7 research outputs found

    Point-of-Care Emergency Ultrasonography in Non-Traumatic Cardiac Arrest and Near-Arrest Emergency Patients; A Pilot Trial

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    Background: In this study, we evaluated the applicability and interpretation of point-of-care emergency ultrasound (POCEUS) performed by an emergency physician (EP) in non-traumatic adult cardiac arrest and near-arrest patients at presentation to the Emergency Department (ED).   Methods: POCEUS was performed in 5 steps on 73 adults to assess; 1. Qualitative global cardiac function, cardiac chambers and presence of pericardial effusion; 2. Presence of pleural sliding, B-lines, A-lines or consolidation on anterior-superior; 3. Presence of an abdominal aorta aneurysm and pelvic free fluid; 4. Presence of pleural effusion, consolidation, free fluid on lateral-inferior; 5. Qualitative width and collapsibility of the inferior vena cava. A fulfilled checklist and real-time images of ultrasonography were sent by WhatsApp to the head of the study to generate the evidence and collect the data. The process of patient care, in-hospital diagnosis and survival were retrieved from digital hospital records. This prospective multicenter sample study was conducted from November 16, 2015, to January 5, 2016.   Results: The most common findings of POCEUS were performed and interpreted to have a first prediction of patients’ acute clinic problem by EPs were compatible with global systolic dysfunction (n = 16, 22.9%), pulmonary edema (n = 17, 23.3%), pulmonary embolus (n = 6, 8.2%), distributive/hypovolemic shock (n = 12, 16.4%), cardiac tamponade or pericardial effusion (n = 5, 6.8%), and pneumonia (n = 31, 42.5%) at presentation. The kappa correlation coefficient value of the POCEUS at presentation versus the final, traditional clinical diagnosis of the admitted ward, was 0.773 (95% CI, 0.747–0.892; p = 0.064, McNemar).   Conclusions: POCEUS performed by an EP at presentation had a good agreement between in qualitative prediction of the first differential diagnosis in life-threatened patients and the last diagnosis obtained during hospitalization. Furthermore, this study showed the requirement of evidence in comparison of measurements to the qualitative manner and new descriptive processes in POCEUS for unexplained situations and questions

    Cost of Beauty; Prilocaine Induced Methemoglobinemia

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    SUMMARY: Prilocaine induced methemoglobinemia is a rare entity. In the present paper, the authors aim to draw attention to the importance of this rare condition by reporting this case. A 30-year-old female presented to Emergency Department with headache, dispnea and cyanosis. The patient has a history of 1000–1200 mg of prilocaine subcutaneous injection for hair removal at a beauty center, 5 hours ago. Tension arterial: 130/73 mmHg, pulse: 103/minute, body temperature: 37 °C and respiratory rate: 20/minute. The patient had acral and perioral cyanosis. Methemoglobin was measured 14.1% in venous blood gas test. The patient treated with 3 gr ascorbic acid intravenously. The patient was discharged free of symptoms after 48 hours of observation. Emergency physician should consider methemoglobinemia in presentation of dispnea and cyanosis after injection of prilocaine. ÖZET: Prilokaine bağlı gelişen methemoglobinemi nadir görülen bir durumdur. Bu yazıda epilasyon öncesi kullanılan prilokaine sekonder gelişen methemoglobinemi olgusunu sunarak nadir görülen bu durumun önemine işaret etmek istiyoruz. Otuz yaşında kadın acil servise baş ağrısı, dispne ve siyanoz şikayetleri ile başvurdu. Hastaya beş saat öncesinde bir güzellik merkezinde epilasyon öncesinde yaklaşık 1000–1200 mg prilokain subkutan enjeksiyonu yapıldığı öğrenildi. Başvuruda kan basıncı 130/73 mmHg, nabız 103/dk, vücut ısısı 37 °C ve solunum sayısı 20/dk olarak kaydedilmişti. Hastanın akral siyanozu belirgindi. Venöz kan gazında methemoglobin düzeyi %14.1 olarak ölçüldü. Hastaya 3 g intravenöz askorbik asit uygulandı. Tedavi sonrası semptomları gerileyen ve komplikasyon geliştirmeyen hasta 48 saat sonra taburcu edildi. Acil servis doktorları, prilokain enjeksiyonu sonrası gelişen dispne ve siyanoz ayırıcı tanısında mutlaka methemoglobinemiyi akla getirmelidirler. Key words: Methemoglobinemia, prilocaine, cyanosis, Anahtar sözcükler: Methemoblobinemi, prilokain, siyano

