193 research outputs found


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    Free radical emulsion polymerization (FRP) is widely adopted in industry due to its applicability to a wide range of monomers. Despite its many benefits and wide spread use, the fast chain growth and the presence of rapid irreversible termination impose limitations with respect to the degree of control in FRP. Furthermore, producing block copolymers and polymers with complex structures via FRP is not feasible. Closer control of macromolecular chain structure and molar mass, using novel polymerization techniques, is required to synthesize and optimize many new polymer products. Reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT)-mediated polymerization is a novel controlled living free radical technique used to impart living characters in free radical polymerization. In combination with emulsion polymerization, the process is industrially promising and attractive for the production of tailored polymeric products. It allows for the production of particles with specially-tailored properties, including size, composition, morphology, and molecular weights. The mechanism of RAFT process and the effect of participating groups were discussed with reviews on the previous work on rate retardation. A mathematical model accounting for the effect of concentrations of propagating, intermediate, dormant and dead chains was developed based on their reaction pathways. The model was combined with a chain-length dependent termination model in order to account for the decreased termination rate. The model was validated against experimental data for solution and bulk polymerizations of styrene. The role of the intermediate radical and the effect of RAFT agent on the chain length dependent termination rate were addressed theoretically. The developed kinetic model was used with validated kinetic parameters to assess the observed retardation in solution polymerization of styrene with high active RAFT agent (cumyl dithiobenzoate). The fragmentation rate coefficient was used as a model parameter, and a value equal to 6×104 s-1 was found to provide a good agreement with the experimental data. The model predictions indicated that the observed retardation could be attributed to the cross termination of the intermediate radical and, to some extent, to the RAFT effect on increasing the average termination rate coefficient. The model predictions showed that to preserve the living nature of RAFT polymerization, a low initiator concentration is recommended. In line with the experimental data, model simulations revealed that the intermediate radical prefers fragmentation in the direction of the reactant. The application of RAFT process has also been extended to emulsion polymerization of styrene. A comprehensive dynamic model for batch and semi-batch emulsion polymerizations with a reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer process was developed. To account for the integration of the RAFT process, new modifications were added to the kinetics of zero-one emulsion polymerization. The developed model was designed to predict key polymer properties such as: average particle size, conversion, particle size distribution (PSD), and molecular weight distribution (MWD) and its averages. The model was checked for emulsion polymerization processes of styrene with O-ethylxanthyl ethyl propionate as a RAFT based transfer agent. By using the model to investigate the effect of RAFT agent on the polymerization attributes, it was found that the rate of polymerization and the average size of the latex particles decreased with increasing amount of RAFT agent. It was also found that the molecular weight distribution could be controlled, as it is strongly influenced by the presence of the RAFT based transfer agent. The effects of RAFT agent, surfactant (SDS), initiator (KPS) and temperature were further investigated under semi-batch conditions. Monomer conversion, MWD and PSD were found to be strongly affected by monomer feed rate. With semi-batch mode, Mn and increased with increasing monomer flow rate. Initiator concentration had a significant effect on PSD. The results suggest that living polymerization can be approached by operating under semi-batch conditions where a linear growth of polymer molecular weight with conversion was obtained. The lack of online instrumentation was the main reason for developing our calorimetry-based soft-sensor. The rate of polymerization, which is proportional to the heat of reaction, was estimated and integrated to obtain the overall monomer conversion. The calorimetric model developed was found to be capable of estimating polymer molecular weight via simultaneous estimation of monomer and RAFT agent concentrations. The model was validated with batch and semi-batch emulsion polymerization of styrene with and without RAFT agent. The results show good agreement between measured conversion profiles by calorimetry with those measured by the gravimetric technique. Additionally, the number average molecular weight results measured by SEC (GPC) with double detections compare well with those calculated by the calorimetric model. Application of the offline dynamic optimisation to the emulsion polymerization process of styrene was investigated for the PSD, MWD and monomer conversion. The optimal profiles obtained were then validated experimentally and a good agreement was obtained. The gained knowledge has been further applied to produce polymeric particles containing block copolymers. First, methyl acrylate, butyl acrylate and styrene were polymerized separately to produce the first block. Subsequently, the produced homopolymer attached with xanthate was chain-extended with another monomer to produce block copolymer under batch conditions. Due to the formation of new particles during the second stage batch polymerization, homopolymer was formed and the block copolymer produced was not of high purity. The process was further optimized by operating under semi-batch conditions. The choice of block sequence was found to be important in reducing the influence of terminated chains on the distributions of polymer obtained. It has been found that polymerizing styrene first followed by the high active acrylate monomers resulted in purer block copolymer with low polydispersity confirmed by GPC and H-NMR analysis

    Predicting young children's externalizing problems:Interactions among effortful control, parenting, and child sex

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    This study investigated interactions between observed temperamental effortful control and observed parenting in the prediction of externalizing problems. Child gender effects on these relations were examined. The relations were examined concurrently when the child was 3 years old and longitudinally at 4.5 years. The sample included 89 two-parent families and their firstborn children. Children with a low level of effortful control were most at risk of displaying externalizing problems. However, more parental positive control seemed to buffer this risk. Boys were at risk of displaying externalizing problems, but again this was buffered by parental positive control. Effortful control was more strongly related to concurrent externalizing problems in boys than in girls, but girls’ effortful control had a greater long-term effect on externalizing problems

