5 research outputs found

    Konwencjonalna i płynna cytologia – badania porównawcze

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    Objectives: The aim of our study is the comparison of the results of conventional smear (CC) technique and liquidbased cytology (LBC) technique used as cervical cancer screening methods. Material and methods: The results of 47954 patients submitted to smear screening in our gynecology clinic between January 2008 and December 2014 have been studied. The smear results have been divided into two groups CC and LBC according to the technique used. Results: When considering the distribution within CC group, the results were as follows: intraepithelial cell abnormalities 2,0% (n=619), insufficient sample for analysis 2,1% (n=660), Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US) 1.8% (n=554), Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LGSIL) 0.1% (n=35), High grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HGSIL) 0.1% (n=16), Atypical squamous cells – cannot exclude HGSIL (ASC-H) 0.029% (n=9), Atypical glandular cells- not other wise specified (AGC-NOS) 0.012% (n=4), squamous carcinoma 0.003% (n=1). When considering the distribution in LBC group, the results were as follows: intraepithelial cell abnormalities2.1% (n=357), insufficient sample for analysis 0.9% (n=144), ASC-US 1.8% (n=296), LGSIL 0.2% (n=38), HGSIL 0.1% (n=8), ASC-H 0.1% (n=10), AGC-NOS 0.017% (n=3), squamous carcinoma 0.011% (n=2). Conclusions: Although the rates of epithelial cell abnormalities are similar for both tests, LSIL results are more frequently observed in LBC technique. In LBC technique, the number of insufficient sample for analysis is quite low compared to CC group and thus constitutes an advantage.  Cel pracy: Celem badania było porównanie wyników konwencjonalnej (CC) i płynnej cytologii (LBC) stosowanej w skriningu raka szyjki macicy. Materiał i metoda: Przeanalizowano wyniki od 47954 pacjentek objętych cytologicznym badaniem skriningowym w naszym oddziale ginekologicznym w okresie od stycznia 2008 do grudnia 2014. Wyniki cytologiczne podzielono na dwie grupy CC i LBC w zależności od techniki pobierania. Wyniki: W grupie CC wyniki przedstawiały się nastepująco: nieprawidłowości komórek śródnabłonkowych 2,0% (n=619), nieodpowiednia próbka do analizy 2,1% (n=660), ASC-US 1.8% (n=554), LGSIL 0.1% (n=35), HGSIL 0.1% (n=16), ASC-H 0.029% (n=9), AGC-NOS 0.012% (n=4), rak płaskonabłonkowy 0.003% (n=1). W grupie LBC wyniki przedstawiały się następująco: nieprawidłowości komórek śródnabłonkowych 2.1% (n=357), nieodpowiednia próbka do analizy 0.9% (n=144), ASC-US 1.8% (n=296), LGSIL 0.2% (n=38), HGSIL 0.1% (n=8), ASC-H 0.1% (n=10), AGC-NOS 0.017% (n=3), rak płaskonabłonkowy 0.011% (n=2). Wnioski: Chociaż odsetek nieprawidłowości komórek śródnabłonkowych jest podobny dla obu testów, wyniki LSIL są częściej obserwowane w technice LBC. W metodzie LBC liczba próbek nieodpowiednich do analizy jest dość niska w porównaniu do grupy CC, stąd jest to jej niewątpliwa zaleta.

    The effect of obesity on the onset of spontaneous labor and scheduled delivery rates in term pregnancies

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    Objective: To determine the effect of obesity on the onset of spontaneous labor, scheduled delivery rates and perinatal outcomes in term pregnancies. Material and methods: 242 obese and 244 non-obese pregnant women ≥37 gestational weeks were compared in terms of the onset of spontaneous labor, scheduled delivery rates and perinatal outcomes. Results: Obese pregnant women had statistically significantly lower onset of spontaneous labor and higher rates of scheduled delivery. No difference was determined in respect of the type of delivery, 1st and 5th minutes APGAR scores and the need for intensive care. Higher values of birth weight, large for gestational age, macrosomia, gestational diabetes mellitus and preeclampsia were determined in obese women. Conclusion: The onset of spontaneous labor rates in term obese pregnancies were lower and scheduled delivery rates were higher than in the non-obese pregnancies. However, more extensive studies are needed to better understand this relationship. Keywords: Pregnancy, Obesity, Delivery, Labor, Pregnancy outcome

    Risk Factors and Outcomes of Umbilical Cord Prolapse: Evaluation of 94 Cases

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the risk factors and outcomes of umbilical cord prolapse Study Design: In this descriptive retrospective study, 94 cases of umbilical cord prolapse between January 2013 and December 2014 in our department were analyzed. Results: 45.166 births occurred in our hospital during the study period, and the prevalence of umbilical cord prolapse was 2.08 (n=94) per 1000 live births, and the perinatal mortality rate was 1.1%. In all pregnant women, the delivery had been performed by emergent caesarean section. The average age, gravida, parity and gestational week of pregnant women were 29.11±6.17, 3.69±2.48, 2.69±2.48 and 37.61±3.17, respectively. Singleton pregnancies were 95.7% (n=90) of all pregnancies and twin pregnancies were 4.3% (n=4). Presentation of the cases were vertex, breech or transverse at 75.5% (n=71), 16% (n=15) and 8.5% (n=8) of all cases respectively. Polyhydramnios complicated 13.8% (n=13) of all cases and average birth weight was 3138.62±759.89 grams. 16% (n=15) of the cases had a birthweight lesser than 2500 gr. 1st and 5th minute APGAR scores were 6.89±2.05 and 8.69±1.39, respectively. The time period between the diagnosis and delivery was demonstrated as 8.24±1.22 minutes. Conclusion: Breech presentation, polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancies and low birth weight are risk factors for umbilical cord prolapse. Shortening the time interval between diagnosis and delivery significantly reduces perinatal mortality. It can be provided at clinics that presenting the appropriate infrastructures for rapid intervention

    Management of gynecological cancers in the COVID-19 era: a survey from Turkey

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    Objective: This study aimed to investigate how gynecologic oncologists modified their patient management during Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) in Turkey