207 research outputs found

    Wpływ korzystania z Internetu na ślad ekologiczny: analiza danych panelowych dla pięciu krajów niestabilnych (Brazylia, Indie, Indonezja, Republika Południowej Afryki i Turcja)

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    In addition to the views that claim that the development of information and communication technologies will result in less environmental pollution and better environmental quality, there are also views that claim that it will increase environmental pollution. In this study, the relationship between environmental quality and information and communication technologies for the 1995–2021 period for the Fragile Five countries was examined using the panel augmented autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) bounds test method. Ecological footprint was used to represent environmental quality, and the proportion of individuals using the internet was used to represent developments in information and communication technologies. In addition, economic growth, energy consumption, and financial development are included in the model as explanatory variables. According to the results of this study, internet use reduces the ecological footprint in both the short and long run. While financial development reduces the ecological footprint in the long run, energy consumption increases both in the short and long run. Economic growth, on the other hand, increases the ecological footprint in the short run. In line with these results, expanding internet use in the Fragile Five Countries may increase environmental quality.Oprócz poglądów, że rozwój technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych spowoduje mniejsze zanieczyszczenie środowiska i lepszą jakość środowiska, istnieją również poglądy, że zwiększy to zanieczyszczenie środowiska. W niniejszym badaniu zbadano związek między jakością środowiska a technologiami informacyjno-komunikacyjnymi w latach 1995-2021 w krajach Piątki przy użyciu modelu autoregresyjnego o opóźnieniach rozłożonych (ARDL). Ślad ekologiczny został wykorzystany do przedstawienia jakości środowiska, a odsetek osób korzystających z Internetu został wykorzystany do przedstawienia rozwoju technologii informacyjnych i komunikacyjnych. Ponadto, wzrost gospodarczy, zużycie energii i rozwój finansowy zostały uwzględnione w modelu jako zmienne objaśniające. Zgodnie z wynikami tego badania, korzystanie z Internetu zmniejsza ślad ekologiczny zarówno w krótkim, jak i długim okresie, podczas gdy rozwój finansowy zmniejsza ślad ekologiczny w długim okresie, zużycie energii wzrasta zarówno w krótkim, jak i długim okresie. Z drugiej strony wzrost gospodarczy zwiększa ślad ekologiczny w krótkim okresie. Zgodnie z tymi wynikami, rozszerzenie korzystania z Internetu w krajach Piątki może poprawić jakość środowiska

    Investigation of the role of parent attitudes, SES and religiosity in university students’ discriminative attitudes

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    The goal of the current study is to examine the role of parental attitudes, social economic status, and individuals’ religious beliefs in university students’ attitudes towards gender, racial, religious, and homosexual discrimination. The sample of the study consisted of 643 (408 male and 335 female) university students attending Sport Science and Physical Education programs in large urban public universities in Turkey. Demographic questionnaire and Discriminative Attitudes inventory were employed. Multiple regression was applied to understand and document the predictive role of the study variables in the participants’ homosexual discriminative attitudes. The researchers found that perceived parental attitudes and religiosity had statistically group differences in the individuals’ discriminatory attitudes. Moreover, the findings indicated that parental attitudes, social economic status, and religious belief were significant predictors of university students’ attitudes towards homosexuality. The study implications and future directions were discussed

    Laparoscopic Rare Abdominal Hernia Treatment

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    Diaphragm and abdominal wall hernias are rare, and they may be congenital or acquired. Spiegel hernia incidence is between 0.1 and 2%. Morgagni hernia is comprising only 2–3% of all diaphragmatic hernias. Most Spiegel and Morgagni hernias are diagnosed late because of their non-specific symptoms and asymptomatic clinical presentation. The major symptoms are abdominal pain, vomiting, and dyspnea. Computed tomography (CT) shows the hernia sac content, strangulation or incarceration in the content, and detailed anatomical information about surrounding tissue. Surgery is the main treatment option except patients who have severe comorbidity. Spiegel hernia surgery can be performed open or laparoscopic. Intraperitoneal onlay mesh (IPOM), total extraperitoneal procedure (TEP), transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) procedure, or partial transabdominal laparoscopic methods are minimal invasive surgery options. In the repair of Morgagni hernia, surgical options may be laparoscopy, laparotomy, thoracotomy, or thoracoscopy

    Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair: Technical Details, Pitfalls and Current Results

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    Expanding view of minimal invasive surgery horizon reveals new practice areas for surgeons and patients. Laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair is an example in progress wondered by many patients and surgeons. Advantages in laparoscopic repair motivate surgeons to discover this popular field. In addition, patients search the most convenient surgical method for themselves today. Laparoscopic approaches to inguinal hernia surgery have become popular as a result of the development of experience about different laparoscopic interventions, and these techniques are increasingly used these days. As other laparoscopic surgical methods, experience is the most important point in order to obtain good results. This chapter aims to show technical details, pitfalls and the literature results about two methods that are commonly used in laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair


