374 research outputs found

    Weyl law for open systems with sharply divided mixed phase space

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    A generalization of the Weyl law to systems with a sharply divided mixed phase space is proposed. The ansatz is composed of the usual Weyl term which counts the number of states in regular islands and a term associated with sticky regions in phase space. For a piecewise linear map, we numerically check the validity of our hypothesis, and find good agreement not only for the case with a sharply divided phase space, but also for the case where tiny island chains surround the main regular island. For the latter case, a non-trivial power law exponent appears in the survival probability of classical escaping orbits, which may provide a clue to develop the Weyl law for more generic mixed systems.Comment: 8 pages, 14 figure

    Logical Operation Based Literature Association with Genes and its application, PosMed.

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    PosMed prioritizes candidate genes for positional cloning by employing our original database search engine GRASE, which uses an inferential process similar to an artificial neural network comprising documental neurons (or 'documentrons') that represent each document contained in databases such as MEDLINE and OMIM (Yoshida, _et al_. 2009, Makita, _et al_. 2009). PosMed immediately ranks the candidate genes by connecting phenotypic keywords to the genes through connections representing gene–gene interactions other biological relationships, such as metabolite–gene, mutant mouse–gene, drug–gene, disease–gene, and protein–protein interactions, ortholog data, and gene–literature connections.

To make proper relationships between genes and literature, we manually curate queries, which are defined by logical operation rules, against MEDLINE. For example, to detect a set of MEDLINE documents for the AT1G03880 gene in _A. thaliana_, we applied the following logical query: (‘AT1G03880’ OR ‘CRU2’ OR ‘CRB’ OR ‘CRUCIFERIN 2' OR ‘CRUCIFERIN B’) AND (‘Arabidopsis’) NOT (‘chloroplast RNA binding’). Curators refined these queries in mouse, rice and _A. thaliana_. For human and rat genes, we use mouse curation results via ortholog genes in PosMed.

PosMed is available at "http://omicspace.riken.jp/PosMed":http://omicspace.riken.jp/PosMed

Yoshida Y, et al. _Nucleic Acids Res_. 37(Web Server issue):W147-52. 2009. 
Makita Y, et al. _Plant Cell Physiol_. 2009 Jul;50(7):1249-59.

    Fabrication of Bi2212 Cross Whiskers Junction

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    An intrinsic Josephson junction has been successfully fabricated without any micro-fabrication technique. Two Bi2212 whiskers were crossed with one another and joined by post-annealing. The inter-whisker electrical transport properties were measured by the four-probe method. The temperature dependence of resistance exhibited metallic behavior above TC. The resistance decreased to zero around 80K, corresponding to the superconducting transition. The current-voltage characteristics at 5K exhibited a small hysteresis and voltage jump, which can be explained by the intrinsic Josephson effect.Comment: 3 page PDF fil

    A Cross-Whiskers Junction as a Novel Fabrication Process for Intrinsic Josephson Junction

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    A Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d cross-whiskers junction has been successfully discovered as a novel intrinsic Josephson junction without using any technique for micro-fabrication. Two Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d whisker crystals were placed crosswise on a MgO substrate and heated at 850C for 30 min. They were electrically connected at their c-planes. The measurement terminals were made at the four ends of the whiskers. The I-V characteristics of the cross-whiskers junction at 5K were found to show a clear multiple-branch structure with a spacing of approximately 15 mV that is a feature of the intrinsic Josephson junction. The critical current density Jc was estimated to be 1170 A/cm2. The branch-structure was strongly suppressed by the magnetic field above 1kOe.Comment: 4 pages, PDF fil

    Production of positrons via pair creation from LCS gamma-rays and application to defect study in bulk materials

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    A new positron production and measurement apparatus has been developed at a synchrotron radia-tion facility. Highly energetic positrons were created via pair creation in a Pb target by implantation of 16.7 MeV photons generated via inverse Compton scattering of a Nd laser beam from a 1 GeV electron beam circulating in the storage ring at the NewSUBARU synchrotron radiation facility. These positrons, with an energy of around 8 MeV, are separated using a magnetic field and directly implanted into a thick sample to detect defects. By using laser Compton scattered (LCS) photon gen-erated positrons, we performed positron annihilation Doppler broadening measurement for fatigue stress applied iron with a thickness of 2 mm. Vacancy type defects in nondestructive fatigue stress applied iron specimens were successfully detected by this LCS-positron apparatus. 1

