1,898 research outputs found

    Line of Drift

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    Integrated-optics Solutions for Biomedical Optical Imaging

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    The Waste Problem of Antimicrobial Finishing

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    Growing awareness of health and hygiene has increased the demand for bioactive or antimicrobial textiles. As a result the global market of antimicrobial textile products has been growing day by day. Antimicrobial finishing protects the wearer from microorganisms for aesthetic, hygiene, or medical reasons and protects the textile from biodeterioration caused by mold, mildew, and fungi. Antimicrobial textile products have crucial functions such as ensuring hygienic conditions and preventing spread of diseases especially crowded places like hospitals, baby nurseries, and barracks. However the antimicrobial agents used in antimicrobial finishing have adverse effects (toxic, allergic, and carcinogenic) on wearer and all the living organisms during the antimicrobial textile product’s production and serving life. The effects of finish content released in waste water bath and the release of finish content to surrounding skin of user and its contact/inhalation/consumption by other living species require studies. The contamination substances in the sludge may be consumed by the cultivated plants, eventually becoming component in feed and food. Contamination is also possible in water and soil organisms. The chapter is about the waste problem of the antimicrobial finishing (especially metal-based antimicrobial finishing and triclosan-based antimicrobial finishing)

    Characterisation of Phenolic Compounds, Sterols and Geographical Fingerprint of Çekişte Extra-Virgin Olive Oils According to their Geographical Locations by Using LC IMS QTOF Mass Spectrometry

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    In this context, aim of this study is to determine the effect of Çekişte olive oils in different locations and show differences on geographical locations while taking geographical indication label. Çekişte olive oil variety which cultivated in six different locations (Birgi, Bademli, Beyazit, Yeniceköy, Zeytinlik, Uzumlu) were evaluated the effects of geographical locations on the chemical characterization of in the southwest of Turkey. The agricultural ecological map of each location was created using GIS. Olive oil samples were analyzed fatty acid, sterol and phenolic. Moreover, LC IMS Qtof spectrometer and Progenesis QI software were used to determine the geographical fingerprints of olive oil samples in different locations. Results showed that oil qualities of some locations differ significantly depending on olive growing area (p <0.05), some of them not. The Principal Component Analysis of the different locations analyzed revealed that "geographical location" factor significantly affects the olive oil quality

    Optimizing safety and efficacy of catheter ablation procedures

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    Abstract In this thesis new developments in the field of invasive electrophysiology are studied and discussed. The aim of this work is to find strategies to optimize safety and efficacy of catheter ablation procedures. The most important developments that are studied in this thesis are the magnetic navigation system, the use of contact force sensing catheters and the introduction of new gold-tip ablation catheters. ROBOTICS: In Part I of this thesis we discussed the use of the first available magnetic navigation system. CONTACT FORCE SENSING: In Part II of this thesis the use of contact force sensing catheters is studied. The success of catheter ablation procedures depends on accurate substrate localization, followed by optimal delivery of energy provided by good tissue contact. LESION FORMATION: The introduction of the irrigated-tip RF catheter was a great improvement for invasive electrophysiology and increased success rates for many arrhythmias compared to nonirrigated-tip catheters. FUTURE PERSPECTIVES: In this thesis new developments in the field of invasive electrophysiology are discussed to optimize safety and efficacy of catheter ablation procedures

    Charge Retention in Quantized Energy Levels of Nanocrystals

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    Understanding charging mechanisms and charge retention dynamics of nanocrystal memory devices is important in optimization of device design. Capacitance spectroscopy on PECVD grown germanium nanocrystals embedded in a silicon oxide matrix was performed. Dynamic measurements of discharge dynamics are carried out. Charge decay is modelled by assuming storage of carriers in the ground states of nanocrystals and that the decay is dominated by direct tunnelling. Discharge rates are calculated using the theoretical model for different nanocrystal sizes and densities and are compared with experimental data. Experimental results agree well with the proposed model and suggest that charge is indeed stored in the quantized energy levels of the nanocrystals.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Benefitting of Turkey from Financial Assistances of the eu: Difficulties and Successes

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    As a candidate country, Turkey has benefited from the EU Assistance under IPA for theperiod 2007-2013. Number of projects implemented in Turkey was totally 2 312, sofar. It is a fact that applicants (NGOs, Government Institutions, SMEs) face someproblems during the preparing and implementation of the projects. Therefore, theaim of this study is to share experiences of Turkey with other countries, explaindistribution of assistance component by component, and give examples fromsuccessful implications in practice

    Energy dependency, the potential supply of renewable energies and the political responses in Turkey in the decades since the oil-crisis

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    The transition to post-fossil future and widespread utilization of renewable energy technologies have become inevitable across the globe, not only due to limited amount of fossil energy sources, but also the impacts of human-dominated activities on the planet Earth. Turkey, is one of the countries, having scant amount of fossil energy, but rich in various renewable sources with the sufficient capacity to contribute Turkey’s primary energy goals; such as diminishing energy dependency, increasing supply security and diversification of energy sources. Nevertheless, the country is still highly dependent on natural gas and crude-oil imports to meet its growing energy hunger as a result of economic and demographic expansion as well as the insufficient implementation of the energy efficiency technologies. The rising energy imports and therewith the current account deficit put a big burden on country’s vulnerable economy. Turkish government plans to raise the share of renewable energy sources in electricity production to at least 30% by 2023. The calculations show that geothermal power and biomass-based energy production will achieve the 2023 targets, while solar energy installations remain insufficient in number. Wind- and hydropower with their high potential and adequate number of proposed facilities will contribute to the total electricity generation in considerable amount. The public awareness and social acceptance of utilization renewable energy plants have positive impacts to the gradual development of these plants