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    Background: The most common problems in individuals with autistic spectrum disorders are eye contact, being able to follow objects for a long time and lack of attention. Sports activities are known to prevent the negative symptoms of Autistic Spectrum Disorder. The Badminton sports branch has a positive effect on the individual's object control, ball focus, and attention, reaction, perception and coordination characteristics. For this reason, racket sports are considered to be an important tool in reducing the lack of attention in individuals with Autistic Spectrum Disorder.Aim: The aim of this study, Investigation of the effect of simplified Badminton exercises on attention focus development of individuals with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and is the assessment of the level of retention of an acquisition.Material and Method: The study group was randomly selected 3 out of 6 children who are not mentally retarded and responded to commands among 10 children aged 12-14 years in Isparta Gülşen Önal Autistic Children Education Centre. The mean age of children was 12.6 ± 1.15 years, height was 154,3±5,13 cm and weight was 52±3 kg. Benton Visual Memory Test, Bourdon Visual Attention Test and Stroop Effect Test were used as the measurement tool. Children were performed adaptation exercises for 2 weeks and from simple to difficult badminton exercise drills for 10 weeks. For each individual, 3 studies were performed at different times and 60 minutes per week. Tests were performed at 3 different periods, to be 10 weeks Badminton exercise process before and after and also retention test after 8 weeks interval. The obtained data were evaluated by Wilcoxon test.Results: According to the results of all measurement instruments of the students participating in the research, there is a numerical rise between pre - test and post - test values. When the results of the retention test with the last test are evaluated, there was no decrease in the two participants according to the Benton visual memory test results, but the other participant had also decline, although not at the beginning level. Burdon attention test and Stroop effect test showed that there was no return to baseline in all participants despite a numerical decrease.Conclusion: We can say that Badminton exercise program has a positive effect on attention level. Individuals with autistic spectrum disorder can be said to have a positive influence on the development of eye contact, long-time focus of objects and attention level development. Badminton exercises can be offered as a model to improve attentiveness to children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder if the duration of participatory study is increased.  Article visualizations


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    The immune system works in coordination with other structures in the body to prevent infections from occurring and to fight existing infections. The immune system plays a role in the formation and regulation of almost every disease and therefore has a very important place for human health. Researches show that the regulation of internal and external factors that can affect immunity can be effective in protecting against diseases and in the healing process. In this review, nutrition, exercise-sports, regular life, sleep, environmental factors, addictive substances, psychological state, previous illnesses, and genetic predispositions, affecting immunity are discussed. A diet composed by adequate and balanced intake of macro and micro nutrients ensures that the immune system works at the desired level. In addition to nutrition, moderate intensity regular exercise, regular life and quality sleep contribute to immunity by affecting various physiological mechanisms. On the other hand, external factors such as previous diseases, air pollution, radiation, various synthetic compounds and harmful habits such as stress, alcohol, cigarettes and drugs can disrupt the immune system by disrupting the cytokine balance. Although genetic factors are important in immunity, it seems that lifestyle which includes factors such as diet, daily activities, sleep patterns, habits, and moods is much more determinant for strong immunity

    İşlenmiş Et Ürünleri ve Gıda Katkı Maddeleri

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    With the rise in demand for ready-to-eat food, theside effects of the additives used in food production have been a source ofconcern for sensitive consumers. Although they are considered to be safe when used in thepermitted limits, some of the additives might be risk for health. In thisreview, commonly used additives, which are cochineal, ascorbic acid, di-, tri-and polyphosphates, nitrates and nitrites, in processed meat products wereevaluated. Processedmeat products have been classified as Group 1 (carcinogenic for humans) byWorld Health Organisation because they increase risk of colorectal cancer. Infact, nitrites and nitrates used as preservatives; could be linked to stomach,colon and bladder cancers as well as DNA and chromosome damages. Inaddition, nitrates and nitrites may trigger headaches. Cochineal may haveadverse effects on learning and behavior, additionally may trigger allergicreactions. Consuming high amounts of phosphate salts can lead to problems inpatients with chronic renal failure. Consideringunfavourable effects of food additives on health, it is concluded that todecrease consumpting of processed meat, they should be consumed freshly; foodadditives having no health risks should be chosen instead of risky ones.Hazırgıdalara rağbetin artmasıyla birlikte gıda üretiminde kullanılan katkımaddelerinin sağlığa olumsuz etkileri duyarlı tüketicilerce endişe kaynağıolmuştur. Her ne kadar izin verilen sınırlarda kullanıldığı zaman güvenliolduğu kabul edilse de katkı maddelerinin bir kısmı az da olsa sağlık riskitaşıyabilmektedirler. Bu derlemede işlenmiş et ürünlerinde yaygın olarakkullanılan katkı maddeleri incelenmiş olup koşineal, askorbik asit, di-, tri-ve polifosfatlar ile nitrat ve nitritler değerlendirilmiştir. Dünya SağlıkÖrgütü kolorektal kansere yakalanma riskini arttırdığından dolayı işlenmiş etürünlerini Grup 1 (insanlar için karsinojenik) sınıfına almıştır. Nitekimkoruyucu olarak kullanılan nitrat ve nitritler; mide, kolon ve mesane gibiçeşitli organ kanserleri ile DNA ve kromozom hasarları ileilişkilendirilmektedir. Ayrıca nitrat ve nitritler baş ağrısını tetikleyebilir.Koşinealin öğrenme ve davranışlar üzerine olumsuz etkileri olabileceği gibialerjik reaksiyonları tetikleyebilmektedir. Fosfat tuzlarının yüksek miktardaalınması özellikle kronik böbrek yetmezliği gibi hastalığı olanlarda sorunlarayol açabilmektedir. Sonuç olarak; sağlığa olan olumsuz etkiler göz önünealındığında etin işlenmiş etten ziyade işlenmemiş taze olarak tüketilmesinin,işlenmiş et üretiminde ise sağlık riski taşımayan veya olabildiğince düşük olankatkı maddelerinin tercih edilmesinin uygun olduğu kanaatine varılmıştır.