    Regulation of T helper type 2 cell differentiation by murine Schnurri-2

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    Schnurri (Shn) is a large zinc finger protein implicated in cell growth, signal transduction, and lymphocyte development. Vertebrates possess at least three Shn orthologues (Shn-1, Shn-2, and Shn-3), which appear to act within the bone morphogenetic protein, transforming growth factor β, and activin signaling pathways. However, the physiological functions of the Shn proteins remain largely unknown. In Shn-2–deficient mice, mature peripheral T cells exhibited normal anti–T cell receptor–induced proliferation, although there was dramatic enhancement in the differentiation into T helper type (Th)2 cells and a marginal effect on Th1 cell differentiation. Shn-2–deficient developing Th2 cells showed constitutive activation of nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) and enhanced GATA3 induction. Shn-2 was able to compete with p50 NF-κB for binding to a consensus NF-κB motif and inhibit NF-κB–driven promoter activity. Thus, Shn-2 plays a crucial role in the control of Th2 cell differentiation by regulating NF-κB function

    Gremlin Enhances the Determined Path to Cardiomyogenesis

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    BACKGROUND: The critical event in heart formation is commitment of mesodermal cells to a cardiomyogenic fate, and cardiac fate determination is regulated by a series of cytokines. Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) and fibroblast growth factors have been shown to be involved in this process, however additional factors needs to be identified for the fate determination, especially at the early stage of cardiomyogenic development. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Global gene expression analysis using a series of human cells with a cardiomyogenic potential suggested Gremlin (Grem1) is a candidate gene responsible for in vitro cardiomyogenic differentiation. Grem1, a known BMP antagonist, enhanced DMSO-induced cardiomyogenesis of P19CL6 embryonal carcinoma cells (CL6 cells) 10-35 fold in an area of beating differentiated cardiomyocytes. The Grem1 action was most effective at the early differentiation stage when CL6 cells were destined to cardiomyogenesis, and was mediated through inhibition of BMP2. Furthermore, BMP2 inhibited Wnt/beta-catenin signaling that promoted CL6 cardiomyogenesis. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Grem1 enhances the determined path to cardiomyogenesis in a stage-specific manner, and inhibition of the BMP signaling pathway is involved in initial determination of Grem1-promoted cardiomyogenesis. Our results shed new light on renewal of the cardiovascular system using Grem1 in human

    d-like Symmetry of the Order Parameter and Intrinsic Josephson Effects in Bi2212 Cross-Whisker Junctions

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    An intrinsic tunnel junction was made using two Bi-2212 single crystal whiskers. The two whiskers with a cross-angle were overlaid at their c-planes and connected by annealing. The angular dependence of the critical current density along the c-axis is of the d-wave symmetry. However, the angular dependence is much stronger than that of the conventional d-wave. Furthermore, the current vs. voltage characteristics of the cross-whiskers junctions show a multiple-branch structure at any cross-angle, indicating the formation of the intrinsic Josephson junction array.Comment: 4 pages PDF fil

    Osteocrin ameliorates adriamycin nephropathy via p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibition

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    Natriuretic peptides exert multiple effects by binding to natriuretic peptide receptors (NPRs). Osteocrin (OSTN) binds with high affinity to NPR-C, a clearance receptor for natriuretic peptides, and inhibits degradation of natriuretic peptides and consequently enhances guanylyl cyclase-A (GC-A/NPR1) signaling. However, the roles of OSTN in the kidney have not been well clarified. Adriamycin (ADR) nephropathy in wild-type mice showed albuminuria, glomerular basement membrane changes, increased podocyte injuries, infiltration of macrophages, and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation. All these phenotypes were improved in OSTN- transgenic (Tg) mice and NPR3 knockout (KO) mice, with no further improvement in OSTN-Tg/NPR3 KO double mutant mice, indicating that OSTN works through NPR3. On the contrary, OSTN KO mice increased urinary albumin levels, and pharmacological blockade of p38 MAPK in OSTN KO mice ameliorated ADR nephropathy. In vitro, combination treatment with ANP and OSTN, or FR167653, p38 MAPK inhibitor, reduced Ccl2 and Des mRNA expression in murine podocytes (MPC5). OSTN increased intracellular cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) in MPC5 through GC-A. We have elucidated that circulating OSTN improves ADR nephropathy by enhancing GC-A signaling and consequently suppressing p38 MAPK activation. These results suggest that OSTN could be a promising therapeutic agent for podocyte injury