126 research outputs found

    Development of strategies to improve modern wheat cultivars by adopting genetic diversity from wild relatives

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    Bread wheat is a hexaploid plant that contains three subgenomes derived from a hybridization event between tetraploid Triticum dicoccoides and diploid Aegilops taushii. These wild ancestors of wheat offer more genetic diversity, but they lack the domesticated traits critical for cultivating wheat and adapted to modern agricultural practices. In this study, we are optimizing the process of wild relative diversity introgression while reducing the negative impact of non-adaptive alleles on wheat performance. In a population created by crossing a wild relative and bread wheat, we remove a non-domesticated allele of Btr1, affecting traits important for mechanical harvesting, by genetic engineering or by using molecular markers. The resulting population of wheat lines has the domesticated allele at the Btr1 locus as well as novel genetic diversity from a wild relative for further evaluation

    Mapping resistance to the bird cherry-oat aphid and the greenbug in wheat using sequence-based genotyping

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    Citation: Crespo-Herrera, L. A., Akhunov, E., Garkava-Gustavsson, L., Jordan, K. W., Smith, C. M., Singh, R. P., & Åhman, I. (2014). Mapping resistance to the bird cherry-oat aphid and the greenbug in wheat using sequence-based genotyping. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 127(9), 1963-1973.The aphids Rhopalosiphum padi and Schizaphis graminum are important pests of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Characterization of the genetic bases of resistance sources is crucial to facilitate the development of resistant wheat cultivars to these insects. We examined 140 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from the cross of the susceptible wheat Seri M82 with the synthetic hexaploid wheat CWI76364, resistant to both aphid species. The RILs were phenotyped for R. padi antibiosis and tolerance traits. Phenotyping of S. graminum resistance was based on leaf chlorosis in a greenhouse screening, and also on the number of S. graminum per tiller in a field trial. Seedling pubescence was scored in each RIL. Using a sequence-based genotyping method we located genomic regions associated to these resistance traits. One QTL for R. padi antibiosis was found in chromosome 4BL; it explained 10.2% of phenotypic variation and was located 14.6 cM apart from the pubescence locus. However, we did not find any association between plant pubescence and the other resistance traits. We found two QTLs for tolerance to R. padi in chromosomes 5AL and 5BL, with an epistatic interaction between a locus in chromosome 3AL and the tolerance QTL in 5AL. These genomic regions together explained about 35% of the phenotypic variation. We confirmed the location of a previously reported gene for S. graminum resistance (Gba) in 7DL and found an additional, novel QTL associated with the number of aphids per tiller in chromosome 2DL. This is the first report where resistance to R. padi in wheat is mapped and also where chromosome 2DL shown to be associated with S. graminum resistance

    Divergent and convergent modes of interaction between wheat and Puccinia graminis f. sp tritici isolates revealed by the comparative gene co-expression network and genome analyses

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    Citation: Rutter, W. B., Salcedo, A., Akhunova, A., He, F., Wang, S. C., Liang, H. Q., . . . Akhunov, E. (2017). Divergent and convergent modes of interaction between wheat and Puccinia graminis f. sp tritici isolates revealed by the comparative gene co-expression network and genome analyses. Bmc Genomics, 18, 20. doi:10.1186/s12864-017-3678-6Background: Two opposing evolutionary constraints exert pressure on plant pathogens: one to diversify virulence factors in order to evade plant defenses, and the other to retain virulence factors critical for maintaining a compatible interaction with the plant host. To better understand how the diversified arsenals of fungal genes promote interaction with the same compatible wheat line, we performed a comparative genomic analysis of two North American isolates of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici (Pgt). Results: The patterns of inter-isolate divergence in the secreted candidate effector genes were compared with the levels of conservation and divergence of plant-pathogen gene co-expression networks (GCN) developed for each isolate. Comprative genomic analyses revealed substantial level of interisolate divergence in effector gene complement and sequence divergence. Gene Ontology (GO) analyses of the conserved and unique parts of the isolate-specific GCNs identified a number of conserved host pathways targeted by both isolates. Interestingly, the degree of inter-isolate sub-network conservation varied widely for the different host pathways and was positively associated with the proportion of conserved effector candidates associated with each sub- network. While different Pgt isolates tended to exploit similar wheat pathways for infection, the mode of plant-pathogen interaction varied for different pathways with some pathways being associated with the conserved set of effectors and others being linked with the diverged or isolate-specific effectors. Conclusions: Our data suggest that at the intra-species level pathogen populations likely maintain divergent sets of effectors capable of targeting the same plant host pathways. This functional redundancy may play an important role in the dynamic of the "arms-race" between host and pathogen serving as the basis for diverse virulence strategies and creating conditions where mutations in certain effector groups will not have a major effect on the pathogen's ability to infect the host

