101 research outputs found

    Religious Cult Affairs Council in 1940-1950s: Countering Reduction

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    The article explores the experience of establishing state bodies in the Soviet Union that were involved in building relationships with religious organizations. It examines the relationship between the leaders of the Council for Russian Orthodox Church Affairs (CROCA = rus. SDRPC, established in the fall of 1943) and the Council for Religious Cults Affairs (CRCA = rus. SDRK, established in the spring of 1944). The main sources of research are materials from the central archives of Russia. It is reported that Colonel G. G. Karpov was the chairman of SDRPC, while Colonel I. V. Polyansky was the chairman of SDRK. Both chairmen simultaneously served in state security agencies: G. G. Karpov remained the chief for I. V. Polyansky in the Committee for State Security (KGB) for many years, which led to mutual resentment and personal animosity. Archive documents contain information that G. G. Karpov initiated the merger of SDRPC and SDRK. He proposed creating a new organization based on them, which would perform an important task for the Soviet state in building a secular society, and hoped to lead it. The main directions of the struggle to preserve the Council for Religious Cults Affairs are highlighted. Archive data is provided on the measures taken by G. G. Karpov, although he did not succeed in implementing his idea. As time has shown, G. G. Karpov’s proposal for the merger of SDRK and SDRPC was implemented, but much later, in 1965

    Influence of weather condtion on the field peas (PisumsativumL.ssp. sativum) vegetation period and yield

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    Field pea (Pisumsativum L. ssp. sativum) is a universal pulse crop. One of the actual problems in its production is the influence of weather condition on the variability of pea economic characters and its properties. The purpose of the research (2009–2018) was to compare the vegetation period and interstage periods of the Hangildin and Chishminskiy 229 pea varieties with weather condition and seed yield. According to the results of the conducted research, it can be seen that the duration of the vegetation period and the yield of field pea grain was influenced by weather condition. The average daily air temperature affected the duration of the sowingsprouting period in pea varieties Hangildin and Chishminskiy 229. The duration of the two periods (sprouting-flowering and flowering-ripeness) was influenced by features of the used varieties and the temperature condition (r = -0.472, the link is significant and r = -0.788). The duration of the sprouting-ripeness period depended on the average daily temperatures (r = -0.481), the amount of precipitation (r = 0.937), and the HTC (hydrothermal coefficient) (r = 0.927). Precipitation increased the duration of the full vegetation period (r = 0.892). On average, over 10 years of research on field pea it should be noted that there wasa close relationship between the duration of its vegetation period (r = 0.844), the duration of the flowering-ripeness period (r = 0.679) and the yield of seeds. The relationship between the seed yield and the sowing - sprouting period (r = 0.451) and between the seed yield and the sprouting - flowering period (r = 0.446) was revealed. The connection was found positive. The connection with the average daily air temperature of this period was negative (r = -0.213). The results of the research can be successfully used during cultivation of domestic and foreign varieties of field pea. In international practice, the results of this experiment can be successfully applied in selective improvement of field pea and the development of new, high-tech varieties

    Booktrailer como um meio para formar a competência de design dos futuros professores