    Engineering handbook

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    1998 handbook for the faculty of Engineerin

    Реалізація органами влади Автономної Республіки Крим та органами місцевого самоврядування повноважень у сфері адміністративно-територіального устрою України

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    Досліджено практику реалізації органами влади Автономної Республіки Крим та органами місцевого самоврядування повноважень у сфері адміністративно-територіального устрою України.Исследуется практика реализации органами власти Автономной Республики Крым и органами местного самоуправления полномочий в сфере административно-территориального устройства Украины.The article is devoted to the research of practical realization of powers by the official bodies of Autonomous Republic of Crimea and local self-government bodies in the sphere of Ukrainian administrative-territorial system

    A cross-national study on adolescent substance use: Intentions, peer substance use, and parent-adolescent communication

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    This longitudinal two-wave cross-national study investigated whether intentions, friends' substance use, and parent-adolescent substance-use specific communication predict adolescent alcohol and cannabis use 1 year later, while estimating reversed links. The temporal order between these two substances was also examined. We used multi-group cross-lagged panel modeling on data from 2 ethnically and socioeconomically diverse samples: Sint Maarten (N = 350; M-age = 14.19) and the Netherlands (N = 602; M-age = 13.50). Results showed that in the Netherlands, cannabis use predicts more subsequent problems (alcohol use, intention to use cannabis, and affiliation with cannabis-using friends). But for Sint Maarten, alcohol use predicts more subsequent problems (cannabis use, intention to use alcohol, and affiliation with alcohol-using friends). These opposing results demonstrate that caution is warranted when generalizing results across countries

    Adolescence as a peak period of borderline personality features? : A meta-analytic approach

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    This meta-analysis of cross-sectional data aimed to shed light on the often assumed peak in mean-level of borderline personality features during middle to late adolescence (i.e. age 17–22). Borderline personality features were operationalized through the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II Personality Disorders (SCID-II). Search terms were entered into PsycINFO and Scopus. A total of 168 samples were included in the analyses, comprising 25,053 participants. Mean age ranged from 14.35 to 51.47 years (M = 29.01, SD = 8.52) and mean number of borderline personality features from 0 to 8.10 (M = 4.59, SD = 2.34). The hypothesized peak between age 17 and 22 was not substantiated by the confirmatory ANOVA analysis. However, subsequent exploratory GAM analysis provided evidence for a peak at 29.4 years. Caution is needed in interpreting these findings given that different trends appeared when GAM models were constructed separately for community, patient and borderline personality disorder (BPD) samples. Age differences in community samples indicated a significant linear decline in mean-level of borderline personality features over time. A linear rising trend was found in BPD samples. As a betweenperson mean-level approach was used in the current study, future longitudinal studies are needed to substantiate if betweenperson age difference generalize to within-person changes

    Siblings versus parents and friends:Longitudinal linkages to adolescent externalizing problems

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    Background: It is well documented that friends’ externalizing problems and negative parent–child interactions predict externalizing problems in adolescence, but relatively little is known about the role of siblings. This four-wave, multi-informant study investigated linkages of siblings’ externalizing problems and sibling–adolescent negative interactions on adolescents’ externalizing problems, while examining and controlling for similar linkages with friends and parents. Methods: Questionnaire data on externalizing problems and negative interactions were annually collected from 497 Dutch adolescents (M = 13.03 years, SD = 0.52, at baseline), as well as their siblings, mothers, fathers, and friends. Results: Cross-lagged panel analyses revealed modest unique longitudinal paths from sibling externalizing problems to adolescent externalizing problems, for male and female adolescents, and for same-sex and mixed-sex sibling dyads, but only from older to younger siblings. Moreover, these paths were above and beyond significant paths from mother–adolescent negative interaction and friend externalizing problems to adolescent externalizing problems, 1 year later. No cross-lagged paths existed between sibling–adolescent negative interaction and adolescent externalizing problems. Conclusions: Taken together, it appears that especially older sibling externalizing problems may be a unique social risk factor for adolescent externalizing problems, equal in strength to significant parents’ and friends’ risk factors

    Replication is more than hitting the lottery twice

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    The main goal of our target article was to provide concrete recommendations for improving the replicability of research findings. Most of the comments focus on this point. In addition, a few comments were concerned with the distinction between replicability and generalizability and the role of theory in replication. We address all comments within the conceptual structure of the target article, and hope to convince readers that replication in psychological science amounts to much more than hitting the lottery twice

    The causal ordering of academic achievement and self-concept of ability during elementary school: A longitudinal study

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    Contains fulltext : 29490.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)This article addresses the question of the causal ordering of self-concept of ability and academic achievement during elementary school. The questions were (a) Do self-concept and achievement influence each other? and (b) Does it make a difference whether achievement is assessed by marks or by tests? The sample consisted of 697 students from 54 German elementary school classes. The design of the study allowed 3 measurement waves from Grade 2 to Grade 4. Mathematics achievement was measured both by marks and by tests. The results of the structural equation modeling analyses show that it makes a difference whether achievement is (as usually) measured with only one indicator (either mark or test performance), or if both indicators are integrated in the model. The latter model clearly supports the skill development model: In elementary school, prior self-concept does not significantly contribute to the prediction of subsequent achievement

    Onderzoek naar de effecten van opvoeding: een antwoord op het 'Misverstand Opvoeding' van Judith Harris

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