4,785 research outputs found

    Experience in feeding coal into a liquefaction process development unit

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    A system for preparing coal slurry and feeding it into a high pressure liquefaction plant is described. The system was developed to provide supporting research and development for the Bureau of Mines coal liquefaction pilot plant. Operating experiences are included

    Nature of gene action for fruit quality characters of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)

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    Nature of gene action for three important fruit quality characters of tomato viz., total soluble solids (TSS), β-carotene and lycopene contents were determined by analyzing one 7 x 7 half diallel population and six genetic populations (P1, P2, F1, F2 , BC1 and BC2) of two cross combinations. The nature of gene action determined from two biometrical methods matched well and it appeared that the fruit quality characters were under the control of both fixable and non-fixable gene effects, with the non-fixable gene effects with gene interactions being more important. Diallel analysis revealed moderate narrow sense heritability estimates and 6-parameter model suggested duplicate epistasis as well as significant additive x additive type non-allelic interaction with negative sign for the characters, which will hinder the pace of progress through simple selection. Single seed descent method with progeny row testing and deferred selection will be the best breeding method to develop line bred varieties with good fruit quality character.Keywords: Gene action, diallel, generation mean, fruit quality, tomatoAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(20), pp. 2869-287

    Risk behaviours associated with urethritis and genital ulcer disease in prison inmates, Sindh, Pakistan

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    We evaluated the epidemiological differences with respect to demographics, drug use and sexual behaviours associated with lifetime risk of urethritis, genital ulcer disease (GUD) and urethritis and GUD together among 3395 male prisoners in Sindh. Factors associated with urethritis and GUD alone were sex with multiple females, sex with men, and ethnicity. Additional factors associated with urethritis alone were sex with prostitutes, sex with partners having multiple partners and sex with partners believed to be injecting drugs. Behaviours associated with lifetime risk for urethritis and GUD together were sex with multiple females, sex with prostitutes, sex with men, sex with partners believed to be injecting drugs and ethnicity. These relationships were consistently stronger compared to urethritis or GUD alone

    Competitiveness and Policy Analysis of Potato Production in Different Agro-ecological Zones of Northern Areas: Implications for Food Security and Poverty Alleviation

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    Potato (L. Solanum tuberosum) belongs to Solanaceae family. It is the most important dicotyledonous tuber crop and possesses major socio-economic importance worldwide. It is the fourth most cultivated food crop after wheat, rice and maize in world. Potato is a good and cheaper source of carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and proteins and also provides most of the trace elements, which can meet the energy requirement of the people living in the developing countries like Pakistan [Rahman (1986)]. About 325 million metric ton of potato is produced annually throughout the world [World Book (2001)]. This crop is financially more remunerative than cereals from food security and can be recommended as a partial replacement of cereals

    Quantum 3j3j-symbols for Uq(sl3)U_q(\mathfrak{sl}_3)

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    We propose an algebraic expression for Uq(sl3)U_q(\mathfrak{sl}_3) quantum 3j3j symbols (quantum Clebsch-Gordan coefficients) appearing in the decomposition of tensor product of symmetric representations. Our compact form will be useful to write the spectral parameter dependent RR-matrix elements for any bi-partite vertex model whose edges carry states of the symmetric representations

    Affective Organizational Commitment in Global Strategic Partnerships: The Role of Individual-Level Microfoundations and Social Change

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    The roles and commitment of employees within global strategic partnerships are imperative to their success. Whilst previous studies have addressed certain individual-level microfoundations and social change in an interpretivist manner, this study first proposes a theoretical framework consists of individual-level microfoundations, social change and affective organizational commitment—interlinked with social identity theory. We then validate the 16-item scale for individual-level microfoundations and the 24-item scale for social change based on data collected from global strategic partnerships. For testing of our conceptualization, path modeling finally confirms significant relationships between the constructs. Our findings further present the partial mediating role of social change between individual-level microfoundations and affective organizational commitment. Therefore, the study provides a new pathway in advancing our understanding of global strategic partnerships. It also validates two new constructs directly relevant to managing global strategic partnerships. We discuss theoretical and practical implications of these linkages and contributions, and conclude by providing suggestions for future research
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