    Delineating the structural, functional and evolutionary relationships of sucrose phosphate synthase gene family II in wheat and related grasses

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) is an important component of the plant sucrose biosynthesis pathway. In the monocotyledonous Poaceae, five <it>SPS </it>genes have been identified. Here we present a detailed analysis of the wheat <it>SPSII </it>family in wheat. A set of homoeologue-specific primers was developed in order to permit both the detection of sequence variation, and the dissection of the individual contribution of each homoeologue to the global expression of <it>SPSII</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The expression in bread wheat over the course of development of various sucrose biosynthesis genes monitored on an Affymetrix array showed that the <it>SPS </it>genes were regulated over time and space. <it>SPSII </it>homoeologue-specific assays were used to show that the three homoeologues contributed differentially to the global expression of <it>SPSII</it>. Genetic mapping placed the set of homoeoloci on the short arms of the homoeologous group 3 chromosomes. A resequencing of the A and B genome copies allowed the detection of four haplotypes at each locus. The 3B copy includes an unspliced intron. A comparison of the sequences of the wheat <it>SPSII </it>orthologues present in the diploid progenitors einkorn, goatgrass and <it>Triticum speltoides</it>, as well as in the more distantly related species barley, rice, sorghum and purple false brome demonstrated that intronic sequence was less well conserved than exonic. Comparative sequence and phylogenetic analysis of <it>SPSII </it>gene showed that false purple brome was more similar to <it>Triticeae </it>than to rice. Wheat - rice synteny was found to be perturbed at the SPS region.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The homoeologue-specific assays will be suitable to derive associations between SPS functionality and key phenotypic traits. The amplicon sequences derived from the homoeologue-specific primers are informative regarding the evolution of <it>SPSII </it>in a polyploid context.</p

    Genotype imputation in winter wheat using first-generation haplotype map SNPs improves genome-wide association mapping and genomic prediction of traits

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    Genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) variation allows for the capture of haplotype structure in populations and prediction of unobserved genotypes based on inferred regions of identity-by-descent (IBD). Here we have used a first-generation wheat haplotype map created by targeted re-sequencing of low-copy genomic regions in the reference panel of 62 lines to impute marker genotypes in a diverse panel of winter wheat cultivars from the U.S. Great Plains. The IBD segments between the reference population and winter wheat cultivars were identified based on SNP genotyped using the 90K iSelect wheat array and genotyping by sequencing (GBS). A genome-wide association study and genomic prediction of resistance to stripe rust in winter wheat cultivars showed that an increase in marker density achieved by imputation improved both the power and precision of trait mapping and prediction. The majority of the most significant marker-trait associations belonged to imputed genotypes. With the vast amount of SNP variation data accumulated for wheat in recent years, the presented imputation framework will greatly improve prediction accuracy in breeding populations and increase resolution of trait mapping hence, facilitate cross-referencing of genotype datasets available across different wheat populations

    Evaluation and Association Mapping of Resistance to Tan Spot and Stagonospora Nodorum Blotch in Adapted Winter Wheat Germplasm

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    Tan spot and Stagonospora nodorum blotch (SNB), often occurring together, are two economically significant diseases of wheat in the Northern Great Plains of the United States. They are caused by the fungi Pyrenophora tritici-repentis and Parastagonospora nodorum, respectively, both of which produce multiple necrotrophic effectors (NE) to cause disease. In this work, 120 hard red winter wheat (HRWW) cultivars or elite lines, mostly from the United States, were evaluated in the greenhouse for their reactions to the two diseases as well as NE produced by the two pathogens. One P. nodorum isolate (Sn4) and four Pyrenophora tritici-repentis isolates (Pti2, 331-9, DW5, and AR CrossB10) were used separately in the disease evaluations. NE sensitivity evaluation included ToxA, Ptr ToxB, SnTox1, and SnTox3. The numbers of lines that were rated highly resistant to individual isolates ranged from 11 (9%) to 30 (25%) but only six lines (5%) were highly resistant to all isolates, indicating limited sources of resistance to both diseases in the U.S. adapted HRWW germplasm. Sensitivity to ToxA was identified in 83 (69%) of the lines and significantly correlated with disease caused by Sn4 and Pti2, whereas sensitivity to other NE was present at much lower frequency and had no significant association with disease. As expected, association mapping located ToxA and SnTox3 sensitivity to chromosome arm 5BL and 5BS, respectively. A total of 24 potential quantitative trait loci was identified with −log (P value) \u3e 3.0 on 12 chromosomes, some of which are novel. This work provides valuable information and tools for HRWW production and breeding in the Northern Great Plains