    Laparoscopic treatment of morgagni hernia: Two case reports

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    Morgagni hernias account for only 2–3% of all diaphragmatic hernias, and most of them (91%) are rightsided. Most Morgagni hernias are diagnosed in childhood, but rarely diagnosis may be late because they can be asymptomatic or present nonspecific-nonrespiratory symptoms. Thus, Morgagni hernia diagnosis is incidental in the majority of adulthood cases. The defect arises from a fusion failure of the diaphragm with the central arches. Surgery is the main treatment modality of the Morgagni hernia due to defect enlargement and strangulation- incarceration risks. In this paper, we present two Morgagni hernia cases treated with laparoscopic surgery. Minimal invasive techniques can be used in Morgagni hernia with all advantages

    Up to Date Review about Bread: Health Effects, Food Additives and Halal Issues

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    Türkiye’detahıl ürünü olarak en çok tüketilen besinlerden biri ekmektir. Popüler medyadayer alan ekmekle ilgili kanıta dayanmayan haberler, tüketiciler açısındanendişe kaynağı olmuştur. Bu derlemede ekmeğin sağlık üzerindeki etkileri,glüten proteini ile ilgili hastalıklar, ekmeklerde kullanılan katkı maddelerive bunların helallik durumları değerlendirilmiştir. Özetle, sağlığa olan olumluetkileri göz önünde bulundurulduğunda, tam tahıllı ürünlerin diğerlerine göretercih edilmesi ve ölçülü şekilde tüketilmesi teşvik edilmelidir. Ekmektürlerinden ekşi mayalı tam buğday ekmeği iyi bir besin kaynağıdır. Çölyakhastalığı ve buğday alerjisi olanlar glütensiz diyetle beslenmelidir. Çölyakdışı glüten duyarlılığı olanlar da glütenli ürünlerden uzak durmalıdırlar.Yapılan araştırmalara göre herhangi bir hastalık durumu olmaksızın uygulananglütensiz diyetler hem ekonomik hem de sağlık açısından uygun değildir. Ekmekalırken Türkiye’deki paketsiz ekmekler gıda katkı maddesi içermediği içinpaketli olanlara tercih edilebilir. Paketli ekmek tercihinde ise ürünün en azsayıda katkı maddesi içermesi veya sağlık riski olan katkı maddeleriniolabildiğince az sayıda içermesi gibi faktörler dikkate alınabilir. Ayrıca bazıkatkı maddelerinin üretiminde hayvansal kaynaklar da kullanılabileceğindenkullanılan kaynağa bağlı olarak helallik riski oluşabilmektedir.  Bread,as a grain species, is one of the most consumed food in Turkey. News aboutbread in the popular media that are not evidence based has become a source ofconcern for consumers. In this review health effects of bread, gluten-relateddiseases, food additives that are used in breads and their halal issues will beevaluated. In summary, when considering positive health effects, whole grainproducts should be encouraged to prefer to others. Also, these products shouldbe consumed moderately. Whole grain sourdough bread is a rich nutrient. Peoplewith celiac sensitivity and wheat allergy should avoid gluten containingproducts. Additionally, those with nonceliac gluten sensitivities should alsoprefer gluten-free diet. Evidence-based researches suggest that without havinghealth problems, gluten-free diet practices are not appropriate for bothmedical and economical reasons. In Turkey instead of packed ones unpackedbreads can be preferred because they don’t contain any food additives. Ifpacked bread is to be bought, some factors can be considered such ascontainment of minimum number of additives and containment of additives havingminimum health risks. Moreover,some non-halal animal sources may be used in the production of certainadditives. This gives rise to concerns about halal issues of these products