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    Article is devoted to a problem of forming design competence of future teacher. Its relevance is connected with change of specifics of the pedagogical activity demanding continuous search of new training technologies, interaction forms, and pedagogical maintenance and according to causing special requirements to design competence of the teacher. In this regard the problem of search of the most effective remedies of forming design competence of future teacher at a grade level at the higher vocational school is staticized. According to authors, considerable potential in this plan the innovative forms of design based on broad use of information technologies have. In this regard authors of article concentrated the attention on identification of potential opportunities of such modern form of pedagogical design, the main on use of electronic educational resources as booktrailer. In work the theoretical provisions concerning a concept design competence, a method of projects, design abilities are stated. Identification of potential of booktrailer for forming design competence of future teacher and also development of recommendations about the organization of design activities for creation of booktrailer in the course of studying of pedagogical discipline "History of pedagogics and education" was result of the conducted research. Application of the obtained data will help with a solution of the problem of creating favorable conditions for professional and personal development and self-development of students at a stage of high school training.El artículo está dedicado a un problema de formación de competencia de diseño del futuro maestro. Su relevancia está relacionada con el cambio de aspectos específicos de la actividad pedagógica que exige la búsqueda continua de nuevas tecnologías de capacitación, formas de interacción y mantenimiento pedagógico y, de acuerdo con los requisitos especiales para diseñar la competencia del maestro. En este sentido, el problema de la búsqueda de los remedios más efectivos para formar la competencia de diseño del futuro maestro a nivel de grado en la escuela vocacional superior está estático. Según los autores, existe un potencial considerable en este plan que tienen las formas innovadoras de diseño basadas en el uso generalizado de las tecnologías de la información. En este sentido, los autores del artículo concentraron la atención en la identificación de oportunidades potenciales de este tipo de diseño pedagógico moderno, principalmente en el uso de recursos educativos electrónicos como booktrailer. En el trabajo se establecen las disposiciones teóricas relativas a una competencia de diseño de conceptos, un método de proyectos, habilidades de diseño. El resultado de la investigación realizada fue la identificación del potencial de booktrailer para formar la competencia de diseño del futuro maestro y el desarrollo de recomendaciones sobre la organización de actividades de diseño para la creación de booktrailer en el curso del estudio de la disciplina pedagógica "Historia de la pedagogía y la educación". La aplicación de los datos obtenidos ayudará a resolver el problema de crear condiciones favorables para el desarrollo profesional y personal y el desarrollo personal de los estudiantes en una etapa de capacitación de la escuela secundaria.O artigo dedica-se a um problema de formar a competência de projeto do professor futuro. Sua relevância está ligada à mudança de especificidades da atividade pedagógica, exigindo a busca contínua de novas tecnologias de treinamento, formas de interação e manutenção pedagógica, e de acordo com a necessidade de requisitos especiais para projetar a competência do professor. Neste sentido o problema da pesquisa dos remédios mais eficazes da formação da competência de projeto do futuro professor a nível de grau na escola vocacional mais alta é estático. Segundo os autores, o potencial considerável neste plano as formas inovadoras de design com base no amplo uso de tecnologias da informação têm. Neste sentido os autores do artigo concentraram a atenção na identificação de oportunidades potenciais de tal forma moderna do desenho pedagógico, o principal no uso de recursos educativos eletrônicos como o booktrailer. No trabalho as provisões teóricas acerca de uma competência de desenho de conceito, um método de projetos, habilidades de desenho afirmam-se. A identificação do potencial de booktrailer para formar a competência de projeto do futuro professor e também o desenvolvimento de recomendações sobre a organização de atividades de desenho da criação do booktrailer no decorrer do estudar da disciplina pedagógica "História de pedagogia e educação" resultou da pesquisa conduzida. A aplicação dos dados obtidos ajudará na solução do problema de criar condições favoráveis para o desenvolvimento profissional e pessoal e para o autodesenvolvimento dos estudantes em uma etapa do ensino médio

    Morphological characteristics of coronary blood flow and eryithron system in elderly patients with ischemic heart disease

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    Purpose: to study the morphological characteristic of a coronary blood flow and feature of erythronJs system at ischemic heart disease in aged patients. Methods. Morphological and functional characteristics of coronary blood flow (according to the data of selective direct angiocoronarography) and also cytomorphological and functional parameters of peripheral blood flow in aged patients with ischemic heart disease have been used. Results. Statistically reliable differences to parameters of «red» blood are determined. Lowering of erythrocytes has been established in women. The parameters of haemoglobin level, hematocrit and increasing of erythrocyte sedimentation rate was marked in both gender. The gender distinctions of age have been revealed remodeling of coronary arteries. Conclusion. The high probability of erythronJs system participation has been shown namely its peripheral link in process of age remodeling of coronary arteries in aged men with ischemic heart diseas

    Specific features of teaching English language in multicultural space (on the example of the religious educational institutions of the republic of Tatarstan)

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    The article deals with the general questions of the process of teaching a foreign language in the multicultural space. Specifically, the process of (English) language acquisition of the students in the multicultural classes is observed. The article reveals the problems of teaching a foreign language (English) in the schools with the confessional orientation. Some methodical recommendations are offered by the authors in order to improve the process of acquiring a foreign language at the same educational environment

    The use of music as a way of formation of communicative skills of students in teaching English language

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    © Author(s).The relevance of the topic is specified by the necessity of improving the quality of students` training in foreign languages for their mobility in terms of Russia`s entry into the Bologna process. This article is intended to support the effective use of instructional techniques of music and musical information with the aim of formation of communicative skills of students – future teachers of the English language. The main methods of research are analysis of theoretical sources and empirical data, test method, qualitative and quantitative analysis. Experimental method aims to determine the influence of music on the formation of communicative skills of students. This article analyzes research on the effects of music on the human functional state, its indirect impact on the processes of thinking, speaking, and learning in general, through physiological and emotional mechanisms of the analogies between music and speech in a variety of ways. The best techniques for using music in classrooms for teaching English are being analyzed for each type of information separately. The use of music is viewed from different points: in terms of impact on the psycho-emotional state of students, their motivation for language learning. The authors also provide guidance on how to consider an educational environment that contributes to the effective use of music in the classroom, including the connection of methods of teaching with assignments in the form of individual and collective research projects in English