    Metoclopramide-induced acute dystonic reaction misinterpreted as conversion disorder and seizure

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    Metoclopramide, an antiemetic, is the most common cause of drug-induced dystonic reactions. 20-year-old female patient, complaining of involuntary bilateral upward medial deviation of the eyes, generalized muscle contractions and uncontrollable cry was brought into the emergency department(ED) by an ambulance. The diagnosis of the ambulance crew was conversion or seizure. The patient has all of dystonic reaction symptoms, including facial, neck, back, and extremity spasms, opisthotonus, oculogyric crisis, torticollis, trismus. The history revealed 40 mg of metoclopramide intake. Biperiden (5 mg) was infused in 100 ml saline. Symptoms were completely resolved. She was discharged from the ED. Drug-induced dystonic reactions can be confused with conversion, seizures, encephalitis, tetanus and hypocalcemic tetany. It is important for emergency physicians to know the drugs that may have dystonic reaction as potential side effects, recognize the clinical presentation of drug-induced dystonic reactions, and properly manage them in the ED

    Investigation on Legal Problems Encountered by Emergency Medicine Physicians in Turkey

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    Background Medicine is a profession that carries certain risks. One risky area of practice is the emergency department. Emergency physicians diagnose and treat a high volume of patients, and are also responsible for preparing reports for forensic cases. In this study, we aim to investigate emergency physicians' legal-administrative problems and reveal their level of understanding on forensic cases. Methods An electronic questionnaire form was prepared after the approval of an ethical committee. This form was sent to the residents, specialists and academicians of emergency medicine by e-mail. The physicians were asked to fill out the form online. All the gathered data was analyzed. Descriptive statistics were presented as frequency percentages with mean and standard deviation. Chi-square tests were used to compare the groups. Correlation between number of complaint cases and age, sex, career, institution, and duration of service in emergency department were investigated. p<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results 294 physicians participated in the questionnaire. According to the questionnaire, 170 of the physicians were reported to the patient communication units due to medical malpractice. Mean number of compliant reports was 3.20 +/- 3.5. 29 of the physicians received administrative penalties. 42 of the physicians were judged in the court for medical malpractice. 1 physician was fined 5000 Turkish Liras as a result of these judgments. Conclusion We found that the number of complaint reports is negatively correlated with duration of service in emergency medicine and age. There was a significant difference between number of complaint reports and career (p<0.05). The physicians' level of awareness on forensic cases was found to be insufficient. Lack of legislation knowledge may be an important cause of complaint reports concerning emergency physicians, who have a high load of patients. Thus, we think that increasing the frequency of post-graduate education sessions and periodical reviews might be beneficial

    Comparison of the Canadian CT head rule and the new orleans criteria in patients with minor head injury

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    Aim: The aim of the study was to compare the New Orleans Criteria and the New Orleans Criteria according to their diagnostic performance in patients with mild head injury. Methods: The study was designed and conducted prospectively after obtaining ethics committee approval. Data was collected prospectively for patients presenting to the ED with Minor Head Injury. After clinical assessment, a standard CT scan of the head was performed in patients having at least one of the risk factors stated in one of the two clinical decision rules. Patients with positive traumatic head injury according to BT results defined as Group 1 and those who had no intracranial injury defined as Group 2. Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS 11.00 for Windows. ROC analyze was performed to determine the effectiveness of detecting intracranial injury with both decision rules. p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: 175 patients enrolled the study. Male to female ratio was 1.5. The mean age of the patients was 45 +/- 21,3 in group 1 and 49 +/- 20,6 in group 2. The most common mechanism of trauma was falling. The sensitivity and specificity of CCHR were respectively 76.4% and 41.7%, whereas sensitivity and specificity of NOC were 88.2% and 6.9%. Conclusion: The CCHR has higher specificity, PPV and NPV for important clinical outcomes than does the NOC