    A High Resolution Radiation Hybrid Map of Wheat Chromosome 4A

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    Citation: Balcarkova, B., Frenkel, Z., Skopova, M., Abrouk, M., Kumar, A., Chao, S. M., . . . Valarik, M. (2017). A High Resolution Radiation Hybrid Map of Wheat Chromosome 4A. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7, 14. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2016.02063Bread wheat has a large and complex allohexaploid genome with low recombination level at chromosome centromeric and peri-centromeric regions. This significantly hampers ordering of markers, contigs of physical maps and sequence scaffolds and impedes obtaining of high-quality reference genome sequence. Here we report on the construction of high-density and high-resolution radiation hybrid (RH) map of chromosome 4A supported by high-density chromosome deletion map. A total of 119 endosperm-based RH lines of two RH panels and 15 chromosome deletion bin lines were genotyped with 90K iSelect single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array. A total of 2316 and 2695 markers were successfully mapped to the 4A RH and deletion maps, respectively. The chromosome deletion map was ordered in 19 bins and allowed precise identification of centromeric region and verification of the RH panel reliability. The 4A-specific RH map comprises 1080 mapping bins and spans 6550.9 cR with a resolution of 0.13 Mb/cR. Significantly higher mapping resolution in the centromeric region was observed as compared to recombination maps. Relatively even distribution of deletion frequency along the chromosome in the RH panel was observed and putative functional centromere was delimited within a region characterized by two SNP markers

    Sequencing of Chloroplast Genomes from Wheat, Barley, Rye and Their Relatives Provides a Detailed Insight into the Evolution of the Triticeae Tribe

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    Using Roche/454 technology, we sequenced the chloroplast genomes of 12 Triticeae species, including bread wheat, barley and rye, as well as the diploid progenitors and relatives of bread wheat Triticum urartu, Aegilops speltoides and Ae. tauschii. Two wild tetraploid taxa, Ae. cylindrica and Ae. geniculata, were also included. Additionally, we incorporated wild Einkorn wheat Triticum boeoticum and its domesticated form T. monococcum and two Hordeum spontaneum (wild barley) genotypes. Chloroplast genomes were used for overall sequence comparison, phylogenetic analysis and dating of divergence times. We estimate that barley diverged from rye and wheat approximately 8-9 million years ago (MYA). The genome donors of hexaploid wheat diverged between 2.1-2.9 MYA, while rye diverged from Triticum aestivum approximately 3-4 MYA, more recently than previously estimated. Interestingly, the A genome taxa T. boeoticum and T. urartu were estimated to have diverged approximately 570,000 years ago. As these two have a reproductive barrier, the divergence time estimate also provides an upper limit for the time required for the formation of a species boundary between the two. Furthermore, we conclusively show that the chloroplast genome of hexaploid wheat was contributed by the B genome donor and that this unknown species diverged from Ae. speltoides about 980,000 years ago. Additionally, sequence alignments identified a translocation of a chloroplast segment to the nuclear genome which is specific to the rye/wheat lineage. We propose the presented phylogeny and divergence time estimates as a reference framework for future studies on Triticeae

    Efficient Genome-Wide Detection and Cataloging of EMS-Induced Mutations Using Exome Capture and Next-Generation Sequencing

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    Chemical mutagenesis efficiently generates phenotypic variation in otherwise homogeneous genetic backgrounds, enabling functional analysis of genes. Advances in mutation detection have brought the utility of induced mutant populations on par with those produced by insertional mutagenesis, but systematic cataloguing of mutations would further increase their utility. We examined the suitability of multiplexed global exome capture and sequencing coupled with custom-developed bioinformatics tools to identify mutations in well-characterized mutant populations of rice (Oryza sativa) and wheat (Triticum aestivum). In rice, we identified ∼18,000 induced mutations from 72 independent M2 individuals. Functional evaluation indicated the recovery of potentially deleterious mutations for >2600 genes. We further observed that specific sequence and cytosine methylation patterns surrounding the targeted guanine residues strongly affect their probability to be alkylated by ethyl methanesulfonate. Application of these methods to six independent M2 lines of tetraploid wheat demonstrated that our bioinformatics pipeline is applicable to polyploids. In conclusion, we provide a method for developing large-scale induced mutation resources with relatively small investments that is applicable to resource-poor organisms. Furthermore, our results demonstrate that large libraries of sequenced mutations can be readily generated, providing enhanced opportunities to study gene function and assess the effect of sequence and chromatin context on mutations