20 research outputs found

    Osadchy E.A., Akhmetshin E.M. The Intellectual Capital Importance and the Role of Organizations Against the Backdrop of a Crisis: Innovation Vector. // Social Sciences (Pakistan). - 2015. - Vol.10, Is.6. - P.1013-1020.

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    The study concerns, the problems of strengthening the currency of intellectual potential against the backdrop of a crisis. The researchers have revealed the role of the brain capital in the system of new economic relations of innovation production, analyzed the impact of the institutional changes on the development of economic relations. A special attention is paid to the fact that under present-day conditions the health level, qualification, skill to apply knowledge, competence are the basic elements that form new economic relations of innovation production. On the data basis of the concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for a period till the year 2020, it is stated that Russia falls behind the level of economic development of other countries in spite of its possessing high educational potential. It is explained by inefficient use of actual intellectual potential and irrational carrying out investment in it. On the basis of the research to be conduc

    Development of the Financial Control System in the Company in Crisis

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    An objective need for a considerable increase in attention to the organization of control in various organizations emerges amid the crisis. The issues of efficient use of resources, use of high-performance equipment and technology are solved at the level of the organization, where the products needed by the society are produced and the most skilled personnel is concentrated. Business plans are developed, marketing and effective control (management) are applied in an organization to minimize the costs of production and sales. The organization now acts as the owner of the means of production and the products of labor; its further development depends largely on the safety of means and their efficiency. Thus, the control should be implemented primarily in the interests of the organization, its owners and employees. Control of the organization of implementation of management solutions is a system of observation, inspection, evaluation and correction of the situation on the basis of the developed criteria (indicators). It is important for the manager to know the dynamics of situational changes to be able to join the management of the workflow from the top in time in the case of repeated failures, or warn employees about the impending threat of collapse. At the same time, management control involves the joint (from the top and from the bottom) elimination of random negative situations that constantly arise in work. In this case, financial control is an integral part of the financial management process. This is due to the very essence of finance and existence of a control function. The control function is to create and use a system of financial control over compliance with cost proportions in the process of formation and expenditure of funds and cash. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n5s2p39

    The role of information and information technology in the management control function

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    A study of socio-economic nature of control is discussed in the article. There are revealed behavioral and managerial aspects of the control function of management in the scientific work. It contains the author's approach to the analysis of control as part of improving information flows of the company. A table comparing the role of information systems are made for the management of the company as a whole and for the control functions in particular. There are presented potential of information technologies to improve the efficiency of the control in the organization

    Mullakhmetov Kh.Sh., Aminova R.M., Akhmetshin E.M. Control in a management system in modern conditions // Asian Social Science. - 2014. - β„–24. - Vol. 10. - P. 237-247

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    To the 90's of the last century the characteristics of environment of organizations functioning and development highlighted the ability to organize the implementation of planned ideas by Management. The given trend is caused by the lack of effective management tools for planning and control, which are adequate to the modern management models, and an attempt to solve the problems of modern management by the traditional methods and mechanisms

    Competences of the modern university teacher: challenges of Innovative Economy

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    1. Introduction. Research relevance is caused by need of improving an education system. Competences of the teacher of new type have to provide developing innovative behavior in students. The research objective consists in developing necessary conditions, methods and instruments of forming and developing competences of the teacher of new type.2. Methods. As theoretical and methodological base of a research works of foreign scientists were used (Bezer C., Falkenberg T., Hackett R.S., Harward D., Murphy, J.H.) and domestic scientists (Baranovsky A. I., Hookean M.V., Kislyakov P. A., Seryakova S. B., Tryapitsyn A. P.). Researches of these scientists are devoted to reforms in an education system, to improvements of the state educational standards, forming necessary competences, innovative educational technologies, developing innovative potential of students.3. Results. First, improving educational process by means of new info-communication technologies of communication is necessary. Secondly, it is necessary to increase motivation of pedagogical collective for forming competences of new type. Thirdly, the development strategy of enterprise universities is necessary. Fourthly, forming the general policy of training at the level of the region or the territory is necessary. Fifthly, it is necessary to improve skills of heads of educational institutions in the field of innovative activity for activation of work on forming competences of new type.4. Discussion. Need of integration of the theory and practice for educational process remains a debatable problem. Training of specialists has to be brought closer to the real sector of economy. On the other hand the academic science has the advantages in training of specialists to innovative economy.5. Final report. As conclusions and recommendations the principles and the directions of the strategy of development for an education system taking into account requirements of innovative economy were formulated