    Поколение 1956 года в венгерской литературе: феномен Аготы Кристоф

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    In this article, the authors consider the work of Ágota Kristóf (1935–2011), a writer who fled from Hungary after the events of 1956 and began to write in French, as a cultural and literary phenomenon of Hungarian emigration, and, more particularly, the part of it that is directly related to the Budapest uprising and the reaction period that followed it. In addition, Kristóf’s famous trilogy about twins (The Notebook, 1986; The Proof, 1988; The Third Lie, 1991), where politics and psychologism, history and auto-documentalism, acute social, existential, and philosophical aspects are organically intertwined, has all the signs of a European émigré novel of the twentieth century and correlates not only with the works of Hungarian émigré writers, but also with the literary heritage of the Russian, German, and Czech emigration of the twentieth century.The authors polemise with numerous statements by critics, literary critics and journalists, saying that Kristóf’s prose is deprived of a socio-political background, and the writer herself “turns her back upon reality”. The analysis of Kristóf’s three novels leads the authors to conclude that all the values that underlie her plot and compositional constructions have relevance to her only when they are placed against a background of a concrete, quite recognisable historical reality. Each novel has two substantial layers: psychological (philosophical) and socio-political. The first is deeper, more elaborate, but also more unstable, because it includes everything that is related to the sphere of feelings, thoughts, and emotions. The second layer is more external, directly related to the movement of historical time, but it is this layer that determines the types of the main characters, endows the mythological space of existential experiences with concrete recognisable features, and gives the books an inner backbone, making the fragile world of their storyline integral and quite stable.В статье творчество писательницы Аготы Кристоф (1935–2011), бежавшей после событий 1956 г. из Венгрии и начавшей писать на французском языке, рассматривается как культурный и литературный феномен венгерской эмиграции, в частности, той ее части, которая непосредственно связана с будапештским восстанием и последовавшим периодом реакции. Кроме того, знаменитая трилогия А. Кристоф о близнецах («Толстая тетрадь», 1986; «Доказательство», 1988; «Третья ложь», 1991), где органически переплетаются политика и психологизм, история и автодокументализм, остросоциальное и экзистенциально-философское, обладает всеми признаками европейского эмигрантского романа ХХ в. и коррелирует не только с произведениями венгерских эмигрантских писателей, но и с литературным наследием русской, немецкой, чешской эмиграции ХХ столетия.Статья носит полемический характер по отношению к тем многочисленным утверждениям критиков, литературоведов и журналистов, в которых говорится, что проза А. Кристоф лишена социально-политической подоплеки, а сама писательница «поворачивается спиной к реальности». Анализируя три романа Кристоф, можно прийти к выводу, что все ценностные вещи, положенные в основу ее сюжетно-композиционных построений, интересны ей лишь на фоне конкретной, вполне узнаваемой исторической реальности. В каждом романе есть два содержательных пласта: пласт психологический, философский, и пласт социально-политический. Первый — более глубокий, более проработанный, но и более нестабильный, ибо к нему относится всё, что касается сферы чувств, мыслей, эмоций. Второй — более внешний, напрямую связанный с движением исторического времени, однако именно он предопределяет типажи главных героев, наделяет мифологизированное пространство экзистенциальных переживаний узнаваемыми конкретными чертами, придает книгам внутренний хребет, делая зыбкий мир их сюжетики целостным и вполне устойчивым

    Functional hypoparathyroidism: causes, pathogenesis, clinical significance in Bone tissue pathology

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    Parathyroid hormone (PTH) regulates the maintenance of serum calcium concentration in strict limits through direct effects on bones and kidneys and indirectly due to the effect on the gastrointestinal tract. PTH also regulates phosphorus metabolism. Secondary hyperparathyroidism develops in response to a decreased serum calcium and vitamin D levels, leading to an increased bone resorption. However, the increase in parathyroid hormone above the reference values is not observed in all cases of vitamin D deficiency or hypocalcemia. Supressed or inadequately normal PTH in these conditions is referred to as functional hypoparathyroidism. Various theories have been suggested to explain the functional hypoparathyroidism: magnesium deficiency, intestinal calcistat, lower reference values for plasma PTH compared to current cut off interval, biological variations of vitamin D-binding protein. However, at present none of these theories are generally accepted. The clinical significance of functional hypoparathyroidism may be that vitamin D deficiency, hypocalcemia, and hypomagnesemia are associated with a risk of fracture, regardless PTH level

    Synthesis, Transport, and Ionophoric Properties of α,ω-Biphosphorylated Azapodands: X. Membrane Transport of Organic Acids by Phosphorylated α,ω-Diazapodands

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    © 2018, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. The membrane transport properties of novel phosphorylated azapodands with respect to mono- and polyfunctional carboxylic acids were studied. The structures of the transported Н-complexes are discussed, the complexing centers in the carriers are considered, and the correlations between the structure and transmembrane transport efficiency of the acid substrates are demonstrated