva sample. Further research can then be done to correlate the impedance readings to dangerous cancer antigen concentrations in the human body

    Predictors and Moderators of ICT Use by Registry Staff of University of Ibadan, Nigeria

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    The study was designed to investigate the relationship between social influence and facilitating conditions and the behavioural intention to use, and actual use of ICT tools among registry staff of University of Ibadan, Oyo State. Five hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. Survey design was adopted. Two hundred and sixty registry staff participated in the study. Data were obtained with a validated structured questionnaire. Collected data were analysed using frequency distribution, Pearson’s correlation, multiple regression and moderated multiple regression. Findings showed that there is a significant relationship between social influence, facilitating conditions and the intention to use ICT among the registry staff. Significant moderating effects of gender, age, experience and voluntariness on the relationships were not all confirmed. The relationship between social influence and behavioural intention to use ICT is not moderated by gender and age, but by experience and voluntariness of use. Also, the relationship between facilitating conditions and use behaviour is not moderated by age, but by experience. The University of Ibadan Management should create an enabling environment that will facilitate and support constant use of ICT tools for official work by the registry staff and also fund staff training and retraining in relevant ICT skills
