2,296 research outputs found

    Valuation, accounting principles, and classification of assets in the metaverse

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    This study explores the valuation methods, accounting principles, and asset classification systems needed for accurate financial reporting in the Metaverse. The unique characteristics of virtual assets in the Metaverse pose challenges for traditional valuation methods and require the development of comprehensive and adaptable approaches. This study utilizes qualitative research methods, including in-depth interviews with accounting professionals in Bath and Bristol, UK. Fourteen accountants were selected based on their expertise in accounting and their understanding of the Metaverse. The findings reveal that effective governance, regulatory mechanisms, and community-driven protocols influence asset values in the Metaverse. It is shaped by factors such as engagement, scarcity, and competition. Tailored accounting principles should address legal recognition, accurate tracking, jurisdictional restrictions, and risk management. Compliance with regulations, transparent reporting, and collaboration with regulatory authorities are crucial, alongside integrating innovative technologies like blockchain for robust accounting practices

    Behavioral finance impacts on US stock market volatility: an analysis of market anomalies

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    This study investigates the impacts of behavioral finance on stock market volatility. The primary aims are to explain the reasons behind changes in the S&P 500 price within the context of behavioral finance and to analyze investor behavior in response to these changes. To achieve this, the research employs time-series analysis over a 10-year period, focusing on the S&P 500, real interest rates, consumer confidence, market volatility and credit default swaps while considering the effects of behavioral biases. The findings reveal several significant correlations: rising real interest rates negatively affect stocks due to loss aversion and sentiment. Conversely, higher consumer confidence tends to positively influence the stock market, driven by herding behavior and optimism. Additionally, market volatility shows a negative correlation with the S&P 500, influenced by risk aversion, recency bias and herding behavior. Moreover, an increase in credit default swap rates leads to stock market declines, primarily influenced by risk perception, loss aversion and herding behavior

    Localized plasmon-engineered spontaneous emission of CdSe/ZnS nanocrystals closely-packed in the proximity of Ag nanoisland films for controlling emission linewidth, peak, and intensity

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Using metallic nanoislands, we demonstrate the localized plasmonic control and modification of the spontaneous emission from closely-packed nanocrystal emitters, leading to significant changes in their collective emission characteristics tuned spectrally and spatially by plasmon coupling. Using randomly-distributed silver nanoislands, we show that the emission linewidth of proximal CdSe/ZnS core-shell quantum dots is reduced by 22% and their peak emission wavelength is shifted by 14nm, while their ensemble photoluminescence is enhanced via radiative energy transfer by 21.6 and 15.1 times compared to the control groups of CdSe/ZnS nanocrystals with identical nano-silver but no dielectric spacer and the same nanocrystals alone, respectively. (C) 2007 Optical Society of America

    Efektivitas Pseudomonas Fluorescens Dan Paenibacillus Polymyxa Terhadap Keparahan Penyakit Karat Dan Hawar Daun Serta Pertumbuhan Tanaman Jagung Manis (Zea Mays Var. Saccharata)

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    Penyakit penting pada tanaman jagung diantaranya adalah penyakit karat daun yang disebabkan oleh jamur Puccinia sorghi Schwein dan penyakit hawar daun yang disebabkan oleh jamur Helmithosporium turcicum Leonard et Suggs. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji keefektifan Pseudomonas fluorescens dan Paenibacillus polymyxa dalam menekan perkembangan penyakit karat dan hawar daun jagung serta memicu pertumbuhan tanaman jagung. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan September sampai bulan Desember 2015 di Laboratorium Penyakit Tumbuhan Jurusan Agroteknologi dan di lahan petani di Kampung Baru Bandar Lampung. Perlakuan disusun dalam rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) terdiri atas lima perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri atas (1) P0 kontrol berupa tanaman jagung yang tidak diberi perlakuan fungisida, P. polymyxa dan P.fluorescens (2) P1 perendaman benih jagung dalam formulasi P. polymyxa selama 6 jam, (3) P2 perendaman benih jagungdalam formulasi P. fluorescensselama 6 jam, (4) P3 perendaman benih jagung dalam formulasi P. polymyxa danP.fluorescens selama 6 jam, (5) P4 perendaman benih jagung dalam fungisida propineb selama 6 jam. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan sidik ragam kemudian dilanjutkan dengan uji Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT) pada tarif nyata 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Aplikasi P. fluorescens dan P. polymyxa mampu menekan keparahan penyakit karat dan hawar daun jagung (2) Aplikasi P. polymyxa mampu meningkatkan tinggi tanaman dan jumlah daun jagung

    Semi-invariants of symmetric quivers of tame type

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    A symmetric quiver (Q,σ)(Q,\sigma) is a finite quiver without oriented cycles Q=(Q0,Q1)Q=(Q_0,Q_1) equipped with a contravariant involution σ\sigma on Q0⊔Q1Q_0\sqcup Q_1. The involution allows us to define a nondegenerate bilinear form on a representation $V$ of $Q$. We shall say that $V$ is orthogonal if is symmetric and symplectic if is skew-symmetric. Moreover, we define an action of products of classical groups on the space of orthogonal representations and on the space of symplectic representations. So we prove that if (Q,σ)(Q,\sigma) is a symmetric quiver of tame type then the rings of semi-invariants for this action are spanned by the semi-invariants of determinantal type cVc^V and, when matrix defining cVc^V is skew-symmetric, by the Pfaffians pfVpf^V. To prove it, moreover, we describe the symplectic and orthogonal generic decomposition of a symmetric dimension vector

    The Roles of Individual Mammalian Argonautes in RNA Interference In Vivo

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    Argonaute 2 (Ago2) is the only mammalian Ago protein capable of mRNA cleavage. It has been reported that the activity of the short interfering RNA targeting coding sequence (CDS), but not 3′ untranslated region (3′UTR) of an mRNA, is solely dependent on Ago2 in vitro. These studies utilized extremely high doses of siRNAs and overexpressed Ago proteins, as well as were directed at various highly expressed reporter transgenes. Here we report the effect of Ago2 in vivo on targeted knockdown of several endogenous genes by siRNAs, targeting both CDS and 3′UTR. We show that siRNAs targeting CDS lose their activity in the absence of Ago2, whereas both Ago1 and Ago3 proteins contribute to residual 3′UTR-targeted siRNA-mediated knockdown observed in the absence of Ago2 in mouse liver. Our results provide mechanistic insight into two components mediating RNAi under physiological conditions: mRNA cleavage dependent and independent. In addition our results contribute a novel consideration for designing most efficacious siRNA molecules with the preference given to 3′UTR targeting as to harness the activity of several Ago proteins.Alnylam Pharmaceuticals (Firm
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