    The Development of Education Clusters as a Tool to Enhance Economic Safety

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    The article deals with the research results of education clusters. At present time the subject is especially actual. A cluster is an integration of several homogeneous elements which can be considered as an independent unit with certain properties. The education cluster has the properties of the mutual competition of its members, cooperation of its members, formation of unique competences of the region, concentration of the enterprises and organizations in a certain territory. Thereafter the research results of relationship between educational institutions and manufacturing firms on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan are presented in the article. The research is based on the works of such scholars as M. Porter, M. Enrayt, S. Rosenfeld, V. Price, B. Dalum, K. Pedersen and G. Vilumsen, E. Bergman, E. Fezer and others

    Development of Digital University Model in Modern Conditions: Institutional Approach

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    Currently, special attention is paid to the development of digital technologies. In the context of the pandemic, the remote, distance, digital format of work has become top requested. Those events coincided with the general trend towards total digitalization of all spheres of life, including education. New concepts have emerged and taken hold - digital education and digital university. However, a mechanism for the development of a digital university has not yet been proposed. In the present study, an institutional approach was used to analyze the problems of the development of a digital university. The research scheme was used: institutions - motivation - control. The results of the empirical study (questionnaire and survey of university entries and its partners) made it possible to identify the existing contradictions between the participants in university activities and the external environment in terms of assessing aspects of the digital development of the university, to highlight the most effective institutions, conditions of positive motivation and control mechanisms for successful digital transformation of a university. The authors propose their own version of the concept for the development of a digital university, introducing as the core of it a new scientific concept - infrastructure logic. They lay a foundation for the principles of infrastructure logic, formation mechanisms and approaches to the use of indicators of digital development based on infrastructure logic, directions for improving the strategy of digital development of the university 4.0. The conclusions and recommendations formulated in this study can be used by other educational systems and universities

    Control in marketing-based management

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    Characteristics of modern organizations' functioning environment (multi-factoriality, dynamism, uncertainty) increase the actuality of marketing approach to management. In case of marketing approach the general problem of management, provision of effective control subsystem, has its own specificity. Research of proportion "general management system - marketing activity - control subsystem" was conducted on basis of critical analysis of theoretic heritage, practice of management and previous researches of authors

    Enhancing advanced mathematical proficiency in economics students through software integration

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    The essential principles of advanced mathematics present significant challenges in higher education, particularly for students of economics. The comprehension and proficiency in numerous topics within this field are enhanced by employing problem-solving visualization. A potent instrument for this objective is the use of computer mathematics software packages. In the present context, Russian universities may face the critical issue of utilizing licensed software. As a viable solution, complimentary software products such as graphing tools can be employed for mastering advanced mathematics. This study focuses on the feasibility of using the GNU Octave software to teach advanced mathematical topics related to function analysis, with the goal of establishing a strong basis for its real-world use. The case study presented provides qualitative insights into the effectiveness of incorporating GNU Octave into advanced math instruction, using observational, analytical, and systematic approaches. The findings reveal an enhancement in learning outcomes with the application of GNU Octave software, underscoring the improved educational results in advanced mathematics for future economists through the adoption of freely available computer mathematical programs.1-

    Osadchy E.A., Akhmetshin E.M. The Intellectual Capital Importance and the Role of Organizations Against the Backdrop of a Crisis: Innovation Vector. // Social Sciences (Pakistan). - 2015. - Vol.10, Is.6. - P.1013-1020.

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    The study concerns, the problems of strengthening the currency of intellectual potential against the backdrop of a crisis. The researchers have revealed the role of the brain capital in the system of new economic relations of innovation production, analyzed the impact of the institutional changes on the development of economic relations. A special attention is paid to the fact that under present-day conditions the health level, qualification, skill to apply knowledge, competence are the basic elements that form new economic relations of innovation production. On the data basis of the concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for a period till the year 2020, it is stated that Russia falls behind the level of economic development of other countries in spite of its possessing high educational potential. It is explained by inefficient use of actual intellectual potential and irrational carrying out investment in it. On the basis of the research to be conduc